Brother Scipio |

We need to pick a Kill Team Leader, Scipio can do the job but other's might want to throw their hat into the ring for consideration Mechanically Fellowship, Willpower and the command skill are significant but anyone can do it even if they aren't optimized.
@Radavel What known objectives do we have going in? What requisition do we have? Are we starting above initiate renown?

![]() |

Your goal is to destroy the space hulk to that end you need to plan at least 1 atomic device at the reactor core. Planting additional atomic device at 3 other secondary sites will ensure that the planet will not suffer much damage from the hulk's demise.
Renown is at the normal starting level. You have 50 requisition points as I have earlier indicated in the Recruitment thread.

Brother Scipio |

Astrates Flamer 10
Astrates Grapnel 3
Grav Chute 5
Chainsword 5
Dipole Maglock for Chainsword 5
Cartograph 5
Back Banner if Kill Team Leader- Clip of Kraken Rounds if Not 15
Hellfire Clip *Tactical Marine
Unspent Requisition 2
People are free to throw their hat in for Kill Team leader but Scipio is the only one so far. As a Tactical Marine if he was Kill Team Leader the choice of oaths would be:
Oath of the Astrates. +2 Cohesion. Tactical Advance, Tactical Spacing and Bolter Assault-Solid Squad Modes and Ability.
Oath of the Emperor. +10 to Willpower Tests. Fire for Effect, Regroup and Strongpoint. -Nice ability and squad modes, a little on the defensive side but nice.
Oath of Glory. +Renown for Completing objectives so not really useful here. Tactical Advance, Bolter Assault and Furious Charge. -Ability is moot but nicely balanced squad modes.
Oath of Loyalty. Bonuses to resist cohesion damage and cohesion tests. Tactical Spacing, Regroup and Soak Fire. Alright but the squad modes are very defense focused.
My personal recommendation would be Oath of the Emperor

Brother Scipio |

@Nemiel Oath of the Emperor and Oath of the Astrates are in the lead, do you have a preference?
@Aurilous Scipio used a chapter squad mode, no one else gets the benefits because I failed the check but Scipio still has it so even if Afan is standing in a door he can fire through him no problem. Other members of the Kill Team can activate squad modes, the ones given by the oath everyone can benefit from no check needed.

Kevin O'Rourke 440 |

Yeah you can, since we weren't in rounds I did that. The Command check is a tactical marine ability for trying to share you're chapter squad mode with those outside your chapter. I know a little confusing, we're in squad mode and ready to use squad modes, if they aren't codex they're awkward to use together, but if someone just spends the cohesion and action for bolter assault we don't need a check as it's codex. At the start of combat Afan could use the Storm Warden squad mode to get a surprise round but the rest of us* couldn't benefit as we aren't Storm Wardens.
*Scipio can as a Black Shield special rule benefit from other chapter squad modes but can't activate them.

Feliks |

"Brother-Techmarine Feliks reporting for duty. Sir, apologies for the delay. The teleporter must have put me somewhat off target. The Emperor be praised that I found you."
I am finalizing my requisition.

Brother Scipio |

Ranged Weapons do. Unless the GM wants to you don't need to keep track of your total normal ammo. In a lot of games I've been in we do keep track of it but went with one clip in the weapon and two spare, not sure if that was just a rule of thumb we came up with or written in the book though.
Feliks' which would you prefer?
Oath of the Astrates. +2 Cohesion. Tactical Advance, Tactical Spacing and Bolter Assault-Solid Squad Modes and Ability.
Oath of the Emperor. +10 to Willpower Tests. Fire for Effect, Regroup and Strongpoint. -Nice ability and squad modes, a little on the defensive side but nice.

Feliks |

I like the squad modes from Astartes better, but I think the benefit from Emperor is really nice.
Also, Fire for Effect and Regroup are pretty good. I have never used strongpoint.
I think Emperor would be, perhaps, the better choice.

Brother Scipio |

Oath of the Emperor it is so.
Scipio is sustaining his squad mode.
I would suggest someone, possibly Aurilous, activate Fire for Effect, it's a solid squad mode and has saved more than one character from dying. Nobody is rocking a devastator so not as amazing but still really solid and you can't dodge a horde but you can shoot them a lot.
Fire for Effect
Action: Half Action
Cost: 2
Sustained: Yes
Effects: Working as a single well-oiled machine, the Killteam can snap off shots at targets as they appear. While this power is in effect, the Kill-team may use their Reactions to make a Standard Attack with a ranged weapon.
Improvement: If the Battle-Brother is Rank 4 or more, both he and the Kill-team can make Semi Auto Bursts and Full Auto Bursts instead of a Standard Attack with their ranged weapons
While a space marine can only benefit from one squad mode at a time the squad can have multiple ones set up. As long as someone is sustaining a squad mode that can be sustained we've still got it in our arsenal so to speak.

Brother Scipio |

Come to think of it specifying that we are in overwatch over various areas to cover entry points would be sensible.
Space Hulks are deadly even for an Astrates.

Afan Driscol |

After a protracted battle with cancer, a close relative of mine has passed. I will be sitting shiva for her and will not have much time to be online for the next week. If you need to bot me, please do.