Sheriff Belor Hemolock

Lam-ang's page

64 posts. Alias of Radavel.

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Dark Archive

Hi all,
Is Thassilonian Rune Magic (p.238 to 243, Secrets of Magic) available for PFS organized play?
Thanks very much.

Dark Archive

The disaster that was the previous dynasty lord's last adventure left you all with less than enough resources to restore the dynasty lone ship. It is a battlecruiser though and it may be enough to pull your nuts out of the vice and your profit margin into the black.

Urgent missives to creditors for more time have been sent and you are ready to depart Port Wander for the Expanse in search for riches and fame.

Meanwhile, one of the dynasty's oldest servants have arrived with an opportunity. He awaits your pleasure.

Dark Archive

This is our discussion thread for things OOC.

Dark Archive

Post non-IC stuff here.

Dark Archive

"Brothers of the Deathwatch, Assemble!" shouts Brother-Captain Ivar Forkbeard, as he finishes the briefing and brief it was. You are the only defense against the Space Hulk designated Doom of Primus, as it hurtles from the furthest reaches of space to the 10 billion souls on the Hive World of Primus VIII.

You make your way swiftly to the teleportarium. The strike frigate, Ajax, is equipped with such, fortunately.

You feel the ship rock as its macrobatteries hurl city-block sized munitions to a target the size of a moon.

You pause for a moment as the serfs mag-strap the atomic device to your backpack that should prove the death of the space hulk, if they are planted in the right places. The information is uploaded into your suits memory banks.

You pray to the Emperor that your actions find favor in His eyes, for death surely awaits.

You step onto the teleportarium dais.

"Ave Imperator!"

Dark Archive

I want to run a Rogue Trader PBP. But before recruiting the rest of the retinue, I'd like to get first the Rogue Trader, as he will be the one responsible for a big chunk of the game, since he'd be designing the Rogue Trader Dynasty and the ship.

The successful applicant for the position of Rogue Trader will be the one to submit a compelling story about his lineage along with a design of his ship (preferably a cruiser, as the game I want to run will involve a lot of space battles).

Once selected, he will also assist me in selecting the rest of his team.

Dark Archive

Born in darkness, a dream given life,
Holy warriors to bring forth the light.
Armed with zeal, armoured with faith,
Gods of battle at the fore of the fight.
Swords of the emperor, shields of mankind,
destined for war, fated for death.
Protectors of the weak, slayers of evil,
we fight til we draw our last dying breath
There is no retreat, there is no surrender,
our hate of the foe drives us eternally on
while aliens live, while heresy festers,
there can be no peace until the last war is won.
Strengthen your heart harden your soul,
launch yourself gladly into death's hungry maw.
There is no time for peace, no respite, no forgiveness,
there is only war.

That being said, would people be interested in playing a short adventure into the 41st Millennium cleansing a space hulk that has wandered into the vicinity of a critical hive-world? This will probably be a suicide mission so I only need a maximum of four members of the Angels of Death.

Live Free! Die Hard!

Dark Archive

Are people interested in a player vs. player plus a few others gladiator-style game set in the Hold of Belkzen? Martial-themed characters are the ones desired in this type of game.

The idea is that the PCs are the survivors of various battles and raids involving the Orcs of Belkzen and somehow they manage to survive long enough to be sold to an orc gladiator manager.

Just like in an Ancient Rome, PCs who manage to survive at TEN bouts earn their freedom. Unlike Ancient Rome, the orcs do not offer the loser any mercy.

So it is Kill or Be Killed, Mongrel on Mongrel, Till Carrion Arise!

Dark Archive

It started years ago in China when Glow In The Dark Baby started emitting light in the hospital's neo-natal ward. Everyone was surprised, amazed even. Then everyone started exhibiting some power, some quirk that transformed them from human to superhuman. Our world became a super-powered society and what was but a dream decades before became reality.

And for you this dream starts today -- at the games of UA, the world's premier hero preparatory school.

This is the story of how you became the world's greatest superhero.

Dark Archive

Discussion Thread.

On Sunday, November 12, 2017, we shall start the game.

Dark Archive

I am presently playing in a Boku No Hero Academia (M&M game).

I'd like to run it on the boards.

Premise: Heroes are teenagers attending the Hero Course at UA, the premier educational institution for the Hero World. The game will chronicle the Heroes' journey from getting admission into UA and then to becoming a certified professional Hero.

What makes Boku No Hero Academia different from most hero games is the powers possessed by the Heroes often come with limitations, hence, the powers are called "Quirks."

For the moment, I'd like to know if there are people interested in such a game.

Dark Archive

I am presently playing in a Boku No Hero Academia (M&M game).

I'd like to run it on the boards.

Premise: Heroes are teenagers attending the Hero Course at UA, the premier educational institution for the Hero World. The game will chronicle the Heroes' journey from getting admission into UA and then to becoming a certified professional Hero.

What makes Boku No Hero Academia different from most hero games is the powers possessed by the Heroes often come with limitations, hence, the powers are called "Quirks."

For the moment, I'd like to know if there are people interested in such a game.

Dark Archive

Your ships have just emerged out of the warp on the way to the Koronos Expanse when your astropath received a coded message from your agent in Footfall. The cryptic yet brief message simply says: "Come to Footfall. Great opportunity awaits."

Now would be the time for you all to describe your respective characters.

Dark Archive

Here we discuss everything ;-)

Dark Archive

Can someone please take up the challenge and GM it?

Dark Archive

The cryptic message you receive from one of your agents is short and brief. "Come to Footfall. Great opportunity awaits."

The game is Rogue Trader and successful applicants will make rank 1 characters using the Corebook with/without reference to Into the Storm. That means Orks and such xenos are allowed. The game I have in mind allows two or more rogue traders (i.e. 2 or more ships). Recruitment will end on the 18th of September.

Dark Archive

Anyone interested?

Dark Archive

Watch Tower Erioch, Jericho Reach
Date, Time Classified

Your footfalls echo in the cavernous passage of Watch Tower Erioch as you head to the briefing. Watch Captain Fangtaker, a venerable and irritable Space Wolf, is exercising operational oversight over Kill Team Epsilo Zeta. The Space Wolves are rumored to be taking their sweet time in recalling Fangtaker to rejoin his company.

Be that as it may, you have much to prove and this mission will give you a chance to do so.

The briefing chamber doors open for you and you enter.

You do not see Watch Captain Fangtaker.

Kindly describe your character for the benefit of everyone. Note your armor is in Deathwacth colors. That is black and silver.

Dark Archive

I am wondering if there is sufficient interest in this. GRRM says it will have a TV series too like Game of Thrones.

Dark Archive

6.555.815.M41, Scintilla, Calixis Sector

After accepting to serve Inquisitor Seth Loki, a man of singular reputation of getting the job done no matter the cost, you are transported to his base of operation, the Blade of Reason, a heavily-modified Falchion class frigate, presently on standby orbiting Scintilla.

You spend weeks training and you are ready.

You are now set to meet the inquisitor for what can only be described as your graduation.

You meet him in his private suite, which has a large floor to ceiling viewport that in turn gives you a breathtaking view of outer space. You need not worry as you are very much aware that adamantium blast shields automatically ward the fragile window should there be a threat.

Inquisitor Seth Loki, a tall man wearing power armor and a scabbarded sword across his back, the inquisitorial rosette gleaming on his chest, beckons you all to him. Besides him is a small antique wooden table. On it are a flask of amasec and five goblets.

"You are ready." A statement not a question.

"Please." He indicates the goblets which are filled with the liquor.

Dark Archive

This is our OOC discussion thread.

Kindly make Astartes as per the Corebook then advance him with an additional 5,000 XP.

Renown starts at 20

Dark Archive

In the aftermath of Kill Team Epsilon Zeta's disastrous encounter with the Great Devourer, many of its members did not return to Watch Station Erioch.

Squad Leader Gaius Cornelius of the Ultramarines has been given leave by the Watch Commander to bring his team to full strength. He is now sifting through the voluminous data files for the right Astartes.

If you are interested to join, PM me with your character's background and personality info. DO NOT POST IT HERE. YOU WON'T GET A REPLY FROM ME. I MEAN IT. I and Squad Leader Gaius Cornelius will evaluate your submission. Cheers :-)

Dark Archive

This is our OOC Thread. Please post all relevant queries here.

Liberty's Edge

The infamous inquisitor, Seth Loki, arrives once more at the Tricorn Palace on Scintilla, the only survivor of his latest venture. What else is new. Now he needs new fodder for a scheme he is concocting. Suffice it to say, his prudish, puritanical brethren wants evidence so they can sanction him. But those of a radical bent argue that he delivers results.

Whatever you are, Seth Loki will be conducting interviews.

This is a 40K in character recruitment thread. In other words, before I hand out the character generation mechanics, you'd have to pass the job interview.

Dark Archive

Kill Team Epsilon Zeta just out of Watch Fortress Erioch is in need of a Space Marine to replace a member.

The successful applicant is one who can submit a ready character soonest using the standard character generation rules from the Core Book (you can use options provided in such books as Rites of Battle, First Founding and Honour the Chapter).

If chosen, you must post immediately in the discussion thread.

PS. Kill Team Epsilon Zeta presently is composed of a Tactical Marine, an Apothecary, a Devastator Marine and a Wolf Scout (Technically another Tactical Marine).

Dark Archive

I am presently running a DW PBP here in the boards.

Aside from DW, are people here interested in some other 40k game (Dark Heresy 1st Ed., Rogue Trader, Black Crusade or Only War)?

Dark Archive

Battling the Old Gods would be cool ;-)

Dark Archive

I'd love to play in one. I am sure that others would also love it too.

Dark Archive

Interested in Playing a Cleric of Asmodeus for this AP.

Any GM out there looking to run a PBP can count me in.

Dark Archive

But I need help ASAP about where in Singapore I can buy pathfinder products especially the latest AP books.

A friend of mine will be going there in a week's time so that info can help me a lot.

Why I can't buy it online? My country's antiquated customs system which continues to ignore the legal exemption from customs duties for books.

Dark Archive

I'd like to play am assault marine. Can someone adopt me?

Dark Archive


Over six months ago, Inquisitor Kalistradi arrived on
Avalos chasing rumours of Genestealer infestation and
several reported sightings of a Space Hulk on the edge of the
system. After months of secret investigation, she discovered
that Genestealers had indeed taken residence on Avalos,
concentrated in the world’s primary city—Lordsholm. Without
the means to purge the infestation herself, and fearing the local
authorities had already been compromised, she sent a coded
astropathic communication to Watch Fortress Erioch issuing a
formal request for aid from the Deathwatch in exterminating a
Genestealer infestation on the world of Avalos. After reviewing
the evidence and assessing the threat of a Tyranid presence in
the Avalos system, the Watch Captain considered the danger
serious enough to dispatch a Kill-team.

Dark Archive

Will post later about the Mission Objectives and Background Info.

Dark Archive

The Watch Captain ordered your team to proceed to the Avalos system to link with Inquisitor Kalistrade and eradicate the genestealer infestation there. The Imperial Sword class frigate Valiant stands ready to bring you there now.


Four to Six stalwart Space Marines are needed to fill the ranks of the Kill Team. Play whichever specialty and chapter makes you happy. Books that you can use: Core and Rites of Battle. Deeds are allowed. As per the Rules, roll for your stats. Expect me to post updates at around this time each day. Requisition Points: 65. N.B. Please read the Living Errata available at FFG website so we are all using the same updated rules.

Dark Archive

Would you like to play such a game?
If yes, which chapter you prefer?

Dark Archive

Anyone still remember this game?
What sort of campaign appeals most to you?

Dark Archive


I am very much interested in buying the complete AP for Hell's Vengeance but I have been out of circulation for some time and quite lazy right now to search the threads.

I'd really appreciate it very much if someone can list the PDFs I need to complete my Hell's Vengeance AP experience.

Thanks in advance,
From a lazy bum,

Dark Archive

Hope someone opens the relevant recruitment thread so I can join.

Cheers :-)

WS 48, BS 43, S 63, T 43, Ag 50, Int 49, Per 55, WP 52, Fel 46 Wounds 22/22, Fate 3/3, Movement 5/10/15/30

"Inquisitor Reykholt has recently passed word to us about some information that he intercepted. The pompous fool expects us to heel and obey his every whim, but this time he might have a point. It seems a Choir of Astropaths has foreseen a grave disaster striking the world of Solace. More importantly, this disaster involves xenos—possibly multiple breeds of the foul creatures. The good news, though, is that if we can recover the Halo of Providence, it may be enough to stop the disaster. That artefact is aboard a lost Imperial ship, the Ardent Crown. The divination also indicates that the vessel is going to arrive in the Solace system shortly—after hundreds of years trapped in the Warp. You confront the xenos and stop whatever tragic fate they intend for Solace."

Watch Captain Hrolf Fangtaker bares his fangs, "Are there any questions, so far?"

WS 48, BS 43, S 63, T 43, Ag 50, Int 49, Per 55, WP 52, Fel 46 Wounds 22/22, Fate 3/3, Movement 5/10/15/30

This is our discussion thread

Watch Captain Hrolth Fangtaker announces that:

"Inquisitor Reykholt has recently passed word to us about some information that he intercepted. The pompous fool expects us to heel and obey his every whim, but this time he might have a point. It seems a Choir of Astropaths has foreseen a grave disaster striking the world of Solace. More importantly, this disaster involves xenos—possibly multiple breeds of the foul creatures. The good news, though, is that if we can recover the Halo of Providence, it may be enough to stop the disaster. That artefact is aboard a lost Imperial ship, the Ardent Crown. The divination also indicates that the vessel is going to arrive in the Solace system shortly—after hundreds of years trapped in the Warp. You confront the xenos and stop whatever tragic fate they intend for Solace."

Will recruit a maximum of Six Battle Brothers, can be less. Must be able to post at least 1 per day, more is preferred. Character Concepts and History must be submitted and on this basis selection will be made. Character generation will be done in the Discussion Thread.

Mere hours ago you thought that life was at an end and you were going to face the vengeful wrath of very disappointed patron gods. But through the timely intervention of the infamous Chaos oracle known only as "The Many-Eyed," you are now walking benighted hallways of an unknown chaos battlecruiser.

A prickling, nagging sensation at the back of your neck tells you that you are being watched but you do not see anyone.

You smell incense -- the kind used in very special rituals -- and you feel your mind drift to the past.

This is an opportunity for everyone to tell their tale of how they escaped their recent scrape with the forces of the Imperium. The best story based on the number of likes on the post will earn the poster an extra 200XP, to emphasize that the Chaos Gods are amused by your antics and would see more of it.

Friends, on the road to enlightenment, let us gather here whilst awaiting the sign from the gods.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You’re still not entirely certain how you found yourself dragged into this mess. Yes, boarding this craft did get you out of a sticky situation, and yes, it is clear that you’re now working with someone who has the blessings of the unholy. However, the whole idea of another person having authority over you does not sit well. At all. For the moment, you’ve decided to let things play out. If the plan is worthwhile, then there should be an opportunity to seize it for your own purposes. Until then, well, if you play along, you might get the best chance to exploit things later. In the meantime, sitting in a smoky room, listening to this seer tell her story and scheme, well, maybe there could be something of value, eventually.

Looking for a few good (by good I mean bad) heretics, who would like to work with the infamous oracle known only as "The Many-Eyed" to do a job worthy of the attention of the dark gods.

There are 4 slots open and you will be selected based on the skill-set you bring, as well as, a compelling account of the "sticky situation" The Many-Eyed helped you out of.

Character Generation Guidelines: A player can be human or a CSM created as per the Corebook with the slight modification that your character is created with an additional 2000 XP. (Nope, we won't use any of the character classes from the various Tomes.)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What would be a great idea for a Black Crusade PBP?

Dark Archive

Is there any interest in such here in these boards?

PS I am not offering to run it, as I also would like to play in all-Space Wolves squad ala Void Claws.

Dark Archive

Player seeks GM who will run high-level PBP (18+) based on the premise that the PCs failed to save world and is now trying put things to right.

Note: I am just a player and have no plans on gming this thing.