The Morphling's Rise of the Runelords
Game Master
The Morphling
Combat Map
Male Human Kineticist (Fire) 3 -- HP 42 : AC 16 CMD 14 TAC 13 FAC 14 : kinetic blast +6 (touch), 2d6+2 : F+9 R+6 W+5 : INIT+8 Perc+8 CMB+2
Continues reading Occult Playtest manual...
Male Human Investigator (Sleuth) 1 HP: 10/10 AC: 15 Rapier +2 1d6 Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +2 Init +4 Per +4
Very interesting. Thanks for the heads-up!
Sejanus Corvus wrote: Continues reading Occult Playtest manual... Yeah. The Occult Adventures playtest is so absurdly complicated and cool. Nothing in there that a non-magic character like Alphonse will use, but it's all stuff that he would be very familiar with and knowledgeable about from being in Ustalav.
Male Human Kineticist (Fire) 3 -- HP 42 : AC 16 CMD 14 TAC 13 FAC 14 : kinetic blast +6 (touch), 2d6+2 : F+9 R+6 W+5 : INIT+8 Perc+8 CMB+2
The kineticist gets CONSTITUTION as a spell-like ability modifier? I can finally have a dwarven earthbender! Err... terrakineticist.
Yeah. Kineticist is frikkin' insane.
Male Human Kineticist (Fire) 3 -- HP 42 : AC 16 CMD 14 TAC 13 FAC 14 : kinetic blast +6 (touch), 2d6+2 : F+9 R+6 W+5 : INIT+8 Perc+8 CMB+2
Wood Elven explorer | Active buffs: | HP: 0/51 | d8 8/8 | Ki 5/8 | Insp 0
Without Lacuna, do you want to recruit the best tracker in Sandpoint?
Lacuna's player tells me every day that she is coming back any minute now. I have been trying to get them to post.
In any case, I don't think you guys need another member. You'll do great as it is, even if Lacuna's nap takes another month.
Been slammed at work, will post adapt, probably tomorrow. Plan to continue asking the sheriff and mayor about my character's brother.
Next post is coming soon, just have a very busy schedule at the moment. :)
Soon, of course, being a relative term. :P Sorry for the holdup. I will undoubtedly get the next post up over the weekend. Just want to reassure you all that I am still alive and will be ready soon.
Male Human Kineticist (Fire) 3 -- HP 42 : AC 16 CMD 14 TAC 13 FAC 14 : kinetic blast +6 (touch), 2d6+2 : F+9 R+6 W+5 : INIT+8 Perc+8 CMB+2
Still alive. My boss apparently forgot Thanksgiving is this week and has been pummeling us with work to try to squeeze it all in before Thursday... I feel terrible that I've let this hang so long but I've been very distracted.
Coming up with the side-story for Dolgrin's brother alongside managing the current events with Sejanus makes this a particularly complex post so I haven't gotten the time to do it properly yet.
Wood Elven explorer | Active buffs: | HP: 0/51 | d8 8/8 | Ki 5/8 | Insp 0
please post small things at least, because momentum is important in PbP
Male Human Kineticist (Fire) 3 -- HP 42 : AC 16 CMD 14 TAC 13 FAC 14 : kinetic blast +6 (touch), 2d6+2 : F+9 R+6 W+5 : INIT+8 Perc+8 CMB+2
No worries. Even if life is busy, just poke your head in to let us know you haven't disappeared. :)
We're back in action! Sorry again for the delays. It kills me when a GM vanishes out of the blue so I've been trying to give updates even if I don't get a post up.
Wood Elven explorer | Active buffs: | HP: 0/51 | d8 8/8 | Ki 5/8 | Insp 0
Woot! Happy Thanksgiving!
DM returned just as I was in a stretch of work. I'll get a post up as soon as I can.
I feel guilty this game hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. I've had a rough week - my car got totaled and work has been ramping up leading into the holidays. Splitting the group like this has been complicated for figuring out how to do each post - I want to give everyone the spotlight, but then I end up taking way too long to make a post because I'm trying to think of how to get Edlethron some activity, make up new stuff for Dolgrin's side-story on the fly, and get Sejanus's sticky situation resolved.
I need a new way to approach making these posts.
Wood Elven explorer | Active buffs: | HP: 0/51 | d8 8/8 | Ki 5/8 | Insp 0
Splitting the group is more work. If you don't have the time, wave your magic wand.
Dolgrin is just trying to tie up his background and give you a plot hook to feed us more information for the adventure. Not make more work for you.
Go ahead and "box text"/monologue/story-tell what happens to Sejanus and Dolgrin and get the campaign to the next encounter that we can sink our teeth into. It doesn't have to be combat, just something to encounter.
You may want to review which players are still with us. The holiday will get slow, but it would be better to build some momentum in order to attract us back after the eventual slow period.
Male Human Kineticist (Fire) 3 -- HP 42 : AC 16 CMD 14 TAC 13 FAC 14 : kinetic blast +6 (touch), 2d6+2 : F+9 R+6 W+5 : INIT+8 Perc+8 CMB+2
Alphonse, still ready when I bring the spotlight back onto you? This past week has been a problem for me but things should be better soon.
Wood Elven explorer | Active buffs: | HP: 0/51 | d8 8/8 | Ki 5/8 | Insp 0
Sorry to split the party. Though glad the party is back together to split. Feel free to monologue us together.
Alphonse is having issues logging into the site. Will keep you all posted on the situation.
I'll be traveling before and after the holidays, and working during them, so my posting may get a little short-winded. But I will have my portable devices with me while I travel so I should still be able to check the forums and update as needed, just don't expect anything long winded.
This week will also be very busy for me.
I am on vacation this whole week, so I can't predict the days when I'll be able to post, FYI. I return late Saturday evening.
Male Human Kineticist (Fire) 3 -- HP 42 : AC 16 CMD 14 TAC 13 FAC 14 : kinetic blast +6 (touch), 2d6+2 : F+9 R+6 W+5 : INIT+8 Perc+8 CMB+2
So, I'm sure you guys have noticed I've not been as focused on this game as when we first started. I started this campaign to play with two real-life friends, both of whom quit the game relatively quickly. I hate abandoning commitments, especially to Play-by-Posts given the difficulty of keeping them going on the forums, so I've been trying to keep it going even though both of the people I made the game to play with decided to leave, but ever since they left, my heart really hasn't been in the game.
I really like the characters you guys have made, so it's killing me to have to step down as GM. If you guys are interested in finding someone new to GM, I'd love to continue on as a player character, because I love the party we have here. It's just that running the game is really grating on me, and I haven't been having fun as GM for a while.
Would you guys be up for finding a new GM, or one of you guys stepping up to run the game?
Wood Elven explorer | Active buffs: | HP: 0/51 | d8 8/8 | Ki 5/8 | Insp 0
Why don't you post a GM Wanted on the Recruitment board? Explain the situation and where we are in the AP with spoilers. Let's see if someone can step up.
Just mark me as inactive. I've recently started two more campaigns (joint KM campaigns in the same timeline, founding competing nations) and could use the extra time to focus on those as well as my own RotR and PbP games.
I'll wait for Sejanus's input before making a post.
Thanks for all you've done so far, Dolgrin! It's been a blast - good luck on the other campaigns!
Male Human Kineticist (Fire) 3 -- HP 42 : AC 16 CMD 14 TAC 13 FAC 14 : kinetic blast +6 (touch), 2d6+2 : F+9 R+6 W+5 : INIT+8 Perc+8 CMB+2
Go ahead and mark me as inactive. Good gaming, everyone. Sometimes real life gets in the way of the important things. ;)
Wood Elven explorer | Active buffs: | HP: 0/51 | d8 8/8 | Ki 5/8 | Insp 0
Well that's the game. Thanks everyone.
@Game Master, please mark the campaign inactive in the Edit of the Campaign Info tab.
Thanks for the run, everyone. Good luck to you all.
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