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Bab +1
Fort Save +1
Will Save +1
Bluff (Wis) +6 (1R)
Survival (Wis) +6 (1R)
Sense Motive (Wis) +6 (1R)
Climb (Str) +7 (1R)
Ride (Dex) +6 (1R)
Kn (Nature) (Int) +4 (1R)
Hit Points +6 (Favoured Class bonus)
New spell slots for 0 & 1st level.
0: Guidance
1: Shield of Faith
New Abilities
Cunning Initiative (Ex): At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds his Wisdom modifier on initiative checks, in addition to his Dexterity modifier.
Detect Alignment (Sp): At will, an inquisitor can use detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, or detect law. She can only use one of these at any given time.
Track (Ex): At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds half her level on Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Grautak |

Hmm It wouldn't let me edit my post. I must have waited too long.
+1 Level Cavalier (Fell Rider)
+1 BAB; +4 Skill points; +1 Skill Point Favored Class; +1 Fort Save
Skill Point Allocation:
Handle Animal +1 Rank [+7; 2 Ranks Total]
Intimidate +1 Rank [+10; 2 Ranks Total]
Knowledge (nature) +1 Rank [+1; 1 Rank Total]
Ride +1 Rank [+11 (+6); 2 Ranks Total] No Penalty w/Whisper
Survival +1 Rank [+3; 1 Rank Total]
New Abilities:
Level 2 Order of the Dragon: Aid Allies

Grautak |

No worries. I am working up some requests and role plays once we return to Oleg's.

Durnim Hornblower |

Hey guys!
You're weapons and armor craftsman has arrived. Forgepriest by calling. Look forward to getting into Gameplay with you.

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My advice always carry some healing. Make great gear for yourself first and then the rest.

Vianella Orlovsky |

Welcome to the show. It looks like we could be up for some potential theological debate with three divine classes. *sigh* At least the hobgoblins follow Abadar. ;P

Durnim Hornblower |

I doubt you'll get much theological debate from Durnim. His faith is in his craft.

Grautak |


DM Thron |

Reminder: my computer (that has all my source books) is broken still. So, while I do have a temporary replacement to do some minor updates involving NPC's and what have you, I am kinda limited in what I can do that advances the game along...
So...yeah...feel free to continue RP'ing and getting to know the new arrivals. As soon as I can find a way to get that data back, I'll move the game along.

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Hey boss can we get Olegs inventory written up in say the campaign section as i imagine we'll need it lots?

Grautak |

This message is for all of my PBPs- I apologize for not posting over the past few days. Unfortunately my Grandmother passed away and I have been helping to take care of some of the details. Her viewing is this weekend and the funeral is this Monday. I will try and post if time becomes available. Please feel free to BOT me for encounters until my return. I expect to return home Monday evening and resume normal posting by Tuesday evening. Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience. Please do not take my recent lack of posting as "flakiness".

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Yes sad news indeed, you have my sympathy and hope for fond memories.

Grautak |

For the next two weeks I am on military training. I will still be able to post but it may be short and/or sporadic.

Durnim Hornblower |

Guys (gender-neutral)
Thron put everyone inside the cave in this post, because everyone can see the back wall.

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Congratulations on your anniversary GM Thron.. I hope it's awesome.

Rockne Coonak |

posting this in all my games......heading to the airport tonight to take the family to Disney World for a week. Please feel free to bot me as needed (good guess is that he will be angry about something) since I will probably be checking infrequently and only have my phone for posting. Thanks!

Vianella Orlovsky |

Durnim, do you have a special ability as it relates to the Craft skill? Normally you can't take 20 on Craft checks since there is a risk of losing the raw materials on a failure by 5+.

Durnim Hornblower |

Nope. Just taking time. Didn't know what the DC was. Didn't think it would be very high.

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Lets get the ball rolling again all please.

Vianella Orlovsky |

On my cell at the cottage so can't make a proper post (erratic connection)
Just have Vi take 10 on diplomacy for a 21 plus earrings.
Hope this post makes it out.

DM Thron |

I have been thinking hard on this for a while now, and have decided that I bit off a bit more than I can chew with this campaign. It was a noble concept, but I think the PbP format for the game slows down things too much for an already slow paced game. I apologize to all of you for getting your hopes up for an epic campaign only to fall utterly short of the mark. I hope you have luck in your PbP and gaming ventures in the future, and hope you don't hold it against me too much for trying to do something interesting with the game and failing miserably.

Rockne Coonak |

youve gotta do what youve gotta do, of course.....but based on what I saw you doing "failed miserably" is a bit harsh.
good luck to all!

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This is a pretty good group we could possibly find another gm?

Grautak |

You are too hard on yourself Thron. Although the pace was slow, I still enjoyed the game thoroughly.

Dagru |

Thanks for the opportunity to play, it was a blast. Hopefully see you in another adventure in the future. Good luck!