![]() With the prayers settled and a motion from Quince he offers up, "Our first item is that of Kisandra Numesti. Please come forth and give witness." Kisandra walks forward from the hallway. Dressed in her soldierly attire including a sheathed sword and a chain shirt. She further explains about the recent developments in the Drelev Demesne, including the imprisonment of her father and the taking of her sister as a hostage by Armag.
![]() A message spell links up with everyone in the room, he states, "There are no other plans tonight. Feel free to act as you wish. The next few days will be leisurely for the mercenary brigade but once our reports come back from Delev we will form the Council." Please post what you do for the night, where you sleep, any shopping you wish to do or activities for the next two days. Meanwhile we will jump to the Council meeting with many guests invited to listen. ☆☆☆ The Council Meeting ☆☆☆
![]() Alice Emmington wrote:
Bearik's Secret Message, Sense Motive DC 36 / ZSofia auto succeeds:
Bluff: 1d20 + 14 + 3 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 14 + 3 + 13 = 36
Alice you just got it! He relays that he does appreciate her. Though the intonation to a guest chair is subjugated by the implication of something more. Though with mention of round table, he is obviously stating all Council members are equal. He knows her ambition and goals! ![]()
![]() Zsófia Dobós wrote: Though she is quite happy to comply, Zsófia cannot let an opening like that go unanswered. "No objections here," she says with a shake of her head, causing the ribbons in her hair to shine brightly and the plume in her cap to wobble amusingly. "Thank you for meeting us again, Bearik," she says with what sounds like genuine affection. "I look forward to seeing the delights your capital city offers, and perhaps to meet the other members of the governing council?" He replies with his smile wrinkles showing, "Lady Zsofia! Yes always a pleasure. I am sure you will be impressed. If that is what you would like, I am sure you can take a guest chair at the round table. It would be prudent knowing your ambition!" He winks as she likely knows what he is speaking about. Zsofia:
Let me know if I should spell it out what message he relays using his bluff check. ---
Jorrast Feorte wrote: Jorrast lands near Bearik and gets his attention while the group is going through. "We do have scouts out toward Drelev right? Watching in case they launch a more serious army this way? Or should some of us stay out here?" He replies sagely to the kitsume, "I am not in charge of said things, though Stalker has been quickly making arrangements with Kevros who is in charge of such forces, the Reaves. No, there is no reason to stay behind as we can quickly return and we have not seen any such armies. I am sure the next step will be to reward your group for a fine job accomplished, and set you out to your next one of taking care of Delrev."DM may have forgotten if they are actually called the Reaves or something else. ---
Quince wrote: Quince greets his father-in-law warmly. "How fairs Elkheart?" He squares up with the big man to speak, "Do we know of political ties beyond getting a charter that Drelev has in Brevoy. If we unleash the beast on him. What will we have to smooth over diplomatically? Ties to a noble house, or to a noble house's profits." His smile broadens at seeing his son-in-law and his demeanor quickly changes to that of a cat holding a mouse, "Elkheart is wonderful, especially with so many more workers to fill some roles we needed filled. Ah yes, those documents are being searched for presently in our great library and in several in Brevoy. The preliminary report is very positive, Drelev gained the Stolenlands slot due to cashing in his last few favors before leaving Brevoy. We do not think there is any house that will be affected by his removal. Also once we see who he is connected to more we will make sure presents are suitable for their loss as we have done before." ![]()
![]() Within a days march by foot through forest and such, you see Tazylewyrm along the river. You are greeting by Bearik and a platoon of soldiers in fine uniform armor. An aasimar is upon the back of a riding dragon at attention with the soldiers. He quickly offers, "I have already spoken with Lord Commander Quince and Jorne. We know of the travesities of Drelev and welcome all those who aided us to come back to Elkheart. Tazylewyrm is not as settled as Elkheart so we shall take our guests there and see to their needs before anything is decided. Unless someone objects?" If no one objects a squad with the mounted riding dragon, goes through the waypoint crystal first. Followed by the 'civilians', then the rest of the platoon of soldiers, followed by the barbarians, followed by your group. ![]()
![]() Alice: You notice that he has a few beads in a lock of hair that appear either glass or some kind of crystal. His cloak also has a sheen that most would not notice. Oh! nevermind.
He responds, "Ah yes that is a very good skill to have. Where is this seam?" With your help he casts mending and it is fixed. Looking at the guard he waves him forward with a hand and asks, "What did you do with your foot?" He lowers his head and explains how he nearly sprained his ankle, as he was rushing to his post. "Alice can you do something for him?" He begins writing down several things nodding to himself as he does. Then he looks up and states, "I believe we could use you. All of the contracts have been for retainers, that is 70 gp per month with needs of living included. What does that sound to you?" [ooc]Alice if you haven't already, get a post into gameplay ASAP. ![]()
![]() He looks at those assembled and asks, "Shall we then? Those who would like uniforms come with me. I will collect the badges once you decide on a form for it." Bearik leads the few who want uniforms out of the dining hall and down stairs. You see guards stationed every 30 feet. At the base of the stairs you see three doorways. To the right and left are standard seven foot doors but the ones before you are at least 30 feet tall and 40 feet wide. As he makes a few arcane sigils in the air before him the doors unlock and open. Beyond in the next room is a 60 foot obelisk that appears black like obsidian except for some swirling colors. Bearik leads you down and touches the obelisk with the back of his hand. "Just touch the obelisk after me and you will be sent to Elkheart." He then says Elkheart and touches the obelisk with his palm. He vanishes from sight. The guards around the room seem ready but don't leave their stations. ![]()
![]() Jorrast Feorte wrote:
I had thought Quince would have addressed this, no worries. He sits up a bit straighter which doesn't seem possible but he does. He nods with agreement, "Ours will cut through them like a scythe through grain! With our transport system you could easily be in Tazylford within the hour. Also any outpost or town of our fair kingdom. Quince will be leading the brigade until a suitable leader arises. Jorne his Sworn Protector will be there as well." ![]()
![]() Alice:
He looks up from his paperwork and looks a little surprised. He replies calmly in his deep voice, "I had thought we were through most of the applicants. It you want to use honorifics then Lord would be best. You just came in with a flyer? So what would you bring to a group of elite adventurers? What achievements have you achieved?" Sorry folks I just crashed last night! ![]()
![]() Eris Northanger wrote:
At this mention of the coming army the main doors fly open with a burst of wind, then close just as abruptly then the large chair at the other end moves back and Bearik seems to just appear sitting down in it. "Some preliminary scouting has been made though your group will be the ones to verify it. It is dispersed over the area in smaller groupings and on the move. A group of mercenaries, barbarians, and trolls are marching toward Tatzlford and are expected to arrive within three or four days. Some distractions have been put in place to delay them." "Uniforms are not mandatory just an offering for joining service." ![]()
![]() Vandomir Jarvis wrote: Vandomir bows again, "very well sir, the Mercenary Brigade it is. Does the Brigade have any uniforms or other emblems to demonstrate its esprit de corps? And if so, where is the quartermaster, so I can draw my issuance please?" He calmly replies, "Uniforms yes, we had thought a of a few options but felt it would be better for the brigade to decide. The dark grey suits with Green and white tassels will be provided to you in at most a week's time. The maids in the castle await our arrival." ![]()
![]() Jorrast:
Calmly he responds, "Ah yes, we understand this though we are a very open minded community let alone who is on the Council. We have many fey allies and friends.
He quietly says to himself, [b]"rule you out?" Then he shakes his head and states, "No those experiences should round you out well enough for the mercenary brigade. Yes we have scouts though the ones who patrol the outer ranges are the Reeves. Though I believe the brigade would fit you best. If you wish to apply to become a Reeves, I am sure that can easily be handled after your six month requirement of service with the brigade. Our divination have proven that acquiring a mercenary brigade is prudent sooner than later. Shall we put you down for 70 gold retainer?" With your agreement with or without some adjustments he asks, "I welcome you as a new retainer then! Well if you are prepared we are collecting the most experienced applicants in the dining hall before we travel to Elkheart." Xandarian :
He nods at your skills which he requested. He looks up at the hare when it grabs the map and watches with intent. He laughs after you say, "religious purposes." He then offers, "I think you and my boy Saren will get along nicely! I welcome you as a new retainer then! Well if you are prepared we are collecting the most experienced applicants in the dining hall before we travel to Elkheart." Eris:
He looks at her with calculating eyes, then he asks the question again, "So were you planning on joining the mercenary brigade, just a medic for the brigade, or another occupation? If just the mercenary brigade then we can put you on retainer for 70 gold, unless you request other services which may decrease it." Zsofia: He simply smiles at your words letting them dry before he takes a calculated response of it all, "Our troll problem was nothing compared to the scourge that assaulted our walls nearly a year ago.
With a laugh and a scoff he warms up once more, [b]"Yes of course food is included, it is a need of you mortals. You are welcome to wander the halls or I can request a guided tour for you. Thank you for I took great care in the embassy's construction. A bit of magic was put into use though our devoted workers built it quickly. Yes most on the Council have many deep and subtle arts." ![]()
![]() Zsofia: With a wry grin he merrily states, "We do but it's location is not revealed to the public. It has only been used by our elite troops."
His face simplifies into a smile appreciating your words, "Yes, hopefully it can ease the relations. Maybe even visiting the king regent with you would help." He stands with you, after you raise from your bow, he offers a hand. With a warm smile he warmly offers, "Well if you are prepared we are collecting the most experienced applicants in the dining hall before we travel to Elkheart." ![]()
![]() Zsofia: His eyes have an intelligence that you haven't seen before. They are so analyzing that it is hard to meet their gaze for too long.
He nods to your responses and makes some marks on his papers. He is confident and precise in his actions and interactions with you. After you state your claim he addresses it with measured patience, "beneficient? Interesting." He then states, "As the Stolenlands and more has been claimed by our kingdom your claim would be mute. Though if you ascend the ranks and eventually gain the status of the High Council, then we would merit enough to look back into the claim. And from what I am seeing you likely will." Thoughtfully he looks up and states, "Would you be interested in teaching at our Martial Academy?" He sees the merit in your words and associations, replying with understanding words, "Ahhh yes, who wouldn't want to see their friends advance in the world? Though as you likely know the Reagent, the swordlords, and Greenwatch relations have been tense as of late." He concurs with you and reveals some of what he knows, "A strong arm and Shelyn's glow, how can you go wrong? We haven't had much trouble with bandits or lawlessness for nearly a year now. But recently our divination shows something is amiss and thus the need for at least one mercenary brigade if not more." He refocuses with a drink from his golden goblet, then states, "If you become a mercenary on retainer we may give you and extra day to secure the Nalmarches each week, though our Reeves have done a wonderful job of it. Speaking of that your contract would be for 70 gold per month. If you become a captain among the band, it shall raise and if you choose to become an instructor at the Martial Academy you shall gain a salary from them. I have strong hopes for you." ![]()
![]() He interviews each of you individually. As you enter into the large conference room you see your host at the other end of the large table. An elderly man with white hair and beard. Now sitting close to him you realize that he is possibly a giant as he is eight feet tall sitting! He is looking over papers and once you sit down he begins in a deep voice:
--- "Vandomir Jarvis is it? So you are wanting to sign on and demonstrate the prowess of hippogriffs in combat as general support or did you plan to join the Air Corp Squadron?" --- "Lady Zsófia Dobós, let's start with the hard questions first, what hereditary claim do you have to the Stolen Lands? In what capacity did you serve the Swordlords? What were the specifics around your interactions with the Regeant? What skills do you bring to our country? Will you be joining the mercenary brigade first, or was there another occupation you were planning on pursing?" --- "Xandarian Quartermain, I see you are a devout Cayden follower. A palading of Cayden actually. With this in mind were you planning on joining the mercenary brigade?" --- "Eris Northanger, I see you have been doing wonderful things for the people of Galt. It is too bad that you needed to leave for the time being. Ah yes, you are wonderful at woodcraft, scouting, and skirmishing. Mostly as a guide. You are also a 'doctor' with knowledge of alchemy and non-magical healing. And I see here you are well educated in the old Galtan classical tradition. With this in mind were you planning on joining the mercenary brigade?" ---
"Jorrast Feorte, ah another kitsune! How interesting! I see that you worked with a merchant company, hauling trade items back and forth over the Path of Aganhei to Avistan. What were they called again? Your main skills are in linguistics and Stealth. A Sylvan Rogue no less. So were you planning on joining the mercenary brigade?" ![]()
![]() Anyone with a ring of Greenwatch: "Greetings all, I the grand diplomat, Bearik, am speaking on behalf of our grand leader Lord Commander Quince. Elkheart our capital of Greenwatch is under attack. If you are apart of the militia we call upon you now. All those who cannot take up arms, the weak, young, or elderly wait for your summons to evacuate. The gates have been manned and are secure. Our Lord Commander is at the head of our defenses. Pray to Erastil that their arrows fly true. For Greenwatch!!!" ![]()
![]() Bearik chuckles a bit and says, "With prototypes, anything could happen. The stone has a point one percent chance of doing something weird. It is much more stable than the box. So you want to try out the stone?" If Quince says yes he tosses it to him. Sulvanii uses mage hand to grab it and float it to Quince. ![]()
![]() "As long as they have the spell, any arcane caster could create it." At the mention of the items he raises his hands one holding a box and the other holding a swirling stone. "These do the same thing but they can only be activated once per day. Though they are magical wondrous items that are not consumed with use. There is a 1% chance that the box explodes when used. They are the first prototypes." ![]()
![]() Quince Medvyed wrote: Quince thinks a moment. "So its a full network of locations, each location has one of the obelisks I saw outside. You use the scroll and part of the casting ritual picks which obelisk." He looks over one of the scrolls. "Its a lengthy ritual. Probably about 10 minutes to cast. How many of these scrolls do we have. That seems like a powerful spell. Expensive to make. I think these would sell for what 1,100 . . .1,200 at market." He taps the scroll to his chin and chuckles. "If we have enough of these for . . . looks like up to 5 people could go through. That effectively means even when we are ranging or exploring camping is unnecessary, we could be home every night. If we have enough of these. But that price." "Yes its a full network of locations. I have about a dozen scrolls left, yes they are worth about 1,200. Yes you can be home every night. These items both work once per day, so after 10 uses it will have paid for itself." ![]()
![]() Quince Medvyed wrote:
"Well there are two experimental magical devices. A box and a simple stone. The stone is much more stable as the box let's you take more people. Interested?" ![]()
![]() Donuts with the Duke, all are welcome to join, some are requested, notes are taken and the notes can be found with a Scribbler, the library and center building of Elkheart, or the Castle Library. He replies to the property question, "I have purchased a few safe houses and a sizeable plot of ground for the embassy. One of the new requests is authorization for the creation of the embassy in Restov. Between Sulvanii and I we can have it built in a week." ![]()
![]() Bearik would tell you, "Restov has plenty of their own problems and no one else is going to help Varnhold. Brevoy is actually closer to civil war again. Mostly due to the Stolenlands being claimed by us and our ties to Restov. That is why Restov and Southern Brevoy has been distancing themselves. Oh sorry I have not been keeping you appraised of diplomatic situations in our neighboring countries." ![]()
![]() He produces three scrolls and lays then rolled up upon the table. "These scrolls are keyed to Elkheart. Should you need to quickly come back you can cast it to create a sort of gate. I call it a town portal. Simply casting it you will be able to go through and then it will close. If you also use a 1st level spell slot it will stay open for you to go back through. If you use a 2nd level spell slot you can take up to your level in additional allies through the portal. Once Varnhold is secure I will come and plant a town portal stone. If it wasn't evident enough, yes, use the elks for the jump." ![]()
![]() Spellcarft is for active spells, k arcane is for effects of those spells. Roughly. Bearik and Sulvanii look at each other. Bearik answers, "Its not that simple. It is as Cleonor says severe emotions can easily be felt between two that are entwined. One can die from shock but it is not very likely." Then he speaks positively, "As long as Cleonora and Elizabeth stay in Greenwatch they will be safe. We have precautions set in place. Elizabeth is doing better but the more rest she can get the faster she will recover. " "I found out that the Red Spider was well connected, peddling the vices to the wealthy. His stent in the afterlife has lessened these connections, may of them don't know he is even back. Their shouldn't be any significant reprisals. At least from the royals or nobles." "The time they feel each others emotions most is in their dreams." ![]()
![]() Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh wrote: However, the question as to why send their gathering to investigate Varnhold and not going themselves made Ike speak up. It was about looks... and this was something he knew about quite well. "It's about appearances, isn't it? Greenwatch is one of the colonies started by the Swordlords of Rostland, along with Varnhold, right? If Varnhold goes quiet and the leaders of Greenwatch march to Varnhold, even to investigate, it could be seen as a power grab, couldn't it? Sounds an awful lot like the sudden disapperance of House Rogarvia in 4699, and the claim to the throne by House Surtova has left a lot of political tension in Brevoy, right? If Rostland thought Greenwatch was making a land grab, Rostland would be forced to act, dragging Issia into the conflict out of another suspected power move, and all of Brevoy becomes embroiled in a civil war for power, right? In order to maintain an appearance of neutrality, it would be better if Greenwatch sent an independent group to investigate and report back, wouldn't it?" He begins to nod as you point out at least the obvious of which he is thinking about, "You are right my friend. Though this meeting was made so that we could all hear what you know. We have not had any interactions with those that started Varnhold and not many direct dealings either. Some of us in this room may have even heard of Varnhold before. We have been busy settling our own neck of the neighborhood. It would be better if an independent group investigated and perchance had a token of support with you from Greenwatch. We will sanction your investigation into Varnhold, with the blessing of the Baron and a vote. We will also be watching closely to what happens to you. Baron?" As he wraps up what he says and looks to Quince. With his acknoledgment Bearik looks to the gathered Wardens and asks, "All those in support of the motion, please say, 'Aye'... Those opposed... and with that the motion moves. If you would all be so kind as to wait in the courtyard we will determine who will be joining you on your venture." Once only the Wardens are left alone: "Who would like to go investigate? Cleo this sounds like something along your arcane interests, no?" ![]()
![]() He then walked into the room and said, "I am sorry my fellow Wardens, Elizabeth has been so weak and sick. I have never seen her so..." He stops mid sentence seeing the heart and he clutches his own heart. Then he casts a few spells and groans out loud. He turns into a bear and begins to tear at the walls in rage.... ![]()
![]() "I hate the way you skew things but I agree, it is how it is." He agrees. "She was a spoiled royal brat who slept with a slew of partiers, she was frivolous with gold and possessions, ill intent well more like no intent she did what she wanted not caring who it affected, at least that is how I remember it. You could ask her. She would throw carnal balls and let all sorts of miscreants into our houses. She would open our stores and let vermin take that which is ours. Such a waste as the soldiers slew them on my command." He seems to wake from his memory and looks aghast, sobbing he stands up and runs from the room. ![]()
![]() "Yes we did know of the hatred, we caused most of it on purpose. Don't the powerful like to the weak squirm? Yes we all knew of the infighting as nobles and royals know it well. No in truth it was my pious nature and feeling invincible that brought us to that point. To blame her for it all would be to blame the weight of a waterskin that broke a camels back after several overladen chests were on the camel's back. It was my fault, well my family's. She added her fair share to the weight but we all added it together over the years." He points out. ![]()
![]() "I can answer that one, Cleonora. Mostly it was my fault. In my hubris I made enemies when I lived in Taldor. We lived as royalty and this was even before Saren. Living gods among the mortals as they would call it. Well my daughter in her actions tipped the scale in the wrong direction. Calistra took the side of the other gods we angered. In her wrath, my entire family was lost to me. I was cursed to roam with my power stripped, to live without my family." He replies in humility. "My daughter was carefree and lived a royal's life and you know how the youth can be... she slept with the wrong person and all the mud ran down the hill at our family." ![]()
![]() Quince: Well when you have seperate conversations spoilers are ideal. I mean it would be nice to have more conversations with the whole group but it is what it is.
He listens and points out, "I don't care if my daughter has a suitor, she needs physical contact to take on the racial traits of the other, at least that is what it seems. I suggested to her to use her wiles to get that physical contact. Otherwise she would just become human, like Journe." "Yes my 8th wife was special and only a mortal. No there is no chance you are related enough to make any problems. If Elizabeth was not banished she would be about 400 years old. If anything she would be your great great great aunt, or something like that." "I am an Old God, I take what forms I have seen in my days. This one is after one of my close allies of days long past, a were bear. There are still many of my kind that wander the world, most you would probably recognize as spirirts. If they don't have a curse or a following we slowly fade away to nothing." "The prison was our main plan in how to repay, Elizabeth's drain. We are comfortable but Elizabeth is very independent and I think Sulvanii has plans in store for her accommodations." he winks back at Quince with a knowing look. He also turns back to his old giant form slowly. First you sense complete truth from his words, he is not trying to hide or mislead you. He appears a bit frazzled that you didn't spend time with her but he understands you far more than you even realize. You would need to ask some kind of question leading him to talk about the kingdom to find out how he feels about it. Nothing you asked or what he responded with would help you know if you are or aren't being used by him.
![]() You said in the next couple of days, at least the next day. He nods but then says, "Saren has been putting on a good front. Katrina sees him each day using all her spells just to keep him awake. I think he gave too much. That is my boy. He never had enough in his past life and always took care of others before himself, still here. Elizabeth is mending in her own way, hopefully she gets what she wants but with your lack of drive we will see what happens. You do know you are the only kitsune for leagues. Anyways, if you want to offer some more help she is sleeping in my chambers, just holding her hand might be enough. The problem is we don't know. The prison is gone. Likely folded in on itself or shot back up into the sky for all we know. I can tell you lots about kitsune. I loved one until she died protecting her daughter and I love her still. What do you want to know?" He keeps level throughout the conversation even though he said some words that could have practically been punches. He is willing to spend a few hours with you telling of your kin. To make things easier he shifts his appearance to that of an anthromorphic bear. ![]()
![]() Quince Medvyed wrote:
Yes you would be able to find Bearik. He is normally in his office. Walking in you notice that everything seems to have been enlarged or just, no enlarged. As it as the same chair and desk. "Hello there Quince I am still on the mend but that doesn't stop me from writing a few things down. How can I be of help?"