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Infamous Inquisitor OOC

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Dark Archive

This is our OOC Thread. Please post all relevant queries here.


Male Cuddly L'il Fuzzy Hamster Psion (Telepath) 20

Weapon Skill (WS)2d10 + 20 ⇒ (7, 2) + 20 = 29

Ballistic Skill (BS) 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (5, 1) + 20 = 26

Strength (S) 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (5, 8) + 25 = 38

Toughness (T)2d10 + 27 ⇒ (5, 6) + 27 = 38

Agility (Ag) 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (6, 10) + 20 = 36

Intelligence (Int) 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (3, 10) + 20 = 33

Perception (Per) 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (1, 3) + 20 = 24

Willpower (Wil) 2d10 + 15 ⇒ (4, 1) + 15 = 20

Fellowship (Fel) 2d10 + 15 ⇒ (10, 2) + 15 = 27

Wounds: 1d5 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

Fate Points: 1d10 ⇒ 6 (2)

Will roll up all the stuff tomorrow. So we roll for each stat? Or roll then assign them?

Dark Archive

roll then assign is fine.

Dotting for now.

Sorry, pulled a long shift after class and couldn't get to computer until just now. Do you still want to run the interrogation interview?

Dark Archive

we can continue the interview. though pls prepare your characters using d standards i have previously indicated.

2d10 ⇒ (5, 8) = 13
2d10 ⇒ (3, 9) = 12
2d10 ⇒ (10, 5) = 15
2d10 ⇒ (7, 7) = 14
2d10 ⇒ (5, 8) = 13
2d10 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11
2d10 ⇒ (8, 8) = 16
2d10 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7
2d10 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10

Wounds: 1d5 ⇒ 2
Fate: 1d10 ⇒ 6

Let's see what I have to work with, stats will inform on a few things.

Base Rolls: 2d10 ⇒ (6, 9) = 152d10 ⇒ (5, 3) = 82d10 ⇒ (4, 7) = 112d10 ⇒ (6, 5) = 112d10 ⇒ (8, 6) = 142d10 ⇒ (4, 3) = 72d10 ⇒ (10, 6) = 162d10 ⇒ (5, 6) = 112d10 ⇒ (8, 9) = 17

Wounds: 1d5 ⇒ 3

Fate: 1d10 ⇒ 6

Reroll on lowest: 2d10 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10

Reroll: 2d10 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11

Should i go melee or ranged? not sure =^^=

think melee with a powerfist =^^=

Base Rolls:
2d10 ⇒ (1, 10) = 11
2d10 ⇒ (6, 9) = 15
2d10 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8
2d10 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2
2d10 ⇒ (6, 9) = 15
2d10 ⇒ (8, 10) = 18
2d10 ⇒ (3, 8) = 11
2d10 ⇒ (2, 7) = 9
2d10 ⇒ (8, 7) = 15

Reroll: 2d10 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

Haha, it wasn't hard to pick which one to reroll in THIS case.

If i could, i would trade my 11 and 13, for your 2 and a 15 :)

anywho, @GM : What is our spending Thrones?

Dark Archive

Guys, can you post the background package you have selected for your character if any?

Divine Light of Sollex. a bit of a hamper since i need to be from a forge world, but it will do

Human Tech Priest

Profile for Seth86

Dark Archive

Is Magos Drake a Secutor?

I'm using the Brotherhood of Thollos from the Inquisitors handbook pg.37

Human Tech Priest
Radavel wrote:
Is Magos Drake a Secutor?


So, curious. What kind of builds do you guys have in mind? From what i read. Lots of DAKKA. Hence why i think Drake will probably be going melee.

I'm working on a face with ranged skills, I was going assassin but scum is so much more appropriate. Working on crunch, backstory, and the interview but have been working a second job this week and haven't had much sit down time.

Background package: Latent Psyker (if it's cool)

Dark Archive

latent psyker is cool.

Im pretty much done, stat wise. Just want to know the amount of Throne Gelt we can spend :)

Dark Archive

500 gelts is what everyone start with along with special equipment offer I will give out to each of you once you have completed your character sheet.

Thanks GM


WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
35 33 35 43 31 51 33 35 25

Movement: 3/6/9/18
Wounds: 11
Corruption Points:0
Insanity Points: 1
Fate Points: 2

Skills:Ciphers (Secret Society), Common Lore (Machine Cult +10, Tech +10), Demolition, Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), Literacy, Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis), Secret Tongue (Tech), Security, Speak Language (Low Gothic), Tech-Use +20, Trade (Copyist)
Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Las), Pistol Weapon Training (Las), Melee Weapon Training (Primitive, Power), Technical Knock, Electro Graft Use, Unshakable faith, Machine (1), Hatred (Tech Heretics), Binary Chatter

Traits: Stranger to the cult, Mechanicus Implants

Armour: Mesh Combat Cloak (Arms 5, Body 5, Head 5, Legs 5)

Great Weapon* (2d10+3 R; Pen 4; Primitive, Unwieldy, Mono),
Laspistol (30m; S/-/-; 1d10+2 E; Pen 0; Clip 30; Reload Full; Reliable),
Las Carbine (60m; S/2/-; 1d10+2 E; Pen 0; Clip 40; Reload Full; Reliable),
Staff* (1d10+3 I; Pen 0; Balanced, Primitive)

Gear: Backpack, Charm, Clothing, Sacred Machine Oil, Combat Ration Pack (5), Data-slate, Glow-globe/Lamp pack, Flak Vest, Mesh Combat Cloak, Laspistol, Las Carbine, Charge Pack (pistol), Charge Pack (basic), Mono Great Weapon*, Staff*, Spare Parts: 1d10 ⇒ 10

As a note. I am very new to the 40k RP. So i hope this build is okay and works =^^=

Goal for tomorrow: Interview write up

Imperial Tarot: 1d100 ⇒ 47"Violence solves Everything" +3 to WS

Random Minor Power: 1d100 ⇒ 76Trick

Roderick Kaplan

Homeworld: Noble

Career Path: Dreg -> Outcast -> Outlaw -> Renegade, Nascent Psyker

WS 34, BS 40, S 31, T 28, Ag 40, Int 31, Per 34, WP 31, Fel 52

Wounds 12, Fate 2, Corruption 0, Insanity 0, Movement 4/8/12/24

Characteristic Advances: BS Simple, Ag Intermediate, Fel Intermediate

Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic, High Gothic), Literacy, Ciphers (Acolyte, Underworld), Blather, Charm, Deceive +10, Awareness +10, Dodge, Concealment, Common Lore (Imperium, Underworld)

Talents: Ambidextrous, Melee Weapon Training (primitive), Basic Weapon Training (Las, SP), Pistol Training (Las, SP), Sound Constitution (x1), Peer (Administratum, Nobility, Underworld)

Traits: Etiquette, Nascent Power, Supremely Connected, Vendetta, Wealth

Gear: Autogun w/1 Clip, Autopistol w/1 clip, Brass Knuckles, Quilted Vest, Poor Quality Clothes (Street Clothes); Chrono, Filtration Plugs, Photo-Contacts; Long Las w/ red dot laser sight w/ 2 charge packs, Hardened Body Glove, Frag Grenades x6, Blind Grenades x2, Photon Flash Grenades x2

Gelt: 125

Warchest Wish List: Reinforced Footlocker w/ Biometric Lock, Several Sets of Clothing ranging in quality from Poor to Best, Chameleoline Cloak, Synskin, Mars Pattern Mark IV Command Laspistol w/red dot laser sight, Stun Grenades

Tips on the build of Drake? =^^= or does it look okay?

Dark Archive

Can I get a commitment from everyone to finish their character sheets by Sunday, July 24, 2016? So we can promptly start the game on July 25, 2016.

Well, if everyone thinks my sheet is fine, then i think im done. so yes, from me you have that ready =^^=

Radavel: Mechanics are done, aside from random powers which I'd like to do at the start of play and bonus gear. So I'm essentially good to go, I just want to flesh out my background which I'll try to do after work today.

Seth: Looks good to me, you do need to indicate which characteristic advances you took. I might pick up Ciphers(acolyte), it makes some shadowy stuff a little easier for the group as a whole, though its not strictly necessary.

Thanks. Will take a look after the braai(bbq) tonight


Male Cuddly L'il Fuzzy Hamster Psion (Telepath) 20

Guardsman Sergeant
XP: 2400
Spent XP: Background Package (200), Skills (1100), Talents (800), WS Simple Advance (100), BS Simple Advance (100)

Weapon Skill (WS) 34
Ballistic Skill (BS) 31
Strength (S) 43
Toughness (T) 35
Agility (Ag) 36
Intelligence (Int) 33
Perception (Per) 24
Willpower (Wil) 20
Fellowship (Fel) 27

Movement: Half 3 / Full 6 / Charge 9 / Run 18K

Awareness (Per)
Carouse (T)
Demolitions (Int)
Dodge (Ag)
Drive (Ground Vehicle) +20 (Ag)
Pilot (Military Craft) +10 (Ag)
Speak Language (Tribe Dialect)(Int)
Speak Language (Low Gothic)(Int)
Survival (Int)
Swim (S) +20

Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (Las)
Basic Weapons Training (Las)
Unshakeable Faith
Basic Weapon Training (SP)
Pistol Training (SP)
Basic Weapon Training (Launcher)
Common Lore (Imperial Guard)
Heavy Weapon Training (SP)
Quick Draw
Rapid Reload


  • Iron Stomach (+10 Carouse Skill Tests to resist effects of ingested toxins, poison, or tainted foods.)
  • Primitive (-10 on Tech-Use (Int) Tests, -10 to Fellowship Tests made in formal or civilized surroundings)
  • Rite of Passage (May spend a Full Action to make and Intelligence Test to staunch Blood Loss)
  • Wilderness Savvy (Navigation (Surface;Int), Survival (Int), Tracking (Int) count as Basic Skills)
  • Hunter’s Oath (never eat something you could not kill yourself, lest fate punish you for your arrogance)
  • Imperial Divination: There are no civilians in the battle for survival.

    Background Package: Soldier of the Margin Crusade

    Equipment: 500g-100-40-150-15-30-25-5-3
    Cash: 32 throne gelt
    Guard Flak Armour (All, AP: 4, Wt 11kg)
    Sword (Melee, 1d10+4 R, Primitive, Balanced, Wt 3kg)
    Knife (Melee, Thrown, 1d5+4 R, Primitive, Wt 0.5kg)
    Lasgun (Basic, Range 100m, ROF: S/3/-, 1d10+3 E, Pen 0, Clip 60, Rld: Full, Reliable, Wt 4kg)
    Ammo: 3 charge pack, ManStopper Bullets (+4 Pen) (30), Shotgun Shells (100), Bullets (60)
    Overcharged Long Las (Basic, Range 150m, ROF: S/-/-, 1d10+4 E, Pen 1, Clip 20, Rld: Full, Accurate, Reliable, Wt 4.5kg)
    Stub Revolver (Pistol, Range 30m, ROF: S/-/-, 1d10+3 I, Pen 0, Clip 6, Rld: 2Full, Reliable, Wt 1kg)
    Combat Shotgun (Basic, Range 30m, ROF: S/3/-, 1d10+4 I, Pen 0, Clip 18, Rld: Full, Scatter, Wt 6.5kg)
    Field Uniform
    1 week corpse starch rations
    Clip/Drop Harness
    Gas Mask
    Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer

  • I should be done by tomorrow unless something comes up, But I am certain I can commit to Sunday at least.

    Dark Archive

    for fans of eisenhorn and those picking up cipher (acolytes), i recommend glossia.

    Oh, if we were going to vote for ordos, Hereticus is my favorite. Tend to have lots of investigation and end up dealing with demons and xenos anyway.

    Also, might we be casting an eye toward the Ascension rules?

    EDIT: Seth86: You need to roll for Imperial Tarot, I just noticed.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    When you next see him Interrogator Kaplan is wearing an Arbites uniform, it would of seemed odd to think of the overly fastidious Kaplan in such a uniform but he fills it nicely and it appears tailored. He leads you to an interrogation room more reminiscent of a precinct fortress than the Tricorn Palace. Behind a pane of armored glass sits Roderick in a state of half undress, his chest is bare and while one could never describe him as muscular he is excellently toned. Electoos dance along his flesh, they appear to be criminal in origin but the quality of their workmanship is far above any ganger's means. He looks up at the armored glass after a few moments, though if he senses your presence it is hard to determine.

    “There's our boy, honorable inquisitor. We rounded him up in the guise of Arbites, not really necessary though, he was curled up with some pretty little thing and quite asleep when we arrived. Maintained the cover just in case though. He's dropped his name and a few connections, if we were actual Arbites we'd likely of let him go by now.” The interrogator smiled, “If we were actual Arbites. If you don't mind honorable inquisitor, I'd like first pass at him.”

    The interrogator nodded without waiting for acknowledgement and produced a vox bead, “Tapped into my own network, any questions just speak into it and I'll get answers. His full file is on the desk there.” With that the interrogator went through a side room and into the interview chamber.

    “Good evening Lord Kaplan,” he began but was quickly cut off by a string of invectives. Raising a hand for silence, Interrogator Kaplan continued, “do you know why you've been brought in?”

    “Oh, I truly don't know” the young noble said in that tone of practiced boredom that only those born into power and money can properly enunciate, “maybe that thing in Dross hive? But I've already cleared that up with the Administratum, big misunderstanding really.”

    The interrogator smiled and shook his head slowly, the noble's visage began to grow irritated. “No, Lord Kaplan, not that at all.”

    “The skycar then, I already paid for all the damages.”

    “Wrong again, Lord Kaplan.” The interrogator's slow shake of his head was a measured movement, long practiced to draw out a specific, desired response. By the look of irritation on the noble's face, it appeared to be working.

    “Maybe that shipment from the underhive? As I told the commandant, I'm sure that the proper papers were simply misfiled.” Lord Kaplan was maintaining his calm, but a practiced eye could see his mind turning over, trying to figure out the situation and why this low level arbiter would be so brave to bring in someone of his station. “If not that, then I simply have no idea what you could want to talk to me about.”

    The interrogator's grin nearly touched his ears, he clearly enjoyed his work. “Oh, I'm sure you do.” Interrogator Kaplan reached into his pocket and withdrew a small object, no larger than his palm, and tossed it almost cavalierly onto the table. The young noble eyed it a moment, not quite understanding what he was looking at. The look of puzzlement faded first into one of recognition, then terror. The small object was a simple, stylized, “I”.

    “No.” Roderick's voice was firm, but the tiniest tremor shook it. “No, not again, I was cleared of suspicion, cleared of charges. I served my Emperor three times and that was supposed to be it, you weren't calling me again.”

    The interrogator reached down and recovered his Rosette, “Now that's not quite right, little lord. We said we'd let you go on your crimes against the citizens of Fenksworld. The next time we cleared you of any wrongdoing on that little incident on Malfi. That last time you volunteered, used one of the old dead drops to alert us to that xenos artifact smuggler, I was kind of proud of you when I read that.”

    “Yeah, volunteered so you wouldn't surprise me and drag me into another of these waking nightmares.” Roderick sneered.

    “And today you get to volunteer once more, little lord. It seems that the Emperor needs a little sociopath like you once more.” the Interrogator chuckled. Roderick sank into his chair, deflated. After a moment Interrogator Kaplan subvocalized over the vox bead, “Anything you would like to ask now that I have him broken down for you sir?”

    Almagafor wrote:

    EDIT: Seth86: You need to roll for Imperial Tarot, I just noticed. sary.

    Tarot: 1d100 ⇒ 32 If a job is worth doing, its worth dying for - Frenzy

    Off to work, will post my advancements later today

    Dark Archive

    Inquisitor Seth Loki is almost close to bursting, as he contains the laughter about to spill out. "Ask the young lord, what he fears the most?"


    Intelligence x2

    Toughness x2

    Weapon Skill x1

    Interrogator Kaplan approached Roderick and lifted his chin so that he was forced to meet eyes with his questioner, "I would know what strikes terror in your heart, what plays through your nightmares?"

    "Aside from you?" the quip was half-hearted at best, then his eyes took on a distant look. "That thing on Malfi, it... when it burst from Baronet Santos, killed four of those acolytes who had come to the party. Their disguises were good, but not enough armor underneath... I can still hear the screams of the guardswoman as it ripped her arms off and..." he sighs, "That creature is what I fear."

    The file on the Malfi pleasure cult indicates that he might be referring to a daemon of the Prince of Excess. It had manifested near the end of the investigation as the forces of Inquisitor Mara closed in on the ringleaders at a ball attended by many of the local nobles and a few visiting dignitaries.

    "That's why I contacted you about the smuggler, I didn't want something like that to get out again. Didn't want..." he rubs the back of his right hand, the skin is overly smooth and unweathered, like it's newer than the rest of his hand. A brief look at his dossier shows that he was burned attempting to fire a plasma pistol that one of the fallen acolytes had dropped while fighting the daemon. His money allowed him to seek high quality treatment and replace the damaged flesh.

    So this should be the final sheet :)

    WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
    40 33 35 38 31 46 31 35 25

    Movement: 3/6/9/18
    Wounds: 11
    Corruption Points:0
    Insanity Points: 1
    Fate Points: 2

    Ciphers (Secret Society), Common Lore (Machine Cult +10, Tech +10), Demolition, Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), Literacy, Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis), Secret Tongue (Tech), Security, Speak Language (Low Gothic), Tech-Use +20, Trade (Copyist)

    Basic Weapon Training (Las), Pistol Weapon Training (Las), Melee Weapon Training (Primitive, Power), Technical Knock, Electro Graft Use, Frenzy, Unshakable faith, Machine (1), Hatred (Tech Heretics), Binary Chatter

    Traits: Stranger to the cult, Mechanicus Implants

    Mesh Combat Cloak (Arms 5, Body 5, Head 5, Legs 5)

    Great Weapon* (2d10+3 R; Pen 4; Primitive, Unwieldy, Mono),
    Laspistol (30m; S/-/-; 1d10+2 E; Pen 0; Clip 30; Reload Full; Reliable),
    Las Carbine (60m; S/2/-; 1d10+2 E; Pen 0; Clip 40; Reload Full; Reliable),
    Staff* (1d10+3 I; Pen 0; Balanced, Primitive)

    Backpack, Charm, Clothing, Sacred Machine Oil, Combat Ration Pack (5), Data-slate, Glow-globe/Lamp pack, Flak Vest, Mesh Combat Cloak, Laspistol, Las Carbine, Charge Pack (pistol), Charge Pack (basic), Mono Great Weapon*, Staff*

    Tarot: If a job is worth doing, its worth dying for - Frenzy

    Intelligence x1
    Toughness x1
    Weapon Skill x2

    Male Human Sentry, Wounds: 8/13 Fate: 3/3 Special 1/1 WS:26; BS:42; S:42; T:40; Agi:30; Int:54; Per:41; WP:38; Fel:34

    Wounds: 1d5 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
    Fate Points: 1d10 ⇒ 6
    Divination: 1d100 ⇒ 47

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Male Human Sentry, Wounds: 8/13 Fate: 3/3 Special 1/1 WS:26; BS:42; S:42; T:40; Agi:30; Int:54; Per:41; WP:38; Fel:34

    Ok, posting what I believe is the completed character sheet for Mr Scum.

    Dark Archive

    For those who are ready, post here using the alias of your character :-)

    Human Tech Priest


    reporting for duty

    Dark Archive

    Hmmm a soldier of the Margin Crusade. Fighting in the Achillus Crusade more like....

    Human Tech Priest

    How much XP could we spend?
    Im on 2400

    I just went off the book names and whatnot.

    I have 0 attachment to names/places, and limited knowledge of the deep Lore of DH, so feel free to change anything that needs changing!

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