RPG Superstar™

General Discussion
Previous Contests
RPG Superstar™ Season 9 (2016), RPG Superstar™ 2015, RPG Superstar™ 2014, RPG Superstar™ 2013, RPG Superstar™ 2012, RPG Superstar™ 2011, RPG Superstar™ 2010, RPG Superstar™ 2009, RPG Superstar™ 2008

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Quill of Leng

Glaive of the Lion-Hearted

So, You're Designing a Pathfinder Monster...

How I make a monster

Banshee's Tongue

RPGSS Mad-Libs!: Season 9 Edition!

Everyone wants to be RPG Superstar

Advice For Future Rounds

Paizo Blog: Ladies and Gentlemen: Your Top 32!

Top 100 items

Top 32+4 credits list

A couple map questions

Blazing 9!

Snark Powers activate

Link to Rules from the email and from the Banner is broken

Items Seen List: Season 9 Edition

Items you didn't submit

There Is No Critique My Item Thread Until At Least Wednesday

The sad "I got culled" thread


So close

Paizo Blog: A Most Unfortunate Delay

How do you vote? (voting methods, guidelines, and rubrics)

Good Luck!

Question on the upcoming critique thread

I have no idea what items will make the Top 32

Question on the upcoming critique thread

Paizo Blog: Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Text for Round 2

Bragging thread for compulsive voters

Adventurers Needed: Attack on Season Nine

What is the schedule for culls?

Heads up Round 2 hopefuls, you can now check out the rules!

Superstar calendar

RPG Superstar Season 9 Banner Issue

What is DQ worthy?

I noticed something, Correct me if I am misremembering?

Haaave you met our Judges?


On the first day of Season 9, the entrants gave to me....

Unofficial RPG Superstar Cull Countdown

Music to vote by, what's yours?

Guilty Pleasures Thread

Enough is Enough

Your item's backstory!! (Kind of a Critique thread)

Paizo Blog: Let the Voting Commence!

Have Fun Everyone!

Owen, you know what curiosity gets you...

Anyone else finding the same items coming up a lot?

RPG Superstar Bingo Doodle

How many times have I voted

If we have learned anything from college basketball...

2016 Superstars—Take The Pledge!

Uhm... what happens if I exceed the 300 word limit?

Template Fu's Stats Thread

Very General Constructive Feedback

Sortable List of Every Top 32 Item Ever!

Five Things I'm Noticing With This Year's Submissions

The Nervous Energy Thread

Can't get to the voting page


Hopefully this is just a day one thing.

Curse You! (bad thread, been scrub'd)

Question on Name in Rules

Round one Entries

Only Using the PRD this year?

Generic vs Thematic

A list of things learned:

Paizo Blog: The Superstar Season Begins!

Is an apparatus considered a misc magic item or a monster?

Open Call Rules Magic Item Formatting

entry paranoia

Adventure Path Critters

Hyperlinks and Happiness

Paizo Blog: Announcing RPG Superstar Season 9!

How come the participants from the Top 8 who did not win are barred from competing the following year?

As promised - Goblin Bazooka - 281 Words - although some are debatable :p

Should the entire weapon line be italicized?

Question on Spells in Construction Requirements

Question on Cursed Items and Drawbacks.

Season 9 - Fu check offer.

A few advice articles for round 1

previous superstar year forums (fora?) are out of order

Weapon Template Question: slot?

RPG Superstar in August?!?!

Hmmm - PRD use question (sorry)

Open Call now Live!

When are the Open Call entries due?

Magic items that use specific monster rules

Good Contest Ideas For This Season

Sean's consolidated advice thread, RPG Superstar 2013 edition

TemplateFu, I summon thee!

Challenge Paizo - Eh? What? Read on my fellow padawans...

Where's Template Fu?

Nanny Pajit's Gyre, Gogpodda

Top 32: Your foot is in the door. Are you going to walk through?

Stonevine Stalker

Everbloom Monk (Monk)

Darkblight Fallow

Maps of Golarion

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