![]() Hello, i have several Builds i like to share and here is one of them. Feedback is Welcome. Its a Crossbow Build focused on maximizing Damage in a Singleshot. The Ability to attempt a Sneak or Hide while in cover or prone and reloading is a great to keep the Enemy flatfooted to you and is a big part of the Build but there are several other ways to support it and find alternative ways: Greater Cloak of Elvenkind (and Boots of Elvenkind) for Greater Invisibility Smokestick or Mist/Fog Spells while having a way to ignore effects While the First is easy to get the second depends on whenever the "Goz Mask" is allowed: Yes: Duskwalker Heritage: 1.Gravesight, 3. Ancestral Paragon: Ghost Hunter 5. Chance Death 9. Multitalented 13. Spirit Strikes 17. Olethros's Decree (which is absolutly busted) No: Ifrit Heritage: 1. Embers Eyes (Low Light) 3. Ancestral Paragon: Embers Eyes (Dark Vision) 5. Firesight 9. Multitalented 13.??? 17. Blazing Aura The Next Step is Choice of Weapon and we have here a Winner: The Alchemical Crossbow. A (somehow simple) Weapon with ability to store an Alchemical Bomb and use it for 3 shots to gain +1d6 Elemental DMG and can be loaded pre Fight. We take Alchemist dedication solely because of this Weapon and its gives great Utility. We go Sniper Way for Vital Shot which is possibly the highest possible Damage in a Single Strike but it is 2 Actions. At Level 9 where you gain Vital Shot you Will deal on the First shot the following Damage: 3d10 + 2d6 (Bleed) + 1d6 (Bomb) +1d6 (Rune) + 1d6 (Sneak) + 2d6 (One Shot One Kill) +3 +2 with 35% Crit Chance. The Build Scout Human Ifrit LvL1: Crossbow Crackshot Ability: 8/18/14/14/14/8 (with Flaws) LvL2: Pilgrims Token and Alchemist Deditaction (retrain before LvL 9 into Rogue Dedication) LvL3: Expert Stealth and Ancestral Paragon LvL4: Quiet Allies and Running Reload LvL5: Expert Thievery. Ability Scores: 8/19/16/16/16/8 LvL 6: Trick Magic Item and Snipers Aim (Retrain after getting to LvL 9 into Sneak Attacker) LvL7: Master Stealth and Incredible Iniative LvL8: Swift Sneak and Grit and Tenacity LvL9: Master Thievery and Multitalented (Alchemist Dedication) LvL10: Foil Senses and Called Shot LvL11: Expert Acrobatics and Toughness LvL12: Quick undlock and Unshakable Grit LvL13: Expert Medicine and Bounce Back LvL14: Continual Recovery and a lot of Choices : Blood in the Air , Dead Eye , Dance of Thunder and Headshot. LvL15: Legendary Sneak and Legendary Sneak (Ghost Shot comes Available). Ability Scores: 8/21/19/19/19/8 I didnt thin much about Past Lvl 15 but its straight forward Choices. At LvL 20 Ability Scores: 8/22/20/20/20/8 ![]()
![]() Hello, i have several Builds i like to share and here is one of them. Feedback is Welcome. Its a "Melee" Support Bard with Marshall and Swashbuckler Dedication. A lot of thought went in to the action economy because the Bard is starved for it. You have enough HP and Armor to stay in Melee but you should prefer to stay in the Second Line. Focus Skills are Diplomacy for Bon Mot to Lower Will Saves, Inpiring Marchal Stance for +1 to Hit [in 20ft] and One For All for Additional +3/4 to hit; and Performance for Lingering Performance. I try to Keep 1 Focus Point available because Counter Performance saves People a lot of times. The Build has two Key Levels First is Level 6 with "Dirge Of Doom" which is spectacular except against mindless enemies. Second is Level 10 with "One for All" which hopefully makes your Melee Buddy into a Crit Monster. Key Items: Persona Mask and Diplomacy Badge Example Turns: 1. Enter Stance , Lingering Composition and Move (Hasted: Move/Bon Mot/One for All/Strike) 2. One for All/Bon Mot/Strike and Spell (Hasted: Move/Strike) The Build Emissary Human [Saga Lands] 10/16/12/10/12/18 Weapon: Bladed Scarf and Shortbow LvL 1: Maestro Muse, Ancestry : Adapted Cantrip (Electric Arc) , Versatile Heritage: Weapon Proficiency and Lingering Performance. Spells: Phantom Pain, Protection , Sanctuary and Soothe LvL 2: Bon Mot and Marschal Dedication (Expert Diplomacy) [Before Level 6 you can choose what you want and Retrain later [same for LvL 4]) LvL 3: Expert Performance and Incredible Iniative or Toughness.
LvL 4: Virtuosic Performer and Inspiring Marshall Stance LvL 5: Expert Society and Clever Improviser (because you are a Bard) Ability Scores: 10/18/14/10/14/19
[In the Best Scenario with Stance, Dirge and Circle of Protection you have (indirectly) +2 Hit and AC] LvL 7: Master Diplomacy and Ancestral Paragon - Cooperative Nature (You can Choose a Different one and Retrain before LvL 10).
LvL8: Shameless Request (You ARE a Bard) and Several Options: 1. AOO: Nobody expects an AOO from a Bard exspecially not the Enemy Caster and you have Reach. 2. Inspire Heroics: There are Enemies immune to your Dirge and the + to hit is always welcome but its costly in focus points and action economy 3. Into Battle: Give an additional Reaction Stride or Attack but costly Action Economy Wise. LvL 9: Master Performance and Multitalented : Swashbuckler Dedication (Wits or BattleDancer).
LvL 10: ??? (Evangelize? ) and Basic Flair - One For All (80% to Crit for +3 [to Hit]). Ability: 12/18/16/10/16/20 LvL 11: Master Society and Toughness/Incredible Iniative.
12: ??? and Inspirational Focus (alternative: Cadence Call and at 14 Tactical Candence but i prefer just to cast Hightend Haste) 13: Expert Medicine And Bounce Back.
14: Continual Recovery and Soothing Ballad I didnt put much though after LvL 14 but Target of Opprtnunity/Effortless Concentration are Strong Choices. Also i think Legendary Society with Legendary Liguist is a strong Choice but a Hightend Tongue does the Same. Ability Scores: at 15: 12/19/18/18/10/21 and at 20: 14/20/18/18/12/22 ![]()
![]() Hello, i have several Builds i like to share and here is one of them. Feedback is Welcome. Its a Monk Build without a Stance and going into Sorcerer Dedication for Gluttons Jaw. It resolves around gaining Temporary Hit Points with this and in different ways. Since Flurry is most likely the only attack we do per round so we focus on Intimidate for Demoralize and can Cast Shield for better Defense.
Gluttons Jaw: Bite Attack 1d8 with Forceful (Scales with Handwraps) and gain 1d6 Temperory Hitpoints (+1d6 every other spelllevel) on succesful hit. There is a Choice of the Orc Feats Path and pick whatever you like more. Ferocity Path: 1. Orc Ferocity 9. Undying Ferocity 13. Incedible Ferocity Superstition: 1. Superstition 9. Pervasive Superstition 13. Spell Devourer The Build Deckhand Orc LvL1: KI Strike (Divine) and Hold-Scarred. Your Ancestry Feat Choice. Ability Scores: 18/16/12/8/8/14 LvL2: Pilgrims Token and Sorcerer Dedication (Demonic) [Or Stunning Fist and Retrain Before LvL 4]. Spells Shield and Detect Magic LvL3: Expert Intimidate and Toughness LvL4: Intimidating Prowess and Basic Bloodline Spell [Gluttons Jaw] LvL5: Expert Athletics and Bloody Blows. Ability Scores: 19/18/14/8/10/14 LvL6: Titan Wrestler and Stand Still/Stunning Fist LvL7: Master Intimidate and Numb to Death. Path to Perfection (Will). LvL8: Battle Cry and Stunning Fist/Stand Still LvL9: Master Athletics and Your Ancestry 2. Feat Choice. LvL10: Combat Climber and Wind Jump. Ability Scores: 20/18/16/8/12/16 LvL11: Expert Acrobatics and Hireling Manager. Perfection: Fortitude LvL12: Quick Climber and Mediative Focus LvL13: Expert Stealth and Your Ancestry 3. Feat Choice LvL14: Quick Swim and Timeless Body LvL15: Legendary Intimidation and Scare to Death. Ability Scores: 21/19/18/8/14/16 LvL 16: Water Sprint and Enlightend Presense LvL17: Legendary Athletics and Rampaging Ferocity
LvL18: Cloud Jump and Ki Form.
LvL19: Master Acrobatics and Canny Acumen for Master Reflex or Incredible Investiture. LvL20: Incredible Mastery and Golden Body or Impossible Technique. Ability Scores: 22/20/18/8/16/18 ![]()
![]() First thanks for the Help there are some insightful ideas @gesalt as i understand it "one for all" is an action not a reaction. @Falco271 you meant to say "expand bless" i dont see a way to highten it. @yurip and @superbidi i dont have status bonus because i will be using dirge of doom and as i understand lingering performance and inspire heroics dont work together.also i can use inspire heroics only (at max) 2 times per fight since its a focus spell and counter performance is sometime crucial! there is an Option to take harmonize at lvl 8 but i'm not sure its a usefull idea sicne i need to recast it every turn. The more i think about it Haste is really important on a bard but i prefer slow and circle of protection at that level. Marchal Stance/Bless with Circle of Protection and Dirge of Doom looks like a sweet Combo. ![]()
![]() Im Playing a PFS Songbird-Strix Maetro Bard and just reached level 3.
The Core of the Build are these 3 Class feats: @LvL 1 Lingering Performance
Which means my lvl 2 and 4 Feats are basically free to choose. Currently i have taken Sorcerer Dedication for Electric Arc and want to take Basicspellcasting at lvl 4 for extra spells slots and primal spells . I still try to get the +1 Status Bonus to Hit for my team and there are 3 Ways for it: 1. Heroism: I kind of dislike the spell now, too short duration and only targets 1 player (i miss my good hope) 2. Bless: kinda underrated in my opinion. Lasts a minute and you can expand the emanation once per round. With good Positioning a lot of people can benefit from it. With Haste on the Bard you regain mobility. 3. Inspiring Marshal Stance
Getting Marshal Dedication is only possible with Human Ancestry - Versatile Heritage for Weapon Proficiency . Adapted Cantrip gives me Electric Arc which makes the Sorcerer Dedication irrelevant.
Am i overthinking? Did i get a stupid idea in my head that i try to get to work or is a rebuild for Marshal worth it? Hope to get some insight and your thoughts ![]()
![]() Im Playing a PFS Songbird-Strix Maetro Bard and just reached level 3.
The Core of the Build are these 3 Class feats: @LvL 1 Lingering Performance
Which means my lvl 2 and 4 Feats are basically free to choose. Currently i have taken Sorcerer Dedication for Electric Arc and want to take Basicspellcasting at lvl 4 for extra spells slots and primal spells . I still try to get the +1 Status Bonus to Hit for my team and there are 3 Ways for it: 1. Heroism: I kind of dislike the spell now, too short duration and only targets 1 player (i miss my good hope) 2. Bless: kinda underrated in my opinion. Lasts a minute and you can expand the emanation once per round. With good Positioning a lot of people can benefit from it. With Haste on the Bard you regain mobility. 3. Inspiring Marshal Stance
Getting Marshal Dedication is only possible with Human Ancestry - Versatile Heritage for Weapon Proficiency . Adapted Cantrip gives me Electric Arc which makes the Sorcerer Dedication irrelevant.
Am i overthinking? Did i get a stupid idea in my head that i try to get to work or is a rebuild for Marshal worth it? Hope to get some insight and your thoughts ![]()
![]() Nefreet wrote:
I think you misinterpreted my Question: Mine was simply: its not mentioned in AR. Can you please clarify if its allowed or not.And not: Why is it banned. I need clarification why. ![]()
![]() Hello,
Can i play it on my Shirren Mystic?
The Adventure:
![]() Dont derail the thread with rules bickering. To the topic.
Explain your players that he plays a middle in the road kinetic with strong early that falls of later.
![]() I rarly make comments on other players game, but The first issue was killed by mistake. If Person sees Evil but does nothing to stop it he/she is in it, even if shes neutral and doesn't like it.
Like Claxon said the first Issue and the following are much more different. They are Basically Murder Hobos but cant understand or comprehend Diplomacy or the definition of consequences.
IF the cast divine spells or have divine based powers. You should take away their powers and let them do a quest for atonement.
![]() The longer I play casted the more I realize that damage is secondary to them. I dish out heavy dmg too but overall its helping the party with out of combat spells.
![]() 32 on a defensive monk is quite low.... he is missing nat armor , deflection, shield and insight bonus. 3/4 are easy achieved by a monk and can be built in a lvl 9 monk.
A monk is easily countered by constructs since they often dont have access to adamantine ![]()
![]() Ifrits can take a trait that lets them take 10 on intimidating. Also their fav class rogue get intimidate bonus. Find a way to do demoralize as a swift or free action. Signature skill intimidate @10 rabks makes them panic.
![]() Hello,
If somebody has good knowledge about the Pregens which ones are good?
Thanks in Advance. ![]()
![]() Hi,
I would suggest going for Acid Arrow, Summoning or other Conjuration Spells (Black Tentacles) ![]()
![]() Its not a pure Monk build, but im using a single level Dip into MoMS with my Invulbarbarian (Enlighten Warrior Trait allows it) and its hilarious.
I can almost always Charge and when I fight defensivly I only get -2 Att for DR7/- which is nice. ![]()
![]() Hello,
I want to Focus on my Animal Companion and Keep him alive via Life Link.
The Build:
I get Blackened Curse to get some Fire Spells and Fluff wise I don't want to use Weapons just spells.
I know the Big Cat is the best AniComp I can choose but im thinking about either Wolf or Crocodile.
Since Share Spell is not a prequisit of Improved SPell Sharing I can take the Bully Archtype. Feats AniComp:
Do you guys have any Tips? ![]()
![]() I have a Bodyguard support Bard and at level 9 I want to retrain Lingering performance into a teamwork feat.
I think Escape route is a strong choice in regard avoiding aoo from large or bigger enemies.
![]() Its never wise to have all Stats as a Round number in the Beginning.
I dislike Inspired Blade because it makes you character too mad (Dex>Con>Int>Cha) instead of a simple (DEX!>Cha>Con) since for some reason Charmed Life is still Cha based so you cant dumb it.(Student of philosophy/Bruising Intellect can make Cha dumb then Possible). I like the Darkwood Buckler/Darkwood Bow on almost all my Chars. The weight reduction for this small of additional Price is worth it.
My suggestion is Going 7/19/14/10/10/15(@4Dex/@8Cha) or 9/19/14/8/10/15(@4Dex/@8Cha) or 7/19/14/8/10/16(@4Dex/@8Str) without Inspired Blade. ![]()
![]() Just wanted to inform you guys that I went really well.We got all Boons.
Spoiler: We played LowTier with 2 Pregens The Skill DCs for everything was ridicules high around 27-29ish without a specialized or well build characters you had realistically a 25% chance to make the check. The Save DCs seems to be 20+ which was crazy too. After we heard the word "Pharao of Plague" my paranoid warned Mind went Full Throttle.We got Delay Disease and Heroes Feast+Antiplague (Before even knowing that Torch was coming) and regarding the disappointed Face of the GM we made the right choice. Only 1 guy got infected (With a Roll of 22!) but got "healed" in the Chamber.
The Mindthing was really interesting and we had a crazy character who insisted to go in evry memory even knowing he could loose a level.
We had an Occultist that had something up called "Status" and new everything after touching something for a minute which saved us a lot of rolling. The Fights:
2. The Start was crazy Cloudkill as first attack and the Paladin disarmed me. I loved the dazzling Flamesphere even if it crippled 2 character in a row. But after the Paladin was down (almost 1 hittet by our Troll) the fight was relaxing even if some players wanted to end it fast.
BTW: What is a blue dragon doing in a freaking grave. ![]()
![]() Serisan wrote:
Yeah, i followed suggestion and contacted the organizer regarding my concerns and many things cleared up. For example the playtime is much longer and open which isnt normally the case![]()
![]() Hello,
Spoilers ahead? I registered to play PFS 9-07: Salvation of the Sages in a store that I play rarely and I was actually warned by a fellow player/friend to play it because of the permadeath, difficulty overall, duration and the prep time the gm needs to plan it. I wanted to check the product side for more opinions and immediately saw spoiler worthy infos so I stopped reading. Here is the Problem:
My biggest concern is the player that warned me never warned me before and I played bonekeep. So could you give me an opinion if I should play it or not? Without big spoilers? ![]()
![]() Hello,
I really like the Wyrm Gland ,the Venom Sack and Thermal Armor Upgrade on my Android Operative.
What are your thoughts? Any items you always get? ![]()
![]() Michael Eshleman wrote:
Nope, not this one. Its Slotless. its kinda weird I know. By logic it should but be a headslot but logic and rules aren't sadly (or lucky in this one) the same in pathfinder ![]()
![]() Hello,
Call of the Coppergate: and (lesser Circle of Persuasion +2) The Mask of the Living Good:
(slotless Intimitade Mask +5) with a Bonus on Cha Checks against Razmir. Since I will be playing a Swashbuckler/Unch Rogue build Going for Dazzling Display I ask myself if the are additional Scenarios/Boons I can benefit from. ![]()
![]() I really think it depends just on 2 things.
After that I think its ok. its roleplay and I think if you really
![]() I have support focused bard with the following feats etc 5 archivist bard /2 lore warden fighter
1 flagbearer/lingering performance
I stand in second line and buff everything. Phalanx formation is optional.
![]() Snap shot is overrated and point-blank master is underrated. Pbm is almost mandatory for me in certain groups.
Clustered shot is important since sone dr type less and some hardness is over 20. Also you don't always know the dr without meta gaming