Lady Incendia Anisha Rosala |

Why I'm I getting that 'suicide squad' feeling about this game, looking at all the Evilness in PCs I think we may have been 'Asked' to fight in a way that made refusing not an option.
Lets have some small RP fun while we wait
Image of Lady Lady Incendia Anisha Rosala, sits smoking a small Cigar and waiting to see who else they had conscripted into the good fight.
Her boots are up on the table, in a burned out and empty inn.
She looked over as the handing body of some poor soul who was in here when it was attacked. Seems the troops wanted some sport.
Her clothing was a well made black uniform, her only weapon by the looks of it a Cold Iron Dagger in one of her polished and well kept fine boots. The simple silver insignia on her collar showed she was an officer of the Calfon city Intelligence core. Her black orb eyes looked around, as she tipped some Ash off the end of her cigar, she flipped open an old news paper she had found and started reading, every now and then taking a pull on her smoke and tipping off ash.
Hehe, just a sample,

Canaan Fodda |

A happy go lucky looking halfling in a shirt of chain which somehow seems to absorb the light walks into the room and sits down. There is a crossbow on his back and little other gear.

Lady Incendia Anisha Rosala |

Well this seems fun, lets run with it till the GM says stop hehe
Incendia lowers her News paper and peers over the top of it with a smile.
The smile is beautiful as is the lady who gives it. Darkness also seems to spread from her, and a nagging feeling, a kind of slight dread. But her smile seems warm, promising so many pleasures.
"Good morning Master halfling, you here for the fun?."
Her ascent speaks of nobility, breading and education.

Lady Incendia Anisha Rosala |

She puts down the news paper, points with her small cigar at the dead body dangling.
Seance motive, any She was being sarcastic with the fun part
"I bet he thought the same thing, that is until messy bit found him."
She reached down and pulled up form under the table what looked to be some kind of wine in a chard bottle. She then placed two odd matching mugs on the table.
"I have a little look around, want some"
She asks pouring him and her a drink.
"I'm Lady Rosala by the way, a specialist in... well lets say finding things out. Could I ask your name and lets face it what counts at the moment, your specialty."
She starts placing more mugs on the table and a few more bottles of wine saying
"For the others, I'm expecting there will be more of us in this new.. irregulars tactical unit"
She says, again with that smile.

Canaan Fodda |

While he does get up on the chair, he studiously avoids touching the mug. "I'm Canaan. I shoot rats. I mean I used to shoot rats. Now I shoot what I'm told to shoot. I'm pretty good at it. "

Griffon Cavalry |

Okay, I think Sharptalon is 100% ready now! I just thought I'd point out that someone *could* ride him into/during battle. He won't accept a bit, but he can understand Common.
Well... though now I don't have a saddle in his inventory because I spent every gold piece on his magic gear. So you might have to provide that yourself.

Akumu |

Yeah I think for Akumu he's really alien, and evil.

Lady Incendia Anisha Rosala |

"Your evil. Why should I trust you?"
“Evil? Such a small word to sum up my people, our culture, and our millennia-old dogma. I have little belief in the concept. I've seen holy men sacrifice innocents and be called saints. I've seen mothers who stole only to feed their children go to the gallows. I perceive evil to be an artificial construct, a mere description created by frightened clerks so they can determine whether one’s actions fall within or outside their narrow visions for what reality should be. But am I evil? I believe in potential. I believe that some creatures are without significance and not worthy of my hand raised to save them. Conversely, I believe the multiverse blesses some beings with extraordinary traits, with the potential to do—to be—great things. The fact that I exist to seek out such potential and help it flourish means that regardless of what you believe about such small words like ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ inarguably the cosmos has guided me to you, and as I believe in the power of that cosmos, I believe in you.”

Akumu |

I reappeared. It works as per invisibility, so all I need to do is to declare a hostile action like, attacking the ground, and I'll reappear.
Wil o wisps are not invisible once they make an attack.

Akumu |

Dismissing is easier. Geeez. I don't want a repeat of the invisible man. Or in this case invisible wisp. LE is easy to get along with, really. We get the job done, we pack up, and go home. Most LEs don't get jollies terrorising and torturing people, but it appears to be my only source of healing. This is going to be fun, I'm a freakin monster!
And don't worry, we're not racist. We don't care if you have unusual appendages, don't walk on two legs....

Griffon Cavalry |

"Your evil. Why should I trust you?"
“Evil? Such a small word to sum up my people, our culture, and our millennia-old dogma. I have little belief in the concept. I've seen holy men sacrifice innocents and be called saints. I've seen mothers who stole only to feed their children go to the gallows. I perceive evil to be an artificial construct, a mere description created by frightened clerks so they can determine whether one’s actions fall within or outside their narrow visions for what reality should be. But am I evil? I believe in potential. I believe that some creatures are without significance and not worthy of my hand raised to save them. Conversely, I believe the multiverse blesses some beings with extraordinary traits, with the potential to do—to be—great things. The fact that I exist to seek out such potential and help it flourish means that regardless of what you believe about such small words like ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ inarguably the cosmos has guided me to you, and as I believe in the power of that cosmos, I believe in you.”
Sharptalon would just gaze at you in blank incomprehension if you said something like that. He has a very... simplistic worldview.

Lady Incendia Anisha Rosala |

Out of curiosity, how is Incendia seeing Akumu?
She is not seeing him, she is feeling his emotions V empathy, she knows his general direction that is all. She would not have the means to pinpoint him for an attack say. As I posted she is looking his general area.
My turn, how dos Shadoweaver know what Incendia is?

War of Dragonfires Alias |

Empathy does not work on invisible people. You must see them. Plus it's concentration.
Are you disguised? I missed that if you are. He has a good Kn: planes check, and as fellow denizens of the shadow plane, he knows what Kyton are.

Canaan Fodda |

Given the name, I had no intention of being attached to him.
He's a test build more or less. I don't really see him as keeping up with the nonsense that allowing monsters in will permit.

Lady Incendia Anisha Rosala |

>Empathy does not work on invisible people. You must see them.
I never said it did she was caching sigh of him and as I said she was looking in his general direction. He was not invisible most of the time, as has been said, so take that as you will.
Also she
>Plus it's concentration.
never said it was not, just that
Discipline Talents (Ps)
Each discipline gains access to two psi-like abilities that can be used as long as the psion maintains psionic focus.
she was doing little more than looking his way.
>Are you disguised? I missed that if you are. He has a good Kn: planes check, and as fellow denizens of the shadow plane, he knows what Kyton are.
Yes hat-of-disguise to look human, she would freak the &^££& out of the locals walking around in her true form. hehe

Akumu |

Locals don't ever see me. Woot!

Angels Dragonfire |

Just a test post to see if this displays properly.

Friar the Fatling |

Hi all, here is the Goo man himself :)
Should be done except for buying some consumables.
Basically this guy changes all the time, for instance he is currently set up with 4 arms...
After he changes he can then morph even further with Psion spells like metamorphosis or Animal Affinity. He can also do lots and lots of healing. And even more healing after that :)
When he comes in (when/if) would it be alright if he came in as if he were a prisoner being dropped off or something? I have given him a pair of handcuffs and a bit of chain, and it would be a good "start" for someone just getting released from a lab :)
And 2 questions for you Choon.
1: I assume that Psion and Aegis PP totals are sepperate? I currently have them listed as APP and PPP.
2: I found the Shifters Headband which would be perfect for this character. Would you allow it to affect psion spells such as Metamophosis and Animal Affinity?
At his core he is a Fat Halfling priest/monk with a rapidly mutating and corrupt body :)

Friar the Fatling |

1) Ya, it also can run into issues with which casting stat do you add for bonus PP, or if you add the same one twice. Separate pools gives you a little bit more, but it is simpler. Combined gives you a huge pool that you can spend all on 1 side.
2) Thanks!
Also I just noticed, my stat bar under my name is just basically 1 large line of code >_>
I have HP, and then I Have PPP and some APP and over there is some CP or maybe a CMD and DR... Any of that make sense XD

War of Dragonfires Alias |

I'll keep the separate power pools in mind if I do a psionic character. By default, it says explicitly to join them. The stat boosts are calculated separately for each class, but they all go into the same pool.
Multiclass Psionic Characters
If you have levels in more than one psionic class, you
combine your power points from each class to make up
your reserve. You can use these power points to manifest
powers from any psionic class you have.
While you maintain a single reserve of power points
from your class, race, and feat selections, you are still
limited by the manifester level you have achieved with
each power you know.

GM_Panic |

I have played a LOT of psionics and GMs tend to go two ways with this.
Way 1:
With Gestalt you can have Multiclass sides of the Gestalt, on each Side you pool the power points. But you don't pool across the Gestalt sides, in other words you have two pools, one per Gestalt side. any race feats that add power points you add on each side.
Way 2:
You just pool them into one big pot. having each class add to the pot but any race feats that add power points you add once only.
Seem to be one or the other.

GM Choon |

It might be easier to go with option 1. Sorry to wobble back and forth on this, but it's something I didn't think about initially. For this craziness I think I prefer to keep things distinct where possible. Reduces the possibility for miscalculation and error and just keep everything tidier.

Angels Dragonfire |

Wouldn't it just be easier book keeping wise to use a single pool lol.
I mean gestalt is the best of either side but that class feature is normally shared so why split it now? In this case the aegis doesn't really have a large pool and can barely do anything with it to begin with so I don't see it being game breaking.
I mean you could be a level 3 aegis and level 3 psion on one side and still have the same total as if you had a level 3 on either side of the gestalt so I really don't see there being any difference.
I can already see having two pools being confusing lol, trying to keep track of that, especially with people that use their sheets and what not to do it for them. I know on my mythweaver sheet it only has one spot for it to do the math, and I sure as hell don't know how to calculate it myself. It just sounds like added work for no reason.

Angels Dragonfire |

Hrm, you mean favored class bonuses?
Yeah I don't think there was anyway to add that twice unless I am mistaken, that is what you mean right? Like when people play psionic races and take the pp instead of hp or skill points?
I think after I die I will probably make an aegis but steer clear from any other psionic classes lol. Was thinking of an aegis and hawkguard warder on one side and this cheesy scholar class and something else on the other side. Maybe a bolt ace? Is the gunslinger allowed?

Angels Dragonfire |

Lol yeah that would be awkward.
Are you doing good with that class? What do you have with it Buzzard?
Lol also nice name.

Canaan Fodda |

It's a fighter/bolt ace so I can pump up the damage even on touch shots (since deadly aim doesn't work on touch shots with a crossbow).
We're a bit early into the combat, but I got lucky and critted my first shot, which is nice on a bolt ace since they up the multiplier on the crossbow to x3.