The Oliphaunt of Jandelay

DM Thron's page

5,205 posts. Alias of Thron.

Current Campaigns

Absalom Abberations - A Pathfinder Society Tale

Legacies: Return of the Runelords

Thron's Altered Kingmaker (Now Litejedi's)

Thron's Rise of the Runelords Campaign

The Cleansing: A Solo PbP Adventure (inactive)

DM Thron's Kingmaker Campaign (inactive)

Fang and Shackle (inactive)

As the aggression between Molthune and Nirmathas boils over, something far darker stirs in the depths of the Fangwood.

Current Map: Cathedral Dining Hall

GM Leinathan's Jade Regent (inactive)

When an ex-adventurer tavern owner is discovered to be the last scion of an ancient royal family from across the world, her friends and family will band together to take her to her ancestral homeland and ensure her birthright is delivered into her hands.

Map of the Crown of the World


GM Litejedi - Rise of the Runelords (inactive)

Chapter 2: The Skinsaw Murders
Part 1: Murder Most Foul

Loot | Combat Maps

Starting Day: Toilday, 23rd of Rova, 4707
Current Day: Toilday, 30th Rova 4707

Heroines of Sandpoint: Rise of the Runelords (Migrated to Discord) (inactive)

Current Date: 8 Pharast, 4709 AR

Kings and Men - A Kingmaker Campaign (inactive)

Legacies (inactive)

Legacy: Dragon Empires (inactive)

This is a spinoff campaign set in the world of my Absalom Aberrations, Thron's Rise of the Runelords and Cosmic Dungeon Lord's Return of the Runlords.

Legacy: Dragon Empires Roll20 Campaign
Your mom's loot tracker

The Morphling's Rise of the Runelords (inactive)

Combat Map

Initiative Code:

Standing Against the Giants, Brimleydower's Giantslayer (inactive)

Giantslayer Roll20

Burning Corpse Stats:

AC 16; CMD 14
Fort +1; Ref +2; Will +2
DR: 5/bludgeoning

Those Halcyon Days of Youth (inactive)

Those Who Walk in Blood (inactive)

The Missions of the Red Mantis Assassins



Thron's Campaign: A Necessary Sequel (inactive)

Thron's Kingmaker Group 1 (inactive)

Roll 20

AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14
hp 10
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -1

Thron's Kingmaker Group 2 (inactive)


AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (–1 Dex, +6 natural)
hp 13
Fort +7, Ref –1, Will +0
CMD: 11

Thron's Whispering Way Campaign (inactive)