All's Well that Ends in a Well, V.2 (Inactive)

Game Master Choon

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The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

Intro post to come within 24 hours.

Warpriest 6 / Rogue 3 | HP 45/45 | AC 22 : TAC 17 : FAC 15 : CMD 18 AC 26 : TAC 21 : FAC 15 : CMD 22 | Fort +7 : Reflex +7 Will +9 | Perc. +13 : S.M. +8 : D.D. +14 | Initiative +5 | Move 30' : Swim 30'
Smite 0/1 : Fervor 4/7 : Blessings 6/6 : Spells divine favor x2, hide from undead, liberating command, remove fear, burst of radiance x2, lesser restoration, defending bone
Conditions: none. Current buffs: defending bone (30), divine favor.


The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

You have found the legendary Dungeon of Rappan Athuk. It wasn't hard. The wilds were dangerous, but you managed to get there and instantly realized that there's no way you're doing this alone. You are capable, not suicidal.
You return to the Bristleback Inn with an eye for a team to enhance your strength... and bolster your weaknesses.

The Bristleback Inn is as bright as ever in spite of the low ceiling. The windows are open and a small fire prevents the chill in the air from the landward breeze off the sea. It's not a harsh chill and the air feels brisk.
Several people mill about the room, adventuring types, mostly. There's a hobgoblin, a catfolk, several humans, a half orc or two, and other professionally suicidal types all enjoying a nice lunch provided by the indefatigable Amelia and her girl Ysbel. The room is filled with hearty smells and pleasant conversation. More than a few aren't speaking in favor of shoving as much of the food as possible into their faces.

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

Zadira sits down and orders some food, thanking Amelia and Ysbel. She then studies the room, scanning for some people who look like they have a slight chance of surviving.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7


Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 8 // Skald (Battle Scion) 4 -- Current Teamwork Feat: Outflank | HP*:21/51 | DR 5/evil | AC*:27/13/- CMD*:23/- | Saves: F12*/R8/W10*+2 against 1st fear save (War Prayers) | Init:7 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:6 | Sense Motive:13 | Raging Songs:14/19 | Lay on Hands: 8/8

HP:33/33 | AC:22/11/21 | Saves:F10/R6/W8 | Init:5 | Perception:5 | CMB:8 CMD:19

She is a towering but incredibly affable half-orc with a shock of firey red hair, clad in scratched & dented full plate of surprising quality.

Grelthe woke with the sun, as usual, to do her morning prayers & calisthenics in the early sunlight streaming into her room. After receiving her allotment of daily spells from her deity, she sauntered downstairs for some hearty breakfast before checking out the entry of Rappan Athuk. She found it easily, but the strong evil vibes and stories from the townfolk warned her not to be arrogant about her abilities, so she headed back to the inn to seek adventuring companions.

Immediately upon entering the inn, she recognized 2 of the adventurers milling about - one was a beefy hobgoblin she had challenged to a friendly arm-wrestle the night before (and it had been a hearty struggle, only luck enabled it to not end a stalemate), and the other was a human-looking priestess (Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 to identify holy symbol) she had seen offering spellcasting services down by the docks as she dismounted her ship a few weeks ago.

Hmm, a good start, but that wasn't enough. She preferred to have an arcane spellcaster in her company, and based on the townfolk's stories someone good with traps would be helpful as well. Her eyes skimmed over the rest of the crowd as she wolfed down her lunch.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 Looking for the sketchiest-looking person in the room, and the most frail-looking.

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

Hmm. That half-orc looks tough.

Zadira wanders over to the half-orc's table and sits there instead.

Going down? I'm a spellcaster and a trap-finder. Not strong, but a pretty good shot. Best you'll find in here. You look like you have a slight chance of survival. Want to team up?

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

Outside and down the street from the Bristleback Inn, there is a small bakery. kneeling on a bench just outside the bakery, glaring at all the delectable treats in the window, sits a cute little black haired girl.

Every so often a little bell rings as someone enters or leaves the bakery. the little girl looking toward whoever is passing through the door, hoping to get a whiff of the delicious aromas from inside.

She pulls out a purse and opens it, checking to see how much coin she has. a frown mars the girl's face as she seems to have very little coin.

with a breath of determination she takes a deep breath and hops off the bench, slipping into the bakery, the girl peruses the various pastries.

with a small glance about she reaches to snag a couple and lip them into her pouch.

does she get them? (sleight of hand): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

as she manages to get a couple, the little girl slips back out the door, hoping to go unnoticed.

she quickly looks for someplace to enjoy the "fruits" of her labors. Seeing the Bristleback Inn being rather busy this time of day, she tries to slip inside as unnoticed as she can.

stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (20) + 18 = 38

luckily there are so many big people about, the little girl is nearly invisible to most. with most of the tables full, and the fact that anyone looking for her will find her easily if she decides to eat at a table, She scurries up various displays and other things around the walls until she reaches the ceiling rafters above the common room.

climb: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Sitting on a rafter beam, the little girl takes a moment to enjoy her newly acquired treat.

more to come once the party is situated (yes directly below Kayla's perch above)

Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 8 // Skald (Battle Scion) 4 -- Current Teamwork Feat: Outflank | HP*:21/51 | DR 5/evil | AC*:27/13/- CMD*:23/- | Saves: F12*/R8/W10*+2 against 1st fear save (War Prayers) | Init:7 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:6 | Sense Motive:13 | Raging Songs:14/19 | Lay on Hands: 8/8

When Zadira introduces her skillset the half-orc stops her spoon halfway to her mouth with a stunned look for a second, thinking Luck be with Kurgess, it's like she read my mind before she recovers and smiles engagingly, her slight tusks somehow adding to the allure.
"Well met then, friend! It seems our abilities would complement each other quite well. I have a little magic, but tricksy things are not my strength, I tend to favor a more..." she pats the flail at her hip "direct approach. My god, the Strong Man, gives me the strength to fight evil, to strengthen my companions, and to heal a bit."
Her face gets serious for a moment as she leans in "...but I must ask, what is it that draws you to the 'Dungeon of Graves'?"

Warpriest 6 / Rogue 3 | HP 45/45 | AC 22 : TAC 17 : FAC 15 : CMD 18 AC 26 : TAC 21 : FAC 15 : CMD 22 | Fort +7 : Reflex +7 Will +9 | Perc. +13 : S.M. +8 : D.D. +14 | Initiative +5 | Move 30' : Swim 30'
Smite 0/1 : Fervor 4/7 : Blessings 6/6 : Spells divine favor x2, hide from undead, liberating command, remove fear, burst of radiance x2, lesser restoration, defending bone
Conditions: none. Current buffs: defending bone (30), divine favor.

Over by the dart board a Mwangi woman with a pale spiral tattoo around her left eye has been throwing daggers into the dart board. Her clothing is grey, and is baggy and shapeless. Aside from a few daggers distributed about her person she doesn't seem to be armed, though her pack by the wall has an unusually-shaped crossbow.

She has been challenging the locals to wagers, the losers paying for rounds of drinks, and she seems to have been winning more than losing.

Challengers seem to be drying up when she overhears the sorcerer and the half-orc speaking at a nearby table.

She picks up her things and saunters towards the table, rocking slightly. She pulls up a chair and sits down heavily, suppressing a hiccup. She blinks, and looks at the other two at the table.

"Sorree," she says, her accent thick. "It was a long time from agoh when I trank tat much. But yu win som rum you haf to trink it. Heh."

She blinks again, looking at the others.

"Oh! Ya. Yu are going to Rappan Athuk? I go to tere also. I am priestess of Lady of Grafes. See?" she points to her tattoo. "But not regalar priestess... fighting priestess. Fight with tese," she pulls the front of her robe apart to reveal a bandolier of daggers. "Knife is sacred to Pharasma. Use tem for cutting cord for newborn. Also for fight."

She looks at the two.

"And I am called Catarya. Yes? I must go to Dungeon of Grafes. Lady of Grafes wants. Good if I haf help. Yu like we go together. Good, yes?"

She smiles, and her smile is a winning one even if her speech is broken.

Catarya has a CHA of 8 so I am thinking she is ill-mannered and not a good communicator.

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

I'm Zadira by the way, and you are?

After Grelthe gives her name...

Well met. You know, if you think about it like a "Dungeon of Graves" it doesn't seem so appetizing, does it? But that's not really how I think about it....

The very drunk girl lands at their table. Zadira looks at her, then at Grelthe. Then, still talking to Grelthe, she says She looks like a liability, I know, but I've been watching her, and honestly, if she is this good when drunk, let's get her sober and I think she might be amazing. any case, I don't think of Rappan Athuk as an enemy. It might kill me, especially if I am careless, but it isn't inherently evil. It's like a wild animal. It stays alive, it resists being tamed. It's deeply, gloriously free. I go to help it. It will speak to me, as other deep places do, telling me of secrets and traps, allowing me to pass in order to help cleanse it of the evil that tries to abuse and tame it.

Oh, and also to get filthy rich in the process. No harm in that. She grins.

Why are you doing this?

Male CG Elan Marskman (Shroud)/Unrogue 4/2 | HP: 36/36 | AC: 19 (15 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Perc: +11, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft | Power Point: 19/19 Active conditions: Psionic Focus

Elion sits at one of the tables enjoying his morning meal. While not necessarily needing sustenance, he still took joy in its flavors. While he sits alone, he overhears the discussion taking place at another table about Rappan Athuk. "As much as I hate to admit it, there is no way I can conquer that place alone. Perhaps I can join them and we can explore it together"

With that thought he gets up and approaches their table and makes himself known. "Apologies, but I couldn't help but overhear you. Did you say you were looking to explore Rappan Athuk? I have been looking to explore it myself. The name is Elion and I am the best shot you'll find with a bow. I also have some other skills which should be able to aid the party if you'll have me?"

Warpriest 6 / Rogue 3 | HP 45/45 | AC 22 : TAC 17 : FAC 15 : CMD 18 AC 26 : TAC 21 : FAC 15 : CMD 22 | Fort +7 : Reflex +7 Will +9 | Perc. +13 : S.M. +8 : D.D. +14 | Initiative +5 | Move 30' : Swim 30'
Smite 0/1 : Fervor 4/7 : Blessings 6/6 : Spells divine favor x2, hide from undead, liberating command, remove fear, burst of radiance x2, lesser restoration, defending bone
Conditions: none. Current buffs: defending bone (30), divine favor.
Zadira wrote:
...Not strong, but a pretty good shot. Best you'll find in here.
Elion Talaviir wrote:
"...The name is Elion and I am the best shot you'll find with a bow..."

"Wait..." Catarya says, still a little muzzy. "I tought she was best shot wif bow. Can't be boat of you."

Elion Talaviir wrote:
"...I also have some other skills which should be able to aid the party if you'll have me?"

Catarya pauses for a moment, trying to parse what Elion said. Then she brightens. "Yes, a party! We should haf a party before we go to dungeon of grafes. Like when chip is going to sail next day, and everyone says 'Bon Foyaj!' Like tat, only no pirates. Sick of pirates."

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

Smarter than you look, apparently, Catarya the Drunken. Glad to see it. <she smiles at Catarya so that she knows that she is just joking.>

... I meant best option, not best shot. I am sure he is a better shot than I am. That was just an additional thing I could do, on top of all the amazing and fantastic other things. <she grins>

Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 8 // Skald (Battle Scion) 4 -- Current Teamwork Feat: Outflank | HP*:21/51 | DR 5/evil | AC*:27/13/- CMD*:23/- | Saves: F12*/R8/W10*+2 against 1st fear save (War Prayers) | Init:7 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:6 | Sense Motive:13 | Raging Songs:14/19 | Lay on Hands: 8/8

Shortly after asking Zadira her purpose, Grelthe was a bit surprised when the priestess she recognized walked up to them. Of course, Pharasma, I should have recognized her tattoo symbol! But before she can respond to the inebriated Mwangi woman, Zadira does.

In response to Zadira's question, she addresses both women: I have heard it is a source of great evil, and as a Paladin, I feel it is my duty to stomp out evil wherever I find it, as best I can, regardless of the personal risk involved. (Bluff: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11) I would be glad to have another member of the faithful join our group!

When Elan approaches & speaks, Grelth raises an eyebrow at his claim of being the best shot, but when Catarya points out the contradiction between his statement and Zadira's she chuckles.
To Elan: I think we could use a good bowman, (she glances at Zadira to see if she agrees). How much did you overhear about our abilities (or should we repeat them)? I also like to know the motivations of those I travel with, so why are you interested in this deadly dungeon?
To Catarya: I believe by 'party' he meant group of adventuring companions, but I like to seal agreements with a round of ale, which is a little like a party! Err, maybe just a water for her... She inspects the Mwangi to see if she can handle another ale or not: (Heal: 1d20 ⇒ 14).

Then she introduces herself and Zadira to the new people and learns their names in return. Hmm, that's almost a big enough group, maybe 1 or 2 more. After sizing up her new companions, she realizes she forgot about the Hobgoblin. Shoring up weaknesses is good, but bolstering strengths is important, too. Looking around, she sees he's still in the inn and stands to call out to him Oi! Hobgoblin man! What was your name again? Melkar? What business have you in town? Would you be interested in joining our band of adventurers to explore Rappan Athuk?

Male CG Elan Marskman (Shroud)/Unrogue 4/2 | HP: 36/36 | AC: 19 (15 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 17 | F: +5, R: +10, W: +9 | Init: +5 | Perc: +11, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft | Power Point: 19/19 Active conditions: Psionic Focus

Turning to the Half-orc, Elion responds, "Very good questions my dear. I over heard most of your conversation and have a fairly good idea of your skills. I do not have any such noble reason for going into the dungeon as you. I gave up those convictions a very long time ago. Now I live to test my abilities. So I came to the dungeon graves to test my skill against the ultimate challenge and see if I can rise above what others have not."

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

In response to Grelthe's glance, she says Welcome Elion, glad to have you.

We should probably talk about which entrance we want to go in as well. What have you guys heard about the dungeon?

male hobgoblin fighter (mutation warrior) 5 // warpriest of Apollyon 1 / barbarian (urban) 1 | HP 27/49, rage 3/8, mutagen 0/1, +4 Str/-4 Int, -2 Str, -2 Con | AC 21 (23), T 12, FF 19 (21) | F +8, R +3, W +3 (+4 vs fear) | CMB +9, CMD 21 | Spd 20' | Perc +10 | Init +6

The hulking hobgoblin has been doing his best to keep his attention on his grub and away from the growing mob of adventurers at the table nearby. He of course recognized the half-orc lass from the previous night's adventures: he had been lazily toying with her during the arm-wrestle until a certain look in her eyes plucked at his growing sense of pity for those weaker than himself. In a moment of weakness, he let the woman win. He had retired quickly afterwards, stewing with self-loathing.

So of course he had tried to feign ignorance of her entrance. But when she called to him loudly, he found he had no choice but to respond.

He stands heavily, his armor and weaponry causing a great ruckus. He lumbers to the table of misfits and gives the half-orc his best attempt at a smile.

"Hello again, Miss. I don't recall your name but you are correct that I am called Melkar. Who are your associates and why are you discussing such a deadly undertaking so merrily?"

Sorry for the delay. I would appreciate any advice on my character sheet before we officially get started- especially feats and gear. And also typos/mistakes. I don't have HeroLab and the math for our unique rules got a little confusing in places.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

As the Hobgoblin stood up it caused a little shake of the rafters, and Kayla's second pastry fell, landing in the dead center of the table which the group she had been eavesdropping on had been dinning and conversing.

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

Hello Melkar. I'm Zadira. Why don't you sit down and join us?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26


The pastry falls right in front of Zadira and she looks up angrily to see who is targeting her. Seeing the Gnome, she realizes it was a mistake, and says

Thank you, dear Gnome. I'd been wishing for a nice pastry.

<Zadira takes a big bite, watching the Gnome for her reaction.>

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

Kayla has a look of embarrassment at the sudden discovery.

She takes a look around but soon looses her balance and falls right into the middle of the table.

food goes everywhere, beers are spilt, a general mess.

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

You sure do know how to make an entrance.

I'm Zadira. can I help you ... er... clean up a little?

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

Kayla does her best to get off the table, making even more of a mess,

I'm Kayla, and if you see a rather angry looking baker, you never saw me.

Kayla accepts Zadira's help cleaning up. sorry about all of that mess, maybe I can repay you all, well someday. she offers a little hesitantly as she checks her rather sparse purse contents.

guess the bast way to describer Kayla is with this image

Kayla seems to only be armed with a pair of small swords and simple armor.

Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 8 // Skald (Battle Scion) 4 -- Current Teamwork Feat: Outflank | HP*:21/51 | DR 5/evil | AC*:27/13/- CMD*:23/- | Saves: F12*/R8/W10*+2 against 1st fear save (War Prayers) | Init:7 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:6 | Sense Motive:13 | Raging Songs:14/19 | Lay on Hands: 8/8

Grelthe bursts out in a loud guffaw. Hello little one! Hopefully you didn't hurt yourself. You've found yourself in the middle of a dangerous conversation. Grelth wipes the food off her face and front of her armor, noticing Kayla looking disappointedly in her purse and understands instantly, having been in a similiar situation herself many times. Don't worry about it, I believe we were all finished anyway. She finds a section of bread mostly undamaged besides some soup splattered on it and offers it to the small girl - Here, in return for the pastry you lost. My name is Grelthe.

Then she turns and continues to Melkar: Our group seems to have a variety of motivations for exploring the dungeon, from religious duty to personal challenge to earning wealth. Merry might not be the right word, but... confident in our abilities, yes. With enough of the right people, we are confident we can meet the challenge. However, we seem to be down a strong close-quarters fighter - that's where I thought you might be interested. Not many people can give me such a challenge as you did last night, I must say, I was impressed. Our STR is tied, btw ;)

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

To Kayla, Zadira says Why don't you repay us now, by joining us?, looking at Grelthe for approval.

We could use a stealthy little friend like you. We're headed to Rappan Athuk. What do you think?

Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 8 // Skald (Battle Scion) 4 -- Current Teamwork Feat: Outflank | HP*:21/51 | DR 5/evil | AC*:27/13/- CMD*:23/- | Saves: F12*/R8/W10*+2 against 1st fear save (War Prayers) | Init:7 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:6 | Sense Motive:13 | Raging Songs:14/19 | Lay on Hands: 8/8

Grelthe inspects Kayla closer - Pardon the rude question, but are you a gnome, halfling, or little human girl? There is no space for children on this journey, but if you can take care of yourself we could take one more with us. You do seem to be quite good at hiding, which would be a benefit.

Warpriest 6 / Rogue 3 | HP 45/45 | AC 22 : TAC 17 : FAC 15 : CMD 18 AC 26 : TAC 21 : FAC 15 : CMD 22 | Fort +7 : Reflex +7 Will +9 | Perc. +13 : S.M. +8 : D.D. +14 | Initiative +5 | Move 30' : Swim 30'
Smite 0/1 : Fervor 4/7 : Blessings 6/6 : Spells divine favor x2, hide from undead, liberating command, remove fear, burst of radiance x2, lesser restoration, defending bone
Conditions: none. Current buffs: defending bone (30), divine favor.
Melkar wrote:
"Hello again, Miss. I don't recall your name but you are correct that I am called Melkar. Who are your associates and why are you discussing such a deadly undertaking so merrily?"

Catarya is quite taken aback by the arrival of the Hobgoblin. But she looks around at the other people at the table, and when no one else expresses alarm she relaxes a little.

She looks the hobgoblin up and down.

"No need to be sad when talking about deat. Deat is just beginning of voyage. Your spirit on liffs after te body is gone."

She turns and looks at the others, and grows more serious.

"Unless evil raises body again as non-dead. Then spirit suffers; energy is stolen from spirit to make body moof again, and spirit cannot rest."

"This is why I go. Body lifs, body dies, okay. But spirit is trapped? Lady of Grafes is angry. Must stop tis. Many non-dead in Dungeon of Grafes. Very eefl. Need to put tem down."

Warpriest 6 / Rogue 3 | HP 45/45 | AC 22 : TAC 17 : FAC 15 : CMD 18 AC 26 : TAC 21 : FAC 15 : CMD 22 | Fort +7 : Reflex +7 Will +9 | Perc. +13 : S.M. +8 : D.D. +14 | Initiative +5 | Move 30' : Swim 30'
Smite 0/1 : Fervor 4/7 : Blessings 6/6 : Spells divine favor x2, hide from undead, liberating command, remove fear, burst of radiance x2, lesser restoration, defending bone
Conditions: none. Current buffs: defending bone (30), divine favor.

When Kayla drops onto the table, Catarya laughs.

"Ha! And now it is raining gnomes. Tis must be a party! Ha ha ha ha!"

When Kayla mentions the mess, Catarya shrugs. "Not my tafern. Heh."

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

I am a gnome, but don't underestimate me, I have experienced a lot more than you think.

Kaya's eyes light up at the offer of joining. I was hoping to meet some people to join up with. I accept.

Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 8 // Skald (Battle Scion) 4 -- Current Teamwork Feat: Outflank | HP*:21/51 | DR 5/evil | AC*:27/13/- CMD*:23/- | Saves: F12*/R8/W10*+2 against 1st fear save (War Prayers) | Init:7 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:6 | Sense Motive:13 | Raging Songs:14/19 | Lay on Hands: 8/8

Excellent! If we are all agreed, I think with each of our abilities that should cover nearly anything we might run into. Bartender, a round of ale for my companions & I! Since it is already late in the day, perhaps we should plan to start early tomorrow? During the last sentence she starts eyeing the drunk Catarya warily. Might as well give her the evening to dry out, anyway. We can finish any shopping we need at the Trading Post, and discuss tactics. I have been chatting with local townspeople about the dungeon, and they have been quite forthcoming with helpful details.

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

So say we all.

male hobgoblin fighter (mutation warrior) 5 // warpriest of Apollyon 1 / barbarian (urban) 1 | HP 27/49, rage 3/8, mutagen 0/1, +4 Str/-4 Int, -2 Str, -2 Con | AC 21 (23), T 12, FF 19 (21) | F +8, R +3, W +3 (+4 vs fear) | CMB +9, CMD 21 | Spd 20' | Perc +10 | Init +6

Melkar has ways of boosting his strength. But more than anything, that was just the way that he would tell the story. I wasn't trying to define what actually happened, just his version of it. :D

Melkar considers his response for a moment, just long enough for a girl to come splashing down on the table. When everyone has settled down, he speaks up. "I am here to traverse the blasted dungeon and I fear the worst inside. The only chance of survival appears to be working as a diverse group. Ha! What chance, even then?"

He shakes his head and sighs. "Very well. I shall provide the muscle."

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

From local stories you know of two entrances into the dungeon, the main entrance you scouted yourself and the Mouth of Doom which is located some distance away. The cadre of intrepid adventurers must now come to their first fateful decision as a group.

Warpriest 6 / Rogue 3 | HP 45/45 | AC 22 : TAC 17 : FAC 15 : CMD 18 AC 26 : TAC 21 : FAC 15 : CMD 22 | Fort +7 : Reflex +7 Will +9 | Perc. +13 : S.M. +8 : D.D. +14 | Initiative +5 | Move 30' : Swim 30'
Smite 0/1 : Fervor 4/7 : Blessings 6/6 : Spells divine favor x2, hide from undead, liberating command, remove fear, burst of radiance x2, lesser restoration, defending bone
Conditions: none. Current buffs: defending bone (30), divine favor.

In the morning, Catarya returns to the taproom where she met the others. She is bleary-eyed but otherwise alert when she meets the rest of the party for breakfast. After the usual round of greetings, she jumps in to the heart of the matter.

"Te question is how we be approach tis dungeon. From te stories I hear in tis town, it sounds like te 'Mout of Doom' is closer from here, and also a 'back door' to te main dungeon. I suggest we start tere."

"But I tink we need to go slow and also to not stay too long. Go in, ten go out again. Little steps. People say bad to stay in dungeon when you sleep."

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

That sounds like a good plan, Catarya, although of course this is Rappan Athuk, so things will go wrong. It's easy to lose your sense of time underground, and people have gotten lost. We should be prepared to spend the night if there is no other choice.

She looks over at Grelthe and the others Are we agreed? Mouth of Doom sounds so cheerful. What could go wrong?

If there is general agreement on Mouth of Doom:

Okay, finish eating and grab your gear. Pick up anything you just realized you still need. We leave in one hour. Meet on the edge of town by the North road. Be ready; all of our lives depend on it.

If not, Zadira doesn't argue. She just says:

Okay, finish eating and grab your gear. Pick up anything you just realized you still need. We leave in one hour. Meet on the edge of town by the East road. Be ready; all of our lives depend on it.

I just made up those directions/roads... if they are inaccurate by some actual game map, pretend that I actually indicated the exit/road that was nearest to the actual way we want to go. :)

Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 8 // Skald (Battle Scion) 4 -- Current Teamwork Feat: Outflank | HP*:21/51 | DR 5/evil | AC*:27/13/- CMD*:23/- | Saves: F12*/R8/W10*+2 against 1st fear save (War Prayers) | Init:7 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:6 | Sense Motive:13 | Raging Songs:14/19 | Lay on Hands: 8/8

The half-orc nods Sounds good to me. I believe I have everything I need, but I would like to discuss tactics for a moment. If one of us notices a malevolent creature, make sure to tap the person next to you or call out, so we can all be ready for battle at the same time! (Fluff explanation of Lookout teamwork feat)

Also, if no one minds, I would like to read from my book of war prayers before we set out, to fortify our courage.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

Kayla looks a little surprised, leaving so soon? then she remembers the situation with the bakery, yeah that would be a good idea. anyone want to pick up some more pastries?

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

Zadira laughs. She counts out 9 gold and hands it to Kayla. Go stock up. Get as many as you can carry. We'll probably be a while.

male hobgoblin fighter (mutation warrior) 5 // warpriest of Apollyon 1 / barbarian (urban) 1 | HP 27/49, rage 3/8, mutagen 0/1, +4 Str/-4 Int, -2 Str, -2 Con | AC 21 (23), T 12, FF 19 (21) | F +8, R +3, W +3 (+4 vs fear) | CMB +9, CMD 21 | Spd 20' | Perc +10 | Init +6

Melkar is not really a morning person. He rubs his eyes and orders a tea from the wench who smiles and quickly returns with a mug. He blearily nods and chugs it in a single gulp.

Based on the smell emanating from his belch, his "tea" was mostly alcohol but at least it works and he perks up quickly. "War prayers sound suitable to me. And caution definitely sounds wise in this case."

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

5d10 ⇒ (6, 2, 9, 4, 10) = 31

The party makes last minute purchases, attends church led by Grelthe, and sets off south.
The Mouth of Doom sits along an unnamed "river" several days travel off the road. The struggling, stinking river is one of the main drains for the Dragonmarsh Lowlands and never really secceeds in its job as the entire lowlands area is a huge, fetid swamp.
It takes a full day and two bandit raids to reach the south side of the bank. Thankfully the bandits are pitifully equipped and disorganized and easily driven off. You make camp near the road on the south bank the first night. The morning chomes without incident.
You push into the swamp and follow the river for two days.
Rodents of Unusual Size harass you almost constantly and you have a few brushes with quicksand, but you finally find the place on a rocky outcropping overlooking the river. Thankfully the fall temperature keeps the heat away and the bugs tolerable. It's now the end of the third day. The sun sits low and angry red on the horizon.

1d10 ⇒ 7
Please mark rations used or make survival checks to forage, then set a watch order and marching order in discussion. Then settle in for one more night after three days of fighting off pests and nearly getting swallowed but the earth. Repeatedly.

Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 8 // Skald (Battle Scion) 4 -- Current Teamwork Feat: Outflank | HP*:21/51 | DR 5/evil | AC*:27/13/- CMD*:23/- | Saves: F12*/R8/W10*+2 against 1st fear save (War Prayers) | Init:7 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:6 | Sense Motive:13 | Raging Songs:14/19 | Lay on Hands: 8/8

I will attempt to forage... Survival: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Are these leaves edible?
...and find nothing so will eat rations.

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

Hey Kayla, have any of those pastries left?

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

survival day 1: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
survival day 2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 (enough for 5 meals)
survival day 3: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 (enough for 5 meals)
survival day 4: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 (enough for 5 meals)

before leaving...

Kayla made her way back to the bakery with her acquired money to purchase a few more pastries.

she also looks to pick up some rations for the trip as well, unsure what she will find out there.

on the trail...

Kayla managed to find her way to take point, doing her best to keep everyone out of trouble. during the breaks, she manages to end up with small quantities of berries, and other things that are good enough to eat. the second night she managed to snag a R.O.U.S to eat.

setting up camp for the last night before arriving at the dungeon.

Kayla sets a teapot at the edge of the fire. and brews a nice pot of Tien tea.

As Zadira approaches to ask about pastries, she quietly reaches into her pack and pulls out a small bundle wrapped in parchment and tied with a string.

setting it out, she opens it up to reveal 5 fish shaped pastries

they should be warmed in the fire, they will taste better.

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

Zadira takes one and warms it.

As she bites into it she says Mmmm. This is my new favorite kind of fish. Thanks Kayla!

Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 8 // Skald (Battle Scion) 4 -- Current Teamwork Feat: Outflank | HP*:21/51 | DR 5/evil | AC*:27/13/- CMD*:23/- | Saves: F12*/R8/W10*+2 against 1st fear save (War Prayers) | Init:7 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:6 | Sense Motive:13 | Raging Songs:14/19 | Lay on Hands: 8/8

Grelthe is feeling content around the fire with real food in her belly and will sing a winsome song about a long lost love. (Perform (sing): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10)
Although her voice is out of practice, she makes a respectable tune.

Warpriest 6 / Rogue 3 | HP 45/45 | AC 22 : TAC 17 : FAC 15 : CMD 18 AC 26 : TAC 21 : FAC 15 : CMD 22 | Fort +7 : Reflex +7 Will +9 | Perc. +13 : S.M. +8 : D.D. +14 | Initiative +5 | Move 30' : Swim 30'
Smite 0/1 : Fervor 4/7 : Blessings 6/6 : Spells divine favor x2, hide from undead, liberating command, remove fear, burst of radiance x2, lesser restoration, defending bone
Conditions: none. Current buffs: defending bone (30), divine favor.

Catarya says little when marching. When she does talk she tends to keep to businesslike discussions about strategy and the dungeon ahead. She does not seem nearly as cheerful as that night in the tavern.

When not on the march, Catarya spends a considerable amount of time with a whetstone, sharpening and re-sharpening her many daggers. Sometimes she takes out a small bag containing small animal bones, and pours them out on the ground, looking at them carefully for several minutes before putting them away. In the mornings you notice that she spends time laying out her bones in a spiral pattern and making a few prayers. After dining on R.O.U.S. meat a few times, some of you notice that the bones from her little bag include some recently added ROUS bones.

survival (untrained): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

When she has the chance she attaches a dagger to a pole and wades into the water of the river to spear fish. She is happy to contribute her own catch to the stewpot.

"We be tere tomorrow, should be. I can feel it, almost."

"In te battle, remember for te best ting for me is to get behind te enemy. Oters too. Grelte and Kayla, you boat are good for tis too specially. So let's work togeter."

Map CG Female Aasimar Dungeon Rover / Infiltrator Ranger 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +3 (+2 vs illusion) | CMB +4 / CMD +16 | Initiave +3 | Perception +12/+14 to auto-notice underground hazards within 10 feet | Major Image 0/1 | Darkvision 60 feet | Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

Zadira is taking the morning watch, so as soon as she finishes her fish pastry, she wraps up in her bedroll to get some sleep.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

the fish pastry is stuffed with a sweet red bean paste.

Kayla offers on of her taiyaki pastries to any that want one. I guess it my way of saying thank you for not trying to kill me for spilling your drinks.

Once she has finished her tea and a secreted piece of chocolate.

Warpriest 6 / Rogue 3 | HP 45/45 | AC 22 : TAC 17 : FAC 15 : CMD 18 AC 26 : TAC 21 : FAC 15 : CMD 22 | Fort +7 : Reflex +7 Will +9 | Perc. +13 : S.M. +8 : D.D. +14 | Initiative +5 | Move 30' : Swim 30'
Smite 0/1 : Fervor 4/7 : Blessings 6/6 : Spells divine favor x2, hide from undead, liberating command, remove fear, burst of radiance x2, lesser restoration, defending bone
Conditions: none. Current buffs: defending bone (30), divine favor.

Catarya smiles.

"Tey weren't my drinks. I had drank already plenty before going to tat table." She chuckles.

I'm happy taking any watch if necessary.

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

The night passes slowly. The deathly quiet of the bog is unnatural. Only the croaking of a toad nearby breaks the silence.
2d20 + 1d3 ⇒ (5, 6) + (1) = 12

Daylight rises and the party braces themselves. The Mouth of Doom turns out to be a tower overlooking the river you've been following. There is one entrance (untrapped) that leads to a black stone stair going downward in a tight spiral.
The black stone stairs lead down to a room from the ruined tower above that those familiar with the underground estimate has taken you about forty feet underground. The room at the bottom of the staircase has six doors leading out, each one set into the far end of a ten-foot-by-ten-foot alcove in the wall. There is a faint smell of old rot in the air, like a graveyard, and any torches carried by the characters gutter slightly in the stale air.

6d20 ⇒ (13, 8, 1, 18, 15, 16) = 71

A. Trapped False Door:
In the stone over the top of this alcove, there is a carving of a goat’s face, with curling horns, narrowed eyes and small fangs visible at the corners of its mouth. Zadira is quick to note that the “door” at the back of this alcove is fake, and anyone stepping into the alcove without probing the floor first has an unpleasant surprise. A trapdoor in the floor opens when weight is placed onto it, dropping any victims into a ten-foot deep pit. If you check the trap
you find nothing of value

B. Eastern Door:
There is a skull carved into the stone over the top of this alcove.

C. Southern Door:
There is a pentacle carved in the stone over the top of this alcove.

D. Trapped False Door.:
There is a carving of a hand over the top of this alcove. As with Alcove A, Zadira notes that the door on the far side of the alcove is false, and there is a covered pit trap in the floor.
Unlike the pit trap in Alcove A, there is a secret door in the western wall of the pit, leading to a low-ceilinged tunnel (four feet high).

E. North Eastern Door:
There is a wolf’s head carved into the stone above this alcove. If you are the first to walk through,
The floor of the alcove is a very sensitive pressure plate. After a person’s weight has pushed it down by stepping onto it, when it
rises again (because no one is still standing on it) a portcullis of iron bars drop from the ceiling and lock, blocking passage through the alcove and trapping the characters on the far side if they walked all the way through.

F. Northern Door:
Nothing is carved into the stone above this alcove, but when the characters approach the alcove within about ten feet or so, a magic mouth forms in the stone and speaks: “You stand at the threshold of the Rappan Athuk, the Dungeon of Graves. Turn back, trespassers, for you will find nothing but your death in these dark halls.” After delivering its message, the mouth disappears once again into the stone.

Map updated under RA T2. Welcome to the Mouth of Doom! When I set up an area like this I am using the honor system that you will act upon and in accordance with the conditions of the spoilers. In other words, don't check for bad stuff before you decide to act in a certain way. Please RP your actions and react to the spoilers as there are sill some contingencies outstanding in this area. If you are the first to post about a certain spoiler, you can freely include the information contained in the spoiler in your narrative as you will.

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