Thron's Whispering Way Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Thron

Whispering Way Roll20 Link

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Alllllrighty Thran I've got me an idea I can work with. Still figuring out the tiddly bits but he's going to be a plague/alchemy oriented Cleric of Urgathoa.

Although certainly willing and able to animate undead, he's more focused on spreading disease and suffering. Looking at the Inner Sea Gods book, Clerics of Urgathoa can become carriers to disease with the casting of Remove Disease; they don't suffer any effects from this either.

On top of this, their Contagion diseases use the full Spell's DC for secondary saves rather than the disease's normal saves - thats.. rather huge. Basically he's interested in spreading death and decay through disease. He's big on alchemy (and thus he enjoys poisons too - particularly ingested ones) and is not big on front-line combat. In fact, He's probably going to be an Ecclesitheurge, thus won't wear armor.

More soon!

DM Thron wrote:

For all of these reviews, please forgive me if I ask or seem to have overlooked something posted elsewhere in the thread, as I've been on a work stretch and am just trying to get caught up a bit in regards to these reviews. Just remind me of it.

Jegan of Amanns:
Dex combatant of some type, at this point I'm assuming ranged. No backstory to review at this time, unless it is in the thread somewhere?

Sorry about the delay, been working on fleshing out everything. A few things updated, not completed yet.

@DM Thron:
Was thinking some ranged, but probably some light melee, emphasis on weapons that I can use my DEX bonus to later... will take Weapons Finesse later on. Rough ideas for the motivation were in the post, along with worldview, background is coming from those two.... have a bit from youth to adolescence on the sheet now.... adulthood to now is the final piece and should be finished and on by tomorrow.
Posted gold he has to start with.... will deduct from it as I make my inventory list. He might need some trade good / alchemical samples for his cover, wouldn't be enough to craft anything large out of, but would need to be enough to prove to a city merchant's councel or its equivalent that allowing a fetchling merchant outpost to be established would be beneficial to them.

DM Thron wrote:

For all of these reviews, please forgive me if I ask or seem to have overlooked something posted elsewhere in the thread, as I've been on a work stretch and am just trying to get caught up a bit in regards to these reviews. Just remind me of it.


Sorry it took so long to get back to this. Had a con this weekend that kept me busy and internetless.

Revenge desire is strong, but Grondar is paitient. He knew his step-mother and siblings were playing a long game and he knows the only way to get proper revenge is to do the same. He would have been in contact long enough to be fully converted to their ways but probably not more than 6 months to a year.

Grommuk think whispering people funny. Stupid funnies. GROMMUK BREAK FUNNIES! RAAAAAAAUUUUGHHHHHHH!

Dark Archive

Panne tilts her head and walks up to Grommuk. She gets close. Closer. Closer. Very very close. Her nose almost touches him. She whispers, "I know something scarier than you." She giggles manically and bounces away.

Okay, got the wife aggro off my back for a brief reprieve (AKA: she's at work today. Heh. Wasn't so much aggro as much as her demanding my attention around the house doing chores. And her car tried to breakdown, had to fix that. Yay $130 dollars less!). that I have read everyone's responses back to my feedback, and have taken note of your answers.

Ialo, if you can find me the rule stating that you get three rolls, I am okay with that, and will go ahead and make those 2 extra rolls just in case. Otherwise, your decision is fine.

1d100 ⇒ 51 - You can make fruit ripen with a touch.
1d100 ⇒ 8 - You use your Charisma score instead of your Constitution score to determine how many rounds you can hold your breath.

@DM Thron

Wife aggro is the worst. I think that's what kids are for; they can off-tank while you catch some heals and refresh your CDs.

I'm soloing this campaign for now, haven't invited any further members to the party.

You could try Summon Minor Monster; see if your DM will allow you to apply the Young template instead of an alignment one. Tiny animals sometimes prove effective.

We do have a cat already, but unfortunately, it is my wife's familiar and loyal exclusively to her. I am outnumbered, I shall surely perish.

We have a cat as well, and I'm starting to think they're all like that.

..this is why they call Dogs man's best friend, no?

DM Thron wrote:
We do have a cat already, but unfortunately, it is my wife's familiar and loyal exclusively to her. I am outnumbered, I shall surely perish.

Are you calling your wife a witch?!?

Listen buddy, I've been married for over 20 years and that's no way to treat your wife. :)

Or a wizard. Or an arcane sorceress.

Dark Archive

My mom has a refrigerator magnet (well, she has many, and some of the best things I've learned have come from them) and it says "Never criticize your wife's judgement. Look who she married!"
Sage words. ;-)

Also, while the tactical and meta-strategic benefits of Summon Minor Monster are palpable, I find the intrinsic negative modifies to Summon Free Time and Craft(Game Night) tend to offset the positives of the build. =)

No comment on the wife issue, I tend to favor random encounters hoping to run into the boss one of these days. xP

As for the three rolls rule, I may be thinking of tiefling variant rules which Aasimar pretty much copied. Anyways sticking to the original sense nothing flavorful came up. I deal with undead, the only thing that ripens are the bodies and as for Ialo holding his breath. That's not a big deal when your bosses tend not to breath. ;)

Still working and checking on Ialo. May finally get him ready to post in the pre game if I'm lucky.

Ialo Darkfang wrote:
Still working and checking on Ialo.

If I can help a bit, it seems you have three traits, and no drawback.

Paranoid is my drawback, it's right under the traits. I need to get around to reformatting as well. Busy days. x)

Haha; wow talk about bad.

I saw this:

Trait, trait, trait

...then assumed the drawback would be next to the colon, even though the previous example wasn't.

My bad!

I'm going to respectfully bow out of the recruitment process.

I was just accepted in another game so playing four and DMing two fills up my plate.

Maybe some other time.

Thanks and happy gaming!

Bad storm incoming. Headed to work with some clothes and supplies in case I get stuck there. If I'm silent...that is why.

Dark Archive

Oof. Yeah, you guys are gonna get a legendary-class bad storm. Stay safe!

It started here about 9 this morning; 9/10 businesses already closed yesterday, and not a single school waited until this morning to call the snow day.

But as it turns out, it's not that bad, here anyway. It's a lot of accumulation, but it's very light and powdery, and clears easily if your DOT is on top of things.

I'm interested in throwing my hat into the ring. I'm not sure yet what I would play, possibly an inquisitor. Something I can really sink some RP teeth into...

Be safe Thron. (and any others affected)

So I'm definitely looking at a Juju Oracle. Probably aged up. Gotta start working on backstory etc. to bring this one to life, or maybe undeath...

Just a reminder to everyone, recruitment will still be closing at the originally posted time. Any incomplete submissions will be disregarded once that mark has passed.

Whew! made it under the wire!

Dragos Vaako reporting for duty!

He's an antipaladin of Zon Kuthon.

I'm sorry, but I must bow out. I enjoyed the little RP I got to contribute to, but my priorities have shifted (GMing two campaigns) and I feel like my chances were slim anyways. Have fun all!

Just say Drovius pinched himself awake or rot grubs on the table ate him or something.

Going to have to bow out as well... work is moving me across country and the process has eaten a huge chunk of time. Good luck, really sorry I can't play in this one!

caught a mistake in my submission.

He has the Knight of the Sepulcher archetype. Nothing changes until level 5. so that's probably why i forgot it.

Needless to say, recruitment is now closed. Please state if you are still interested in playing and I will review the apps over the weekend.

Stil interested

Still interested, though I haven't had time to flesh out his backstory as much as I'd have liked.

Absolutely still interested.

Dark Archive

Oh yeah still interested! =-D

Still here and interested!

Still interested

Still in :)

Surprise In-Laws visit hindered my ability to review the submissions as well as I'd have liked over the weekend. However, I will be going over them all again today and will have my selections posted ASAP.


I've reviewed the selections, and I will say this at the onset. I only gave serious consideration to those who stated they were in fact still interested. There have been three days since I made that request, and as such, if you didn't respond in that time, I took it as a lack of interest. Sorry if this wasn't the case.

Of those that remained, I am going to force myself down to 5 selections. That means I had to cut out only 2 people, which makes this a very difficult task in my opinion. I based my choices on how I felt the characters would interact with one another,

Ultimately, I have settled on the following 5 characters, in no particular order:

Ialo Darkfang
Dragos Vaako
Aleksei Molorovoni

My apologies to the pair of you that I didn't select. I strongly considered just taking all 7, but the more responsible side of me decided I needed to stick to my guns and keep the party size manageable. I invite you to stick around if you are still interested in the game: who knows what tasks Tar-Baphon may have in store for you!

The rest of you, check into the Discussion Thread!

Congrats! To all and good submissions! I really wanted to see everyone play

No worries. Getting my evil fix elsewhere, but I'll keep abreast just in case.

Congrats everyone! I'll definitely be sticking around, just shoot me a PM if Vladimir is needed to serve the forces of evil.

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