Haron Lightstep
Status: 10/10 +1 Weapon | Human Magus 2 hp 13/13 | Init 2, Per 2 | AC 17, T 13, FF 15 | Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3 | +4 CMB | CMD17 | MW Warhammer +6 (1-8+3 19-20x3), Dagger+3/4 (1d3+2 19-2023,P/S, Rg10) 2/4 Arcane | Status: None] | 1/1 CLW Potion
Herman Lacosta
Human Swashbuckler 18/18 HP | 18 AC | 14 Tch | 14 Flt | +3 Initative | +5 Perception | +1 Fort | +6 Ref | +0 Will | +6 MW Silver Rapier 1d6+1 18-20x2 | +5 Cold Iron Dart 1d5+1 20ft | 4/4 Panache | 3/3 Charmed Life | 2/2 Cold Iron Darts
Grast Enteroso
Status: | Fighter 1 | HP 07/12 | AC 15 | T 11 | F 15 | Ini +1 | Per +0 | Intimidate +10 | +5 MW Falchion 2d4+4 18-20x2 S
Abolt Greenseed
M Wizard 1 | Earth | HP 8/8 | AC 13 (17 Mage Armored) | T 13 | F 10 | Ini +2 | Per +2 | +1 Dagger 1d3 19-20x2 | +3 Sling x2 4/6 Acid Cloud [ooc] STATUS: None [/ooc4
Baselton Keswick
M Halfling Shaman (life) - 5/9 HP | 16 AC | 12 T | 15 F | Init +1 | Per +10 | 5/5 Channel Positive | Sling +2 1d3 x2 20ft | Dagger 1d3 19=20x2
Barred Kesswick
Status: -2 STR | Wand CLW: 43/50 | 1/1 Bears Endurance | 1/1 CLW Fighter (melee) 2 | 01/20 HP | AC 22 | T 13 | F 19 | Init +4 | Per +0 | Fort +5 | Ref +2 | Will +0 | +6 Cold Iron Longsword 1d8+3 | +5 Silve Shortsword 1d6+2 19-20 | +4 Dagger 1d4+3 |
Jamison Codswell
M Human Shaman (life) 1
GM Red Box PFS
Agotaras Springsmith
8 Paladin | AC 20 | 68/68 HP | Init -1 | Proficiency +3 | Passive Percep 11 | +10 Sunsword 1d8+7 | +8 Silver Longsword 1d8+5 | +8 Lt Hammer 1d5+4 Range 20ft 1/1 Channel Divinity | 3/3 Divine Sense | 1/1 Inspiration | 3/3 Relentless Avenger | 30/30 Lay on Hands 9/10 Rations Spell Attack +5 | Spell Save DC13 | 4/4 1st Level Slots 4/4 2nd Level | [
Alig Uca
Ansley Tanner
Dwarf Cleric 1 (Desna) | 10/10 HP | 17AC | 10 T | 17 F | +3 Fort | +0 Ref | +5 Will | +3 CMB | 13 CMD | +3 Heavy Mace 1d8+3 x2 | +3 Starknife 1d4+3 x3 5/5 Channel 6/6 Agile Feet | 5/6 Bit Of Luck
Bethany Carpenter
17/19 Rage | Status: None - Blessing of Good: +1d6 Good 10/10 | CLW: 4/4 4 Barbarian / 1 Warpriest | 64+0/66 HP | 23 AC | 14 Touch | 21 Flat | +2 INIT| +7 Pre | CMB +6 | CMD 18 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +3 Will | +8 Big Brother 2d6+3 x3 | +7 MW CI Gladius 1d6+9 | | | | | | | | Raging Stats: +0/8 HP | 21 AC | 14 Touch | 15 Flat | CMB +8 | CMD 16 | +9 Fort | +3 Ref | +5 Will | +10 Big Brother 2d6+5 x3 | +8 MW CI Cladius 1d6+4 |
Brother Wimbold
m Half Orc Zen Archer
Bryn Corwin
Male Halfling M AC18 / HP12 / S15, D12, C13, I10, W12, CH14 Paladin / 1
Cass Darkstone
M Mountain Dwarf / Cleric 2 / Spells 1st-3 / Spell DC12 / HP 8/15 / AC 18 / Init +1 / Saves S2, D1, C1, I0, W4, Ch3 / Pass Perc 12 / Status: Normal / Insp: No Cleric 1 / Init +1 / Spell Attack +4
Charles McQueen
Status: NONE |CE AC: 23/17/16 -OR- AC; 25/19/16 vs Goblinoid 4 Swashbuckler | VP: 0/38 | WP: 24/31 | AC: 21/17/16 -OR- AC; 23/19/16 vs Goblinoid | F: +3/ R +8 / W: +1 | Initiative: +6 | Perception: +8 | Panache 2/4 | Charmed Life: 3/3 Hero Lab
Claustipher Whetwhistle
Status: Mage Armor 3 hours | 02/11 Wand Magic Missle (1d4+1) | Force Missle 3/7 | 3 Wizard (Evoker) 30ft | 15/15 V | 14/14 W | 8/8 Threshold | 10(+4) AC | 10 Touch | 10 Flat | 0 Fort | +1 Ref | +3 Will | +1 INI | +0 Per | +9 Diplomacy | +0 Cold Iron Dagger 1d4-1 | +0 Quaterstaff 1d6-1 | 6/7 Force Missile 1d4+1 | 1/1 Arcane Bond | Ngithembekile
F Human-ish (raised Drow) Swashbuclker - 1
Daphne Hermstos
F Human Bolt Ace 1 | hp 12/12 | Init 5, Per 7 | AC 16, T 13, FF 13 | Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3 | MW Light Crossbow +5 (1d8-19-20x2 Rg80ft), Rapier + (1d6-1-18-20x2,P) Status: None
Darnel Hemlock
Male Fighter 4 | hp 37/37 | Init +5, Per +0 (D-V) | AC 21, T 12, FF 19 | Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +1 | CMD20 | +1 Longsword +10 (1d8+5-19-20x2,S), Earth Breaker +8 (2d6+6-x3,B) Longbow +5 (1d8-x3 Rng 100) Arrows: 40/40 | Orc Ferocity 1/day Status: None
Dilana Hemlock
Status: Mage Armor 15 Hours | Witch 15 | HP 89/89 | AC 18 | T 14 | F 15 | Per +2 | Init +9 | Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +13 | CMB +7 | CMD 21 | +6 Inferno Pistol 1d6 20x2 | Sickle +7 1d6 x2 CLW Wand 40/50 | 2/2 CLW Potion | Ray of Enfeeblement 33/34 (CL1 - DC15) | Ray of exhaustion 16/18 (CL5 - DC16)
Dimitris Van De Lar
M Human Fighter 1
Glivus Foxglove
M Half Elf Slayer / 5
GM Red Box
Male Know Checks | Iron Gods Map ---- Jade Regent Maps ------ Reign of Winter Maps
HP: 32/55 | AC: 18/12/16 | Fort: +7 / Ref +7 / Will +3 | Dwarf Character Sheet
John Thomas O'Hanallon
Statue: Dodge AC23 - T14 - F13 none | Brawler 5 | 48/48 HP | AC22/19 | T13 | F19/16 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Fort +6 | Ref +6 | Will +1 | Brawlers Flurry +8/+8 1d8+4x2 | Unarmed +10 1d8+4 x2 | Cold Iron Dagger +9/+7 1d4+4 | 1/1 Knockout | 4/5 Martial Flexibiity LOOT SHEET
Micheria "Mic' Musca
Status: None none | NOTES F Brawler 4 | HP 49/49 | AC:21 T:14 F:17 | Init +4 | Per +6 | Fort:+5 Ref:+6 Will:+1 | CMB: +8 | CMD: 22 | +6/+6 Flurry 1d8+3 | +8 Unarmed 1d8+3x2 | +7 Cold Iron Gauntlet 1d4+3x2 3/4 Martial Flexibility LOOT SHEET
Oread Fighter
Rast Cobble
Status: | Cleric 2 | hp 13/18 | AC 18, T 11, FF 17 | Init +1, Per +3 | CMD13 | CMB +2 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 | Spells 1st 4/4 +3 Morningstar (1d8+2-x2,B) | +3 Starknife (1d4+2-x3,P, Rg20)
Ry'ean De'Turro
Female Human (former Drow) Swashbuckler 1 | hp 12/12 | Init 6, Per 4 | AC 18, T 1, FF 14 | Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +0 | Longsword +5 (1d8+3-19-20x2,P/S), Dagger +5 (1d4+2-19-20x2,P/S)
Ryan McMahon
Ryan McMahon 824
Ryenalt The Archaeologist
Human Wizard 1 | 7/7 HP | 10 / 10 / 10 AC | Init +0 | Perc +1 | F +0 / R +0 / W +3 7/7 Grave Touch | 7/7 Command Undead | 10/10 Springleaf Salve | 1/1 Arcane Bond |
Sami Rackham
Status: NONE | 2/4 Grit | 1/1 Smite | 3/3 Lay on Hands | Paladin 2 /Gun 1 | 21/21 HP | Init: +5 | AC16 / T13 /F13 | Fort 7 / Ref 7 / Will 7 | CMB 6 / CMD 17 | Pistol +6 1d8 x4 B/P | Longsword +4 1d8+2 19-20 X2 S | Alchemical: 61/61 Bullet: 18/30 Silver: 4/5 Adamantine: 5/5 Cold Iron Cartrigage: 20/20 |
Sarh Emptygut
Status: NONE | 4/6 Tremor CMB+6 +6 | 3/6 1st Level | /Sorcerer 3 | 8/18 HP | Init: +7 | AC12 / T12 /F10 | Fort 3 / Ref 4 / Will 3 | CMB 3 / CMD 13 | +2/+4 MW Spear 1d8 P | +1/+2 Dart 1d6 P |
Somer Hiondu
Status: None | 9/9 CLW Potion | 1/1 Pearl | 1/1 Orc Slaying Arrow | 9/10 +1 Orc Bane Arrows Magus 8 | hp 40/40 | Init 6, Per 12 (L-LV) | AC 18, T 14, FF 14 | CMD: 23 | CMB +9 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6 | +12/+7 +1 Merianna's Thorn (1d8+4X20 | Long Sword +9 (1d8+3-19-20x2,S) | +10 Dagger (1d4+4 19-20/x2) Arcane 6/7 |
Trox Ragmend
Status: | Darkvision 60 | Fighter 8 | HP: 90/90 | AC: 29/14/26| Init: +2 | Fort: +10 / Ref +6 / Will: +4 | CMB: +16 | CMD: 30 | Perception: +0 | 2/4 Hero Point HERO LAB CHARACTER SHEET
Ulrich Rovanky
M Slayer 1 | HP 12/12 | AC16 T13 F13 | Init +3 Perc +4 | F+3 R+5 W+0 | CMD 15 | +4 Longbow 1d8 x3 | S. Gauntlet +2 1d4+1 x2 Studied Target +1
Zekal Cooper
Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge