Ulf Second Sight |

since an additional 5k xp will place you guys in rank 2, it is reasonable to that you guys have attained the 2nd level of renown.
and yes, wolves may use their previous characters subject to update as per additional XP.

Chimaera2000 |

Cool, we start off Respected! We're not the Rodney Dangerfields of Space Marines. :P
Just to confirm: are rules from Rites of Battle available for characters in this campaign? I was particularly looking at Deeds.
I'm out of town until Friday evening so I will post my Black Templar Apothecary's stats on Saturday.

Viluf Irontooth |

Hahaha I like how me and Einar have become simply "the Wolves". Makes us seem far more pack like.
Anyway I should be done I think, apart from my skills which need to be edited. And I have Req in there from the last time but I'll change that to reflect the starting mission req.

Assault Marine Dozeph |

Brother Viluf Irontooth, does the Devestator not come bearing a Heavy bolter w backpack ammo supply? And brother Kohnnor are you so inexperienced in the art of war?(just want to be sure you get all 6000 at Rank 2 w Respected Renown)
Brother Braggi Frostborn, it is elevating to see a fellow aspirant.

Einar Stormson |

Almost started going sniper rifle crazy, the remembered we are going on to a ship!
@ Ulf I'm not wanting it at this point, but because of the scout thing i miss tactical marine rank 1. If i wanted to get Rapid reload 200xp from aforementioned missed rank, how much would it cost me? I know in Dark heresy it is an extra 50xp, but not sure here.

Ulf Second Sight |

Almost started going sniper rifle crazy, the remembered we are going on to a ship!
@ Ulf I'm not wanting it at this point, but because of the scout thing i miss tactical marine rank 1. If i wanted to get Rapid reload 200xp from aforementioned missed rank, how much would it cost me? I know in Dark heresy it is an extra 50xp, but not sure here.
a +100 premium should be reasonable.

Einar Stormson |

@ Ulf. That sounds fair.
On holiday and could only bring core rulebook, so let us see what we can spend 100 req on!
Sorry i have been a bit slow, getting ready for holiday with major work events when you get back isn't the easiest. On holiday now though so plenty of time.

Apothecary Athalos |

My character's all statted out (finally, ugh). I get really into character-building and end up going in circles when there are lots of build options available. I opted to make him a supportive know-it-all and party face in the end, so hopefully that helps out if this turns out to be more than a straight-up Xenos sweep!
I'm typing him up into the message board now.

Apothecary Athalos |

My profile's complete and I'm ready for deployment. I'll add 17 Req to the pool, so we're up to 50 leftover Req for the party.
How would we like to spend our leftover Req? I was thinking of some possibilities...
1) A Multi-Melta could let us cut through bulkheads or walls in the ship, which opens up some really interesting or efficient movement possibilities.
2) An Auspex or Augur Array is pretty awesome for their Perception bonuses (+20 Awareness). Would you like one of those, Brother Dozeph? Besides the big Awareness boost, your Tech Use means you could even detect gases and radiation like how Braggi Frostborn can with his augur array.
3) Stummers for the party (5 req / Marine) could let us perform some stealth attacks with their +30 Move Silently.
What do you think? What other thoughts do we have on how to spend the rest of our Req?

Assault Marine Dozeph |

Iron Hand Astartes are very direct and Dozeph would take insult if it was suggested that he is not strong enough to succeed without trickery. As for the auspex it would work better on Dinar, my Perception is fairly bad. More of a point and massacre character.
Otherwise we may want to hold onto the pool for potential assets.

Einar Stormson |

I've already got a stummer if that helps, I did think about an auspex myself (but spent it on my plasma gun instead!), would be even more useful for a techmarine,but then i see Braggi already has one. Meltas and Plasma guns are the same price so i could switch if people want.

Apothecary Athalos |

Awesome! Thanks, Ulf!
The idea of Imperial Assets is interesting, Dozeph... even something like an Aquila Lander for 10 Req could give us a one-time redeployment to another area of the ship.
(Also, I think it'd be hilarious if we burned all our Req on the Assault Strike Force Asset. When we get swarmed by Genestealers, we send in five valiant Assault Marines to die terribly for us as we run away screa.... I mean, as we retreat tactically to a stronger position. :P)
For gear, I'd like to propose we spend 20 Req on a Camo-Cloak for Einar (+20 Concealment). Even if the rest of us can't be sneaky bastards like him, I think we can agree that if our Scout gets detected he's in for a Really Bad Time (TM).
For myself, I like the idea of having one regular melta gun for cutting through the really heavy bulkheads (the ARM 32 ones) so we can save Braggi's melta bomb for something fun late on in the mission. It is another 20 Req, though, so that's up to everyone.
What do you think?

Einar Stormson |

Thats when the dipole power sword comes out ;) Normal melta should be ok, as no blast, I could swap out plasma gun for melta if it helps, won't be much good at range after that though.

Apothecary Athalos |

Nah, don't worry about swapping out your plasma gun, Einar. It's important that everyone gets to use the weapon they actually want to use. :)
Bulkhead shears are a really good idea, Dozeph. This is the perfect situation to use them in. They cost less Req than a melta gun too, so we could potentially afford an Auspex/Augur Array in addition to whatever else we pick up.
Maybe something like Bulkhead Shears (17), Augur Array (13), and 20 Req for.... ?

Apothecary Athalos |

Missile launchers are really effective anti-Horde weapons, definitely! I especially like them with Fire for Effect for double-tap 18 Magnitude Damage at long range. For myself, I won't be able to wield one because my BS score is garbage; I'll use a heavy flamer for close-range engagements. Is anyone else interested in a missile launcher?
My thinking for an Auspex / Augur Array was the same as in D&D dungeon-delving; when there are hidden beasties about, your Perception can never be too high! Braggi does have one, though, so we can leave it if we're confident in our Awareness.
If we'd like some other options for Req purchases, some other ones that I found cool were a Deathwatch suspensor for Viluf (25 Req, can move while firing Full-Auto) and the Arcane Secrets Imperial Asset (15 Req, remove a penalty from a weapon; could remove Recharge or Overheats from Einar's plasma gun).

Ulf Second Sight |

Meta-Game Mission details
Primary Objective: Find and recover the Halo of Providence from the Ardent Crown (Skilled Objective, 25 Requisition).
• Primary Objective: Uncover the xenos involvement with the Halo of Providence and stop it (Veteran Objective, 30 Requisition).
• Secondary Objective: Keep the Ardent Crown from striking Solace (Skilled Objective, 20 Requisition).
• Tertiary Objective: Eliminate any targets of opportunity along the way (Veteran Objective, 15 Requisition).
• Tertiary Objective: Rescue any surviving ship’s crew or passengers (Skilled Objective, 10 Requisition).

Einar Stormson |

Bringing the leader discussion over here. Obvious choices is Athalos with highest Fel and command as a trained skill, although Viluf is up there too. I'm out of the running, does anyone want to be leader for starters?

Apothecary Athalos |

I agree that if our Tactical Marine (Brother Kohnnor) shows up out of the blue, he should be the leader.
In his absence, I think Athalos will help the party most if he's the squad leader. Since we don't have a jerkface Ultramarine around ( :P ), he provides us with the highest Cohesion and Command checks. Apothecaries open up a kick-butt selection of Oaths for a squad (like Knowledge for +10 WS & BS vs Eldar) and his Fearless talent makes the team immune to Cohesion damage from Fear-causing creatures.
He has Tactics (Recon and Stealth) too, so maybe we'll sneak up on someone. Maaaaaaybe. :P