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It started years ago in China when Glow In The Dark Baby started emitting light in the hospital's neo-natal ward. Everyone was surprised, amazed even. Then everyone started exhibiting some power, some quirk that transformed them from human to superhuman. Our world became a super-powered society and what was but a dream decades before became reality.
And for you this dream starts today -- at the games of UA, the world's premier hero preparatory school.
This is the story of how you became the world's greatest superhero.

Shu Q Megami aka "Life Hack" |

"For the last time, no," a little electrical ball said to a teenager.
The kid was about shorter than average for a 14 year-old kid. He had his spiky brown hair tied with a blue headband. His shirt was orange that extended into white long sleeves, his shorts were black, and he wore some orange shoes. He was a fairly thin kid, as well.
Both of them were outside of a vending machine. "But come on, Cada, I'm thirsty. It's just one drink. I'll pay the machine double next time."
"Maybe next time, you'll remember your wallet, Mr. I-never-forget-anything," the sphere sassed back. "Besides, if I get caught trying to possess this thing, you're gonna get expelled. That'd be pretty embarrassing, especially on your first day."
Shu sighed. "Okay, okay, fine, you win for now." He started to walk slowly towards where his new school was located.
"Cheer up, man," CICADA said. "It's a new school, maybe you'll make some new friends."
"Yeah yeah yeah." It was no surprise to Shu that he placed high on the exams. The written part was fairly easy enough, and the opponents that they fought were machines. Yeah, they were complicated, and CICADA had to possess their firearms, more than the full machines themselves, but it got the job done.
He approached the gates of his new school, he walked through them, not tripping the alarm because while he did forget his wallet, he did not forget his own school I.D. He also knew that CICADA wouldn't just possess the alarms to keep them from sounding as that was 'against the rules'.

Toshi Neon |

This is what his trail looks like when running. It leaves behind split second afterimages of him in neon light.
Toshi skids to a stop in front of the school gates, the treads on his sneakers smoking from the friction. His too-long limbs gave him a gangly appearance like he still had much growing to do. He was in khaki shorts and a pale blue collared shirt, both looking like they had been pressed this morning, and still looked clean and sharp. His hair was black, cut short, and ruffled from wind. Only the smoking shoes and the goggles seated on top of his head really stood out.
Grinning to himself, he trotted into the gates, adjusting his collar and checking the time on his phone. "Okay Toshi, you're here on time!" he says to himself. "Cutting through that industrial block was definitely a short-cut! Gotta keep that route in mind. I wonder who else is going to be in my class?" he looks around at the people drifting in. "Maybe the guy with the horns? Oh, is that Negaton's kid? What about that kid with the lightning bug? Are those wings?"
He's seemingly unaware he's running his mouth.

Nishiwaki Teruo |

At the gates Teruo swiftly descends, raising a bit of dust. He wears simple blue jeans and a green hoodie with a cut on his back for the wings. His hair is cut just over the chin and swept back. Well, it is usually swept back, but after flying it's all shaggy. Which he tries to adjust, but soon gives up.
A few others are also at the gates or going through them. He notices a guy talking to himself. ...Are those wings?
"Hi! You're here for the hero classes too?"

Alekos "Zephyr" Economides |

Zephyr circles above the school at top speed to slow his descent. As he reaches the ground, a miniature gust kicks up the dust around him. The back of his denim jacket flies up a bit when he lands. The boy is taller than most, and thin too, but he carries himself with confidence and a beaming smile. He keeps his white hair short and spiked. He immediately notices the kid that outraced him in the skies.
"Hey. Nice to see you here. I wanted to say hi up there, but you know, wind."

Toshi Neon |

To clarify, my flight power only works while in contact with a surface. This means I can essentially 'run' up walls, across water, etc. But I can't actually 'fly' through the air (I plan on taking a separate flight power to take gliding later). I know you were talking to Teruo, but I just wanted to make sure that's clear for everyone.
So many people, and some came to talk to him!
"Yeah! Nice to see you too! You two fly? That's awesome! I'm Toshi." he exclaims, grinning brightly. On his arms and legs where they're not covered by clothes, you can see stripes of dark plastic-looking stuff faintly hum as they light up with a neon blue color. The kid notices and takes a deep breath, focusing for a few seconds until the lights flicker and fade away. "Sorry about that, happens when I get too excited." he says, changing the subject quickly. "Are you two first-years too? This is going to be an awesome class! I wonder who else is going to be here."

Robert_Fuller_ |

A tall blond haired boy walks up to the group. He is wearing blue jeans and a white T shirt. As he approaches, his ears seem to perk up a little and his nostrils flare.
We're allowed to use our powers outside of school? Cool. Maybe. They have wings and I don't. Are some powers allowed and others not? Got to check.
Lets see what these people smell like. That one smells like Fabreeze. The other smells like electricity. Interesting
"Hi there. I'm Robert, also a first year. You guys fly do you? That is such a great power to have. Can you go really, really fast? Like jet engine fast?"

Toshi Neon |

"Oh I run. Can't fly, but I am pretty fast!" the neon kid exclaims.

FannieMae "Fae" Bihan |

As students gather at the gates of the academy, some might notice what appears to be a lost elementary school kid. She's barely 4' tall, and shrouded in a very oversized hoodie. She peers nervously out form under the hood, glancing between a campus map and the crowds of students talking around her.
Have we done the entrance exam combat yet? Someone's post earlier hinted that we had, but I was hoping to play that out, as something unusual would have to happen, because I have no attack powers.

Shu Q Megami aka "Life Hack" |

yeah I was hoping that we would get to go through the entrance exams too, but yeah, we've already been through them.
Italicized words from now on is when CICADA talks and Bolded will be when Shu talks so I can differentiate between the two when I don't want to say "CICADA said" or "Shu said".
"Hey, look those must be some of your classmates," CICADA told Shu. "We should go say hi, make a good first impression"
"And look totally stupid? No, thank you. I'm gonna go inside," he dismissed the group.
"Oh come on, it'll be fun, and besides, you need some new friends anyways. How are you going to be anyone's hero if you stay cold?"
"For the last time I said n-"
Gilligan cut.
Shu found himself beside the group of heroes, "Hey, I'm Shu.
"And I'm CICADA, pleased to meet all of you.

Setsuna Kailani |

P.S. At this point your PCs have just passed the entrance exam and are going to UA for the 1st day of your 3-year Hero Course. You have other classmates in the class but they are just in the background as it is you who are the stars of this show.
It looks like we did pass the entrance exam. Radavel also said earlier that we would be running it, but it looks like he changed his mind.
Beneath the comforting shade of a nearby tree "sits" (in actuality, floating in a crisscross sitting position) a young woman who keeps mostly to herself. Sporting dark obsidian hair and marble skin, she is dressed modestly in designer jeans and a dress shirt. She is tapping away at her smartphone, though she also occasionally takes a peek at her surroundings with sharp golden eyes. To the observant, her body language comes across as slightly antsy.

Komaba Uryu |

Uryu walks up to the gate, before noticing the group and walking up to them instead. "Hey, how are you all doing? Quite the place, isn't it?". He quickly produces a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping his brow. "I am a little nervous... just a bit. Or maybe it's just hot."
In response to Cicada, he notes "Who the hell was that?"

Robert_Fuller_ |

To Cicada and Shu
"Hello there Cicada, Shu. Uh, are you the student and is he your companion? Or the other way around? Or are both of you students?"
To both of them
"Lets go to class and get a good seat"
Robert proceeds to the classroom and takes a seat that is neither at the front or at the back, somewhere in the middle. But not PRECISELY in the middle, of course.

Toshi Neon |

Toshi watches the group interact with a high level of enthusiasm before heading into the classroom and taking a seat near the window and to the front.

Shu Q Megami aka "Life Hack" |

"Well, you see..." CICADA was about to answer Robert when Shu butts in.
"I'm the student and he's the pain in my neck."
"Think of me as Shu's Quirk," CICADA continued. He gave the best look for a smirk for a ball of lightning before continuing, And the only thing keeping him from becoming a criminal."
"Hey!.....okay yeah, that's probably true."
Shu ended up taking the seat closest to the door at the front of the room. He was willing to pay attention, but as soon as the class was over, he was out of there.

Setsuna Kailani |

When the gates open, the resident "vampire" (as some have taken to call her) tucks her smartphone away and lazily floats after the rest of her peers. As the crowd starts to thin as the other students go to their homerooms, she starts to pay attention to the individuals who stay with her on the journey to their homeroom. Rather fittingly, she takes a seat in the darkest part of the room. She continues to intently study everyone present.

FannieMae "Fae" Bihan |

Second floor, east wing, here it is.
She stepped into the room and looked around. She hadn't really looked at anyone since she got here, having the excuse of studying her map, but now she was standing alone at the front of the room with EVERYONE STARING RIGHT AT HER.
They're NOT all looking at me, just find a seat! she told herself desperately. The window seats were filling up fast, but there was at least one left, in the middle. She scrambled into the chair and sat with her hand on her chest, focusing on slowing her racing heart. She opened her eyes and noticed the desk top was as high as her collarbone.

Toshi Neon |

"Hey. Hi." A voice from in front of the desk says, Toshi waving and smiling at Fae from where he twisted in his seat. "You, uh, need a book to sit on? I got the Heroe's Lexicon of One-Liners, if you're needing something." he holds out a massively thick book, which has been earmarked and tabbed with what you think are categories of puns and other stupid hero humor.

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All of a sudden and without preamble nor warning, a man of indeterminate age appears behind the teacher's desk. He is six feet tall, blond hair and perfect teeth. He is in a casual Hawaiian polo shirt and pants. "Students, please take your seats. I am your homeroom teacher, Mr. Herbert Frank."
Handing what appears to be a folder to Toshi Neon who is sitting in front row. "Our first order of business would be for you all to fill up the seat plan, I just handed to... um," Mr. Frank starts checking some notes, "... Mr. Neon here."
The GM is open to questions about the physical appearance of Mr. Frank.
PS anyone who hasn't posted yet is considered late/absent for class.

Toshi Neon |

Do any of us recognize him from TV?
"Sure thing, Mr. Frank!" Toshi says, filling his part out and passing it back, unless it seems obvious that he's supposed to just handle it himself.

Setsuna Kailani |

Is he built like one of those muscular lifeguards? That's the imagine I get from a tall blonde guy in a Hawaiian shirt.
The vampire scrawls the name Setsuna Kailani on the seat plan.
"Uh, sir," Setsuna says as she tilts her head toward the other, much smaller girl in the room. "I don't think it would be very fair if she had to sit on a book all year."

Robert_Fuller_ |

When you said "appeared" do you mean that he was suddenly there? As if he teleported in, or came in invisible, or something like that? Or were we just not paying attention"
When the list gets in Robert signs in, trying hard to make his signature the same size as the others.
"Mr Frank, you called him "Mr Neon". Do we go by surnames here then?"

Komaba Uryu |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Uryu simply puts Uryu on the seat plan, before passing it to the next person.
I'm imagining the teacher as Owen Wilson, and refuse to take any other description :)

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"Mr Frank, you called him "Mr Neon". Do we go by surnames here then?"
Mr. Frank smiles, flashing those pearly whites, "I'm just an Old-School kinda guy. And I give respect in order to get respect. But why don't you all indicate the name you prefer I call you on the seat plan."
Could be any of the means you mentioned but you just not sure which, Robert.

FannieMae "Fae" Bihan |

"Hey. Hi." A voice from in front of the desk says, Toshi waving and smiling at Fae from where he twisted in his seat. "You, uh, need a book to sit on? I got the Heroe's Lexicon of One-Liners, if you're needing something." he holds out a massively thick book, which has been earmarked and tabbed with what you think are categories of puns and other stupid hero humor.
OMGSOMEONEISTALKINGTOME"Ah! Um, thanks..." she says as she starts to shakily reach for the hefty volume. But the literally sudden appearance of the teacher startles her, and she falls out of her chair with a squeak.

Toshi Neon |

Toshi had only put the name "Neon" on the seating chart.
When Fae pops off her seat and falls, Toshi winced but is quick to put the book down on the chair so she can sit higher when she gets back in it. He goes to help her up, but is surprised to see Setsuna helping already.
"Psst. I'm Toshi. Call me Neon." He whispers to the taller of the two.

Shu Q Megami aka "Life Hack" |

"Ugh, please tell me you've got better jokes than that," groaned Shu.
"There's, no need to be rude to her. Apologize to her now," demanded CICADA. It started to generate more sparks than usual.
"You taking her side? No shock there......" his eyes widened upon realizing his accidental pun. "Oh great, it's contagious."

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Assuming that you have all signed in the seat plan
Mr. Frank looks at the seat plan and smiles, "My dear students, we shall have an assessment of your abilities for today's class. Kindly change into your gym uniforms. They are in your lockers. Don't worry they should fit."
"Thereafter, we shall proceed to the athletics field."

Toshi Neon |

Toshi will head to the locker room once he gets directions. Getting changed takes him practically no time, and he will wander his way to the athletics field. He will make conversation with whoever is nearby, mostly just introductions and getting to know some of the other classmate's quirks.

Robert_Fuller_ |

Robert changes into his uniform. He is quite excited to both show his powers and discover what powers others have.
To Toshi
"This is more like it. We get to use our quirks and see others quirks. What can you do? I can change into the form of any animal that I've seen and studied. Well, within some limits. Can't do bacteria yet :-)

Toshi Neon |

Toshi stares at Robert in amazement. "You can transform?! Awesome!" he exclaims. "I can project neon light beams out of my body. I can push my powers and turn into neon, which makes me lighter and faster, but it's really, really bright."