Classes/Levels |
9d6 pool, min 1d6; currently Attack: 3d6 Defense: 6d6 HP: 44/90 | Current AP: 0 | Weekly AP gain: 6+2 |
Gender |
Intermediate Deity |
About Zakaz
Name: Zakaz, the Progenitor, the Nomad, the Beastfather, The Apex Predator, The Mad Beast
Played By: Choon
Domains (Portfolios): Plant (growth), Animal (Beasts), Harvest (hunting), Evolution (Natural Selection), Earth (Bedrock), Madness (torture)
Themes: God of the Hunt, hunters, assassins, and predatory animals
Alignment: True Neutral
Attack and defence: Pool of 7d6
+2d6 from the Dagger of Shess
HP: 50+20+20=90
Abilities: Herald of Life - Your god becomes life itself. This is not necessarily a good power. Instead it means your god is surrounded by life and mere presence nurtures it.Your god is a master at creating life. You thrive anywhere, and beings near you are filled with vigour. When you use the Create Life Action, you may subtract 1 AP from the cost. This means you can make monstrous and Mundane Life for free.
Protean Lord - instead of Elemental Purity (Chaos) you use this ability. Your power comes from the ever mutable and constantly changing chaos from which the world was formed. You are difficult to predict in combat and wild, unfettered creator. You may constantly rearrange your dice pools after combat is declared
Zakaz is the ultimate hunter, an apex predator of divine power who spawns beasts of powerful appetites wherever he roams. Before him the grasses rise and the herds flourish, behind him the bones bleach and the trees fade. He sprang into being at the beginning and participated in the forging of the world with the First Roar. All hunts belong to him. All acts of stalking prey, be it wild, tame, or sapient, is a moment of worship to his name.
AP spent total:64
5- Gain ability
2- Weave Plane (cost shared)
3- Create Land to form the world he created out of Cocoon of Creation
1- Join pantheon
Create sentient life, 1 ap
Create order: The Cull, 2 ap
Create advanced concepts: pack/swarm tactics, 2 ap
Create magical concept: hive mind, 3 ap
Claim domain Harvest(hunting), 3ap
Create advanced concept: psychological warfare- 2ap
Create artifact, the Flower of Life bearing the Fruit of Immortality - 3ap
Claim domain Evolution (Natural Selection) - 3ap
Gain ability: Protean Lord - 5ap
Create Greater Life: Earth Elementals - 2 ap
Create Monument, the Shard of Creation - 5ap
--- The Shard grants 2 dice of HP to its controller, no animal life may permanently die while within it's area of influence.
Alter Land to create the ring of mountains containing the monument - 1ap
Claim the Earth (bedrock) domain - 3ap
Create greater life, ents - 2ap
Infuse vestige into the Shard - 5ap
Create relics Armor of a Tortured Soul and Crown of Suffering - 8ap
Gain domain Madness(torture)