Leaf Leshy

GM Eddv's page

2,378 posts. Alias of eddv.

Organized Play Characters

Jeggare Noble
Sovereign Court Archibald Peck

Male Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 10 | Bardic Music: 11/25 | HP: 67/76 AC: 32 CMD: 28 CMB + 8 | F: 9 R: 13 W 10 ( 12 vs Charm and compulsion) | Perception: -1 Sense Motive: -1 | Init +8 (175 posts)
Demon Hunter
Scarab Sages Ali Salujah

Aasimar Paladin 11 (Chosen One) HP: 93/103 | F: 16 R: 10 W: 13 | AC: 27 FF: 25 T: 13 CMD: 29 | Init: +7 Per +15 SM: +20 | LoH 8/17, Smites: 0/4 (227 posts)
Grand Lodge Viscount Abel Mercer

Taldane Human Sorceror 15 (Arcane) HP 26/121 | AC 22 CMD 18| F: +11 R: +10 W: +15| MM: 1/5 | Perception: +24 Init: +12 (86 posts)
Dark Archive Vargo Starling

Male LN Half-Elf Hellknight Challenges 2/2, Smites 3/4
Other Daily Abils:
Freedom 1/1, Breath of Life 1/1, Ankh 3/3, Exped. 3/3 , Versatile Intimidate 3/3, Summon 3/3, Fearsomeness 3/3, Hellknight Aegis Procced? N
HP: 102/139 | AC: 33 (FF:31 T:17) | CMB +23 (+30 Sunder) CMD 40 (45 vs Sunder) | Init: +2 | Per: +20 SM: +0 | Saves: F: +21 R: +11 W: +11 (+2 vs enchantment, +6 vs Compulsion, +4 vs Fear, +2 vs Phantasm, +2 vs Transmutation) (64 posts)
Jamus Hainard
Liberty's Edge Bernard Zeppel

Halfling Cleric 5 HP 39/39 | F: 9 R: 7 W: 11| AC: 22 T: 13 FF: 20 | CMB +1 CMD 14 | PER: +12 SM: +10 Init: +2 (115 posts)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Dirty Tactics Toolbox (PFRPG)
The Concordance Kato Koisumi

Male CG Kitsune Unchained Rogue Init: +6 (8 in urban areas) HP: -4/52. | Fort: +5 Ref +12 Will +7 (+ 2 to resist charm, compulsion, and fear effects) | AC 23 T 16 FF 18 CMD 20 | Major Magic 2/3 | Per +16 (+3 to find traps and +2 in urban areas) SM: +1 (35 posts)
Lictor Rouen Stought
Dark Archive Oddler Oddrik

Ganzi Dual-Cursed Oracle 4
Misfortune Targets:
Red Shark
HP 31/31 | AC: 22 (FF:21 T:12) F: 4 R: 3 W: 5 CMD 15| Spells 1: 4/6, 1: 3/4 Quibble 0/1, Instant armor 2/2, Possessed 1/1; Init: +1, Perc +1, SM + 1 (51 posts)
Liberty's Edge Consequences Leatherbottom

Male Halfling HP:18/35 | AC 21 FF 16 T 16 CMB +1 CMD 16 | Per + 10 SM +1 Init +5 | Smokesticks: 3/4 Assault Leader 0/1 Adaptable Luck 0/3 uRogue (Escapologist) 4 (63 posts)
The Exchange "Blondie"

Human Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) (0 posts)
Boggard Hunter
Dark Archive Glenn Kerosin

Grippli Alchemist (Blightseeker/Bogborn Alchemist) 2 HP: 15/16, F:7 R: 8 W: 3 | AC: 18 T 14 FF 15 CMD 11 | Per: +6 Init: +4 | Bombs 4/6, Speed 30 ft, 20 ft Climb (85 posts)
Card Caster
Dark Archive Hermes Karlan

Wayang (1 post)
Dwarven Trader
The Exchange Geico All-Hearth

LN Dwarf HP: 45/45 | F: 8 R 5 W 9 (+5 vs spells and poisons) | AC 21 T: 14 FF: 19 CMD 21 | Per + 3 SM + 10 | Init + 5 Judgement 2/2, Blessed Correction 3/3, Spell Scent 1/1, Determination 3/3, 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 (57 posts)
Kestoglyr Mantiel
Silver Crusade Dante Virgilis

Dhampir Paladin (Martyr) HP 58/58 | 24 AC 12 T 23 FF CMD 19 | Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +7 | LoH 9/9 Divine Bond 1/1 Stigmata 14/14 Spells: 2/2; Per +1 SM + 1 Init + 3 20 ft aura granting +4 morale bonus vs.fear effects, disease, bardic performance, sonic effects, language-dependent effects, and gaze attacks. (39 posts)
Sovereign Court Leofrick, Chosen of Aroden
(0 posts)
Hobgoblin Commander
Grand Lodge Hanzi Logain

CG Male Nagaji Fighter (Venomblade) 8 92/92 HP 25 AC 23 FF 15 T 20 CMD 24 | F: +11 R +7 W +5 (+2 vs Mind-Affecting, Poison) | Spit Venom 6/6| Per +11 Init + 5 (191 posts)
Grand Lodge Polanco Goldhammer

Male Dwarf Fighter 7/Cleric of Cayden Cailean 1 HP: 75/75 | AC 27 T:13 F: 25 CMD 24| F +12 R +6 W +10 (+2 vs Poison and Spells) | Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, Per +13 (+2 to notice unusual stonework) SM +2 (294 posts)
Jarvaxus Garestic
Silver Crusade Londo Greenbottle

LG Half Orc HP: 38/38 | F +7 R +4 W +6 | AC 17 (21) FF 16 (20) T 12 (16) CMB +7 CMD 19 | Bonded Senses 8/8 Bonded Manifestation 8/8 Per: +0 SM: +0 Init: +5
Zarisha Stats:
HP: 26/26 AC 19 T: 13 FF: 16 | F + 5 R + 4 W + 4 | CMB +5 CMD 18 | Per +7 SM 0 Init + 3
(417 posts)
The Concordance Thornberry

M Gnome Druid (leshy warden/wild whisperer) HP: 15/15 | AC: 19 CMD: 10 | F: 5 R: 2 W: 3 | lowlight vision, Per + 9 SM +2 init +2 (158 posts)
Gadka Burtannon
Grand Lodge Raibert Slagsun of Molthune
(29 posts)
Azvernathi Raul
The Exchange Euhaire the Advocate

Human (Chelish) Cleric (Asmodean Advocate) (0 posts)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #98: Turn of the Torrent (Hell's Rebels 2 of 6) (PFRPG)
Sovereign Court Sir Falcon von Raptor

NG Human Samurai of Apsu 4 | Bites 5/5 HP 35/35| AC 20 T 14 FF 16 | F6 R 5 W 1 | Resolve 2/2 Challenges 3/3 | Per -1 Init: +3 (262 posts)
Vine Wrangler Elf
The Exchange Abatton RedClay of Ekujae
(0 posts)
Lucretia Daellum Adella
Dark Archive Liv Moore'

HP 43/44 | AC 18 T 14 FF 15 CMD 14 | F +9 R+7 W+8 |Telekinetic Fist: 9/9 Init +3 Perception +11 N Elven Female Wizard (transmuter) 6 (91 posts)
Molthuni Captain
The Concordance Jax El' Ric

Human (Garundi) Magus (Jistkan Artificer) 3 (0 posts)
Flytrap Leshy
Liberty's Edge Ser Oakley
(0 posts)
Shenmen Merchant
The Concordance Seward Sodalug

NG Halfling Ranger 9 Init +5 Perception +16 AC 24 (27), t 18, ff 19 (22), hp 86/86 Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +7 +2 vs. fear, (246 posts)

Grand Lodge Douglas Edwards 293
(0 posts)

Scarab Sages Disraeli Mountbatten
(0 posts)
Baby Brass Dragon
The Concordance Prax of Many Colours

LN male crystal kobold uMonk/rogue 18/18 hp| 18 AC 14 CMD | +3 F +8 R +2 W | +9 Per +4 Init +5 CMB (+7 Dirty Trick) (+6 1d3-2) (19 posts)
Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) "Wheeler"

Vash "Wheeler" Wesveg Ysoki (Corporate Agent) Envoy 9/Soldier1 SP: 59/66 HP: 57/57 RP: 6/8 | KAC: 28 EAC: 27 | F+7 R+12 W+10| Speed 40, Per +1 SM +14+d6+2 Init:+14 DR 7/-, Cold 10, Fire 10, Elec 10 - feedback 2d6 (154 posts)
Spider Eater
Exo-Guardians He-who-grinds-blades-to-dust

NG Haan (WIld Warden) Soldier (Armor Storm/Star Knight) 7 | SP: 8/56 HP: 53/53 RP: 9/9 | KAC: 27 EAC: 25 vs CM: 32 (20% fortification) DR 5/-, elec res 5| F: 7 R: 6 W: 6 (+2 vs Spells) | Init + 3 Perc: +8 | Speed 35 ft/40 ft unarmored (264 posts)
Dataphiles Chassarch

Halfling Technomancer 5 SP 0/35 HP: 2/27 RP: 6/6 | EAC 21 KAC 21| F +5 R +7 W +5 | Init +5 Per +2 SM +0 | 1: 4/5 2: 2/3 4 (58 posts)
Warmaze Master
Second Seekers (Roheas) Sudoku Whitney

Nuar Solarion (0 posts)
Dr. Olmehya Solstarni Wehir of House Raimar
Wayfinders Peet the Kasath Kommando

50 SP 35 HP 7 RP EAC 20 KAC 22 (21 posts)
Stewards Stalwart
Second Seekers (Roheas) Kash No Body
(0 posts)
Lictor Rouen Stought
Manifold Host Kamille St James

Damai Mechanic 2 (Phrenic Adept) (0 posts)
Abadarcorp Employee
Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) Blartle Doss

Lashunta Solarion 4 EAC 19 KAC 20 | HP 32/32 SP 36/36 | F +5 R +5 W +5 | Speed 30 Current Conditions: None (21 posts)

Exo-Guardians Arctakio Pyrebach
(0 posts)

Cognates Gamma Vibes
(0 posts)

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Trumpet Cluster
(0 posts)

Occult Adventures 2 Occult Adventures 2 Deck - Erasmus

Fighter Fighter Deck - Flenta

Douglas Edwards 46
(0 posts)
Cirieo Thessaddin
Grand Archive Wardell Smyles

Male/He/Him Gutsy Halfling Thief Rogue 2 HP 24/24 | AC 19 | F 5 R 10 W 7 | Per +7 Cold Res 1 Mental Res 1 Evil Res 1 | Trapfinding/Keen Eyes (1 post)
Island Defender
Horizon Hunters The Black Hart

Non-Binary NG Press-Ganged Seer Elf Wizard 4 | AC 18 (19), Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +10 |HP 34/34 | Hero Point: 1 Staff Charges (2) (26 posts)
Leaf Leshy
Horizon Hunters Leafi Kohlrabi

None Leshy (Leaf) - HP: 18/18 Hero Pts: 1/1 Ki: 1/1 | AC: 17 F: +7 R: +7 W: +7 | Per: +5 Monk (Monastic Weapons) 1 | Spd: 25 | Low-light Vision (36 posts)
Skywin Freeling
Horizon Hunters Meeko Greencomb
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Anheuser "Bud" Anvilslag
(0 posts)
Horizon Hunters Truck Thunders

Halfling Champion (Liberator) 3 | AC 20 F +8 R + 9 W +7 | HP 39/39 (30 posts)

Horizon Hunters Boony the Fake GM Credit Ooze
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Puff the Bone
(0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Chromium Crow Guntz
(0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Gerald of Kols
(0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Lady Grey
(0 posts)
Dog Rider
The Exchange Cormac Polmar

Halfling Slayer 1 (28 posts)


Azmur Kell
Alistair Maxwell

Male Human (Oeridan/Suel Mixed) Bard 1
HP: 24 Fortitude: +2 Reflex: +5 Will: +4 Init: +4 | AC: 17 T: 12 FF: 15 CMD: 16 CMB: +4| Per +0 Sense Motive +10| Bardic Music 10/10
(116 posts)

Dark Archive The Ambitious 101
(29 posts)
Dark Archive Eddv's Poog
(114 posts)
Mage Slayer
Erik the Redeemer

Male Half-Orc (Skilled; City-Raised) Fighter (Lore Warden 1) (4 posts)
Leaf Leshy
Scarab Sages GM Eddv

Leafy Leshy Cavalier Ire of the Storm Campaign (2,378 posts)
Varisian Wanderer
Gresham Lake

Male Human (Varisian) Rogue (Rake/Scout) 1
Quick Stats:
HP: 10 | F: 1 R: 5 W: 1 | AC: 17 T: 13 FF: 14 CMD 14 | Init +5 Per: +5 SM: +5
(1 post)
Hellknight Moldren Gresham

Half-elf 5 Gestalt Cavalier(gendarme)/Fighter(Phalanx Soldier) (3 posts)
Echo Wood Scout
Khalil Karsod
(4 posts)
Dark Archive Meraina by Eddv

”Meraina” Female CG human sorcerer 1[/ooc | HP 8/8 | [ooc]AC 13 T 13 FF 10 | CMB +0, CMD 13 | F +1, R +2, W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None (26 posts)
Jarvaxus Garestic
The Exchange Mr Serpens

AC 19 Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +5 | HP 26/26 Ancient Elf Reputation Seeker Fighter 2 | Exploration Activity: Stealth +7 | Cane in right hand, left hand open | Conditions: None (74 posts)
Jamus Hainard
Polmar Finn

Halfling Warpriest of Nuada Silverhand
HP: 33/33 |F: +6 R: +5 W:+6 CMD: 15 | Init: +5 | Per: +11 (+13 in dim light) | Senses: Low-light | Spells: 4/4 level 1s, Blessings: 4/4, Fervor 4/4
(136 posts)
Sleggar Vellici

Male Human (Chelish) Fighter (Lore Warden) 1
HP:12/13 | Init:+2 | F: +4 R: +2 W: +0 | AC: 17 T: 12 FF: 15 | BAB+1 CMD:16 CMB: +4 | Perception: +0
(160 posts)
Female Human
Suana Dragand
(13 posts)
Headhunter Wayfinder
Grand Lodge Vintner

HP 27/27| F: 3 R: 4 W: 10 | AC19 T:13 FF: 16 | N Small plant (leshy) Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +7 (67 posts)