
Hoprah's page

297 posts. Organized Play character for Abraham Z..


| Init +10 | Perc +3 | SM +2 | Speed 30ft |


Active conditions: Mage Armor


Female CN Human Sorcerer 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 10/10/10 14 T 10 FF 14 (mage armor) | CMB +0 CMD 10 | F: +6 R: +3 W: +6 (additional +6 vs charm and compulsion)

About Hoprah

Resource Tracker:

* GM Reroll once/scenario - 0/1
* Metamagic Adept (1/day) (Ex) - 0/1
* Level 2 spell slots (5/day) - 0/5
* Level 1 spell slots (8/day) - 6/8


Antiplague - 0/1
Antitoxin - 0/1
Potion of touch of the sea (in potion sponge) - 0/1
Wand of burning hands (4 charges) - CL 3 (3d4 fire) - 0/4
Wand of cure light wounds (50 charges) - 1/50
Wand of mage armor (50 charges) - 9/50
Wand of magic missile (50 charges) - 28/50
Wand of endure elements (50 charges) - 9/50
Wand of Lesser Restoration (UMD DC 20) - 0/10
Wand of Protection From Evil - 0/10

Scarab Sages Faction Journal Goals:

* Faction Journal Mission Completed this scenario: none so far
Note to self: during level 4, devote one scenario to checking boxes for Possess number of ranks... (min. 4), so don't worry about the other goals right now.

Goals Needed (Season 8, Main card):
* "Explore an ancient site during the course of an adventure. To qualify, the original occupants must have abandoned the site at least 1000 years ago, and it must cover at least 2500 square feet (a 50'x50' area)." 1/2
* "Recover a gem worth at least 400 gp plus 100 gp/level you possess during an adventure. A gem-like wondrous item such as an elemental gem or a pearl of power fulfills this goal, but its market price must be at least twice this value." 0/1
* "Successfully conclude - such as with violence, negotiation, or coercion - an encounter with an elemental creature. If slain, the elemental must have a CR at least equal to your character level." 0/2
* "Participate in an adventure that includes at least two encounters that do not take place on the Material Plane.[b]" 0/2
* "Possess a number of [b]ranks in one of the following skills
equal to your character level (minimum 4): Appraise, Knowledge (any), Linguistics."

Goals Needed (Season 9, Secondary card):
* "Explore an ancient site during the course of an adventure. To qualify, the original occupants must have abandoned the site at least 1000 years ago, and it must cover at least 2500 square feet (a 50'x50' area)." 0/2
* "Recruit a named NPC scholar, archeologist, extraplanar authority, or similar figure to join the Scarab Sages. Recruitment requires a Diplomacy or Knowledge (Local) check with a DC equal to 15 + your character level" 0/2
* "Recover a gem worth at least 400 gp plus 100 gp/level you possess during an adventure. A gem-like wondrous item such as an elemental gem or a pearl of power fulfills this goal, but its market price must be at least twice this value." 0/1
* "Participate in an adventure in which your opponents include divs, followers of divs, or evil necromancers." 0/2
* "Successfully complete a scenario in season 3 of PACG: Season of Plundered Tombs." 0/2
* "Become possessed by a creature using magic jar, the malevolence ability, or a similar effect. Alternatively, permanently destroy a haunt." 0/1
* "Possess a number of ranks in one of the following skills equal to your character level (minimum 4): Appraise, Knowledge (any), Linguistics."
* Serve as a GM 2/5

PFS # 100198-6
Experience 10 XP (Level 4.2)
Faction Scarab Sages
Wealth 327 GP, 16 PP, 22 Fame 
Link to Token Image
Link to Familiar Need to add

Hoprah 4.2
Female human (Tian-Sing) sorcerer (tattooed sorcerer) 4
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +10; Senses:normal vision; Perception +3

AC 10, Touch 10, Flat-footed 10, (AC breakdown: no bonuses)
AC with Mage Armor 14, Touch 10, Flat-footed 14, (AC breakdown: +4 armor bonus)
HP 27
Fort +6
Ref +3
Will +6 (additional +6 vs. charms and compulsions (Irrepressible trait))


Current Active Buffs:

For Mage Armor: use wand; when I get higher level, cast it from my spell slots for hours/level duration.


Common Dice Expressions:


First appearance text:

Very attractive. Lots of tattoos.

Personal Background:
Hoprah was from a noble family in Minata whose territory was usurped, forcing them to flee to Varisia.

National/Regional origin:
Minata, then displaced to Varisia.


Speed 30 ft.
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Attack Situational Modifiers [/ooc]
Damage Situational Modifiers [ooc]

. . weapon +x (dmg/crit) [dice=attack]1d20+x[/dice] for [dice=dmg]x[/dice]
. . spiked gauntlet +0 (1d4-2) [dice= spiked gauntlet attack]1d20+0[/dice] for [dice=dmg]1d4-2[/dice]
. . unarmed strike +0 (1d3-2 nonlethal) [dice=unarmed strike attack]1d20+0[/dice] for [dice=dmg, non-lethal]1d3-2[/dice] Provokes an AoO

. . ranged touch (as spell) +2
. . weapon +x (dmg/crit) [dice=attack]1d20+x[/dice] [dice=dmg]x[/dice]
Special Attacks
. . special attack name [dice=attack]1d20+x[/dice] [dice=dmg]x[/dice]


Spell-like abilities:
(CL 4th; concentration +12)
[ ] [ ] [ ] 3/day From Varisian Tattoo feat

Spontaneous Casting:

Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer) Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +12)
. . Bloodline Arcane
Bloodline Tattoos (Ex) Bloodline spells are cast at +1 caster level.
Varisian Tattoo (Evocation) Spells from chosen school gain +1 caster level.
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.

[spoiler=Metamagic options]
Bloodline Arcana: Arcane (Ex) When a spell level is increased by a Metamagic feat, it gains +1 DC.
Metamagic Adept (1/day) (Ex) Apply a metamagic feat without increasing the casting time of the spell.
Persistent Spell Foes must succeed at 2 saves or suffer the spell's full effects.

Level 2
(5/day) – Glitterdust DC 18

Level 1
(8/day) –
ear-piercing scream (DC 17) (+1 CL) ,
feather fall ,
identify (bloodline, +1 CL)
Burning Hands
Liberating Command

Level 0
(at will) –
detect magic ,
grasp ,
light ,
mage hand ,
mending ,
message , prestidigitation , read magic


Spells from items:

Item, uses, [/url]

Spells from boons:

Boon, uses, [url=Spell Name]


Str 7, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 20
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 9 [/ooc]

Traits (including Additional Traits):


Acrobatics +0 [ooc]
Appraise +1 [/ooc]
Bluff +5 [ooc]

Climb +0 [/ooc]
Craft (tattoo) +7 [ooc]

Diplomacy +5 +2 circ in Irrisen (Ch. 1); ONE TIME USE (one mission): +2 circ anywhere (Ch. 1)
Disguise +5 [/ooc]
Escape Artist +0 [ooc]

Fly +0 [/ooc]
Heal +0 [ooc]

Intimidate +5 [/ooc]
Knowledge Arcana +8 [ooc]+1 in Grand Lodge (Friend of Janira, Ch. 1)

Knowledge History +7 +1 in Grand Lodge (Friend of Janira, Ch. 1)
Knowledge Planes +10 +1 in Grand Lodge (Friend of Janira, Ch. 1)
Linguistics +x [/ooc]
Perception +2 [ooc]

Perform +x [/ooc]
Profession +x [ooc]

Ride +0 [/ooc]
Sense Motive +2 [ooc]

Spellcraft +5 [/ooc]
Stealth +0 [ooc]

Survival +0 [/ooc]
Swim +0 [ooc]

UMD +9 [ooc][/ooc]

Common, Minatan, Tien, Varisian


bloodline arcana (+1 DC for metamagic spells that increase spell level),
bloodline tattoos,
familiar tattoo,
metamagic adept (1/day)

Familiar Special Abilities:

Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Familiar Bonus: +4 bonus on initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Familiar Tattoo (Su) A tattooed sorcerer gains a familiar as an arcane bond, as a wizard equal to her sorcerer level. Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.


Weapons Has: spiked gauntlet [Spoiler=To Get]

Armor Has:
To Get:

Shield Has:
To Get:

Potions Has: potion of touch of the sea
To Get:

Scrolls Has:
To Get:

Wands Has: wand of burning hands (CL 3, 4 charges), wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), wand of mage armor (50 charges), wand of magic missile (50 charges) wand of endure elements (50 charges)
To Get:

Rods Has:
To Get:

Wayfinder Has:
To Get:

Ioun Stones Has:
To Get:

Head slot Has:
To Get:

Headband slot Has: Headband of CHA +2
To Get:

Eyes slot Has:
To Get:

Shoulders slot Has: cloak of resistance +2
To Get:

Neck slot Has:
To Get:

Chest slot Has:
To Get:

Body slot Has:
To Get:

Belt slot Has:
To Get:

Wrists slot Has:
To Get:

Hands slot Has:
To Get:

Ring 1 slot Has:
To Get:

Ring 2 slot Has:
To Get:

Feet slot Has:
To Get:

Slotless magical items Has:
To Get:

Alchemical Gear Has: antiplague, antitoxin
To Get:

Mundane items Has: earplugs, masterwork tattooing tools, smoked goggles, spring loaded wrist sheath, spring loaded wrist sheath, water skins (3)
To Get:


Temp Gear:

Want to Buy:

Bot Me (still need to add this)[/spoiler:

[spoiler=Misc. Notes]
At start of scenario, tell GM:

Notes to self:

Situational Tactics:

Tracker for misc resources:

Relevant Rules Reminders:

Note to self: still need to add boons for Ch. 7-12

Combat Boons:

Faction Journal Card: Soul Warden: "Treat your Con score as 4 points higher for the purposes of determining when hp damage kills you."

Ch. 1 Ice Jewel Recovery - ONE TIME USE - Either: +2 bonus on a saving throw (after rolling) or +1 Caster Level for a spell or SLA. Can also spend 300 gp for a version that gives +3 to the save or +2 to CL (but need to decide this in advance).

Ch. 2 Explore, Report, Cooperate - ONE TIME USE
Free or Immediate action to ask GM whether an action would advance goals of the Pathfinder Society

Ch. 3 Fortune's Return -
3.1) Suit of Shields ONE TIME USE - +1 luck for any CON-related check, or +2 for FORT save.
3.2) Suit of Stars ONE TIME USE - +1 luck for any WIS-related check (likely a WILL save)
3.3) Suit of Keys ONE TIME USE - +1 luck for any DEX-related check (e.g. REF).
3.4) Suit of Crowns ONE TIME USE - +1 luck for any CHA-related check (e.g. UMD, Diplomacy, Init (for Hoprah) etc.), or +2 for “Speaking to a person in a position of authority.”

Ch. 4 Ley Line Access - +1 CL for “fire” or “curse” descriptor spells. THREE USES. Can use once/adventure for free in OSIRION.

Ch. 5 Queen of Thorns - Desperate Bargain - “As an immediate action when you are reduced to fewer than 0 HP, you gain a number of temporary HP equal to 2d10 + your character level that last for 3 rounds. During these 3 rounds, you are confused as per the confusion spell. Each round you may attempt a DC 18 Will save to remove the condition. At the end of 3 rounds or when you successfully save against the confusion effect, all remaining temporary hp are lost and you resume dying if your hp total remains below 0.” ONE TIME USE.

Ch. 6 Secrets Beyond Sight - ONE TIME USE - choose one of the following 4 options:
6.1 standard action to gain object reading
6.2 swift action to gain scent
6.3 swift action to gain blindsense 10’
6.4 swift action to gain tremorsense 20’

Ch. 13 Mythic Legacy - ONE TIME USE
Gain mythic version of one of my existing feets for 1 round as if I spent 1 mythic power. Need to review my feats to make a list of what this would do for me

Ch. 13 Savior of the Sages
- Con score for the purposes of determining when I die is +3
- +3 on checks to stabilize

Non-Combat Boons:

Ch. 1 Warm Friend in a Cold Land - can bring Uliyara along on one mission, giving me a +2 on Diplomacy for that mission (but then lose the boon).

Ch. 3 Draconic Sidekick - can take Pseudodragon familiar (with Improved Familiar feat) at 5 instead of 7 [which helps if I want to take a prestige class; and also get it 2 levels early which is nice]. Or, alternatively, gain a pseudodragon for 1 adventure.

Ch. 6 Veshtahz’s Favors - if I have Improved Familiar feat and minimum level 7, can gain a Doru Div as a familiar but must put 3 ranks/level into Knowledge skills. Alternatively, ONE TIME USE to treat result of a gather information check as being a 30.

After Scenario Boons:

Elemental Affinity Boons:

Chronicle items to possibly buy:

Ch. 1 Greater Ice Diamond shard - 300 gp. Improves the ONE TIME USE boon that is described on Ch. 1.

Ch. 1 Wand of Ill Omen (25 charges, 375 gp). Need UMD (only on witch list) but could be a good purchase for an Improved Familiar with hands, once it has UMD +19.

Ch. 2 - can get a Wayfinder for 1pp (but cheaper to just pay 250, no? Also, want to save prestige for Scarab Sages boon that needs 30 pp)

Ch. 6 Circlet of Persuasion, Lesser (2000 gp)

Ch. 6 Dagger of Venom, Lesser (2602 gp)

Ch. 6 Wand of Resist Energy (6 charges, 540 gp)

Ch. 13 Dust of Disjunction 2500 gp, ONE TIME USE