Clebsch's Reign of Winter

Game Master Clebsch RoW

Our brave adventurers are the only hope in a cold, cruel world.

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Defense Spurhorn 3

Snow here is difficult terrain, so double move gets you 30' if your movement is 30' normally. If you can't move your token, indicate the square he moves to using the square coordinates explained in the discussion post I made earlier today. Note the map link in the Clebsch RoW header.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

Moving to (3,6), I believe. 30' straight up (North?) from current spot

Defense Spurhorn 3

I moved him 30' north. That put him in square (3,7).

Still waiting on Ingrit to post. I don't want to presume to act for her. She's the only character on the board at the moment who knows what happened when Domitian attacked the doll. She's the only one who can act before the doll's next action. I also don't know how this character typically behaves in melee. So I'm going to wait for her to post.

Ingrit Ragnarsdottir F Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 83/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold eff/ +15 cold env/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if nonlethal) Ref: + 12 Will: +5 : Perc +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey Hunter's tricks 7/8

Noting the lack of any kind of notable effect on the doll, Ingrit selects a cold iron arrow for her next shot.

Cold Iron arrow: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

"It's attack just froze Dmitian in place! I think he's paralyzed or something!" Ingrit shouts as she fires again.

Defense Spurhorn 3

Ingrit fires another arrow into the hut and calls out to the others nearby.

Ingrit, Domitian:
Once again, Ingrit's arrow threads the narrow gap between the door and Domitian to strike the doll, this time using a cold iron arrowhead. But again, the arrow seems to lose all of its momentum just before it hits the doll and breaks but does not harm the doll.

Moments later, the doll stands and makes a gesture or two with its hands. A chilling frost descends on an area that includes Domitian and the squares near him. A light dusting of frost coats the floor and the unmoving Domitian.

Spell effect: 2d6 points cold damage. DC 12 Fortitude save for half damage. If Domitian fails the save, he is also staggered for 1 round.
Domitian: Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Cold Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3
So Domitian would take 1 point of damage, but his cold resistance negates that. He is not staggered, but he is still paralyzed.

Previous Rounds:
Round 1
Erland: 22 (frightened) (double move toward west)
Domitian: 21 (shaken)(double move toward hut)
Damiano: 20 (frightened)(double move toward east)
Eianar: 15 (shaken) (double move toward hut)
Doll: 11 (delays, waiting to see what PCs that are not frightened away do)
Ingrit: 10 (shaken) (move, readies bow and arrow)
Khristov: 9 (frightened)(double move toward east)

Round 2
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(ends delay)(Activates Spell-like ability)
Domitian (moves, attacks, hits, 9 to doll)
Damiano (frightened)(double moves toward east)
Eianar (moves after Erland toward the south side of the hut)
Ingrit (shoots arrow, hits, does no damage)
Khristov (frightened)(double move)

Round 3
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(only Domitian and Ingrit saw this, see spoiler)
Domitian: (paralyzed)(no action)
Damiano: (frightened)(double move)(90' east of ice blocks)
Einar: (moves)(6,1)
Ingrit: (attacks, hits, see spoiler)(7,8)
Khristov (frightened)(Double Move)(now 90' east of ice blocks)

Round 4
Erland: (double move)(3,7)
Doll: (9 lethal) (stands, cast spell)
Domitian: (paralyzed)(no action)(6,6)

Round 5
Doll (9 lethal)
Domitian (paralyzed)

All players can post actions for their PCs. The frightened condition is ended for all PCs. Domitian is paralyzed, so unless he can take an action without moving, he cannot act.

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

Eianar shakes his head as Erland suddenly changes direction and shrugs at Ingrit's outburst. "e be jus playin, taint nah ways tha doll can doos tha. Dolls is jes wood after ahl." He looks over at Ingrit and shrugs.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

"Don't be so sure, Einar. There's plenty of creepy and strange magic up north. Animated dolls doesn't sound so far from possible."

Erland moves up next to Ingrit (6,8) and draws a flask of oil as he goes.

Ingrit Ragnarsdottir F Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 83/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold eff/ +15 cold env/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if nonlethal) Ref: + 12 Will: +5 : Perc +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey Hunter's tricks 7/8

Ingrit takes a trio of arrows from her quiver, striking a tindertwig and igniting their incendiary heads.

Defense Spurhorn 3

As Erland gets up to the door of the hut, he sees Domitian standing motionless, falcata in hand, with a rime of frost on him and an area covering the doorway. The doll has a tiny dagger and has one eye of a blue gemstone and the other is a tiny circular mirror.

Erland immediately recognizes this as a guardian doll, a construct created by the witches of Irrisen. Guardian dolls serve as spies and sentries at places that require ever-vigilant wardens—especially the wintry nation's borders. These strange automatons are infused with fragments of the souls of living beings slain during the dolls' creation. The doll is sentient, and though a small part of the soul's original personality remains, the witchery employed largely strips it of its individuality. Many guardian dolls sit inside another form of construct—a sentinel hut—and stand vigil at one of the borders and monitoring those who would enter. Others are sent on scouting missions or to spy on targets, usually posing as inanimate dolls to hide their true nature. [This hut does not appear to be one of the sentinel huts, which are capable of movement and attacks.]

Erland further knows that the dolls are not strong but very nimble, with weapon finesse and improved initiative. They are also fairly intelligent, skillful at escape artist, linguistics, perception, and very stealthy, making them capable spies. He knows that the mirror can serve as a kind of window through which a spell caster can see what the doll sees.

On the table:
Doll: Dagger: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Damage: 1d2 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
So the dagger does 1 point of nonlethal damage.
Cold damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
So 1 point of cold damage gets through Ingrit's resistance.
The cold is so intense, however, that she feels it starting to paralyze her. Fortitude Save DC 12 to avoid Paralysis for 1d4 rounds.
Fortitude save vs cold effect: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
So she saves and is not paralyzed.
The chilled area in the doorway affects Domitian.
cold damage: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11
Domitian: DC 12 Fort Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
So he saves for half damage = 5 and his cold resistance reduces the damage to 3.

As Erland gets up to the hut to see what Ingrit and Domitian are dealing with, Einar expresses skepticism that a doll can be a dangerous foe, while Damiano and Khristov begin to trudge as quickly as they can through the snow back to the hut still 60' away from the ice blocks.

The doll, seeing Ingrit preparing fire, jumps from the chair and runs at her swinging its dagger at her leg when it gets next to her. If Erland has a ready melee weapons, he may make an attack of opportunity on it. It ends its move in Ingrit's square.

The dagger strikes her leg, but does not penetrate the skin and causes only a small bruise (1 nonlethal). But the blade is intensely cold, like an icy gale wind on exposed flesh. The cold causes Ingrit only a small injury, as she is inured to such cold (1 point lethal). She feels the deadly cold creep up her leg toward her spine, but a strong shiver ripples through her torso and the paralysis is stopped.

Domitian remains frozen in the hut and the frost builds on him (3 lethal).

Previous Rounds:
Round 1
Erland: 22 (frightened) (double move toward west)
Domitian: 21 (shaken)(double move toward hut)
Damiano: 20 (frightened)(double move toward east)
Eianar: 15 (shaken) (double move toward hut)
Doll: 11 (delays, waiting to see what PCs that are not frightened away do)
Ingrit: 10 (shaken) (move, readies bow and arrow)
Khristov: 9 (frightened)(double move toward east)

Round 2
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(ends delay)(Activates Spell-like ability)
Domitian (moves, attacks, hits, 9 to doll)
Damiano (frightened)(double moves toward east)
Eianar (moves after Erland toward the south side of the hut)
Ingrit (shoots arrow, hits, does no damage)
Khristov (frightened)(double move)

Round 3
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(attacks, hits, does 1 to Domitian, paralyzes him)
Domitian: (paralyzed, 1 lethal)(no action)
Damiano: (frightened)(double move)
Einar: (moves)(6,1)
Ingrit: (attacks, hits, does no damage)(7,8)
Khristov (frightened)(Double Move)(now 90' east of ice blocks)

Round 4
Erland: (double move)(3,7)
Doll: (9 lethal) (stands, casts spell, 1 lethal to Domitian)
Domitian: (paralyzed, 2 lethal)(no action)
Damiano: (assumed to double move back toward hut)(60' away)
Einar: (talks)
Ingrit: (prepares incendiary arrows)
Khristov (assumed to double move back toward hut)(60' away)

Round 5
Erland: (move, readies oil)
Doll: (9 lethal)(moves, attacks, hits, does 1 lethal, 1 nonlethal to Ingrit)(spell from previous round does 3 more points lethal to Domitian)
Domitian (paralyzed, 5 lethal)(takes 3 lethal)
(1 lethal, 1 nonlethal)

Round 6
Doll (9 lethal)
Domitian (3 lethal)
Ingrit (1 lethal, 1 nonlethal)

Erland may make an AOO on the doll, if he is able. Everyone else (except Domitian, whose paralysis lasts one more round) may post their next action as they are ready. Note the doll is in the same square as Ingrit.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

Sadly, no weapon in hand. Would have dropped spear when I ran.

"Oy! Get back here, you!"

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

Dom very much wants to shiver. Instead, he feels completely paralyzed by cold.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 4
Quick Stat Reference:
AC=19, HP=10/15, Fort/Ref/Will: -2/8/4, 1st level spells: 4/4, 2nd level: 2/2, Archaeologists' Luck: +1 6 rounds/day

Oh this is disgraceful. Your comrades are fighting and you are running away?!

Khristov starts running back to the action.

Run action as far as the ice blocks.

Male Human Wizard 5 Init +4 Saves : F: +2 ; R : + 1 , W : +4

Damiano recovers his mind and looks around himself
He ask himself 'Where am I ? '
he feels a touch of panic before he lools down and see his footprints in the snow
He then follows them back running all the way

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

Seeing Ingrit being attacked by the doll, Eianar wanders on his snowshoes across the white surface to get close to the action.

Ingrit Ragnarsdottir F Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 83/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold eff/ +15 cold env/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if nonlethal) Ref: + 12 Will: +5 : Perc +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey Hunter's tricks 7/8

"You little $%!@" Ingrit growls as she rapidly backs up and fires an arrow center mass into the doll.

Incendiary arrow/PBS: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (19) + 7 - 1 = 25
1d8 ⇒ 7
1 pt fire

Move back 10 ft and shoot

Defense Spurhorn 3

On the Table:
Doll: Dagger: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Damage: 1d2 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0 + Cold: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Does 1 point nonlethal and 4 points cold.
Ingrit: DC 12 Fort: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Rounds duration: 1d4 ⇒ 2

As Einar, Erland, Khristov, and Damiano trudge through the deep snow, Ingrit steps back from the infernal doll but before she can get out of the reach of the tiny doll's tiny dagger, the doll strikes with the dagger. The blade causes a bruise, the supernatural cold does more damage to her leg, and she cannot shake the advance of the cold up her leg and spine. When it reaches her brain, she finds she cannot move.

Doll got an attack of opportunity, hit, did 1 point nonlethal + 6 points of cold, with her resistance knocking that down to 4. She failed her save against paralysis, however, so her attack did not happen.

The doll then twirls in place, making sing-song sounds in Skald, and then begins to rise, lifted by magic up to 20 feet above the ground.

The cold that descended on Domitian ends and the swashbuckler regains his ability to move and act.

Previous Rounds:
Round 1
Erland: 22 (frightened) (double move toward west)
Domitian: 21 (shaken)(double move toward hut)
Damiano: 20 (frightened)(double move toward east)
Eianar: 15 (shaken) (double move toward hut)
Doll: 11 (delays, waiting to see what PCs that are not frightened away do)
Ingrit: 10 (shaken) (move, readies bow and arrow)
Khristov: 9 (frightened)(double move toward east)

Round 2
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(ends delay)(Activates Spell-like ability)
Domitian (moves, attacks, hits, 9 to doll)
Damiano (frightened)(double moves toward east)
Eianar (moves after Erland toward the south side of the hut)
Ingrit (shoots arrow, hits, does no damage)
Khristov (frightened)(double move)

Round 3
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(attacks, hits, does 1 to Domitian, paralyzes him)
Domitian: (paralyzed, 1 lethal)(no action)
Damiano: (frightened)(double move)
Einar: (moves)(6,1)
Ingrit: (attacks, hits, does no damage)(7,8)
Khristov (frightened)(Double Move)(now 90' east of ice blocks)

Round 4
Erland: (double move)(3,7)
Doll: (9 lethal) (stands, casts spell, 1 lethal to Domitian)
Domitian: (paralyzed, 2 lethal)(no action)
Damiano: (assumed to double move back toward hut)(60' away)
Einar: (talks)
Ingrit: (prepares incendiary arrows)
Khristov (assumed to double move back toward hut)(60' away)

Round 5
Erland: (move, readies oil)
Doll: (9 lethal)(moves, attacks, hits, does 1 lethal, 1 nonlethal to Ingrit)(spell from previous round does 3 more points lethal to Domitian)(AOO hits Ingrit, 1 nonlethal, 4 lethal, paralyzes her,)
Domitian (paralyzed, 5 lethal)(takes 3 lethal)
Damiano (double move)(60' east of ice blocks)
Einar (moves)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)(no action)
Khristov (double move)(60 feet east of ice blocks)

Round 6
Erland (moves)
Doll (9 lethal)(uses spell-like ability, levitates 20' up)
Domitian (3 lethal)

Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)

Round 7
Doll (9 lethal, 20' above ground)
Domitian (3 lethal)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)

PCs may act. Ingrit can only make actions that require only mental activity.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

Erland chucks the flask of oil he drew out earlier at the levitating doll creature.

1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 3 - 2 = 21 vs touch AC

Seeing the flask shatter on the doll and coat it with flammable oil, Erland grins a nasty grin. Pulling out a flask of alchemist's fire, he prepares to throw that one next.

Ingrit Ragnarsdottir F Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 83/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold eff/ +15 cold env/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if nonlethal) Ref: + 12 Will: +5 : Perc +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey Hunter's tricks 7/8

I'm paralyzed while holding an arrow that's on fire....

And Erland, it's an attack roll, you can confirm the crit and really torch the little @#$$%er

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

Splash Weapons don't crit, and oil doesn't do damage on its own. Hopefully next turn it'll burn right and proper.

Ingrit Ragnarsdottir F Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 83/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold eff/ +15 cold env/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if nonlethal) Ref: + 12 Will: +5 : Perc +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey Hunter's tricks 7/8

For some reason I thought it was alchemists fire

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

That's the next one. Plan was to oil it up so fire arrows could set it alight.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 4
Quick Stat Reference:
AC=19, HP=10/15, Fort/Ref/Will: -2/8/4, 1st level spells: 4/4, 2nd level: 2/2, Archaeologists' Luck: +1 6 rounds/day

Note to self: don't egg Mr Frey's house.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

Khristov: see if you can find the 3.5ed spell "raging flame" - that's the idea Erland would like to work towards, even though he can't possibly learn fire magic. Stupid rassa frassa ice witch magic taught by evil frozen Irrisen frost women...

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

Eianar searches the ice blocks looking for whoever controls the doll.

Casts Detect Magic .... to search surrounding area and the doll.

Would do a knowledge check, but not sure what sort is required.

Defense Spurhorn 3

At the beginning of the melee, I rolled knowledge rolls under a spoiler for those who had the appropriate knowledge skill to identify the doll. Only Erland and Khristov made the DC. Erland has been informed what it is (he should have looked at the spoiler above for last Saturday, Jan. 7, 12:49 PM post). I'm waiting for Khristov to get close enough that he can see it to inform him. This is proving to be a difficult encounter for such a tiny adversary.

Waiting on Domitian, assuming Khristov and Damiano are doing double moves.

Erland hurled his flask of oil up at the small target twenty feet over his head. It was a difficult challenge, but the flask hit the doll and shattered, splashing most of the flask on her. Ingrit's flaming arrow burned merrily ready to be shot, although it is designed to remain lit without damaging the arrow for at least a half minute.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

"It's a thinking construct, a horrible use of ice magic to snatch a person's soul to power a tiny little murderous unsleeping guardian. And it will BURN!"

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

Dom regains control of his senses at last. Taking a step out into the snow, he draws a spear and heaves it upward at the levitating creature.

Spear, thrown: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4; Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

The act of throwing a spear upward is certainly not traditional, though, and as he misses horribly, he's lucky the spear doesn't plunge back down onto his head!

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

Eianar grumbles, "Dinnah say at afore, nah wees knows."

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

"Yeah, sorry, bit preoccupied. What with the running and screaming and terror and all."

Erland smirks at Einar as he mentions that.

Defense Spurhorn 3

Einar sees nothing magical in the snow. Assuming he is not looking directly at the doll but around for an invisible caster or some such hiding in the area on the ground.

Behind the screen:
Damiano: Perception, 80': 1d20 - 8 ⇒ (7) - 8 = -1
DC 16
Erland: Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

DC 11
Ingrit: Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Something tries to creep into Ingrit's mind and ensorcell her. It fails to take hold however.

Damiano can see the doll doing some kind of magic, but it is too far away to see what it might be.

The doll is casting a spell-like ability version of charm person. He can't tell the target, except that it apparently was not him.

The doll sings a little lullaby and moves her hands as if directing an invisible choir. "Cadal agus nan dùisg agus a 'seinn rium"

"Sleep and awake and sing to me"

Previous Rounds:
Round 1
Erland: 22 (frightened) (double move toward west)
Domitian: 21 (shaken)(double move toward hut)
Damiano: 20 (frightened)(double move toward east)
Eianar: 15 (shaken) (double move toward hut)
Doll: 11 (delays, waiting to see what PCs that are not frightened away do)
Ingrit: 10 (shaken) (move, readies bow and arrow)
Khristov: 9 (frightened)(double move toward east)

Round 2
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(ends delay)(Activates Spell-like ability)
Domitian (moves, attacks, hits, 9 to doll)
Damiano (frightened)(double moves toward east)
Eianar (moves after Erland toward the south side of the hut)
Ingrit (shoots arrow, hits, does no damage)
Khristov (frightened)(double move)

Round 3
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(attacks, hits, does 1 to Domitian, paralyzes him)
Domitian: (paralyzed, 1 lethal)(no action)
Damiano: (frightened)(double move)
Einar: (moves)(6,1)
Ingrit: (attacks, hits, does no damage)(7,8)
Khristov (frightened)(Double Move)(now 90' east of ice blocks)

Round 4
Erland: (double move)(3,7)
Doll: (9 lethal) (stands, casts spell, 1 lethal to Domitian)
Domitian: (paralyzed, 2 lethal)(no action)
Damiano: (assumed to double move back toward hut)(60' away)
Einar: (talks)
Ingrit: (prepares incendiary arrows)
Khristov (assumed to double move back toward hut)(60' away)

Round 5
Erland: (move, readies oil)
Doll: (9 lethal)(moves, attacks, hits, does 1 lethal, 1 nonlethal to Ingrit)(spell from previous round does 3 more points lethal to Domitian)
Domitian (paralyzed, 5 lethal)(takes 3 lethal)
Damiano (double move)(60' east of ice blocks)
Einar (moves)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)(no action)
Khristov (double move)(60 feet east of ice blocks)

Round 6
Erland (moves)
Doll (9 lethal)(uses spell-like ability, levitates 20' up)
Domitian (3 lethal)(moves, attacks, misses)
Damiano (double move) (30' east of ice blocks)
Einar (casts spell)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)(no action)
Khristov (double move)(30' east of ice blocks)

Round 7
Erland (breaks flask of oil on doll, readies flask of alchemist's fire)
Doll (9 lethal, 20' above ground)(casts spell)
Domitian (3 lethal)

Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)

Round 8
Doll (9 lethal, 20' above ground)
Domitian (3 lethal)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal)

Bold may act

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

"Here goes nothin'! Burn, little creature of evil!"

Erland tosses his flask of alchemist fire at the creature in the air.

1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 3 - 2 = 17 touch

1d6 ⇒ 1 fire from alchemist fire
1d6 ⇒ 6 fire from oil flask

Doll will catch fire and burn for the next round unless it extinguishes itself.

Ingrit Ragnarsdottir F Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 83/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold eff/ +15 cold env/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if nonlethal) Ref: + 12 Will: +5 : Perc +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey Hunter's tricks 7/8

Though unable to move, or even speak, Ingrit's eyes flash with rage.

Male Human Wizard 5 Init +4 Saves : F: +2 ; R : + 1 , W : +4

Damiano slows down when he reach the blocks of ice and cast detect magic

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

"Nice shot, Erland!" Having lost his spear, Dom decides to draw his own alchemist's flask, and follows Erland by chucking it at the flying doll.

Alchemist's Fire vs Touch: 1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 3 - 2 = 12; Fire Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2 +1d6 fire damage the following round if it hits.

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

With the doll flying above, Eianar stoops into the snow and as he makes a snowball in his hand, he imbues it with special magic, before throwing it at the doll.

Casts snowball...fort save DC=16
Ranged Touch attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16 Cold damage 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10

snowball spell:

School conjuration (creation) [cold, water]; Level druid 1, magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, summoner 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect one ball of ice and snow
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude partial (see text); Spell Resistance no

DESCRIPTION: You conjure a ball of packed ice and snow that you can throw at a single target as a ranged touch attack. The snowball deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 5d6) on a successful hit, and the target must make a successful Fortitude saving throw or be staggered for 1 round.

Soource: Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the North © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Matthew Goodall, Shaun Hocking, Rob McCreary, Philip Minchin, and William Thrasher.

Defense Spurhorn 3

Quick reminder (assuming your original GM told you): It is constantly snowing in the winter pocket. This imposes a -4 penalty on perception checks and ranged attacks.

Including this penalty on the ranged attacks made this round, Domitian's result was an 8, Eianar's was a 12, and Erland's was a 13. All of these miss the doll's Touch AC.

On the Table:
Domitian: splash miss: 1d8 ⇒ 2
The doll is 20 ft away which is in the 2nd range increment of alchemist's fire (10 ft), so it veers to the west 10 feet (5,7), #1 on map.

Behind the Screen:
Damiano: Perception, 70', snow: 1d20 - 7 - 4 ⇒ (11) - 7 - 4 = 0

On the Table:
Erland: splash miss: 1d8 ⇒ 7
So the throw lands 10 feet south of the doll, (7,6), #2 on map. This hits the east corner of the hut and splashes down on Domitian.

DC 11
Domitian: Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Again, Domitian feels something try to control him but he keeps his wits and his self-control.

Behind the Screen:
Erland: Perception, 20', snow: 1d20 + 3 - 2 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 3 - 2 - 4 = 13
Erland: Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Domitian emerges from the hut and lobs a flask of alchemist's fire at the doll. The flask goes straight up and west, landing on the north corner of the hut, which starts its thatch roof on fire.

Damiano advances into the midst of the blocks of ice, casts a spell to detect magic within 60 feet, and scans the area ahead. The falling snow and the distance however, makes it impossible for him to make out any magical auras and he still can't clearly see what the group is fighting.

Eianar conjures a magical snowball that he throws up at the doll, but the falling snow makes it hard to see exactly where the target is and his throw misses. The snowball sails harmlessly into the distance.

Ingrit remains paralyzed with cold, poised to fire a flaming arrow but unable to do so.

Khristov emerges from the falling snow, breathless and rimed in snow.

Erland attempts to hit the doll with a flask of alchemist's fire but his throw misses and also lands on the east corner of the hut, adding to the flames on its roof. Some of the flaming liquid lands on Domitian. (1 point of splash damage)

The doll gives a little shriek of fear as the hut catches fire. "Fools! Flee and survive! Fight and die!" it cries in a high shrill voice. It then repeats a series of actions it did a moment ago, singing the little song in skald and moving its dagger like a conductor's baton directing an orchestra, then pointing it at Domitian. As it does this, it rises another 10 feet above the ground. (Now 30 feet high)

Erland is sure the doll is trying to cast charm person. He also knows it has a limited number of times it can cast certain spells, so the doll may not have any more charms left.

As the doll is doing this, Ingrit's body heat neutralizes the paralyzation and she finds she can again act.

Previous Rounds:
Round 1
Erland: 22 (frightened) (double move toward west)
Domitian: 21 (shaken)(double move toward hut)
Damiano: 20 (frightened)(double move toward east)
Eianar: 15 (shaken) (double move toward hut)
Doll: 11 (delays, waiting to see what PCs that are not frightened away do)
Ingrit: 10 (shaken) (move, readies bow and arrow)
Khristov: 9 (frightened)(double move toward east)

Round 2
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(ends delay)(Activates Spell-like ability)
Domitian (moves, attacks, hits, 9 to doll)
Damiano (frightened)(double moves toward east)
Eianar (moves after Erland toward the south side of the hut)
Ingrit (shoots arrow, hits, does no damage)
Khristov (frightened)(double move)

Round 3
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(attacks, hits, does 1 to Domitian, paralyzes him)
Domitian: (paralyzed, 1 lethal)(no action)
Damiano: (frightened)(double move)
Einar: (moves)(6,1)
Ingrit: (attacks, hits, does no damage)(7,8)
Khristov (frightened)(Double Move)(now 90' east of ice blocks)

Round 4
Erland: (double move)(3,7)
Doll: (9 lethal) (stands, casts spell, 1 lethal to Domitian)
Domitian: (paralyzed, 2 lethal)(no action)
Damiano: (assumed to double move back toward hut)(60' away)
Einar: (talks)
Ingrit: (prepares incendiary arrows)
Khristov (assumed to double move back toward hut)(60' away)

Round 5
Erland: (move, readies oil)
Doll: (9 lethal)(moves, attacks, hits, does 1 lethal, 1 nonlethal to Ingrit)(spell from previous round does 3 more points lethal to Domitian)
Domitian (paralyzed, 5 lethal)(takes 3 lethal)
Damiano (double move)(60' east of ice blocks)
Einar (moves)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)(no action)
Khristov (double move)(60 feet east of ice blocks)

Round 6
Erland (moves)
Doll (9 lethal)(uses spell-like ability, levitates 20' up)
Domitian (3 lethal)(moves, attacks, misses)
Damiano (double move) (30' east of ice blocks)
Einar (casts spell)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)(no action)
Khristov (double move)(30' east of ice blocks)

Round 7
Erland (breaks flask of oil on doll, readies flask of alchemist's fire)
Doll (9 lethal, 20' above ground)(casts spell)
Domitian[/b] (4 lethal) (throws Alchemist's Fire flask, misses, hits hut roof)
Damiano (moves, casts spell)
Einar (casts spell, ranged attack, misses)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)(no action)
Khristov (double move)

Round 8
Erland (throws alchemist's fire flask, misses, hits hut, 1 point splash damage to Domitian)
Doll (9 lethal, 20' above ground)(spelllike ability)
Domitian (4 lethal)
(5 lethal, 2 nonlethal)

Round 9
Doll (9 lethal, 30' above ground)
Domitian (4 lethal)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal)

Everyone can post. Remember that you can post in any order, but I will apply the results in initiative order. If you want to find out what the results of someone else's action earlier in the order, wait until he/she has posted and I have described the results.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

30' up, not enough ranged specialists, and -4 perception/ranged from weather. This is an unwinnable fight, we should flee post haste.

Ingrit Ragnarsdottir F Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 83/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold eff/ +15 cold env/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if nonlethal) Ref: + 12 Will: +5 : Perc +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey Hunter's tricks 7/8

As she feels her muscles free of the locking chill, Ingrit looks up at the doll, trying to determine when the enemy is doing.
Perception to notice doll's actions: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 3 - 4 = 1

Unable to discern anything through the falling snow, she focuses, loosing the shot in between breaths.

1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (17) + 7 - 4 = 20
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
1 fire, should also set the oil ablaze

Got you you little bastard." she growls.

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

Don't forget the damage resistance. We're pretty much counting on Ingrit's incendiary arrows. On the other hand, it hasn't really managed to hurt us much. Though I'm not sure what happens when one of us finally succumbs to Charm Person; that depends on how eager we would be to kill each other in a charmed state. Anyway, I'd like to hear what Ingrit thinks.

Ingrit Ragnarsdottir F Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 83/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold eff/ +15 cold env/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if nonlethal) Ref: + 12 Will: +5 : Perc +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey Hunter's tricks 7/8

It's Charm not Dominate so it can't actually make us kill each other and we'd get re-rolls if it pushes us to do anything we normally really wouldn't. Let's see what happens after this arrow. One of the best ways to deal with spell casters is t set them on fire. >:)

Defense Spurhorn 3

I'll wait to to post the results of Ingrit's attack until after Domitian and the others in front of her initiative order have acted (or delayed if they want to see what happens with her arrow), but the flame will ignite the oil even if the arrow does no damage due to DR. And the oil will guarantee that the doll will catch fire and make it a little harder to extinguish the flames. For what it's worth, the doll has a vulnerability to fire.

Charm basically makes you treat the caster as an ally, so the player can decide what his/her character would do to prevent one ally from harming another. It would not require lethal attacks, but it would prompt some attempt to interfere, to protect the doll from the attacks of the others. So far, none of the charm effects has succeeded.

Male Human Wizard 5 Init +4 Saves : F: +2 ; R : + 1 , W : +4

that's depend on Eianar succumbing to his deep hatred of city folks ;)
Seeing that the ice blocks are not magical , Damiano takes a single move concentrating still on his detect magic

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

Dom shakes off the efforts to enchant him once more, though he feels completely frustrated. "I can't hit this creature in this damnable wind!" He doesn't give up yet, though, but instead draws his bow, knowing it had better range than an alchemist's flask. He nocks an arrow and fires.

Longbow, wind: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 3 - 4 = 3; Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7.

Sovereign Court

Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | || Current Map ||

Eianar takes out his sling and casts guidance on himself.

Defense Spurhorn 3

Behind the Screen:
Damiano: Perception, 40', snow: 1d20 - 4 - 4 ⇒ (7) - 4 - 4 = -1

On the table:
Burning Oil Damage: fire: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Domition: your header says "hp 4/21" does that mean he's down to 4 hp left or is that the 4 points of damage he's taken in this melee? And technically the penalty is for the falling snow affecting visibility, not wind. This is RAW, although I would think it would be more like a 20% miss chance if it were up to me.

Domitian's arrow misses the tiny target.

Damiano gets to within 40 feet of his allies, but he still can't see the doll clearly enough to determine what kind of creature it might be. He can tell that it has a magical aura.

Eianar prepares to sling and makes a divine request for guidance.

Ingrit's arrow is about to run out of fuel, but she comes out of her paralyzation in time to send the flame into the doll. The arrow does not penetrate the doll's magical resistance to weapon damage, but the flame ignites the oil and the doll begins to burn.

The arrow hit a spot that was well soaked with oil and the doll's dress catches fire and begins to burn brightly, like a beacon in the winter sky. The doll screams. Doll is vulnerable to fire, so it takes 9 points instead of 6.

Previous Rounds:
Round 1
Erland: 22 (frightened) (double move toward west)
Domitian: 21 (shaken)(double move toward hut)
Damiano: 20 (frightened)(double move toward east)
Eianar: 15 (shaken) (double move toward hut)
Doll: 11 (delays, waiting to see what PCs that are not frightened away do)
Ingrit: 10 (shaken) (move, readies bow and arrow)
Khristov: 9 (frightened)(double move toward east)

Round 2
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(ends delay)(Activates Spell-like ability)
Domitian (moves, attacks, hits, 9 to doll)
Damiano (frightened)(double moves toward east)
Eianar (moves after Erland toward the south side of the hut)
Ingrit (shoots arrow, hits, does no damage)
Khristov (frightened)(double move)

Round 3
Erland: (frightened)(double move)
Doll: (9 lethal)(attacks, hits, does 1 to Domitian, paralyzes him)
Domitian: (paralyzed, 1 lethal)(no action)
Damiano: (frightened)(double move)
Einar: (moves)(6,1)
Ingrit: (attacks, hits, does no damage)(7,8)
Khristov (frightened)(Double Move)(now 90' east of ice blocks)

Round 4
Erland: (double move)(3,7)
Doll: (9 lethal) (stands, casts spell, 1 lethal to Domitian)
Domitian: (paralyzed, 2 lethal)(no action)
Damiano: (assumed to double move back toward hut)(60' away)
Einar: (talks)
Ingrit: (prepares incendiary arrows)
Khristov (assumed to double move back toward hut)(60' away)

Round 5
Erland: (move, readies oil)
Doll: (9 lethal)(moves, attacks, hits, does 1 lethal, 1 nonlethal to Ingrit)(spell from previous round does 3 more points lethal to Domitian)
Domitian (paralyzed, 5 lethal)(takes 3 lethal)
Damiano (double move)(60' east of ice blocks)
Einar (moves)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)(no action)
Khristov (double move)(60 feet east of ice blocks)

Round 6
Erland (moves)
Doll (9 lethal)(uses spell-like ability, levitates 20' up)
Domitian (3 lethal)(moves, attacks, misses)
Damiano (double move) (30' east of ice blocks)
Einar (casts spell)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)(no action)
Khristov (double move)(30' east of ice blocks)

Round 7
Erland (breaks flask of oil on doll, readies flask of alchemist's fire)
Doll (9 lethal, 20' above ground)(casts spell)
Domitian[/b] (4 lethal) (throws Alchemist's Fire flask, misses, hits hut roof)
Damiano (moves, casts spell)
Einar (casts spell, ranged attack, misses)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal, paralyzed)(no action)
Khristov (double move)

Round 8
Erland (throws alchemist's fire flask, misses, hits hut, 1 point splash damage to Domitian)
Doll (18 lethal, 30' above ground)(spelllike ability)
Domitian (4 lethal) (ranged attack, misses)
Damiano (double move)
Einar (guidance) (readies sling, casts spell)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal) (ranged attack, ignites doll, doll takes 9 lethal)

Round 9
Doll (18 lethal, 30' above ground)
Domitian (4 lethal)
Einar (guidance)
Ingrit (5 lethal, 2 nonlethal)

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist) 4
Quick Stat Reference:
AC=19, HP=10/15, Fort/Ref/Will: -2/8/4, 1st level spells: 4/4, 2nd level: 2/2, Archaeologists' Luck: +1 6 rounds/day

Khristov casts vanish on himself, moves closer (next to Ingrit) and draws his weapon as he moves.

Courage, Khristov.

Loot Table Rondolero Swashbuckler 5 / Ulfen Guard 3 / Urban Bloodrager 1 Human | HP 86/98 | AC 21, T 14, FF 19, CMD 26, ACP -3 (excludes climb & jump) | F+9, R+9, W+7 (+2 bonus vs charm/compulsion, guarded thoughts) | Per+10 | Init+4 |

Dom is really at 4HP due to prior combats. He was at 8HP when we started combat.

Winter Witch 6 [HP 29/29 // AC 13/12/11] [Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6] Flight Hex Used: 1 min

"I can't do much besides this, but at least I can heal you, Domitian!"

1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 healing hex to Domitian.

Erland lays his hand on the warrior to patch him up, then moves 5' away from the burning hut. To 9,6, I believe

Male Human (Ulfen) Druid(Arctic)/2
HPs 20/20 AC 15, T11, FF14, Resist Cold 2, Saves F+4,R+2,W+6; Perc +8; Init +2

Sling 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 1 = 18 damage 1d4 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
"Darn doll, least wees keep warm from't hut." Eianar grumlbes as he fires at the doll.

Ingrit Ragnarsdottir F Human Ranger (Skirmisher) 11: HP 83/87 : AC: 20 (21), T: 15, FF: 15 : Fort: +10 (+12 cold eff/ +15 cold env/ +20 with cold weather outfit. +4 to all if nonlethal) Ref: + 12 Will: +5 : Perc +12 (+18 Human/+16 Giant/+14 Fey Hunter's tricks 7/8

"I wouldn't call burning a house to the ground'staying warm'" Ingrit mutters.

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