GM Choon |

I am also going to try uploading a map layer today so people can have a better grasp of the world add a whole, but it's old and done in pencil, so we'll see how it turns out on the scan.
If anyone is intrigued by a certain area in particular, we can run a slap-dash character through that area. Build restrictions would be loose. My meatspace group rolled 4d6 reroll ones, but if you prefer some point buy, so be it. This is for you to test out my world, after all. :)

GM Choon |

The scenarios I currently have in my head:
1) The village of Ad is coming under attack from am unusual source. With help unavailable due to fast approaching winter, can the village hold of the menace? (Level 2 or 3)
2) Children will be children, yes? Ad's second caravan run had brought fun and games for all! (Level 1 with young simple template)
3) The Calls of War have echoed across your land and brother takes up arms against brother. Can you survive the world's most deadly conflict? (Level variable, up to 8 or so)
4) A den of half breeds has set up an illegal save house in the Great City Telfrorm. Time to take out the trash. (Low-mid level, featuring authoritarian Galbar)
5) The Spirits have come asking men! Allahabad, the Great Lion Spirit, has decreed that no other spirit shall be tolerated in his domain. We go forth to the glory of our god! (Also low to mid level, featuring tribal Lusem)
Occult Adventures play test classes are allowed. Which sprouts you are contacting is slightly re-fluffed, but I'll explain if you choose to go that direction.

GM Choon |

I should mention that slight flavor change here. Any spirit a psychic class contacts is technically a spirit of the Awakening, something I discuss in the player's guide. They may or may not be aware of this. If they are aware, they probably won't tell anyone as the Awakening is almost universally feared, especially so in an insular, isolated community such as Ad.

El Ronza |

Okay, so, after making a start (I know, the document's only seven pages and I have no excuse), I'm liking what I've seen. The idea of strange things coming from "beyond the mountains" is really damn cool. :D
I'd be happy to start soon, even if I just toss together a shell of a character and develop as I go. =)

GM Choon |

Ok, here's a randomized scenario weighted with the votes received:
1d6 ⇒ 5
Paizo hath spoken! Your scenario is:
The Calls of War have echoed across your land and brother takes up arms against brother. Can you survive the world's most deadly conflict? (Level variable, up to 8 or so)
What youall need to decide: your faction
1) Galbar Unionists. Calfonest is seceding from Galbar, and this must not be allowed (for whatever reason)!
2) Calfonest's right to be free of the tyranny of Telfrorom and Galbar must be respected (for whatever reason)!
And you level: Anywhere from 6-9 is available.
Each of these scenarios will be a few combat encounters long so I can test my encounter crafting skills, then we'll switch to another scenario unless youall are really enjoying yourselves. If that's the case and this takes off into a campaign... well that's that.
What say you?

GM Choon |

Yep, no go on the Today. I really need to stop saying that.
Galbar - The Everlasting State. A conglomerate of City-states that are all united under the power of Telfrorom. There is a universal conviction among the citizenry that Galbar is the place to be, and anyone attempting to demonstrate otherwise, namely the vassal city state Calfonest, needs to be brought back into the fold. By any means necessary. This stance may or may not be due to their pervasive propaganda machine.
Culturally, they are proud, Human-centric, and generally slow to change ways, if ways change at all. All this makes for a foe that will stop at nothing to achieve victory.
Militarily, they tend to be slow, heavily armed and armored, and methodical. However, they also prefer form over function, as how one looks while winning is just as important to the Propaganda as the winning itself.
Calfon - The City in Stone. Calfonest is the little rebel state that has had the stones to up and leave Galbar, something never before attempted. Mainly, this is due to a conflict between Calfonest and the Galbar city state of Galt over grain harvests in the rich plains between the eastern Q'tel range and Lake Inkirim to the south. The city has a much smaller population than Galbar, but it has managed to pull in other unaligned cities from the borderlands and a few from wild Lusem to bolster it's ranks. For Calfonest, this is a war of defense, but they are hoping to avoid a war of attrition, which Galbar will almost certainly win.
Militarily, Calfonest houses some of the most potent archery traditions in the world as well as some of the best engineers. Any assault against them must be well planned or it is likely that the assaulting force will be mowed down like grass.
Is this enough?