Argor Constantine |
Lurking again
Argor Constantine |
Results of Interviews:
0/4 so far
1 last one pending. 2nd interview on Monday. But position sounds like it’s already basically promised to someone else. So...I’m braced for 0/5.
I repeat...starting to loathe interviews.
Gianluca the Honeyed |
Ugh. Sorry dude!
On my end, I have a post in my head for Gianluca emerging...but I totally underestimated how buried I'd be, running from vacation.
If y'all are alright positive for a couple more days, I am confident I can post on Thursday...but not yet confident I can do the writing involved for a real RP post before that.
Sorry to slow down our coda. I'm excited to see how it ends.
Jelani, if you want to push forward before Thurs, let me know and I'll try to at least give a footnote version, maybe in Discussion.
Cladissa d'Lavigne Velorryan |
Doing a bit of the work lurk
Gianluca the Honeyed |
On r20, and working on my gameplay post.
Argor Constantine |
Back in the ER with kid. Will post when I can.
Cladissa d'Lavigne Velorryan |
I'll be lurking some while I work today.
Thron |
Quicker than intended post to explain my absence lately:
1. Kid: he’s okay, but been battling a virus for about a week and a half. Finally been symptom free for about two to three days.
2. Work: still working as much OT as I can grab.
3. Wife Aggro: anytime I so much as THINK I have free time to post, she uses her super-wife-mind-reading-powers to come up with something for me to not have free time. As is, I’m hiding in the bathroom to post this to all my games. Example 2, today was secretly planned to be a big day of relaxation and posting. She and the kid were supposed to be at school. Instead, she wanted me to keep the kid. Reason: just because.
4. Interviews: been to multiple interviews lately trying to get into a better job that will require less OT. No such luck so far, with one last major option within my hospital in process. Low odds of getting picked. May have to start looking outside of my facility.
I’m PLANNING on tomorrow being my 1 “me day” in the past few weeks and getting some posts caught up. We will see how that goes.
Argor Constantine |
Argor Constantine |
Lurking again.
Gianluca the Honeyed |
Free and lurking now, as I catch up.
Better late than never...?
EDIT: Aaargh, I remember writing a post suggesting that Argor or Cladissa learn Ears of the City before we came. It seems like a great spell to help us here.
That said, I suspect they have other--more powerful--divinations at their disposal as well. That seems like the next step, unless we want to risk asking around town.
Argor Constantine |
Pre-Work Lurk
Argor Constantine |
Workin and lurkin
Argor Constantine |
Lurkin' a while today.
Cladissa d'Lavigne Velorryan |
I'm in the middle of buying a house and selling our old one too, so I feel your pain. I don't have as much free time as I used to, and it's going to get worse before it gets better.
gyrfalcon |
Take care, you both.
Jelani, is farm shopping about buying a farm? Stuff for a farm? Something else?
Whatever it is, glad I'm not the only one to slow things down. ;-)
On my end, I'll be going on vacation Feb 14-24. Vacation can go either way for me--it's waaaaaay less busy than work--but expect me to be missing for days at a time as I'm off playing or traveling with my fam.
Argor Constantine |
Stal: based on your post I’m assuming your illusion was trying to be enough to conceal your identity fairly well until you chose to reveal yourself. But I at least put us in proximity.
Cladissa d'Lavigne Velorryan |
To my recollection, Argor has never conversed with Cole. I thought this might be a good opportunity, but it's totally up to him. Cole rarely initiates conversations.
Gianluca the Honeyed |
Hey gang, I love how fleshed out a life both Argor and Cladissa continue to have!
I could imagine similar sort of posts for Zoli's retirement...but I don't think it's going to happen for Gianluca or Nyugelle. They were both fun characters to play...and probably neither of them was ever as fully fleshed out as either of yall.
I know that in retirement Nyugelle will have a child, and go spend a good bit of time in part to grapple with the new heritage she has, thanks to her reincarnation. I know that Gianluca will be willing to take occasional missions for the Pathfinders, or at a friend's request. Otherwise, he'll become more involved in establishing the faith of Arshea in Absolom, including acting as one of their main sacred prostitutes. If you want to weave either into a scene, feel free. If you want me to RP a bit, ping on Discord. I might be able to...but I think I'm mostly ready to let them go, and build more with Croq, Cica, and of course Zoli (...and hopefully eventually Yume Sugimatu as well!)
In the meantime, thank you again to Jelani for the VERY impressive feat of taking these PF society scenarios, expanding on them, weaving them into a cohesive campaign, and then seeing the whole thing through to completion. It goes without saying, most PBP never makes it to the end, and I'm really glad this one did.
Thanks to each of you who've been a player in it too--and especially to Thron and Stal, who've been the heart of the PC roleplaying here.
I've got some great memories from this campaign...not least of which, the moment Cladissa burst in on Nyugusk and and Gianluca having sex. ;-)