Race |
| Init +5 | Perc +5 SM +0 | Speed 15' (Climb 10') | |
Classes/Levels |
Active Conditions: None | Constant: |
Gender |
Small Female N Vine Leshy Vigilante 2.0 | HP 19/19 | AC 21 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F +3, R +6, W +3 |
About Skarlit Begonia
PFS # 100198-20
Experience 3 XP (Level 2.0)
Faction Sovereign Court
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20 Skarlit Begonia | The Twisted Tulip 2.0
Female vine leshy vigilante 2 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 9, Ultimate Wilderness 20)
N Small plant (leshy)
Init +5; Senses Perception +5
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 19 (2d8+6)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3
Speed 20 ft. (15 ft. in armor), climb 10 ft.; pass without trace
Melee mwk rapier +6 (1d4+3/18-20) or
. . unarmed strike +5 (1d2+3 nonlethal)
Ranged composite shortbow +6 (1d4+2/×3)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +4)
. . Constant—pass without trace
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Climbing Vine[UW], Weapon Finesse
Traits mana wastes survivalist, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +4 (-4 to jump), Bluff +6, Climb +13 (Situational Text), Diplomacy +6 (+10 when in your social identity), Disable Device +5, Disguise +6 (+26 to appear as part of polite society while in your social identity), Escape Artist +3, Perception +5, Stealth +7 (+11 in forests), Swim +2; Racial Modifiers +8 Climb, +4 Stealth in forests
Languages Common, Sylvan; plantspeech (vines)
SQ change shape (Small vine; tree shape), dual identity, social grace, social talent (social grace[UI]), verdant burst, vigilante specialization (avenger[UI]), vigilante talent (lethal grace[UI]), writhing eye
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), acid (2), alchemist's fire (2), antiplague[APG], antitoxin; Other Gear mwk agile breastplate[APG], buckler, arrows (20), composite shortbow (+2 Str), mwk rapier, backpack, earplugs[APG], masterwork thieves' tools, smoked goggles[APG], wrist sheath, spring loaded, 138 gp, 9 sp, 7 cp
Tracked Resources
Acid - 0/2
Alchemist's fire - 0/2
Antiplague - 0/1
Antitoxin - 0/1
Arrows - 3/20
GM Reroll (1/scenario, 1/month) - 0/1
Pass without Trace (Constant) - 0/0
Speak with Plants (related species only, Constant) - 0/0
Wand of cure light wounds (50 charges) - 0/50
Special Abilities
Climb (10 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Climbing Vine Gain climb speed +10 ft
Dual Identity (Ex) Each identity maintains own alignment, can switch over 1 min. Magical means treat an ID as non existant while not adopted.
Leshy Change Shape (Su) You can change your form into a small plant of similar species.
Plantspeech (Ex) All leshys can speak with plants as if subject to a continual speak with plants spell, but only with species they’re related to. Fungus leshys can communicate with molds and fungi as if they were plants.
Social Grace (Diplomacy) +4 circumstance bonus to selected skill while in your social identity.
Verdant Burst (Su) If slain, plant types in 30 ft heal 1d8+HD, diff terrain if can support plant growth.
Writhing Eye Full act, extend vine up to 15 ft, perceive up to 20 ft. around tip using all senses.
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