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2,727 posts. Alias of Khelreddin.

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DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy


DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

At the request of Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry, a small group of Pathfinder agents find themselves on board the Glorious Payoff, Benarry’s ship, as it sails down the Garundi coast. Several peaceful days into the journey, Venture-Captain Benarry asks that the Pathfinders meet her at eight bells in the afternoon watch (which a helpful crewman explains mean “four o’clock”).

As a splash of salt crashes over the bow of the Glorious Payoff, Calisro Benarry deftly steers her ship through a hidden channel, carefully navigating through the barely visible rock and coral that protrude slightly from the water’s surface. Behind the Payoff, a slightly smaller ship—the Sea Sparkle—follows, making every effort to follow Benarry’s course as closely as possible. On the port beam, the deep green of the Garundi coast is illuminated by the late afternoon sun.

“See those gulls?” Benarry shouts over the flapping of the sails, “that’s the sandbar we’ll be dropping you off at. Barely sticks up over the waves, but the seabirds flock over it to feast on crab.”

“As I explained earlier, Vidrian—you might have known it as Sargava not that long ago—needs explorers to chart the trade routes to the south that they couldn’t use back when it was ruled by Cheliax. Simple enough bit of adventuring, but the new nation’s been having trouble with the Free Captains of late. Turns out when Vidrian broke free of Cheliax, the locals stopped paying the pirates protection money, and now Vidrian ships are the number-one plunder target in the Shackles. What’s more, the pirates have set up a blockade preventing our ships from making it down to Vidrian to assist.”

“Thankfully, we’ve got someone on the inside. Stella Fane, a Free Captain with ties to the Firebrands and the Pirate Council, has been in contact with the Society. She and members of the Society’s leadership have put together a fairly clever plan to help the Society’s ships pass through the pirate blockades unharmed. The Wind and the Waves willing, the Payoff and the Sparkle can sail to Vidrian, no problem. While we’re doing that, I’ve arranged transport for you to Port Peril to meet with Fane and get her to sign this contract making the whole thing official—she may be a pirate, but she’s the kind that holds to her word. You’ll need to avoid drawing too much attention until after the deal is done. Once she’s signed the contract, her friends in the Pirate Council will ratify it and there won’t be much the lesser captains can do. Be careful. Anyone looking to put a stop to this need only ensure that contract never gets signed.”

As the ship sails closer to the sandbar – which appears to be little more than a very slightly elevated patch of sand in a wide-open stretch of water – Benarry asks, ”Any questions before we drop you off?”

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Please post your character info in the table you'll find in the slides linked above, where it says 'Catastrophe.'

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy


DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Welcome to the River Kingdoms one and all!

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Riparian Revolutionary dot!

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Howdy all! As we blaze trails, please post the following PFS info here:

Player Name:
Character Name:
Advancement (normal or slow):
Earn Income Roll (or other Downtime activity):
Perception and vision/senses:
Default Exploration Activity:

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Prepare to blaze trails!

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

A place to discuss Initiation and initiate discussions.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Dot to initiate the Initiation.

A few of us have made a reservation at an escape room in Seattle for Friday afternoon, when there are fewer options for organized play, and we’re looking for folks to join us! We did a different escape room at the same place last year and it was very good - immersive, very high production values so it felt real, and clever puzzles to solve.

We’re planning to go to Seattle Escape Games , and have signed up for the Friday, 4:15 PM slot of The Bank Job. That leaves some time for lunch after morning games, and time to get back for the 7 PM evening slot. It’s about 20 minutes to the place, and we’ll take an Uber or taxi to get there.

Of the three of us, one is an escape room veteran and a good teacher of how to approach them, and the others have done a few escape rooms but still have much to learn. If you’re interested, or have questions about this plan or escape rooms in general, or have built an escape room in the maintenance tunnels at the Doubletree that you’d like to invite us to come check out, post here or shoot me a PM.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Hey all - let's keep the discussion on character selection going here. Once that's set, we can do some character intros in Gameplay and set the stage, and get rolling on the 13th.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy


That's a captive dot.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

A place for discussion of things unseen.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Unseen dot

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

A place for your voices to discuss voids and such.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Void dot.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

A place for grave discussions.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Glittering, crystalline dot.

A notion of a character occurred to me, but it's little more than a notion at this point and I'd love to hear ideas around it. My notion is a character who has survived a hanging, and considers any additional time he spends alive to be bonus time. It seems to me that this would make him fearless, willing to charge into battle or take great risks because he's already living on borrowed time - but it could play out in other ways as well.

A few thoughts as to how this might manifest in a character:

- he's a daring swashbuckler - devastatingly handsome, but with a thick scar encircling his neck and marring his good looks - who considers no risk too great!

- he's a bard who once had a mellifluous singing voice, but who can now only croak when he attempts to sing (I'm told there's a character along these lines in the Diana Gabaldon Scottish time travel books, but I based it on my friend's cat - named Tosca, she once had a lovely tone to her meow, but after an unfortunate encounter with a garage door, she could only make a hoarse rasping sound)

- he's a hangman vigilante, who knows that the system is not always successful in applying justice (witness his own case), and has determined to apply it himself where needed

Any thoughts on other ideas, or how to implement some of the ones above? I'm sure there are class ideas out there I'm not considering, or ways this character's views might be shaped by his experience.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Please, discuss!

For starters, let's sort out what characters people would like to play. The scenario is for levels 3-7. We currently have four players, and I'm fine to just run with that, but if there are people anyone would like to invite, we can easily accommodate one or two more.

I don't usually give previews like this, but there is a fun arcane familiar option on the chronicle if that affects anyone's character choice.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy



Under Sleight of Hand (CRB . 147), one of the taks you can apply the skill to is Entertain, which says,

"You can use Sleight of Hand to entertain and audience, as if you were using the earn a living task of the Profession skill."
Under Day Job, the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide (p. 45) says,

"You gain a number of credits equal to twice your Profession skill check result, as per the “Earn a Living” entry in the Profession skill (Starfinder Core Rulebook 146). You cannot use other skills to

make a Day Job check."

So, does using Sleight of Hand "as if you were using the earn a living task" allow you to use it for Day Job checks? Or can you categorically not use other skills for a Day Job check, even if the skill in question says it is acting like the Profession skill? My operative wants to know!

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

No time for discussion, you must toil!

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Here you will toil in the Tapestry.

Looking for players for a run of Treacherous Waves. I played this at PaizoCon (with GM Lamplighter, Hmm, and Feral, among others) and had a great time, thought I'd open it up here for PbP.

This is for PbP Gameday VI, so gameplay won't start until August 25th.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Surf reports here!

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy


DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Hi gang - here's a chance to introduce yourselves and talk about what characters you plan to play. Based on what I've heard so far, we're looking at low-tier within this 3-7 scenario. I think I've mentioned this to everyone, but all of us were at PaizoCon last week, though I'm not sure you all met each other there.

Right now there are four players, and I'm sort of inclined to keep it that way. I like small PbP's, and I find they go much more quickly, but if anyone disagrees, feel free to speak up.

At a minimum I'd like people to be able to post once a day, and would hope for more frequent posting. Let me know if you think that would be an issue for you. If you're not going to be able to post for a few days, that's fine, I just ask you give some advance notice and perhaps some instructions for how you'd act, particularly in combat.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Test dot

DM Feral will be running a game on Saturday afternoon, #8-14: To Seal the Shadow, wherein the wayangs of Inahiyi invite the Society to observe the annual festival to commemorate the catastrophe that brought the shadowy race into this world. There are a couple of us already signed up with wayang characters, would be fun to get some more, but all species are welcome!

It’s a 1-5 scenario, we’ve signed up at level 4, so likely to go high tier. Please sign up on Warhorn here .

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

For discussion of bronze real estate and associated appraisals reprisals.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Classy bronze dot.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Discussion dots go here.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Leave yer dots with the fella by the door, please.

A fine Christmas Eve to all who celebrate such things!

I've a question, that I guess is related to divine celebrations, so I'll throw it out now:

How long do Authoritative Vestments remain charged after you channel into them? All of the other channel foci include some sort of duration in their description, generally 24 hours or until they're expended somehow, though some have much lesser durations. The vestments are the only ones that don't say how long an activation lasts, except to say "When activated, the garments make you seem more impressive and worthy of respect to all viewers within 60 feet of you; you may make a single Diplomacy check to change the attitudes of these viewers as a swift action. You can only use this ability on a particular viewer once per day (additional attempts have no effect, though you can still persuade viewers normally without the help of the focus)."

Any ideas? How have others seen this played? It could be that you have to channel as a standard action and then use the swift action that same round, but all of the other foci are able to hold the activation charge for a much longer period than that. It could be that it stays charged until it's used, but that seems longer than is typical for a channel focus.

So - how long does it last?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I got a grippli DM boon in PFS, and am working on putting together an amnesiac psychic with the psychedelia discipline, because the flavor seems insanely fun and goofy. I'm imagining a sort of poison-dart frog looking guy, who licks himself to get at the psychotropic compounds in his skin and can't remember what happened three minutes ago - and who messes with enemies' minds by projecting into them the crazy stuff going on in his own head.

This will be my first foray into an occult class, and I'd love any advice: on feats, flavor, spells, traits, interesting applications of Phrenic Amplifications, whatever. I've got the two psychic class guides and have started to read through them, but I'm looking for fun ideas other have employed as well. I'm also curious how the amnesiac has worked out mechanically for others - it's got lots of flavor for roleplay, wondering if it helps or hurts in game play.

I recognize that the grippli's stat array (+2 Wis/+2 Dex/-2 Str) is not entirely optimal for an Int-based caster, but I generally find PFS doesn't require complete min-maxing for a character to do pretty well and be able to contribute, and fun characters are fun.

Taking a shot at this - we've got three players and a GM lined up to play 7-01, Between the Lines, via Google Hangouts, starting at aroud 6:00 PM Pacific Time today.

We could do it with just three players, but I thought I'd see if the wonders of the internet made it possible to pick up a fourth. We're all long-time PbP'ers - Feral is running the game for me, Oladon and Amazing Red.

PM me or post here if you want in! We're probably playing low-tier (it's a 1-5 scenario), but that has not been nailed down.

This game is full, sorry.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

A place for discussin' just how close to midnight we're getting.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy


DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

A place for DiscuScion.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy


DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

A forum for sophisticated discussion of all topics that matter, with a particular emphasis on Serpents and Sieges.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy


I'm working on a Wayang unchained rogue, and thinking it would be fun to use the alternate racial trait Dissolution's Child, which is a supernatural ability, without needing to worry about the daily usage. So my question is, does the spell Recharge Innate Magic really only recharge spell-like abilities?

The text seems pretty clear that it recharges spell-like abilities, but it also says it recharges "innate magic abilities," and a racial trait seems to qualify for that. I'm fairly confident it's limited to Sp abilities, but I wanted see what views I got here.

By the way, this is for PFS, so I can't just ask my GM how he'd rule on this.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

A nice place to discuss the misadventures of a sleepwalking gent.

DM | Map Stuff | Burden of Envy

Dot in here, y'all.

Hi - I've got some questions for Amanda, our DM for this game.

The write-up says we can play a pre-gen or a PFS character. As was asked in another thread about this game, does this mean PFS-legal or an actual PFS character? On a related note - does this mean we'll somehow get PFS credit for this? (I'm guessing not. )

On a more fun note - who else is playing in this game? I'll be there with my son. I've been playing RPGs since the early 80's, my son is almost 14 and has played Pathfinder for about 3 years now, managing to play 2-4 times a week because his school has an after-school Pathfinder group, the lucky dog.

Haven't yet turned my thinking to a character to make for this, if that's what we end up doing, but it's pretty clear we should plan for some time in the water!