Darl Quethos

Seth Loki's page

70 posts. Alias of Radavel.

About Seth Loki

Hive World (Volg Hive-Fenksworld) Psyker
WS 39+1=40
BS 30
S 33+2=35
T 40
Ag 40
Int 32+5=37
Per 44
WP 43
Fel 23+7 =30

Cash 1d5 + 50 ⇒ (1) + 50 = 51 + 220 = 271 - 50 = 221 thrones
Age 39
Insanity 1
Movement 4/8/12/24
Wounds 14
Imperial Divination 23 = +2 to Perception
Fate Points 0
Sanctioning Side Effects Tongue Bound

Background Package: Proven Innocent (100 XP)
Against the Odds: lose 1 Fate Point
Special Circumstances: + 3 to all Characteristics and +1 Wound
Institutionalisation: Immune to attempts to Charm, Command, Deceive, and Intimidate him to go against his Inquisitorial masters. Must succeed at a -30 WP Test to against his cell or the Inquisition.

Accustomed to Crowds – Crowds do not count as difficult terrain; and when running or charging through a dense crowd no penalty on the Agility Test to keep their feet.
Hive Bound – minus 10 to all Survival Tests and while out of a proper hab minus 5 to all Intelligence Tests
Sanctioned Psyker

Trained Skills
Awareness [Awareness, Lip Reading, Search] +10 (Per)
Dodge (Ag)
Intimidate (S)
Invocation (WP)
Literacy (Int)
Psyniscience (Per)
Speak (Low Gothic, Volg Hive Dialect) (Int)
Trade (Soothsayer)

Basic Skills
Acrobatics [Acrobatics, Contortionist] (Ag)
Athletics [Climb, Swim] (S)
Commerce [Barter, Commerce, Evaluate] (Fel)
Carouse (T)
Charm [Charm, Blather, Perform] (Fel)
Deceive [Deceive, Disguise] (Fel)
Dodge (Ag)
Inquiry (Fel)
Logic [Logic, Gambling, Tactics] (Int)
Scrutiny (Per)
Stealth [Concealment, Silent Move, Shadowing] (Ag)
Tech-Use [Demolitions, Tech-Use] (Int)

Blind Fighting
Die Hard
Light Sleeper
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Ranged Weapon Training (SP, Las)
Psy Rating 2
Rapid Reaction

Psychic Powers
Distort Vision (TN 8; Free Action; No)
Fearful Aura (TN 7; Full Action; Yes)
Float (TN 8; Half Action; Yes)
Sense Presence (TN 7; Half Action; Yes)
Wall Walk (TN 8; Half Action; Yes)
Weapon Jinx (TN 8; Full Action; No)

Sword with Mono Upgrade (40)
Flak Cloak (AP 3 to All)
armsman-10 stub pistol: 35 m, S/3/-, 1d10+3, 0 pen, 13 clip, full, -, 1.5 kg, 50 thrones
Psykana Mercy Blade
Quilted Vest
Tatty Robe (Poor Quality Clothing)
Deck of Cards
Sanctioning Brand

Advances Taken (1,300 XP)
Awareness 100
Awareness +10 100
Dodge 100
Intelligence Advance Simple (+5) 100
Perception Advance Simple (+5) 100
Willpower Advance Simple (+5) 100
Sound Constitution (x1) 100
Paranoia 100
Psy Rating 2 200
Blindfighting 100
Die Hard 100
Rapid Reaction 100