Translated Undercommon I don’t know why me ears are ugly or I am so stocky. My mother told me she drank an illusion while pregnant with me which makes sense. The other Drow didn’t make too much fun of me as long as I did as I was told and studied hard. Ry’ean sighs Of course the lack of magic in my blood hasn’t helped either.
Born to merchants in Zirnakaynin Ry’ean had never seen the sun and was hindered by her weak eyes until her parents found her a pair of lenses that allowed here to function fully in the underground cities dim lights. She remembers little until that point of her life other then she had always been there and respected her parents for their strict upbringing.
Ry’ean found herself in trouble often for not quite fitting in. While the other children took to their lessons with a cruel abandon she often found that, having more compassion, she became the butt of taunts and pranks. Mostly harmless, mostly. To combat this Ry’ean began to put herself in more and more dangerous situations, always being the first to take a dare or venture into an unknown tunnel.
Many lessons did not take with Ry’ean, she was useless with magic and even more useless with heavy weapons but she excelled with a foil or rapier. Daring in training she would not back down from larger opponents with axes, clubs or armor. She began special training, normally reserved for aristocrats in fencing and body control after quickly dispatching three larger opponents in training. Still her quirky, compared to other Drow, nature did not earn her many friends so she worked even harder to be flashy win people over with daring deeds.
After a training session one day Ry’ean found one of her mothers old rings had gotten mixed in with her clothing. Planning to return the trinket she slid it onto her finger and was hit with a flood of knowledge shower her life had all been a lie.