harmor |
52 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required. 971 people marked this as a favorite. |

I would like to request a sticky thread be created (not this one because I can't edit it after an hour), that would, in the first post, give a list of guides in this sub-forum.
In the thread we'll discuss which guides to include and which category they should be in - it would be a community project.
This is my no means a complete list...its just a start.
Also, if you are going to post a guide for this list, please have a discussion thread for said guide in the Advice forum so we can link to it. The guide can be off-site, but we need a discussion thread for it, please. Also somewhere in your guide please reference which books you use (Core, APG, ARG, UM, UC, etc...).
Guides in Alphabetical Order by Class Name
- Ogre's RPG Stuff - Alchemist’s Guide (Core, APG, UM) [Discussion]
- Bodhi's Guide to the Optimal Paladin & Antipaladin (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- BARBARIAN AM SMASH - A Practical Guide to Breaking Faces by Trinam (Core, APG, UC) [Discussion]
- Elewan's Pathfinder Barbarian Guide (Core, APG) [Discussion]
- Treantmonk's Guide to Bards: Pathfinder Core Rules (Core only) [Discussion]
- All the World’s a Stage, and You the Stage Director: A Guide to the Pathfinder Bard (Core, APG, ARG, UC, UM) [Discussion]
- The Cavalier's Code (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Tark's Big Holy Book of Clerical Optimization (Core, APG) [Discussion]
- Axe’s Guide to Finding Divinity (Core only) [Discussion]
- Rogue Eidolon’s Guide to Clerics (Core only) [Discussion]
- ===> Brewer's Guide to Reach Clerics (Core, APG) [Discussion]
- Treantmonk's Guide to Druids Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 (Core only) [Discussion]
- Peterrco's guide to Druids (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Rogue Eidolon's Guide to Fighters (Core only) [Discussion]
- Bladestorm: "STR Ranger"'s Guide to TWF for Fighters (Core, APG, UM, UC, SoS) [Discussion]
- ===> Two Hands are Better Than One: A Guide for Fighters using Two-Handed Weapons (Core, APG, UM, UC, ARG, UE) [Discussion]
- Drake_Rocket's Guide to Grand Gunslinginger Greatness (Core, APG, UC) [Discussion]
- Nobody expects a guide to the Inquisitor (Core, APG, UM) [Discussion]
- Bodhi's Guide to the Optimal Inquisitor (Core, APG, ARG, UM, UC, Other+) [Discussion]
- Walter’s Guide to the Magus (Core, APG, UM) [Discussion]
- Magus Hexcrafter Guide: The Complete Guide For Dealing With The Devil (Core, APG, ARG, UC, UM) [Discussion]
- ===> A Guide to Touch Spells, Spellstrike, and Spell Combat
- Treantmonk's Guide to Monks (Core only) [Discussion]
- Revel's Guide to the Monk (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Zen and the Art of Monk Maintenance: A Guide to the Zen Archer (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Death from the Shadow: A Guide to the Ninja by Joseph Bucceri (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Channeling the Cosmos: A guide to the Oracle (Core, APG, ARG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Thallin's Guide To Paladins (Optimization) (Core, APG) [Discussion]
- Cryptic's Guide to the Pathfinder Paladin: Being a God's Wrecking Hammer (Core) [Discussion]
- Bodhi's Guide to the Optimal Paladin & Antipaladin (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Treantmonk's Guide to Rangers in Pathfinder (Core only) [Discussion]
- Lastoths Guide to Archery Rangers (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Ginsu Master: A Ranger’s Guide to Two Weapon Fighting (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Rogue Eidolon's Guide to Rogues (Core, APG) [Discussion]
- Way of the Samurai (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- The (almost) Complete Guide to Sorcerers- a practical handbook (Core only) [Discussion]
- The Inner Power. A Guide for Sorcerers (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- A Quick Guide to Pathfinder Sorcerers: gods don't need spellbooks (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Magic in the Blood: A guide to Eldritch Heritage and Sorcerer Bloodlines (Core, APG, ARG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- The Summoner's Handbook (Core, APG) [Discussion]
- Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble (Core, APG) [Discussion]
- The Viking Irishman's Witch Guide (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- A Witch's Guide to Shutting Down Enemies (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Treantmonk's Guide to Pathfinder Wizards: Being a God (Core only) [Discussion]
- Professor Q's Guide to the Core+ Wizard (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- THE COMPLETE Professor Q's Guide to the Pathfinder Wizard (Core, APG, ARG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
Guides in Alphabetical Order by Core Prestige Class Name
Arcane Archer
- //TODO: Need content
Arcane Trickster
- Abraham Spalding’s Guide to the Arcane Trickster (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- A Highly Regarded Expert's Guide to the Arcane Trickster (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- //TODO: Need content
Dragon Disciple
- Oterisk’s Guide to the Dragon Disciple - A “How To” for the Living Myth (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Oterisk's Guide to the Duelist - or How to be a Fighter with out being Big and Stupid.(Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
Eldritch Knight
- Zolthux's Guide to the Gish (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- //TODO: Need content
Mystic Theurge
- //TODO: Need content
Pathfinder Chronicler
- Oterisk’s guide to Optimizing the Pathfinder Chronicler?!?! (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- //TODO: Need content
Other Useful Guides for Spell casters
- Abraham Spalding's Guide to the Holy Vindicator (or more specifically channeling) (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Being a Most Concise and Helpful Guide to the Noble Arts of Wild Shaping and Polymorphing (Core) [Discussion]
- A Guide To Sharing Spells With Animal Companions for Non-Druids (Core, APG, ARG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Guide To Spells (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- A Guide to Touch Spells
- Shadow Conjuration - Guide and Reference Manual (Core, APG, ARG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Shadow Evocation: More Than Just Blasts (A Guide) (Core, APG, ARG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
Other Useful Guides in Alphabetical Order
- Ashiel's Guide to Adventure: Preparation, Tricks, and Strategies (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- Getting X to Y: How to make a stat do other things (Core, APG, ARG, UC, UM) [Discussion]
- Guide to the Builds (Core, APG, ARG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- The Forge of Combat: Thoughts on victory and how the group achieves it.
(Core, APG, ARG, UC, UM, UE) [Discussion] - Improving Your Class With Items (Core, APG, ARG, UC, UM, UE) [Discussion]
- So you want to play Pathfinder RPG: A comprehensive guide for Dungeon Masters and Players [Discussion]
- Races of Pathfinder: An Optimization Guide (Core, APG, ARG, UC, UM, UE) [Discussion]
- Tips and Traits: A guide to Pathfinder Traits (Core, APG, UM, UC) [Discussion]
- The Viking Irishman’s Guide to Weaponry (Core, APG, UC) [Discussion]
3rd Party
This guide is also mirrored at:
Many of the guides above and more:

Dreaming Psion |

I have made a similar thread some time ago but since i can't find it now (the search function is giving me a lot of trouble), i am bumping yours.
Here's I think what you were referring to: http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/advice/variousOptimisationGuides
Oh, and as for this one, this is cool too. I hadn't spotted the barbarian guide, thanks.
Note there's an alchemist guide here: http://pathfinder.ogrehut.com/2010/07/alchemist-build-guide/

leo1925 |

leo1925 wrote:I have made a similar thread some time ago but since i can't find it now (the search function is giving me a lot of trouble), i am bumping yours.Here's I think what you were referring to: Linkified
Oh, and as for this one, this is cool too. I hadn't spotted the barbarian guide, thanks.
Note there's an alchemist guide here: http://pathfinder.ogrehut.com/2010/07/alchemist-build-guide/
Thank you, i really couldn't find it.

leo1925 |

ShadowcatX wrote:DottingWhat does this mean? Can you sort by posts you've posted in?
Or does it mean using the Favorite button right below the Reply button?
You might not have noticed but after you post in a thread then that thread has a dot after it's name, also if you click the focus button then it shows you less posts (the ones you have posted in and some other although i am not sure what criteria are used for those)

![]() |

A system that seems to be working in other areas to get around the time-limit on editing posts is to repost summary lists periodically. This thread would be an excellent candidate for this process if it grows longer. Also, the favorites tag is a good way to avoid losing links, as well as putting links in profiles.
I think Ogre has a guide to alchemists, or at least I've seen reference to it.

B0sh1 |

B0sh1 |

I am eagerly looking for an Inquisitor guide book. I have a fun concept built, just looking for some spell advice for a melee focused Inquisitor!
I found this for Inquisitor Guide Cryptic's Inquisitor Guide

leo1925 |

Kabump wrote:I am eagerly looking for an Inquisitor guide book. I have a fun concept built, just looking for some spell advice for a melee focused Inquisitor!I found this for Inquisitor Guide Cryptic's Inquisitor Guide
Keep in mind that this was written during the playtest of the class and it has quite a few errors.

B0sh1 |

B0sh1 wrote:Keep in mind that this was written during the playtest of the class and it has quite a few errors.Kabump wrote:I am eagerly looking for an Inquisitor guide book. I have a fun concept built, just looking for some spell advice for a melee focused Inquisitor!I found this for Inquisitor Guide Cryptic's Inquisitor Guide
True, perhaps my search-fu is weak, I haven't found a reasonably up to date guide.

leo1925 |

leo1925 wrote:True, perhaps my search-fu is weak, I haven't found a reasonably up to date guide.B0sh1 wrote:Keep in mind that this was written during the playtest of the class and it has quite a few errors.Kabump wrote:I am eagerly looking for an Inquisitor guide book. I have a fun concept built, just looking for some spell advice for a melee focused Inquisitor!I found this for Inquisitor Guide Cryptic's Inquisitor Guide
Sadly i don't think that there is one.

harmor |

- Drake_Rocket's Guide to Grand Gunslinginger Greatness (Core, APG, UC) [Discussion]

Drothmal |
Criptic's guide to paladins
And I remember that there was a guide to Alchemists, but it was in a blog and not in a forum
Another guide to gunslingers, not on this forum
Thanks for the hard work!

Lastoth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=11JBYSqZhVxgKCPjYJBhH13k73j6fUoeFnV CKwutC42M
Lastoths Guide to Archery Rangers
OR: Lastoths Guide to Archery Rangers.
And wow, my quiet and very recent little guide made it into a thread :-)

leo1925 |

leo1925 wrote:Paizo really has one of the worst forums ever seen for a discussion about Role Playing Games...Drothmal wrote:That can't happen, the forum doesn't allow you to edit your post after one hour.bump
and hoping for an update of the first post
If i am to speculate i have to say that it's an old forum or rather old forum code BUT they have done some attempts to make it better (the focus, favorites, the search engines somewhat improved).

wraithstrike |

Alienfreak wrote:If i am to speculate i have to say that it's an old forum or rather old forum code BUT they have done some attempts to make it better (the focus, favorites, the search engines somewhat improved).leo1925 wrote:Paizo really has one of the worst forums ever seen for a discussion about Role Playing Games...Drothmal wrote:That can't happen, the forum doesn't allow you to edit your post after one hour.bump
and hoping for an update of the first post
I think eventually we will have to make "A guide to the guides part 2", to do an update eventually.

nategar05 |

Oracle, Ninja, and Cavalier are the only classes that I've found no optimization guides for. Granted, Cavalier doesn't really interest me so I didn't spend much time looking. I spent a while looking for Oracle and Ninja. Though I guess we could build a good ninja just by looking at a rogue guide and putting a higher emphasis on Cha. Though a breakdown of the separate class features, especially ki powers, would be in order.
Well, I also didn't look for Antipaladin, but couldn't we just reverse everything (alignment wise) from a Paladin guide and be pretty close?
Speaking of a Paladin guide: Cryptic's Paladin Guide, Conversation Thread
Ahh, I see drothmal beat me to posting the Paladin guide. Oh well, now people are twice as likely to find it. : P

nategar05 |

I agree. One day I'll actually finish a design or two for prestige classes that I have in mind:
1. Arcane Archer Bard (Magician) - Magician archetype gives free bonus spells from other spell lists instead of Versatile Performance. So, free spells from advancement to use with Imbue Arrow (or indeed just archery in general), such as (1) Gravity Bow and (6) Antimagic Field.
2. Gnome Barbarian/Oracle Rage Prophet - Gnome Alternate Favored Class: +1/2 to Oracle's level for determining curse's effect. +Cha and +Con, two very important stats for a Rage Prophet. Take Lame curse, become immune to fatigue and exhaustion relatively quickly. As a barbarian, handy.
3. Halfling Rogue Assassin (Knife Expert) - Eventually take Underhanded and every relevant feat/talent. Betrayer feat from UC lets you attack as an immediate action with a successful diplomacy check. Full sneak attack damage with d8 progression. Nice evil character.
Sorry for the derailing, but not extremely irrelevant to an optimization thread. Carry on. : P