DM Thron |

Welcome to the game everyone! This will be where we kick everything off. Any questions you may have OOC, please post them here. Also, feel free to introduce yourselves to each other. Several of us have played in several games together before, and are well acquainted. It's time those of you new to what I lovingly consider as my "PBP Gamer Group" get settled in.
As for myself, I've already posted my introduction on the initial Recruitment thread.
I will be adding more here momentarily, but first, I need to go make the announcement!

Serafina Trimble |

Thanks for the vote of confidence, DM Thron. I look forward to gaming with you, and my fellow players.
Edit: I just noticed I was the only evil player selected. Again, thank you. :)

DM Thron |

Yeah, I had originally planned to more heavily diversify the groups alignment wise, but in the end I just liked these submissions the best.
In other news, in the next couple of days, I will be creating two separate threads, one for each group, and the current gameplay thread will be abandoned. For now, though, the ten of you can continue to RP there, as we will have a bit of time before this kit and caboodle is fully ready.
In the meantime, I would like to see each of you make an account at Roll20 and check in to your respective Roll20 pages I have created.
Group 1: Check in here!
Group 2: Check in here!
For both of you, the maps should be blank except for a little sliver in the upper right, which is where you all are currently located.
Also, please add a brief reference stat line as Serafina has already done.

Grautak |

I am a big fan of Roll20.net
My long time group and I use it every week to play our game.
Thank you for the invitation. I know Dagru and I are both very excited to joun the campaign.

Rockne Coonak |

On my phone this morning but wanted to say thanks for the selection and that I'm ooking forward to gaming with you all!
Will get a proper post and check in to roll20 later this evening.

Vianella Orlovsky |

Looking forward to the game. Interesting grouping of people we have. Still have to decide between Sheltered and Vain as a drawback. Leaning towards the former, considering her reaction to the group she's been placed in. I suppose I could pick one and play the other as well (sans actual drawback).
Funny how each group got their own Evangelist of Abadar. Try not to get hurt too often. Healing may be spotty.
Roll20 has it's benefits. I generally can't access it at work, though (since it doesn't like the version of IE we have). I can sometimes fool it into working on my cell, but not always. I may have to do the posts during the day and do Roll20 stuff within a short period I may have available in the evenings.

Rahaal |

Glad to be a part of this! By way of introduction...
Rahaal is a bit of a fish out of water -- raised in Absolom, a lover of cities and the finer things in life, she isn't thrilled to have been sent on a mission in the uncivilized North.
She understands that it too deserves civilization, justice, and fair commerce free from banditry...but gets the sense that the people up here aren't exactly begging for such advances quite yet.
Rahaal’s strengths will be:
- buffing (inspire courage, bless, inspiring command)
- diplomacy,
- misc cleric spells and
- being a meat wall in front of the squishier casters
What’s she bad at?
- Despite being a cleric, Rahaal is poorly suited to healing since she can't spontaneously cast healing spells and even when she gets the ability to channel, it'll be negative energy variant channeling. (I'm happy that Andrezi will be able to fill those shoes for us.)
- In order to make her reasonable at her meat shield role she has to wear scale mail and wield a heavy shield...neither of which she’s proficient with, which means she gets her whopping -6 ACP as a penalty to hit...giving her the distinction of the first character I’ve ever played whose DPR is 0.09! (Yes that’s right, for every 10 rounds she’s in melee with a foe with a AC of 13, she’ll deal an average of just under 1 point of damage. Thron *did* say he wanted us to have to depend on one another...) ;0)
When she gets to 3rd level I plan to take the leadership-variant for her channeling, which means it’ll do a whopping 1d6/2 damage...but on failed save it will daze foes for a round, giving her a bit of a crowd control option.
At 4th I plan to do early-entry into the Evangelist PrC...thus making her a Cleric (Evangelist) / Evangelist.
EDIT -- Thron, I was inclined to save my first gameplay post at this point until you create the separate threads...but if you plan to keep'm joined a while longer I'll post to this one tomorrow.

Yandasana Fethen |

Hello there! Thanks for inviting me.
Several of us have played in several games together before, and are well acquainted. It's time those of you new to what I lovingly consider as my "PBP Gamer Group" get settled in.
Nice to be part of the new blood.
In other news, in the next couple of days, I will be creating two separate threads, one for each group, and the current gameplay thread will be abandoned. For now, though, the ten of you can continue to RP there, as we will have a bit of time before this kit and caboodle is fully ready.
2 kingdoms is alot of work. ;)

Yandasana Fethen |

Thanks for the vote of confidence, DM Thron. I look forward to gaming with you, and my fellow players.
Edit: I just noticed I was the only evil player selected. Again, thank you. :)
Although were not in the same group, I was envisioning a possibility as we were roleplaying that there would be a constant political power struggle between Yandasana and Serafina, (Not violently, but politically.) This does not mean shifting political positions of power (Ruler, General e.t.c.) but use of spying and gaining knowledge to gain leverage for the other to have dependency on the person that holds helpful value or info.
Kind of similar to the relationship between Professor X and Magneto I guess, but a more political intrigue fashion. (Like playing a chess match) A better example would be like Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty. But, not to the point that it is detrimental to the party goals.
But this is merely one way that I thought it might go.
The point is you made a nice character, Well done!

Grautak |

Thron- was your final say on the mount a horse? Or am I able to use the wolfhound?

Serafina Trimble |

Yandasana, the possibilities for such things are intriguing, and I look forward to exploring them!
I've tried to make Serafina a generally likable person, her evil limited to ambitious power grabs, and firm, unyielding enforcement of the law (which of course she will aim to be 'her' law). She isn't stupid, and knows that declaring that she doesn't care about the peoples' best interest, which she doesn't really, will put her at odds with most benevolent rulers. On the other hand, she doesn't have much sense, so will occasionally slip up.
Thanks! I like your character concept, as well!
I'm excited! :)

DM Thron |

Going to give you guys a chance to integrate into your groups, or to learn about the other parties if you would like, before I split them up tonight (after the Superbowl). Not a requirement, but I will be busy today hanging out with the wife before the game, and then eagerly watching the commercials (not a fan of either team). So a proper update won't be until tonight, when I have to stay up and flip my sleep schedule for work.
So...yeah...splitting the groups tonight, and the party(ies) will begin!

Grautak |

You can take the wolfhound. Just wanted to keep things all kosher during the recruitment phase. I'm usually pretty flexible on things as long as it isn't absurd, and I picture a hobgoblin riding a canine mount over a horse anyway.
Fantastic! The avatar I used in Roll 20 fits the Wolfhound as I am sure you saw. I will change the stats in the profile this evening. I too will be watching the Superbowl, of course I am a Patriots fan, so I do care what is going on. Although, if the Pats weren't in the Superbowl I would still be watching. I am a big fan of Football in general.
On another note, I will be leaving for a dental mission trip to Guatemala this Saturday (2/7/15) and returning the following Saturday (2/14/15). I will have my phone and plan on posting, but my time/service may be limited. I won't know until I get down there. So if my posts are sporadic next week, you know the reason.
I also won't know how Roll 20 will work on my phone while I am down there. I will look into a Roll 20 mobile app. Not sure if they have one.

DM Thron |

EVERYONE please check into your appropriate discussion threads. This campaign will be closed down once you are all checked in appropriately. Also, do NOT be crossing over to the other groups games. As of now they are two separate entities until I say otherwise.
Do NOT post in the gameplay threads until the intro's are complete.