
Bon Jon Bovi's page

425 posts. Organized Play character for Abraham Z..

Organized Play Characters

Market Patron
Liberty's Edge Yuri Twobeards

Medium Male CG Dwarf Barbarian (chained) 12/Fighter 2 | HP 165/165 (raging 221/221) | AC 25 (raging 27) T 15 (13) FF 22 (24) | CMB +20 (23), CMD 33 (34) +3 vs Sunder, +4 vs Bull Rush & Trip| F +22 (26), R +12, W +9 (12) | Init +6 | Perc +17 (+2 stonework) & darkvision SM +0 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: Lucky # 6; | Constant: Combat Reflexes, DR 2/-, Imp. Uncanny Dodge (470 posts)
Scarab Sages Tsrvk
(6 posts)
Garuda-Blooded Aasimar
Silver Crusade Dawa Kookpa

Male Aasimar CG Oracle 8/Bard 1 | HP 69/75 | AC 20/16/14 | CMB +8, CMD 14 | F +8, R +15, W +13 | Init +3 | Perc +10 (+2 to notice haunts) SM +1 | Speed 30' | Bardic Performance 26/28 Active Conditions: Inspire Courage, Ant Haul, Life Bubble, Defending Bone (30/40), Resist Energy 20x4 | Constant: Resist Negative 10; SR 14 vs evil descriptor & evil outsiders; Flagbearer & Banner (199 posts)
Jamus Hainard
Liberty's Edge Sir Mr. Proudefeets

Male LG Halfling 10 (Paladin 6/Fighter 2/Monk 2) | HP 83/83 | AC 23 T 14 FF 20 (if Charge -2, if Smite +6) | CMB +11, CMD 23 (28 vs grapple) | F: +21 23 R: +16 19 (evasion) W: +15 17 | Init: +5 (always act in surprise round) | Perc: +5, SM: -1 | Speed 20ft (Mounted Fly 40ft) | Active: | Constant: +6 Aura of Courage 30' (241 posts)
Baba Yaga
Dark Archive Agata

Female CG Elven Witch 17 | HP 120/136 | AC 17 T 13 FF 12 (DR 5/Bludgeoning) | CMB +8, CMD 20 (25 grapple) | F: +16, R: +17 (evasion, Duck & Cover), W: +23 | Init: +6 | Perc: +31, SM: +1 | Speed 30ft (Fly 40ft - Good) | Defending Bone (30/50) | Aura of Purity 17/17 | Lore Needles 3/3 | Inv. Mind 16/17 Active:Mind Blank, Heroism, See Invis, Hunter's Blessing, Mage Armor, -2 re Int/Wis/Cha | Constant: Automatically knows when a spell or SLA of any school of magic is cast within 60', Ameliorating (blindness & curse); ContinualFlame (695 posts)
Scarab Sages Hoprah

Female CN Human Sorcerer 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 10/10/10 14 T 10 FF 14 (mage armor) | CMB +0 CMD 10 | F: +6 R: +3 W: +6 (additional +6 vs charm and compulsion) | Init +10 | Perc +3 | SM +2 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Mage Armor (297 posts)
Kurvis Nurpico
Dark Archive Jethro Z.

M Male Neutral Human Wizard (Diviner) 3.0 | HP 26+13/26 | AC 10+4 T 10 FF 10 | CMB -1, CMD 9 | F +4, R +2, W +6 | Init +7 (always act in surprise round) | Perc +2 SM +2 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, False Life | Constant: | Arcane Bond 1/1 | GM Reroll 1/1 | Diviner's Fortune 8/8 | (124 posts)

Grand Lodge Number 8 is live again Z.
(0 posts)
Grand Lodge Undiana Jones

Male CG Undine Wizard 10 | HP 81/81+12| AC 13+4 T 13 FF 10+4 | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +10 | Init: +4 (+8 with H. Awareness) | Perc: +16, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft (Swim 30) | Active conditions: Mage Armor, Overland Flight, Life Bubble (405 posts)
Rage Prophet
The Exchange Gronkh Maha

Male N Half-Orc Cavalier 1 Fighter 1 | HP 9/23 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 (-2 charging) | CMB +7, CMD 18 | F +10, R +5, W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +1 SM +1 | Speed 20' | Active Conditions: | Constant: | GM Reroll 0/1 | (266 posts)
Silver Crusade Tull Shadde-Quah

Male Chaotic Good Half-Orc Warpriest 9/Bloodrager 1 | HP 85/85 (rage: 100/115; 7 non-lethal) | AC 21 T 11 FF 20 (rage: -2) | CMB +13, CMD 24 | F +16(19), R +9, W +14(18) | | Init +1 | Perc +10 SM +8 | Speed 40' |Fervor 9/9 |Bloodrage 16/16 | Blessings 7/7 | Sacred Weapon 9/9 | Sacred Armor 9/9 | Active Conditions: Haste, Delay Poison, Defending Bone (45/45) | (161 posts)
Liberty's Edge Bon Jon Bovi

Medium Male LG Suli Unchained Monk 8 | HP 68/68 | AC 20 T 20 FF 16 (w/ Mage Armor & Barkskin: 27/20/23) | CMB +13, CMD 33 | F +11, R +12 (evasion), W +6 (+2 vs stunning, fear, +6 vs mind-affecting, +4 vs paralysis & sleep, +1 vs fire) | Init +3 | Perc +10 SM +2 | Speed 50' | +2 Str/atk/CMB check | +2 Dex check unused | Lucky Number: 3 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin (425 posts)
Champion of Magic
Sovereign Court Fizzlebottom

Male N Gnome Mesmerist 3 | HP 24/24 | AC 17 T 13 FF 15 | CMB +0 CMD 12 | F +5 R+6 W +7, +4 vs. disease & poison, +2 vs illusion | Init +2 | Perc +2 (darkvision) SM -2 | Speed 20' | Active Conditions: Heightened Awareness (201 posts)
Grand Lodge Vishk
(0 posts)
Dark Archive Xivio

Male N Sylph Rogue 1/Wizard 2 | HP 23/23 | AC 13 T 13 FF 10 (with Mage Armor 17/13/14) | CMB -1, CMD 12 | F +4, R +6, W +4 | Init +3 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Speed 35' | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Pearl of Power 0/1 | GM reroll 1/1 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor (72 posts)
Riding Dog
Liberty's Edge Phidöe

Tiny Male LG "Dog" UnMonk 1/Paladin 2/UnRogue 2/Swash 1 | HP 58/58 | AC 26 T 25 FF 17 (w/ Mage Armor: 30/25/21) | CMB +11, CMD 22 | F +13, R +20 (evasion), W +8 | | Init +8 | Perc +9 SM +0 | Speed 40' | | Smite 1/1 | Lay on Hands 5/5 | Stunning Fist 2/2 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor (319 posts)

Grand Lodge CORE Ranger Archer 1.0
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Eldritch Guardian 1.0
(0 posts)
Silver Crusade Drukpa Marpo

Male LG Nagaji Bloodrager 4 | Raging: HP 45/45 | AC 17 T 9 FF 16 | CMB +13 CMD 20 (27 vs grapple)| F +11 R +5 W +5 (+2 vs. mind-affecting & poison & cold) | Not Raging: HP 37/37 | AC 18 T 11 FF 17 | CMB +11 CMD 20 | F +9 R +5 W +5 | | Init +5 | Perc +6 (low-light) SM +0 | Speed 20' | Rage 5/12 | Reroll 1/1 | LoH 1/1 | Spit 3/3 | Active Conditions: Barkskin 12:30, Heroism 12:50, Clay Skin (10/25) 12:50, Shield (13:04), Delay Poison 15:00, Alch. Grease 16:00, Vermin Rep. 16:00, Ablative Barrier (0/25) 17:00, Blood Pill 20:00 (433 posts)
Sunflower Leshy
Sovereign Court Skarlit Begonia

Small Female N Vine Leshy Vigilante 2.0 | HP 19/19 | AC 21 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F +3, R +6, W +3 | Init +5 | Perc +5 SM +0 | Speed 15' (Climb 10') | Active Conditions: None | Constant: (93 posts)
Liberty's Edge Vinnie Bandar

Small Male LG Vanara Unchained Monk 1 Shaman 4 | HP 42/42 (+10 temp) | AC 21 T 21 FF 16 (with Mage Armor & Barkskin 27, 22, 21) | CMB 1, CMD 21 | F +6, R +8, W +10 | Init +4 | Perc +13 SM +9 | Speed 30' (Climb 20') |Battle Spirit 4/4 | GM Reroll 1/1 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, Barkskin, False Life | Acrobatics +8, Climb +10, Swim +2 (414 posts)
Silver Crusade Ivan D'Ifrit

M Male LG Ifrit Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 Paladin (Divine Hunter) 2 | HP 21/25 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | CMB +1, CMD 15 | F +10, R +10, W +7 | Init +8 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: | Constant: | GM Reroll 1/1 | Grit 4/4 | Smite 1/1 | Called 1/1 | Gunsmithing 1/1 | (113 posts)
Stone Giant
Dark Archive Otto O'Read

Male LN Oread Druid 10 Hellknight Signifer 2 Hunter 1 | HP 143+40/143 | Wildshape: 4/5 | Troll Form: Large AC 33 (+3 vs axiomites) T 12 FF 32 | CMB +18, CMD 30 | F +21+4, R +13+5, W +21+4 | | Init +5 | Perc +24 SM +12 | Speed 20 | Active: | Constant: Regeneration 5 (acid/fire) (386 posts)

Grand Lodge Ratfolk Techie Investigator
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Tengu Z.
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Grippli Z.
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Ganzi Kineticist
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Dhampir Skald
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Samsaran Z.
(0 posts)
Dark Archive Birseko Naam

Male NG Half-Elven Psychic 6 | HP 27/38 | AC 10 T 10 FF 10 (w/Mage Armor 14/10/14) CMB 1, CMD 11 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +11 (+2 vs enchantments, +2 vs traps/hazards underground) | Init: +6 (+2 more underground) | Perc: +11 (low light), SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Resist Fire 10 (521 posts)

Grand Lodge Duskwalker Z.
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Wayang Z.
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Tiefling Z.
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Aphorite Z.
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Catfolk or Skinwalker Z.
(0 posts)
Wayfinders Shaan Poloo

Medium Male Neutral Vesk Soldier 4 | SP 36/36 HP 34/34 RP 6/6 | EAC 18 KAC 20 | F +6, R +3, W +5 (+2 vs fear) | Init +10 | Perc +0 | Speed 30' | Active Conditions: None | Constant: (243 posts)

Wayfinders Hig Hamroen
(0 posts)

Wizard Wizard Deck - Ezren

Fighter Fighter Deck - Valeros

Ultimate Intrigue Ultimate Intrigue Deck - Aric/The Red Raven

Pathfinder Tales Pathfinder Tales Deck - Radovan

Bard Bard Deck - Lem

Goblins Burn! Goblins Burn! Deck - Mogmurch

Occult Adventures 2 Occult Adventures 2 Deck - Erasmus

Alchemist Alchemist Deck - Cogsnap

Oracle Oracle Deck - Ramexes

Oracle Oracle Deck - Shardra (Unlocked by 2-3)

Summoner Summoner Deck - Alase

Rogue Rogue Deck - Merisiel
Cirieo Thessaddin
Horizon Hunters Oskar Z.

CN Male Halfling Bard (Medic) 6 | ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ◇ ↺ HP 72/72 | AC 24 | F +11 R +13 W +13 | Perc +13 (expert) | Stealth +10 | 25' speed | focus ½ | spells 1st 3/3, 2nd 3/3, 3rd 1/3 staff 3/3 | Active Conditions: | Hero Points: 0 | Default Exploration: Search | (377 posts)
Envoy's Alliance Evindal Mog

CN Male Elf (ancient elf) Alchemist 5 | Bombs Used: Lightning 3, Shards 1, Dread 2, Acid 3, Fire 1| HP 56/56 | AC 22 | F +11 R +13 W +9 | Perc +9 (low light vision) | Stealth +10 | Exploration Mode (default): Investigate | Mantles: Mylow & Nagaikaze | speed 35'| Hero ⅓ | Reagents 9/9 | Active Conditions: Resist Cold/Electricity/Negative 1, Cat's Eye | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | (266 posts)
Envoy's Alliance Fyn N' Gyn

N Male Gnome Wizard (Cleric & Psychic Dedications) 9 | Drain Bonded Item 1:1/1 2:1/1 3:0/1 4:1/1 5:1/1 | HP 67/80 | AC 24 | F +16 R +16 W +17 | Perc +14 (low light)| Stealth +13 | Focus Points 2/2 | Pocket Library Used: | 35' speed | Active Conditions: | Hero Points: 2 | Staff charges ⅝ | Default Exploration: Search | ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ◇ ↺ | (70 posts)
Lizardfolk Stalker
Vigilant Seal Razzm Tazzm

NG Male Lizardfolk Fighter (Bastion) 3 | HP 44/44 | AC 21 (23 with Shield Raised) | F +9 R +7 (+3 vs AoE from Bulwark) W +9 | Perc +9 (expert)| Stealth +0 | 20' speed | Active Conditions: | Hero Points: ⅔ | Default Exploration: Search | ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆ ◇ ↺ | (126 posts)
Radiant Oath Tai Ghee

M LG Half-Orc Monk 3 | HP 44/44 | AC 18 (21 in Mountain Stance, 23 with Shield) | Perc +8 (Low-Light) | Fort +9 Ref +8 Wis +10 | Hero 1/3 | Focus Points: 1/1 | Battle Med available: | Default Exploration: Search | Active Conditions: | (46 posts)

Vigilant Seal Arenn Pennley
(0 posts)


Tyrannosaurus Rex
Allison the Allosaurus

Large Female Neutral Allosaurus | HP 82/82 | AC 39 T 13 FF 35 | CMB +19, CMD 33 | F +15, R +16, W +13 (+4 vs enchantments) | Init +4 | Perc +10 SM +3 | Speed 50' | Active Conditions: GMFangx3 | Constant: (14 posts)
Alastir Wade
Aric Z.

Aric/Red Raven deck handler | Looking for: not sure (84 posts)
Augustille Z.

Deck Handler (243 posts)
Ethem Baler
Cogsnap Z.

Deck Handler (243 posts)
Erasmus Z.

Deck Handler (296 posts)
Ezren Z.

Human Wizard | Ezren's Deck // (401 posts)
Cadimus Adella
Finley Z.
(1 post)
GM Abraham

Emerald Spire slides | (3,079 posts)
Griff Griffon

Large Male N Griffon | HP 76/76 | AC 30 T 13 FF 26 (if Charge -2) | CMB +14, CMD 27 | F: +16 18 R: +16 19 (evasion) W: +11 13 (+6 vs fear, +4 vs enchantments) | Init: +4 | Perc: +2, SM: +2 | Speed 40ft Fly 80ft (Average) Mounted Fly 40ft | Active conditions: (22 posts)
Horace Z.
(2 posts)
Jacques Renard

"Jacques Renard" | Male CG Medium Kitsune Swashbuckler 4 | HP 52/52 | AC 21 (23 w/ buckler raised) | F +9 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9 | Default Exploration (Search) | Speed 30ft (35 ft if panache) | Active Conditions: None | Hero Points: 1/3 | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | (303 posts)
Jadren Tagar Z.

"Jadren Tagar Z." | Male LG Medium "Human? Kitsune? Who wants to know?" Fighter 5 | HP 73/73 | AC 23 (25 w/ shield) | F +12 R +9 W +11 | Perc +11 | Default Exploration (????) | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None (49 posts)
K'nai IV

Large Male N Celestial Tiger | HP 55/68 | AC 26/13/22 | CMB +14 (+18 grapple), CMD 28 | F +10, R +10, W +6 (+2 morale vs fear & charm) | Init +4 | Perc +6 SM +2 | Speed 40' |Smite Evil 1/1 | Active Conditions: Inspire Courage, Life Bubble, Air Walk, SLOW | Constant: SR 14, Resist Acid/Cold/Elec 10, Flag (10 posts)
Kyra Z.

Female NG Human Cleric 1 | HP 16/16 | AC 16 T 14 | F +2, R +2, W +6 | | Perc +5 | Speed 20' | Resonance 3/3 | Spell Points 5/5 | Active Conditions: None | (6 posts)
Batsel Hoon
Lazzero Z.

Human Cleric (tier 3.0) | Lazzero's Deck | Desired upgrades: (11 posts)
Lem Z.

Looking for: tbd Lem Z. Deck Handler (376 posts)
Merisiel Z.

Deck Handler (102 posts)
Mogmurch Z.

”Mogmurch” Male NE goblin expert 1 | HP 7/7 | AC 14 T 13 FF 12 | CMB –3, CMD 9 | F +1, R +2, W +1 | Init +2 | Perc +3, darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Reroll 0/1 | Active conditions: (203 posts)

Mogmurch Deck Handler (27 posts)
Clegg Zincher
Radovan Z.

Tiefling Rogue (Tier 5.3) | Radovan Deck Handler (219 posts)
Red Raven
Red Raven Z.

Vigilante 4.0 | Looking for: not sure Aric/Red Raven deck handler | (43 posts)
Rhon Rhino

Large Male N Elasmotherium | HP 51/51 | AC 27 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +13, CMD 25 (29 vs Overrun, Trip) | F +9, R +7, W +7 (+4 morale vs enchantments) | Init +2 | Perc +8 SM +3 | Speed 40' | Active Conditions: | (8 posts)
Faerie Dragon
Riddywipple Z.

Tiny Male CG Faerie Dragon | HP 39/40 | AC 23 T 16 FF 19 (+4 vs AoO) | CMB +6, CMD 16 | F: +4, R: +6 (imp. evasion), W: +9 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15 (darkvision), SM: +8 | Speed 10ft, Fly 60 (Perfect), Swim 30 | Active conditions: Good Hope, Inspired Rage | Constant: SR 13 (52 posts)
Shardra Z.

Deck Handler (299 posts)
Sweet Mawd

Tiny Female CG Lyrakien Azata | HP 68+14/68 | AC 24 T 16 FF 20 | CMB +10, CMD 17 | F: +9, R: +12 (Imp. Evasion, Duck & Cover), W: +16 | Init: +4 | Perc: +22, SM: +3 | Fly 80ft (perfect) | Commune 1/1 | Active conditions: Haste, Heroism, Hunter's Blessing, Mage Armor, -2 re Int/Wis/Cha, Merge with Familiar | Constant: Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Freedom of Movement, SR 22, Major Ameliorating (blindness & curse) (141 posts)
Thargrap Z.

Deck Handler (74 posts)
Sovereign Court The Twisted Tulip

Small Male LN Vine Leshy Vigilante 1.2 | HP 11/11 | AC 20+2 T 14 FF 17 | CMB +2, CMD 15 | F +3, R +5, W +2 | Init +5 | Perc +4 SM +0 | Speed 15' | Active Conditions: | Constant: | GM Reroll 1/1 | (22 posts)
Valeros Z.

Fighter 4.1 | Valeros' Deck | Want: Ally 4, Weapon 4, Armor 4, Item (want to replace Topaz) (435 posts)

Liberty's Edge Yuri the Barbarian
(2 posts)