
Sleggar Vellici's page

160 posts. Alias of eddv.

Full Name

Sleggar Vellici


Human (Chelish) Fighter (Lore Warden) 1


HP:12/13 | Init:+2 | F: +4 R: +2 W: +0 | AC: 17 T: 12 FF: 15 | BAB+1 CMD:16 CMB: +4 | Perception: +0








Lawful Neutral


Abadar, Order of the Scourge


From Cheliax


Common, Infernal, Azlanti



Strength 18
Dexterity 13
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About Sleggar Vellici

Sleggar Vellici
Male Human Lore Warden Fighter 1
LN Medium humanoid (Human - Chelaxian)
Init +2; Senses Normal; Perception +0
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 Scale mail +2 Dex)
Hp 13 (1d10+2+1FC)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0;
Speed 30 ft.
Melee (Normal) 1d20+4

Whip 1d3+3
Heavy Mace 1d8+3

Melee (Power Attack) 1d20+3
Whip[2H] 1d3+7
Heavy Mace[2H] 1d8+7

Ranged 1d20+3
Longbow 1d8

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8

Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16

H: Medium Armor Proficiency
1: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Whip
1B: Power Attack
Traits: Lover of the Law ( +1 trait bonus on saves vs. charm and compulsion effects, if directed to break law, may attempt a new save at +2), Reckless (+1 to Acrobatics, Acrobatics is always a class skill)
Skills (2+2(lore warden)+1+2(background)+1(Skilled)=8/level:
Acrobatics +3 (1 rank, 1 trait 3 CB, -4 ACP)
Knowledge: The Planes +5 (1 Rank, +3 CB),
Knowledge Engineering +5 (1 Rank, +3 CB)
Swim: +3(1 rank, 3 CB, -4 ACP)
Knowledge: History +5 (1 rank, +3 CB),
Linguistics +5 (1 Rank, +3 CB)
Lore Warden:
Knowledge: Arcana +5 (1 Rank, +3 CB)
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +5 (1 Rank, +3 CB)

Languages Common, Infernal, Azlanti

Special Abilities
Flexible Artibute: +2 To any Atribute. Chose Str
Bonus Feat: One Bonus Feat. Chose Medium Armor Proficiency
Skilled: 1 Bonus Skill Point at First level, and 1 Extra Skill point at ever level after first.
Lore Warden: +2 skill points per level, must be spent on int-based skills. All Int based skills are class skills for a Lore Warden

Equipment - 75 lbs (light load)
Soldier's Uniform - 5
Whip - 2
Heavy Mace - 8
Scale Mail (emblazoned with seal of Hellknight Order of the Scourge)- 30
Longbow - 3
40 Arrows - 6
Rope, Hempen (50 ft.)- 10
Hammock - 3
Small tent - 20
3 torches (on person) - 3
Flint and steel - 0
Donkey with Saddle - 0
- Donkey is carrying 97 torches, 8 sacks
Backpack - 2
2 Sacks - 1
10 bars of Soap - 2.5
7pp, 4gp, 25sp

Sleggar Vellici is a rookie Hellknight out of Cheliax who was given orders to prove himself. The Hellknight order lacked a major presence in the area and the leadership thinks sending a Hellknight to help with their problems would do wonders for the Order of the Scourge's reputation in the area. And if rumors were true the order could be put to good use helping the Pathfinder society by reminding them that Explore. Report. Cooperate. is all well and good but you have to be considerate of what the actions of the society might mean for the common person. What the removal of precious artifiacts or the insertion of the society into the governance of locality could be calamitous - he would know he's read his history.

Sleggar himself had lived a rough childhood. Life in Cheliax could be difficult sometimes. Life there was harsh - the constant civil wars and rebellions, the daily interactions with devils. He had lost friends constantly growing up, as rebels seeking their so called freedoms attacked his town, the towns of his relatives. He craved stability and order and the Hell Knights promised that. Once his parents realized that they could not reliably provide a living for their son, they relented to his wishes to join with the Hellknights as a squire. He has seen precious little of the world as he was squire to one of the order's signifer's but that gave him ample opportunity to study, to learn of the horrors that plagued the world, the reasons for the Hellknight's very existence. Serving a Hell Knight who was not by training a warrior but having no talent for the arcane arts himself, Sleggar became something of an odd fit. Smart, studious, but still strong and expected to should a burden for the order as a soldier. But a smart one. The whips the order used for mostly ceremonial purposes could actually be great weapons when wielded by an intelligent warrior.

His master finally decided that he was ready for an assignment and he was chosen for a high profile one - to be a good will ambassador for the order. Now everything Sleggar has been training for - all he had dreamed of accomplishing- was now coming to a head. He carried the hopes of not just himself, but of the people who gave him a roof, gave him years of training, gave him purpose and health and he would not disappoint them. He would show the world and these pathfinders that Hellknights are not just the bogeymen of the Andorans but a real force for order, stability, and prosperity in the world. Would he be able to stand against the darkness, protect ordinary people, bring law to the frontier. Or would he die trying.

Thoughts on the Pathfinder Society: Joining such a loosely organized and ill-defined organization as the Pathfinder Society was not Sleggar's idea and frankly he abhors the notion that there is only the loosest of command structures in place to determines who does what and when. That said, he admires their goal. They go where others will not. They explore lost regions, they support international cooperation and hope to take on the big problems of the era. As a scholar himself, Sleggar loved that idea. Being able to continue to pursue his studies and continue adding to the sum of what is known about the world while still having a chance to be a traveling force for order in the world excites the eager cadet.

Is naturally sympathetic to the Cheliax/Dark Archive faction.

Sleggar has seen horrors but relatively speaking, he doesn't have a lot of experience with people. He is awkward, but thanks to his training with the Hell Knights, he can be very stern and has a hard time reading people. Women in particular give him pause and make him uneasy since he didn't know too many women while in training since Hellknights are a male-dominated organization. That said, at heart he is a good person mostly motivated by his need to help people. It's not optional. He thinks that people should be fair to each other and sees it as his duty to be enforce that.

Sleggar may have had classical good looks if he had been born into a noble class. He has shortly cropped raven black hair and dark brown eyes. His face has prominent scarring on his left side from training and a burn on his neck from a housefire he survived early in his childhood. Sleggar suffered malnutrition throughout his childhood and adolescence and as such hes...a little short for a Hellknight. However, due to hours and hours of arduous training he has made the best of his poor start. His short meter and half tall frame is tight with sinew and packed with muscle. This unique set of characteristics has made finding a set of plate armor that fits him...challenging. Too tall for Dwarven models but too short for anything meant for humans unless he got it custom made. Which works out well enough, as he prefers wearing his set of darkly colored scale with his helmet while having bare legs, good for tumbling and moving in combat.

Planned Build: Fighter (Lore Warden) 20

H: Medium Armor Proficiency
1: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Whip
B: Power Attack
2: Whip Master
B: Combat Expertise
3: Improved trip
4: Combat Reflexes
5: Improved Whip Mastery
6: Felling Smash
7: Greater Trip
8: Pin Down
9: Shield of Swings
10: Weapon Focus
11: Weapon Specialization
12: Greater Weapon Focus
13: Heavy Armor Proficiency
14: Greater Weapon Specialization
15: Disruptive
16: Spellbreaker