
Bearik's page

136 posts. Alias of BloodWolven.

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Report in here! Feel free to dot in gameplay.

Connections!!!! Make connections with each other here as I haven't seen much of it in recruitment.

The adventure begins with you still in the town of Ravengro in Canterwall, intending to travel to Lepidstadt to the north to complete their errand for Professor Lorrimor—delivering his sinister collection to Lepidstadt. Before you leave, you may be able to learn a little about your journey, and about the burghers of Lepidstadt, from local people in Ravengro. Also meet some new faces and offer them to travel with you.

I strongly suggest making a connection to Drake, Colin, or Imrick! Link to Module 1! For background information.

Diplomacy or k local, DC 10:
The distance from Ravengro to Lepidstadt is about 100 miles. No journey in Ustalav is without risk, but the old Mountain Road is generally regarded as the best route. This road follows the southeastern foothills of the Tusk Mountains, passing through the towns of Tamrivena and Courtaud before following the Lesser Moutray River up to Lepidstadt.

Diplomacy or k local, DC 15:

The city of Lepidstadt is currently the scene of intense local excitement. The dreaded Beast of Lepidstadt—a terrifying abomination that has terrorized the people of Vieland for years—has been captured. Hundreds of people have flocked to the city hoping to catch a glimpse of the horror and watch it burn for its crimes. The early part of the journey to Lepidstadt passes without event; the PCs see fewer and fewer people and more and more ruins, trees, and marshes as they go.

Diplomacy or k local, DC 20, 25, 30:
I am open to ideas, they don't expect you to roll this high!

Note from Module 1: The Haunting of Harrowstone” assumes that the PCs have personal ties to recently deceased Professor Petros Lorrimor.
This provides a reason for Lorrimor’s daughter, Kendra, to invite the PCs to her father’s funeral, and also explains why the PCs appear in the professor’s will. The Carrion Crown Player’s Guide informs players about everything they need to know to play characters that will fit in well with the country of Ustalav and the Carrion Crown Adventure Path. Included in this player’s guide are a number of campaign traits that players can choose for their characters—in addition to providing minor benefits, each of these campaign traits gives the PCs reasons to come to Ravengro to pay their respects to Professor Petros Lorrimor.

Character Generation:
Roll [dice]4d6[dice] (keeping the highest 3) 7 times, the seventh roll may replace any of the earlier rolls. The rolled stats may be moved around to best fit your character.

If your combined ability scores are below a +9 you may reroll.

5th level
Templates are allowed but if you take a CR 2 template you can only have a 3rd level character.

HP: Max 1st level, roll twice for each level. Keep a record of your rolls.
Also if you roll two 1's you get max HP for that level. It almost never happens.

Ability Scores should be spelled out as such:
Mod | Final | (Starting, Race, Template, magic items, age)
+7 | Str 25 | (15, +0, +6, +4, +0)
+7 | Dex 24 | (16, +2, +4, +2, +0)
| Con -,
+3 | Int 16 | (11, +2, +0, +0, +3)
+2 | Wis 14 | (11, +0, +0, +0, +3)
+10 | Cha 31 | (18, +0, +6, +4, +3)

Everyone starts with one special aura. This ability will give your class a focus and other minor abilities. So if you picked Ice, you may want to be able to freeze water if you touch it with your finger. You likely would become resistant to cold, gain the ability to slide naturally on ice, or the ability to create water.
Suggestions: Regeneration, Lightning, Fire, Acid, Cure, Inflict, Draconic, Fey, Angelic, Beast.

All classes are accepted, if you play an occult class you will need to explain it a lot.

2 traits.

Background skills and feat tax adjustments are encouraged. If you have any questions please ask, we are using the elephant in the room rules!

I expect you each to have a character sheet, a description, a background story, personality & preferences, I want a major flaw. This could be a physical deformity that you are trying to overcome or a mental addiction to porn. You choose! We have had several players be claustrophobic.

Wealth by level gives you each a total of 10,000 gp. But knowing my games have so many more magical devices and such so instead you will have wealth greater by a level, so 18,500 gp!

***If your rolls are under the average then you likely will get a few +2s.***

A few questions: How long are you keeping recruitment open for? How many players are you taking? What races will you permit? What sort of posting rate are you looking for?

I would say it depends on demand. If we have a lot of interest, which it looks like and everyone wants a week to develop their characters we can wait for the week. We are continuing the story and I am not sure how many previous players will be joining us. I am assuming Imrik and Calin. They should dot in soon enough. Then I would be willing to take on three more players.

Races: Any race is an option, if you take a monstrous race or template you lose the equivalent number of levels. So if I take a +2 template, then I only get three levels.

Posting Rate:
I am aiming at 2 posts a day Monday thru Thursday. Once we start I probably would like more than that so we can get off running. I plan to make a lot of responses around 9 pm, pacific time.

To help explain the aura's look at this run down:

If you pick fire as your aura you could cast the cantrip spark. Later gain fire resist 5 and at 5th gain

To break it down it gives you some special benefits:
A cantrip that matches your 'element'
1/day spell like ability (1st spell).
At 3rd level gain resistance to element 5.
At 5th level gain a 1/day spell like ability (1st or 2nd level spell).
and gain affinity for your chosen 'element'

If you need any more clarification let me know and if anyone has an idea but wants help to develop it just let me know.

Where to plot, scheme, and ask questions.

The Stolenlands need settling. A group of adventurers have been sent by a Swordlord known only by the code name: Anvil. They have routed some of the bandits but they have not found the Stag Lorrd yet.

Hello all, I am looking for several healthy survivors to survive the first waves of zombies and hopefully uncover some secrets on the way.

A few notes:
PFS1 rule set.
Defense Bonus and Armor as DR.
We are starting with Walking Dead and magic will be uncovered. You will be the vessels of magic being introduced to the world besides other Chosen. Though if no one plays a divine or arcane spellcasting class that is fine too. But I am getting ahead of myself.
We shall play in the year 2020, instead of Covid, the Zombie plague hit Earth.
0 level pathfinder class. Start with two commoner levels.
The focus is more on survival!

character generation:
Make an awesome background story and tell us about your normal life.

What I need from you:
• A complete character sheet,
• Short description,
• Short personality,
• Quirks and flaws,
• Background story,
• At least one 'plot hook' for me to use for a side quest involving your character

You are welcome to have an age from 15 to 50.

I welcome Isakai lovers to use their own self.

2 levels in expert, commoner, Aristocrat or Warrior. You may multiclass.

Two traits and one campaign trait. One drawback can be taken to gain another trait.

Bonuses based on character choice but basic creation 4d6 six times for abilities. Only add the top three of each roll.

You may increase one ability score by 1 and decrease another by 1. Only once.

You may have two professions.

Yes, everyone starts with one feat besides those given by other sources.

Everyone think about how much you know of the others, who are your friends, enemies?
What is your goal in life at the moment?
Also if you had to use one word how would you descibe the other characters and/or how you relate to them. This is more for role playing and interactions for yourself.
Max thinks Kimarue is mean and he is jealous of how easy it is for her to be an athlete.
Max thinks Lizzy is stern and he has a crush on her.
Max thinks Electra is kind and shy, he has nightmares of bashing in her brains and then eating them. He would like to beat her smug face.
Max has problems but I hope that helps. Max is already turning!!! ;)
There will be objective XP rewards so if you pm me a personal objective than I assign an XP reward value to it. These rewards plus the swarms of undead should get you leveled pretty quickly.

Human Characters only. You will get a chance to change given 5th level... :)

1. When in the Zombie Outbreak will this game take place?
The game will start off as a regular school day. Someone will see the first exposure and soon over the intercom you hear someone get eaten.

2. Who will the characters be in the game?

High schoolers, teachers, janitors, or come up with another reason you are at the private prestigious school. I can think of lots of options.
Last year for one reason or another, you need to choose why, your parents moved you to Japan to learn at a prestigious school. Or if you are not a high schooler what connections or abilities got you this awesome job?

Pick your stereotype (you should pick one):
Band Geek
Tech Geek
Honor student/Study student, straight As
Mean girl

What are your focuses in school: Your first focus grants you the feat: skill focus.

You may pick as many as you want (highest focus at beginning of list, least focus at the end, probably stick to 3):
Sports: which ones?
Glee club
Honor club
Musical instruments/band club
Good grades
Opposite sex

3. How many people are you interested in?
I am open to running this game with anywhere from 4-8 players.

4. Which game system will be used?

5. How will wealth work in this game?
Wealth will be a measure of how much stuff you had before the outbreak. At Character Generation spend wealth as normal. Bear in mind that you would also be packing light for school so I would expect two inventories of items. Things you own and things you have on you.

6. What would be the expected post rate of players?
I would anticipate post rate of at least 1/day, Sunday thru Thursday. Weekends are flexible.

7. How will the virus be transmitted mechanically?
By bite obviously. But thinking of a mechanic where the zombies must first grapple before biting. They can claw for damage without grapple but to bite would require a grapple first.

8. What is the players objective?
Overall game objective is to survive. With police and government focused on containment little help can be expected from them. Find/make weapons, find shelter, find food, then find families.
Additional individual objectives may vary but should be relayed to me by pm.

9. A hero’s allegiance can take the form of loyalty to a person, to an organization, to a belief system, to a nation, or to an ethical or moral philosophy. In general, a character can discard an allegiance at any time, but may only gain a new allegiance after attaining a new level. You may have 3 alliances.
http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/resources/systems/pennpaper/modern/ smack/allegiances.html

campaign traits:

What year do you want to play this game in?

Do you want to use pathfinder system? Maybe use some alt rules?

Armor as DR sounds good to me!

Do you want it to be based on Earth, Marvel Universe Earth, DC Universe Earth, Golarion, and there are so many more options!

I want to start us off as 0 level pathfinder class. Maybe start with a few commoner levels.

The focus is more on survival!

We will see who survives and who turns!

What brings you to Greenwatch?

There has been at least a year of peace and growth! Greenwatch continues to swell with the watchful Council. Though it is not to last unless the Council can handle the army approaching...

Looking for a few more stalwart players!

Ask any question here, especially the occ!

Bring forth your players and let's see where we go!

Come check in here with your aliases!

Ask your questions here. Discuss how you know each other or we start off as strangers. You are encouraged to collect an NPC.

Anyone want a butler, man servant, body guard, cook, or something else? He will have the needed class likely priest or arcane caster!


Post as your aliases here and discuss!

Although he was getting on in years, Petros’s death was rather sudden and his daughter Kendra, a 25- year-old woman who has lived in Ravengro for nearly 15 years (having moved here with her family as a child from Lepidstadt after her father retired from teaching),
is still in mourning. Her eyes are red and puffy and she dresses in dark, conservative clothes. Trim and attractive, Kendra greets each of you with a mixture of curiosity, sadness, and relief—no one else has come to pay their respects to her father, and “with things the way they are in town these days,” very few folks from Ravengro have come out for the funeral as well. Kendra waves off questions for now, promising each of you that after her father is buried and they return to her house, she’ll answer any questions they have—both about her father’s death and about his will.

“The Haunting of Harrowstone” assumes that the PCs have
personal ties to recently deceased Professor Petros Lorrimor.
This provides a reason for Lorrimor’s daughter, Kendra,
to invite the PCs to her father’s funeral, and also explains
why the PCs appear in the professor’s will. The Carrion
Crown Player’s Guide informs players about everything they need to know to play
characters that will fit in well with the country of Ustalav
and the Carrion Crown Adventure Path. Included in this
player’s guide are a number of campaign traits that players
can choose for their characters—in addition to providing
minor benefits, each of these campaign traits gives the
PCs reasons to come to Ravengro to pay their respects to
Professor Petros Lorrimor.

Character Generation:
Roll [dice]4d6[dice] (keeping the highest 3) 7 times, the seventh roll may replace any of the earlier rolls. The rolled stats may be moved around to best fit your character.

4th level

Everyone starts with one special aura. This ability will give your class a focus and other minor abilities. So if you picked Ice, you may want to be able to freeze water if you touch it with your finger. You likely would become resistant to cold, gain the ability to slide naturally on ice, or the ability to create water.
Suggestions: Regeneration, Lightning, Fire, Acid, Cure, Inflict, Draconic, Fey, Angelic, Beast.

All classes accepted, if you play an occult class you will need to explain it a lot.

2 traits.

Background skills and feat tax adjustments are encouraged. If you have any questions please ask.

I expect you each to have a character sheet, a description, a background story, personality & preferences, last I want a major flaw. This could be a physcial deformity that you try to overcome, or a mental addiction to porn. You choose!

Anyone interested in an Overlord type game?!

The end and a new beginning:

It was the year 2138 A.D., and the term DMMO-RPG was not only in existence, but also
becoming more common. Being the acronym for "Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game", it described an interactive game where one was able to play in a virtual world like it was
real life, by connecting a dedicated console to the neuron nanointerface— an
intracerebral nanocomputer network composed from the quintessence of cyber- and
It was as though you entered the game for real.

Amidst a myriad of DMMO-RPGs that were developed, there was one title that shined


It was a game that a highly-regarded Japanese developer released twelve years ago in
the year 2126.

No matter which DMMO-RPG it was compared to, Yggdrasil was a game that offered
an immensely high level of freedom to the players.

The number of classes that formed the basis of the game easily topped 2000 when you
added up the normal and high-rank classes.

All classes had a maximum level of 20, though there was an option to level up in different classes. Meaning a player could have many classes to reach the overall level cap of 100. As gaining XP at higher levels was much harder many players would switch classes around 10th level.

Furthermore, you were able to just have a taste of various classes as long as you
satisfied this overall condition. Although it was inefficient, it was possible to have 100
level one professions if you wanted.

In other words, it was a system where it was impossible to have completely identical
characters unless you intentionally made them so.

This level of freedom also applied to the visuals. If you used creator tools that were
sold separately, you were able to alter appearances of weapons and armor, interior
data, character visuals, and detailed settings of a player's home.

What awaited the players who set off for adventures in such a world was a colossal
map. Nine homeworlds consisting of Asgard, Alfheim, Vanaheim, Nidavellir, Midgard,
Jotunheim, Niflheim, Helheim, and Muspelheim.

A vast world, innumerable classes, and fully customizable visuals.

It had ignited the artisan spirits of the Japanese players and caused a phenomenon
that would later be called 'visual popularity'.

With such explosive popularity behind it, it had reached a level of acclaim where
Yggdrasil and DMMO-RPG were considered as one and the same in Japan.

—Alas, that was a story of a generation past

Looking for a few other players who are fans of Overlord the anime. I am looking to make a game similar to the series!

What else? Oh I would love it if you were pacific standard time, post at least once a day.

Isekai game!!!!

Likely within the town's vicinity you find yourself waking up in an inn, a house, or different situations depending on your disposition. Describe your daily haunts and exercises!

Kelmarane has grown into a proper town and continues to develop with the traveling caravans coming through weekly.

For established and new players also write how you spent the coming year however you want, be it traveling the world, researching personal secrets, or helping to rebuild the village of Kelmarane. After the defeat of the Kulldis tribe, gnolls haven’t been a big problem in the Kelmarane region, although travelers and merchants are still wise to bring along plenty of guards to defend against the inevitable trouble with tiny pockets of the bestial humanoids.

Some possible actons:

Administration: Work with Kelmarane’s administration to gain the personal notice of the Pactmasters of Katapesh.

Business: In places other than Kelmarane or Kelmarane itself. Name a few agents or employees you gain during this time.

Church of Sarenrae: Help refine the grounds of the church and likely the cathedral outside of Kelmarane. Name a powerful NPC ally who remains in the church. Receive the rank of Abbot-Protector.

Crime: Befriend some associates, be it smugglers, the harpy Undrella, or another agent.

Explore Personal Mystery:

Moldspeaker: You search out to gain the power of the Moldspeaker.

Patrol Kelmarane Hinterlands/Rebuild.

Personal Romance:

Research: You focus on learning about your enemy and the lore associated with him. You learn a lot about Jhavhul, his genie armies, and his personality

Travel: Worldly travels leave you a popular figure among Kelmarane’s citizens.

Greetings to all my soon to be close friends! I am looking for players who have played the first and/or second modules of the Legacy of Fire.

We have a few established players but are looking for some more aid:

We are looking for at least 2 applicants.

We currently have:
Grimoin Al'Thorrak, a Dwarven paladin of Abadar.

Varvara Ulyanova Vladimirovna, 'Vivi', a human oracle.

Main GMNPC: Aukan a Goliath fighter with a really big sword, axe, and keeps collecting weapons.

Character Creation:

Roll 5d6 seven times, drop the two lowest for each set, and then take the best 6 to create your base ability scores. You may move them to any ability of your choice.
Max health at first level. Roll onwards, if you roll a 1 reroll it once.

All Paizo material is acceptable. I may however require links from the Archives or the pfsrd if I'm not familiar with something and don't have the book.
Starting level of 5.

You will receive starting equipment of a masterwork set of armor (your choice), a masterwork mithral dagger, and one other masterwork weapon of your choice (must have proficiency with it, if you want it to be a special material it comes out of your following total gold). You will receive 6,500 gp with which to purchase magic items, enchantments, or any other gear you might need.

Any race is legal, but obviously the less common the race, the better your backstory is going to have to be. This will be a general rule of thumb, I will allow most anything so long as you're willing and skilled enough to make it flow well with the story. That said abberations, drow, and most monstrous races are going to be a long stretch but possible!

Two traits and one campaign trait. One drawback can be taken to gain another trait.

Alignment. Please be conscious of which you choose and why. Please no evil or you best give me a reallly good reason.

What I need from you:
• A complete character sheet,
• Short description,
• Short personality,
• Quirks and flaws,
• Background story,
• At least one 'plot hook' for me to use for a side quest involving your character
• At least one NPC or PC that is important to you and why.

Free story Feats, an extra Favored Class Bonus, an extra trait, a simple or complex magical item are possible depending on your creativity and helpfulness. There is a high chance to gain a normal feat once you accomplish something unique and of importance.

We will need at least one leader type. There is a high chance of having a rotating leadership system unless the group can decide on a leader and second. Lately it has fallen on Aukan

Daily posts are expected, Sunday thru Thursday, please post at least once during the weekend.

Because this is a PbP, encounters will be changed or removed and there will be more story and RP rewards.

The group will level as a whole, instead of handing out XP.

Please provide your timezone: I am in Pacific Time Zone.

Posting rate:

Please provide your timezone: I am in Pacific Time Zone. I hope that we can come to a consensus of all being on about the same time to keep the game moving. For example it could be feom 7 pm to 8 pm. I would prefer 9 pm to 10 pm. Yes we will expect you to post at least once per day Monday to Thursday. Also expect to post about 5 to 10 times in our dedicated hour. I post a lot normally but sometimes I hit a slump or draw into my depression, I will do my best to keep you informed so the game can continue.

Game Synopsis:

You have had some time to recover from the events of
“Howl of the Carrion King,” and the town of Kelmarane
is now well on the road to recovery. A strange visitor
arrives in town—a traveling priest named Zayifid who
claims to be a prophet of Sarenrae. According to Zayifid’s
news, the gnoll tribes are gathering on the far slopes of
Pale Mountain, and the Carrion King is preparing to
attack Kelmarane and retake it with an army of gnolls.

The previous group made it to the House of the Beast one way or another. Cleared the dungeons of the monsters, demi humans, and gnolls. They killed the Carrion King and looted the tomb. Now back in Kelmarane they are gathering more support before deciding what to do next with the scroll of Kakishron. Likely they will be heading to Katapesh.

You could join them in Kelmarane or wait until they get to Katapesh.

Now you may be an adventurer looking for work. A mercenary that helped one of the supply caravans to get to Kelmarane. There are many options and I can't wait to see where you come from! Remember to maximize on your campaign trait!

Terrain: Mostly Desert, some mountains, and some dungeons.

Here we get to scheme and plot our glorious rise!

This game shines upon a duo that travel the road of adventure to find their fortune, women, and a whole lot of fun!

For your grand exploits you have been called to the City of Clouds. There is to be competitions of all sorts. The kings of the lands have come together to create this wonderful display of competition. Think Olympics but in old greek times!

Here are some questions that need to be answered so we can keep this going:
What competition will you take apart of? wrestling, bowmanship/target practice, swords, spears, loadstone toss/shotput, etc.
Who is your sponsor? (You don't have to have one...)
What are you wearing?
Please describe yourself as you come upon the stage!

There is a wonderful stage that has been setup in the main colosseum so that the competitors can show off their physique or make a grand display of your skills. This is the only competition for the first day.

This is where you ask all those meta questions and 'ooc' Out of content material. If you ever are confused about something, let me know here and I will do my best to make sure that it is well described if not explained.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

This chance is to prove your mettle as you in a mystical world of monsters and adventure, set in the day of the Olympian gods.

Looking for:
Looking for six players to join this heavy magical influence homebrew game from the Olympian Era. I am sure there will be many questions let me see about condensing those answers together...

Character Generation:
roll [dice]4d6[dice] 7 times, the seventh roll may replace any of the earlier rolls. Create a background for your character as they have lived mostly a normal life. Until the power of divinity came to bear!

Everyone starts with one special ability. This ability will give your class a focus and other minor abilities. So if you picked Ice, you may want to be able to cast cone of cold at 10th level once per day. You likely would become resistant to cold, gain the ability to slide naturally on ice, or the ability to create water.
Suggestions: Regeneration, Lightning, Fire, Acid, Cure, Inflict, Draconic, Fey, Angelic, Beast.

Everyone will start with a base race. To this end you which ever race that you choose you also will choose an Olympian name to the race as well.

So for example I choose wood elf and I chose Sparta. Then nearly all wood elfs would be from Sparta and call themselves Spartans.

Slaves will be used a lot in the game. It would be awesome if you want to free slaves but not a requirement. You may also be given slaves if you help the right people.

Most classes will be accepted, no occult classes please. 'No Guns' is in play. If you do choose a class that gives you a firearm it may need to be tweaked to a flint rifle musket or of the like. Where it will take you a full round to reload it at least. Very low tech level, even for the standard D&D setting. This is the Iron Age!

2 traits. Background skills and feat tax adjustments are encouraged. If you have any questions please ask.

Starting gear: You will get to pick one item to take with you that is from our modern time. Some suggestions are keys, wallet, swiss army knife, laser pointer, phone, ipad, a pen, and a carry bag with misc. medicine and snacks.


We're looking for ROLE-PLAYERS!

Start Date: Sunday September 18th. If we get done early and have players with complete character sheets, then we can start sooner. Also if most of those interested need more time I am flexible that way too.

You have logged in once more. It has been quite a while for many of you. But the guildmaster has sent his request to meet once more before the server's shut down.

The first thing you notice is the lack of icons. You must have just dozed off for a few moments. Then you notice you can feel your chair, the marble table, your body as it touches the furniture and your gear.

The end and a new beginning:

It was the year 2138 A.D., and the term DMMO-RPG was not only in existence, but also
becoming more common. Being the acronym for "Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game", it described an interactive game where one was able to play in a virtual world like it was
real life, by connecting a dedicated console to the neuron nanointerface— an
intracerebral nanocomputer network composed from the quintessence of cyber- and

It was as though you entered the game for real.

Amidst a myriad of DMMO-RPGs that were developed, there was one title that shined


It was a game that a highly-regarded Japanese developer released twelve years ago in
the year 2126.

No matter which DMMO-RPG it was compared to, Yggdrasil was a game that offered
an immensely high level of freedom to the players.

The number of classes that formed the basis of the game easily topped 2000 when you
added up the normal and high-rank classes.

All classes had a maximum level of 20, though there was an option to level up in different classes. Meaning a player could have many classes to reach the overall level cap of 100. As gaining XP at higher levels was much harder many players would switch classes around 10th level.

Furthermore, you were able to just have a taste of various classes as long as you
satisfied this overall condition. Although it was inefficient, it was possible to have 100
level one professions if you wanted.

In other words, it was a system where it was impossible to have completely identical
characters unless you intentionally made them so.

This level of freedom also applied to the visuals. If you used creator tools that were
sold separately, you were able to alter appearances of weapons and armor, interior
data, character visuals, and detailed settings of a player's home.

What awaited the players who set off for adventures in such a world was a colossal
map. Nine homeworlds consisting of Asgard, Alfheim, Vanaheim, Nidavellir, Midgard,
Jotunheim, Niflheim, Helheim, and Muspelheim.

A vast world, innumerable classes, and fully customizable visuals.

It had ignited the artisan spirits of the Japanese players and caused a phenomenon
that would later be called 'visual popularity'.

With such explosive popularity behind it, it had reached a level of acclaim where
Yggdrasil and DMMO-RPG were considered as one and the same in Japan.

—Alas, that was a story of a generation past

Looking for a few other players who are fans of Overlord the anime. I am looking to make a game similar to the series!

We will decide what level you would like to start at.

I would love to play as the loyal butler of the group, one of the stronger subordinates of the Masters! XD

What else? Oh I would love it if you were pacific standard time, post at least once a day. A lot more in the next week as you help me build areas you would want in the game!

Isekai game!!!!

Here you ask all your meta questions/OOC!!!

Also this is where you start your adventure:

Your life flashes before your eyes as your life is cut short before it should have ended. Then you find yourself in a black room with no light source but it seems you are glowing as you are able to see yourself and the chair you sit in. It doesn’t even seem there is a floor, walls, or a ceiling, more like a black void. Please spoil your response as each of these will be unique to each player.

After a few moments a gorgeous glowing girl appears before you and says in a disinterested voice, "Ah another life cut short before experiencing a full life. Welcome to the afterlife. You are in fact dead." She waits a few moments to let it sink in before touching up her hair and continuing in a prideful way, "I am Alethia, a goddess that guides humans who die young to the afterlife."

Getting a bit serious she gives you your options, "Now you have two choices before you. You may ascend to heaven, to tell you the truth heaven isn't the dreamy place you all imagine it to be. The dull place is full of spirits, you don't even have a physical body anymore so you can't do anything sexual, either. Just basking in the sun and working."
"Or go to a new world one of adventure, action, and like the world that you came from. This world has been invaded by dark forces that continue to spread and decimate the population of the world. You get to go with your body and memories intact. You will get to bring one great ability with you as well, a weapon of great power, a supreme ability, or even an ally of some sort."
"There will be many opportunities to change as you wish." She spins and a flurry of cards come from her hands and land before you as suggestions. After a few moments she says annoyed, "Hurry up and choose.... you know that I have a lot of dead people to offer this choice too as well."

As you state what you want, she smiles at you and gleefully says, "You have chosen well and for that the habitants of Arcanium will know you as a Chosen. May you prosper and do well in Arcanium! Should you find and destroy any of the 13 dark souls you will be granted a wish. Also closing any portals to other worlds will gain you another wish to make Arcanium safe once more. Good luck and may your travels be blessed."

If you want to add or change anything please let me know. Otherwise you may go to the gameplay thread and begin.

You enter the new world of Arcanium through a portal after your interactions with a lesser god and find yourself in a very small village. To the right you see a colorful sign that is out of place saying, ‘Welcome to the village of New Beginnings!’ No one is there to greet you. The village has a numerous number of huts and lean-tos, three single room houses that are more proper to your level of living, and three other larger buildings. One of the larger buildings is a dome like building made out of white stone which you will find out is a temple. The other building you soon would find out is the tavern called The Pig’s Roast. The last building is the Guardian's house.

The Guardian's House:
Approaching it you feel as if there is an oppressive feeling come over you. The large stairs are not built for human feet but giants. Two large columns as if from a grand roman building hold the roof up with a very solid wall of marble. Each of the blocks making the wall are eight feet wide by four feet tall. There is no obvious door. Though at the top of the stairs there is a metal seal with swirling and glowing runes imbedded into it. On the sides of the Guardian's house stand massive statues of heroes in armor with weapons. A total of three on each side and three on the back.

Most of the villagers continue about with their chores ignoring any strangers unless approached. You can see an old human with frazzled white hair begging with hand out in front of the white stone building, another bundled up begger is in front of the tavern.

Talking of the Dark Souls:
As you ask about the dark souls, his eyes nearly pops out of his head and his expression is startled as he hushes you and says, ”Don’t even mention them here, we don’t want their attention.”

Most commoners would raise up their hand to a holy symbol that is on their chest, typically by a cord of leather. They would mutter under their breath and quickly leave your presence.

The Pig's Roast:
Within the tavern called the Pig’s Roast was a quaint almost classic tavern. After entering to the left was the bar which ran the length of the building. The wall behind the bar holds an assortment of weapons: a flail, a halberd, several different looking daggers, and an assortment of varying sized swords.

On the right side of the tavern is a great fire place with a roasting pig on a spit within, slowly being turned by a ash smudged child of no more than six winters. A giant boar’s head with tusks at least a foot long is mounted to a plaque over the fireplace.

There is only one patron sitting at the bar finishing his meal, he has a shield on his back and a long sword sheathed on his belt. A large scar falls from his temple to his chin, his neck length black hair barely covering it. The bartender is partly bald with brown curls clinging to the side of his head, he is well overweight with a rotund stomach before him. He looks up as anyone enters the tavern and heartily says, ”Welcome to The Pig’s Roast, what will you have?” With a bit of clinging glasses and looking below the bar the rotund man stands up and places a drink before you in a glass mug.

Ale - 2 cp
Mead - 1 sp
Fire Whiskey - 3 sp
Milk - 5 cp
Watered down wine - 3 cp
Fine wine - 8 sp
Rot Gut - 1 sp

Slab of pig meat - 1 sp
Cheese Stew - 5 cp
Bread - 1 cp
Blue Berry Muffin - 8 sp

Roland's Quest:
"I am Roland and this is my tavern. You slay any boars or pigs for that matter and bring them back to me in less than two days and I will pay you a copper per pound."
"The best way for you to gain money is to head to one of the four towns surrounding us to the cardinal directions and joining an adventuring guild. If you bring me back a pig or boar alive, I will give you a silver per pound. There are odd end jobs that you could do here, but none that would get you much money, after all we are a small village."
”Northwest is probably the best boar hunting grounds but not the easiest, Northeast has less to hunt but safer.”

Responding to anyone asking about the weapons, [b]”The weapons are for sale but only for coin or raw materials. I work as the local blacksmith too. There is a bin of shod work weapons out back that you can have for free but only take what you need. You never know how many of you Chosen will arrive. Sometimes 20 other times just a few."

One of the longswords likely has been in the barrel a long time since there is a lot of rust on it. You also find a dagger, a longsword, a glaive, and a short sword within the barrel.

The white domed structure:
Passing the beggar you enter into a stone temple. There are three small windows, a fountain just past the entrance, and an assortment of different shrines. Many of them are devoted to several gods. Two acolytes and a cleric were talking but have stopped and are looking towards you in case you need their attention.

Random Quests:
Speaking with a commoner they stop and take notice of you. They murmur something about Chosen under their breath. Though if you don't say anything more each of them would say something to the line of a quest:
Could you gather me some apples from the orchid?
Would you help wrangle my goats?
Would you pick some berries for me down by the stream?
I would like to have a rose.
I need chestnuts for my banana bread, would you be a dear and collect me a handful and shuck them for me?
I gladly accept other suggestions!

Heading out of town:
There is sparse trees in bunches here and there along the road. There are several fields of vegetables and wheat, then it opens out to plains. Heading North out of town you see four Ogres wandering. These lumbering giant's beady eyes are devoid of wit or kindness, and its puffy face features a wide mouth with ill-fitting teeth. Each one over 9 feet tall, wearing hide armor bearing a great club each and sporting javelins from rucksacks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is a game where you have died, yes that is right, you! Just as you read this post is what you bring with you. Most of you won't have much. Create your base character on yourself. The gods have decided for one reason or another to give you another chance. This chance is to start anew as you are with a special ability in a mystical world of monsters and adventure.

Looking for:
Looking for four to five players to join this reboot sandbox heavy magical influence homebrew game. I am sure there will be many questions let me see about condensing those answers together...

Character Generation:
As yourself with several paragraphs to describe your life up until now and why you have your ability scores. Thus gaining you bonuses based on your background.
Or: roll [dice]3d6[dice] 7 times, the seventh roll may replace any of the earlier rolls. Create a background for your character as they were in our world before dying. The rolled stats may be moved around to best fit your character.
1st level - You will be coming in with all your meta knowledge and the knowledge of your class.

Everyone starts with one special ability. This ability will give your class a focus and other minor abilities. So if you picked Ice, you may want to be able to cast cone of cold at 10th level once per day. You likely would become resistant to cold, gain the ability to slide naturally on ice, or the ability to create water.
Suggestions: Regeneration, Lightning, Fire, Acid, Cure, Inflict, Draconic, Fey, Angelic, Beast.

Next you get a wish that is strictly for your benefit. There is no downsides to what you wish for. It can be anything: to change your race, an item, another super ability, to enhance a minor ability to major, or even summon a being to be your partner.
Suggestions: Be a half dragon, be an ogre, a legendary sword, a legendary bow, a belt of mighty health, a familiar, a mysterious stranger to come to your aid, to be able to cast cure serious wounds 3/day.
*The more powerful the ability the higher chance that you will gain a curse with it or it will be more quirky, thus if you ask for the legendary sword excalibur you would get it with some small adjustments like it being intelligent and having its own purpose. If you just asked for a magical sword with a property of vorpral on it there is a smaller chance of a curse attached, lastly would be a +1 Keen Weapon that would have no curses. Again ask questions think of different options and power levels, we can talk about what is overpowered, which is not much.

Everyone will start as human obviously but their will be quests and shops that will let you change your race in game. Most classes will be accepted, no occult classes please. Also eventually you can have more powerful race choices but it will cost you some wealth or wishes.

2 traits. Background skills and feat tax adjustments are encouraged. If you have any questions please ask.

Starting gear: What did you have with you when you died and honestly based off your life a normal day what would you have? Typically I have my keys, wallet, phone, ipad, snacks, pens, misc. medicine and a carry bag to hold the last two. You also might have just went to the convenience store and bought a meal and perhaps a few other items.


We're looking for ROLE-PLAYERS! And this campaign can help you scratch that meta itch!

As this should be a rather quick way to make characters I am looking into starting on Monday the 14th and keeping recruitment open for another week should anyone need it.

In Kelmarane there are all sorts of people who have come and gone with the new caravan route. Why you might ask, there is a silver mine, there are unclaimed lands and houses, here you could be free and the rulers of Katapesh have very little reach here.

One individual that is renowned for aiding the heroes of Kelmarane is Aukan the goliath. With his trusty greatswords and fiery women as his subordinates he has begun to rule the city with Almah.

Here is where you ask all your questions your characters cannot!

Greetings to all my soon to be close friends! I am looking for players who have played the first and/or second modules of the Legacy of Fire.

Character Creation:

Roll 5d6 seven times, drop the two lowest for each set, and then take the best 6 to create your base ability scores. You may move them to any ability of your choice.

Max health at first level. Roll onwards, if you roll a 1 reroll it once.

All Paizo material is acceptable. I may however require links from the Archives or the pfsrd if I'm not familiar with something and don't have the book.
Starting level of 3.

You will receive starting equipment of a masterwork set of armor (your choice), a masterwork mithral dagger, and one other masterwork weapon of your choice (must have proficiency with it, if you want it to be a special material it comes out of your following total gold). You will receive 3,500 gp with which to purchase magic items, enchantments, or any other gear you might need.

Any race is legal, but obviously the less common the race, the better your backstory is going to have to be. This will be a general rule of thumb, I will allow most anything so long as you're willing and skilled enough to make it flow well with the story. That said abberations, drow, and most monstrous races are going to be a long stretch but possible!

Two traits and one campaign trait. One drawback can be taken to gain another trait.

Alignment. Please be conscious of which you choose and why. Please no evil or you best give me a reallly good reason.

What I need from you:
• A complete character sheet,
• Short description,
• Short personality,
• Quirks and flaws,
• Background story,
• At least one 'plot hook' for me to use for a side quest involving your character
• At least one NPC or PC that is important to you and why.

Free story Feats, an extra Favored Class Bonus, an extra trait, a simple or complex magical item are possible depending on your creativity and helpfulness. There is a high chance to gain a normal feat once you accomplish something unique and of importance.

We will need at least one leader type. There is a high chance of having a rotating leadership system unless the group can decide on a leader and second.

Daily posts are expected, Sunday thru Thursday, please post at least once during the weekend.

Because this is a PbP, encounters will be changed or removed and there will be more story and RP rewards.

The group will level as a whole, instead of handing out XP. You will also all be given XP to use for item creation each level.

Please provide your timezone: I am in Pacific Time Zone.

Game Synopsis:

You have had some time to recover from the events of
“Howl of the Carrion King,” and the town of Kelmarane
is now well on the road to recovery when a strange visitor
arrives in town—a traveling priest named Zayifid who
claims to be a prophet of Sarenrae. According to Zayifid’s
news, the gnoll tribes are gathering on the far slopes of
Pale Mountain, and the Carrion King is preparing to
attack Kelmarane and retake it with an army of gnolls.

Now you may be an adventurer looking for work. A mercenary that helped one of the supply caravans to get to Kelmarane. There are many options and I can't wait to see where you come from!

Terrain: Mostly Desert, some mountains, and some dungeons.

Where you get to ask all those ooc questions!!!

I think I am going to roll the first gameplay post back in time.

The Blue Magesty is known for coming back with loot! That is most likely why you were hired on as an exploration team member.

You are more than welcome to interact with crew members. Learn about what you want. Though the trip seems like a blur. Not more than a week passes on the Blue Magesty and she docks with a massive abandoned cruiser bigger than any other ship you have seen before.

Your team quickly gears up and departs in search of loot. The air hatch hisses as the other side of the hatch is equalized. Then the hatch quickly opens and you hear the captain over your coms, "Safe hunting. Alpha Alpha Omega, the last team we sent should have been at the air lock. Keep an eye out for them."

Where will you go, who will explore with you, what will you find? Find answers to these questions and more!

I am looking for several brave souls to first venture into an abandoned space ship. You are apart of a questionable crew, though this is your first trip with them. The Blue Magesty is known for coming back with loot!

Ask your questions here!

The Vanishing has happened... many don't know it!

One possible reason you are going to Greenwatch, previously known as the Stolenlands.:

Greetings from Restov and congratulations on your triumphs.
I hope that we are entering a time in which these lands will be called stolen only in history texts! Yet it would seem that for all your victories, your fellow colonists to the east have met with trouble. The settlers of Varnhold are not responding to messengers— and indeed, some envoys have gone missing as well. You may have noticed this on your own, but as the political climate here in Restov grows more turbulent, we find ourselves increasingly limited in the amount of aid we can send. Certainly, we cannot send troops south to Varnhold to investigate without our overly watchful lords to the north misinterpreting the act. And so it falls to you, I fear, to investigate the Varnhold mystery. For if something dire has befallen the colony, you must realize that your own could be next! Trusting in your discretion and expedience,

Jamandi Aldori—Swordlord of Restov

You could be from Varnhold yourself and missed the Vanishing. You are traveling to the Greenwatch to get aid, or were here on a diplomatic mission in the first place!

We are looking for a few brave souls to join our campaign. We are about to start a new chapter in Kingmaker and some of our present player's situations have made it so that they can't play at the moment.

We are looking for players who are willing to be apart of a unique strike force:
You may have been out of Varnhold when the Vanishing happened, having a stake in the new settlement you go back to the other settlement for aid.
Another option is to be a wandering adventurer sent by Restov to look into the lack of communication from Varnhold. You were to told to check in with the settlement of Greenwatch. To either find out if they knew of anything and possibly gain help in the search for the truth.
You may have been a trader by day but an adventurer by night, you lost a family member to the Vanishing and you are hoping they are home as you continue your rounds as a trader.
Hopeful applicant, you have been milling around Restov, or the countryside, and trying to find a great time to join Greenwatch. Then this situation drops in your lap and you see it as a great way to show your worth!
There are many other options but these four seem prominent.

We are looking for 4 to 6 players. If you stick with the game long enough you will get the chance to gestalt as well!

We have:
Slayer(Butterfly Blade) 5/Arcanist 5
Oracle/Bloodrager 5
and many NPCs, though at present they will likely take more of a background emphasis.

Creation Rules:


I am not a fan of the buy out systems, so roll 5d6 seven times. Taking the three highest of the 5 rolled and adding them together. Six of these will be your stats. Please show the dice rolls on the recruitment page.
One more twist to help your characters to have that little boost to be excellent in what you do. You may take away from one stat and give it to another. But the top stat cannot be more than 18. But only one time.

So for example you have 11 and 15. Take 3 away from 11 and give 15 those 3. So the 11 becomes 8 and 15 becomes 18.


2 Traits, and one campaign trait. You may take a drawback trait to gain another trait too!

11,000 but your background story is where you can gain more!
Most costly item: 6,000 gp.
Create a quick blurb about your appearance.


The more interesting your background story the more bonuses you might stumble upon or requests granted. Make connections between yourself and other NPCs and PCs. After all you will be carving out a kingdom together. Such connections could be nobility, guilds, entities, dragons, magical beasts, gods, societies, towns, the townsfolk, the people in charge, etc.
I've long thought that character backgrounds are where players should offer plot hooks to the DM instead of the other way around, you then have more buy into the campaign.
Original Campaign

Recruitment will close once we have 10 applicants or 5 days after we have four. Whichever comes first.

HP: 295/295_ AC: 32 _ T: 17 _FF: -_ Perception +12_Sense Motive +23_Init: +2_Fort: +17+2 vs. poison_Ref: +12_Will: +8 +14 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +17_CMD: 32_Speed: 40
Acro +23_Bluff +26_Climb +24_Dip +23_Disg +23_EscArt+19_HA+11_Intim +21/23 _K (nob/O) +12/+7 _Perform +23_ Ride +14_ SoH +10_ Spell +12_ Stea +12 _Surv +5 _UMD +23_Swim +10

11th level
2d12 ⇒ (6, 9) = 15 9 - Taking higher of the two for HP
2d12 ⇒ (4, 10) = 14 10
2d12 ⇒ (10, 3) = 13 10

2d12 ⇒ (11, 3) = 14 11
2d12 ⇒ (2, 9) = 11 9
2d12 ⇒ (2, 8) = 10 8

2d12 ⇒ (1, 9) = 10 9
2d12 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4 3
2d12 ⇒ (5, 10) = 15 10

2d12 ⇒ (7, 1) = 8 7

16, 15, 14, 14, 13, 10
5d6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 5, 2, 4, 1) - 3 = 15
5d6 - 6 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 4, 3) - 6 = 13
5d6 - 5 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 4, 6) - 5 = 14
5d6 - 5 ⇒ (3, 4, 6, 6, 2) - 5 = 16
5d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 2, 1) - 3 = 10
5d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 3, 1, 1, 4) - 2 = 9
5d6 - 4 ⇒ (1, 3, 3, 5, 6) - 4 = 14

5d6 - 3 ⇒ (2, 3, 1, 2, 5) - 3 = 10
5d6 - 7 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 6, 5) - 7 = 16
5d6 - 6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4, 3, 3) - 6 = 14
5d6 - 2 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 3, 5) - 2 = 12
5d6 - 6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 2, 6) - 6 = 17
5d6 - 4 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 6, 3) - 4 = 13
5d6 - 4 ⇒ (6, 4, 1, 4, 3) - 4 = 14
17, 16, 14, 14, 13, 12 - take this set

The guild — a team formed, organized and operated by an assembly of players — that
they belonged to, Dragon's Glory, had two rules for joining.

First, you had to be a member of society. Secondly, you had to be a dragon rider.

There are a lot of people who avoid talking about reality in the virtual world. The
feeling of not wanting to drag the real world into the virtual world was
understandable. Though most of the members of Dragon's Glory embraced it as a place to vent and help each other through trying times. Due to the nature of the guild, there were many cases where complaints about work
in real life became the topic, and this was accepted by the guild members.


A grand round table of obsidian lustre was in the center of the guildhall, surrounded
by 50 luxurious seats. But most of them were vacant. Only two silhouettes were visible now where all the members once used to sit.

They were player characters.

Between those two people, they talked without their mouths moving. Despite being the previous generation's top DMMO-RPG, it was technologically impossible to
change expressions to go with the conversation.

HP: 20/40, AC: 19 _ T: 13 _ FF: 16 _ Perception +7, low-light, Initiative: +4, Fort +7 _ Ref +7 _ Will +4(+7 vs. fear) , CMB: +7, CMD: 20, Speed: 30
Acro +9, Ap +4, Bluff +6, Clim +8, Dip +6, DD +7, Disg +7, Esc +7, Intim +9, Knowledge (loc, nob, eng) +4, Ling +4, Ride +7, SensM +6, SoH +7, Ste +8, Swim +16, and UseM +7

The messages were securely placed with the mithral daggers. Now next was to wait. Thinking to himself, 'Now next is to wait by my lonesome as alcohol would need be low.' His words and thoughts did not collect like most but he was good at his job.

He walked up to one of the wenches and whispered naughty nothings into her ear.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
With the flash of coin in his hand the look didn't change much and he moved over to the next one.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
This vixen gave him a smile and took the offered coins. She grabs his hand and he followed leaving his dagger in the bar. His mithral dagger had a crimson ribbon attached to its end.

Here is an example of a previous player's introduction from the first time through:

Keeya on root to the rondaview point:

Ill be posting under spoilers until I have Keeya meet the other PCs

The Silver wind was speeding thought the sky's on root to an abandoned tower of rock that was seven days journey away.

It was doing so because Keeya has received a letter from one Delman Fredrel Vortani III, Regional Captain of Crimson Knights of the Black Blade. After showing it her father, they and her brother had talked will into the night about what it meant. She was told SkyClan Swift had had for the last three years dealings with the "Blades" as they called them. Mostly just transposition and mostly to places other did not like to do it. This was not publicly known, because the SkyClan Swift did not side with any particular groups. Bad for business, but the "Blades" where an order of hero knights, Fighters of evil that most kept well away from. Of late there had been more and more trouble "evil" that last being the Half-Demons pack army.

"It seems your deeds in that fight have not gone unnoticed Keeya"
Her father said handing her back the letter and blade.

"Yes but what dos its mean?"
She asked

"Don't be dense Sis" Her brother said from his seat "The Blades are asking you to join their ranks. High honour sis, you’re going to be a lady knight, blood oath the whole deal. I hope they put you in the silly looking full plate stuff Nobles ware" He laughed at his own joke.
She throw a vegetable off her plate at him.

"Tinus! This is no joking matter and Keeya please try not to cover the Cabin in food."

Her father smiled, they were in the newly built cabin of the newly rebuilt home-Ship Red mood. Once more flying and fully crewed. Waiting for her new Caption, She had hoped it would be her, but now this?

"Join them?"

Her father nodded.

"Yes they want you in their ranks; you would be the fist from the Clan to do so. It is indeed high honour but it would mean you doing there bidding and not the clans. This would be a problem if not for the fact the Clans aims and the Blades are so close at the moment. Stemming the rise of evil that now under-way in the skies and lands right now and let me make this clear Keeya, it would be very advantageous for the Clan to have a eyes and ears in the blades. Should you do well, even a voice for us in their ranks. But the decision has to be yours, they don't take conscripts. But should you chose to it would help us greatly."

She thought on that a moment

"What if I don't like it, or they are not what they seem"
She said worriedly.
"Then resign your commission sis, if they force you to stay once in then they are not want they say they are, a force for good. But I know you, any change of heroics and your there it’s in your blood you know."

O how she wanted to throw more things at him, the ... but he was telling the truth, she did always look for the fight, always the mad-dash. Life was so.. dull without it. And then her breath, great things the wind-reader had said. Her brother never let her forget it.

Her father gave him a look and he was still, then to her he said.

"Well Keeya it’s up to you, but should you agree to this, I can lone you the Silver-Wind for a while. It’s a lone, any hint of trouble you send her back, and she's not for the Blades to use. I want everything on her back and the Boat itself understood."
He waited until she nodded.
"Good, well she's the fastest way to get you to where ever they need you should you want to go. I suggest you head up to her now and have a think. There is good air tonight so your clear leave the fleet."

He stood and when she did as well, he hugged her, Holding her at arm’s length he said.

"I am proud of you Keeya no matter what you choose, just as I am of all my children. Now take your brother with you can say goodnight or good bye to your mother"

It had been that simple, such was the way of air folk. She had said her good buys and that night set off.

Now she was sat in her cabin holding a blade to the palm of her hand.
Blood they had said, well best get this over with. As the Silver Wind pass high over the lands she cut her hand and looked on as a small red line formed in her hand.

"So Regional Captain Vortani are your there??, this is SkyCaptain Keeya Swift on the Sky-Boat Silver Wind on root to you, are your there??"

She felt so stupid.

Upon a dark night each of you have a present and message delivered to you. The papyrus message is titled with your full name to make sure there is no confusion who it is for. The message and wooden box are in a location that only you would find, a place that no one could easily get to except perhaps a ghost. Once opened the message on the blood red papyrus says,


Your accomplishments are known. The order of the Crimson Knights of the Black Blade looks for the best to accept into our fold, we believe you are one of those individuals. We begin a new venture and look for individuals that best fit the role.

If you accept this chance follow the instructions on the back of this message. The mithral dagger is the key to enter the vault. Once you enter the vault you may take one item. Then I will be waiting to answer your questions.

Your future captain,

Ethos Blade
Regional Captain of Crimson Knights of the Black Blade

New homebrew game in Golorian based around the creation of a new order. The main goal of the Crimson Knights of the Black Blade is to setup operations in the belly of the beast and to destroy evil creatures.

The main goal is to create an outpost to venture from in hostile territory, to support the order. You can expect to see your captain once a month with supplies.

The leaders are mainly made of powerful wizards but many high level adventurers call it home or are associated with it.

The following are items that you must have and explain in your background:
•Connection to some form of Power.
•Reason for wanting to destroy evil.
•Pick an element that you have some abilities tied to. (Think of avatar: air bender, fire bender, water bender)
•Which terrain you would prefer to be making an outpost.

Homebrewed Power Game

You will be a legend making history!

Example prologue, You may make your own:

The man with hazey features stands alone in the dark. There is several reasons his form is hazey, also translucent and glowing, his form was not substantial for he was in his astral form. He looked in the empty buildings only seeing insects or vermin. He smiled knowing that their was no one to hurt as he searched, reports said it was still inhabited.

A body of some sort of creature passed in front of him. It was monstrous and not like the gnomes who last lived here. He continued not looking for a fight nor caring to start one. His mission was to find the power that was awakened and its source if possible. He found the strange glowing lights though to him they looked golden and bright with power as opposed to the eerie red the reports had said.

Then as he crossed past the lights the light was massive effectively blinding him as he saw a feminine figure step up towards him out of the light. Then all became darkness as some power slammed into him destroying his astral form.

But not before hearing some booming female voice:


It seemed to slam into his psyche with all the languages he knew at the same time.

Your captain, Delman Fredrel Vortani III, awoke on the floor of his chambers, unharmed but uneasy. He slowly pulled himself up, standing pensively, absent-mindedly adjusting his crimson robes. Finally he twisted a ring on his finger and spoke.

"Lock the Gate."


This module will likely pose a challenge for most. As such, please be prepared. Squad size will be 4-5 people.

Rules and requirements

Background skills 2 per level, background feat, and use feat tax adjustments.


Their are many lost or ancient languages such as: Thassilonian, Ancient Elven (Elthimil), Ancient Dwarven (Duemian), Ancient Giant (Helieon), Ancient Draconic (Orthmerlian), and such.

Language is a fickle thing and hard for some to truly be fluent in thus there is different degrees of knowing a language The rules for learning languages are a bit more complicated (there are multiple levels of familiarity with a language):
Fluent - you know the slang and nuances of the language, you are very proficient in written and verbal parts of this language
Novice - you know how to speak the words but might say something wrong once in a conversation or at least not say it the right way. You can write about 200 to 500 words and know the alphabet.
Basics - Anyone can learn the basics of a language and try to struggle through it.
Communication will be important in this game, as you will be traveling to several different countries. Each country has a fluent language and several novice languages that are prevalent in them.
Each level requires the use of a rank in linguistics or equivalent. If you have linguistics as the skill focus feat you skip the basics step. If you are fluent in five languages you gain skill focus as a bonus feat in linguistics. You only start with one original language that you are fluent, all others gained from a high intelligence bonus start off at Novice level.

Character Creation:

Roll 5d6 seven times, drop the two lowest for each set, and then take the best 6 to create your base ability scores. You may move them to any ability of your choice.

Max health at first level. Roll onwards, if you roll a 1 reroll it once.

All Paizo material is acceptable. I may however require links from the Archives or the pfsrd if I'm not familiar with something and don't have the book.
Starting level of 3.

You will receive starting equipment of a masterwork set of armor (your choice), a masterwork mithral dagger, and one other masterwork weapon of your choice (must have proficiency with it, if you want it to be a special material it comes out of your following total gold). You will receive 3,500 gp with which to purchase magic items, enchantments, or any other gear you might need.

Any race is legal, but obviously the less common the race, the better your backstory is going to have to be. This will be a general rule of thumb, I will allow most anything so long as you're willing and skilled enough to make it flow well with the story.

Two traits and one campaign trait. One drawback can be taken to gain another trait. Here comes an interesting twist, campaign traits will come from the players. Look at Stolenlands, Wrath of the Righteous, and other regional campaigns for ideas. Please post the original trait as well. I will be adjusting them as needed.

Alignment. Please be concious of which you choose and why. Please no evil or you best give me a reallly good reason.

What I need from you:
• A complete character sheet,
• Short description,
• Short personality,
• Quirks and flaws,
• Background story,
• What element or type of abilities you have gained and some examples of abilities,
• At least one 'plot hook' for me to use for a side quest involving your character
• At least one NPC or PC that is important to you and why.

Free story Feats, an extra Favored Class Bonus, an extra trait, a simple or complex magical item are possible depending on your creativity and helpfulness. There is a high chance to gain a normal feat once you accomplish something unique and of importance.

We will need at least one leader type. There is a high chance of having a rotating leadership system unless the group can decide on a leader and second.

Daily posts are expected, Sunday thru Thursday, please post at least once during the weekend.

Because this is a PbP, encounters will be changed or removed and there will be more story and RP rewards.

The group will level as a whole, instead of handing out XP. You will also all be given XP to use for item creation each level.

Please provide your timezone: I am in Pacific Time Zone.

A barrage of abilities:
Though knowing how these typically work in my campaigns you pick one ability and make it your extra flavor! XD

such as fire - torch, pyrotechnics, burning hand, fire shield, fire burst
Ice: ray of frost, endure elements, ice claws, ice skin/armor, frost breath
Several other generic options that I have thought of but in no means should be all that you could choose from: fire, water, earth, air, ice, lightning, thunder, acid, positive, negative, undeath, any of the domains, the options are limitless.
Though in truth you should likely have 5 abilities, one for each level, though the less abilities you have the more you may use them. Weak but embodies your 'domain', some sort of movement or retreat, offensive vs. one target, buff or defensive ability, crowd attack.


When combat starts, normally I roll initiative and depending on where the opponents go, will either roll their move, spell, attack (and damage) as necessary, or have the party go. I try and clump all the opponents at one point in the initiative order, or at worst two points if there is a “boss” and minions. I expect that everyone will post actions for the entire round, even if it is “I move to the nearest alive opponent and bash it.” DO NOT WAIT for folks earlier in the initiative order to post before you do.

Each round of combat will be at most 24 hours real time. I will DMbot the PC if they have not acted in 18 hours. After your actions have been posted I will make a recap and some vital info that can move the game ahead faster, such as revealing AC of enemies so that you can be more descriptive with your actions. 'You will know if you hit.'

As mentioned above, at least one post per day, Sunday thru Thursday.

To speed up play, I will usually roll perception, survival, initiative, and all other rolls for the group as appropriate.

More info:

In your profile your skills should show how you got your modifier, something along the lines:
Skills: CS=class skill (0 ACP)
Acrobatics +9 (2 Rank, +3 CS, +4 Dex)
Climb +11, (1 ranks, +3 CS, str +7 )
Craft (armor) +7, (2 rank, +3 CS, +0 Int, +2 MW items)
Handle Animal +4, (2 ranks, +3 CS, -1 Cha)
Heal +3, (0 ranks, +1 Wis, +2 Kit)
Intimidate +7, (+4 size, 1 ranks, +3 CS, -1 Cha)
Linguistics +1, (1 ranks, +0 Int)
Perception +5 (0 ranks, +1 Wis, +4 racial)
Ride +9 (2 ranks, +3 CS, +4 Dex)
Sense Motive +1, (0 ranks, +1 Wis)
Stealth +4, (0 ranks, +4 Dex)

In your profile either make a link to the information or have the information available for your feats and traits. If not in the core books please link it.

I want your basic info readily available:
How I would like your vital info to be displayed:
(Make sure to put it in your race profile line, spoiling is optional)

spoiler=Vital] HP: 49/49, AC: 23 _ T: 14 _ FF: 19 _ Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +4, Fort +8 _ Ref +5 _ Will +4 (+7 vs. fear), CMB: +11, CMD: 31, Speed: 30 spoiler]

How I would like your skills to be displayed:
(Make sure to put it in your class profile line, also include any skills that you are trained in or do not need to be trained in to use. Spoiling is optional.)

spoiler=Skills] Acrobatics +9_ Bluff -1_ Climb +11_ Diplomacy -1_ Escape Artist +4_ Handle Animal +3_ Heal +3_ Intimidate +7_ Linguistics +1_ Ride +9_ Stealth +4_ Survival +8_ Swim +11 spoiler]

This helps me find the key information as opposed to looking through everyone's different format.

Please label your posts for which round it is occurring within:

Round 4
Or some sort of variation:
**Round 4**
****Round 4****
{}Round 4{}
¥Round 4¥

Also in the future please note which color or numbered enemy you strike and what it is, such as blue mite. It would also nice to see some more flavorful words in describing what the attack does or what is special about the swing, attack, victim, spell, etc.

For example:
Oscar strikes at blue mite with his greatsword.

A better example:
Oscar takes his greatsword in both hands and with an over head chop brings the mighty sword down upon the small blue creature.

Then there are other descriptive words you could use:
It has been several rounds of swinging his heavy blade, he can feel the sweat build on his brow and on his body through the exertions he is forcing himself through. Bringing the blade around his body from the last strike he brings it up over his body and crashing down upon the little blue man. Staying alert he looks around him to see how his allies are faring against the fey and their allies.

AoO because of a Spear attack make sure that you write in spear attack as opposed to Xara's attack. Though, with your multiple summons and mount attacking as well perhaps the best choice is {Xara's spear attack}. You could also have reach in there or explain how she strikes the mite with her spear before it becomes adjacent to her.

Please submit your character for me to review in the bestiary block style/crunch, then once I accept go over to the discussion thread for your initiation. If you have any questions about builds or how I run things please ask. Recruitment end Saturday, August 1st or sooner once we have maximum party size plus one, (6). I can't wait to game with you all, and I hope you have fun!

The DM will be watching......

Yup discussion here. ;)

Honestly I am just putting NPCs before you. You get to choose which ones go with you and how to persuade them to go with you.

Nicolette was now twenty-five and troubles began to arise in the region. It was at this time she picked up her grandfather’s greatsword, a family heirloom and recalled the lessons of her youth. She set out to seek vengeance on the demon that did this.

But where to start? And who could help her on her quest?

The small thorpe of Yardley had very little to offer. There was her parent's inn. A simple church and meeting hall. Four dozen homes which double as the needed professions of the village. Lastly was the three towers. Three tall stone pillars that let a wooden tower be built between them and here were the Smiths. Three generations worked hard in their forges.

She knew of some that could help but at what price or degree of pursuasion would be needed? There was Matthew Smith, the forth son of his father and just a year younger than her. Loarin was an older gentleman who helped with the church, especially with an unorthodox problems. The last prospect was Baris the halfling, always into mischief and ready for some fun.