RPG Superstar™

General Discussion
Previous Contests
RPG Superstar™ Season 9 (2016), RPG Superstar™ 2015, RPG Superstar™ 2014, RPG Superstar™ 2013, RPG Superstar™ 2012, RPG Superstar™ 2011, RPG Superstar™ 2010, RPG Superstar™ 2009, RPG Superstar™ 2008

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Description format was changed on submission

is it just me ...or

Rule 5 Question (The "Gag Order" Rule)

Fillable Form

Have the Same Combination Twice

Voting question

Good But Unused Entries - Question

T-Minus 5 days and counting...

Not one bit of guilt

Alliterative item names: Clever or Campy?

Voting System Question

Should the Prize Change for 2015?

AAAHHHH The one minute timer!

Everyone Gets a Trophy - Or At Least Immortality...

Five minor errors that bug me in submissions

Share your item archiving workflow

seeing same items a number of times

How could you???

Wanna Be a Superstar? Make Gloves. (Wondrous Item Breakdowns)

Paizo Blog: It's the Most Superstar Time of the Year!

Oh how I have missed this.

submitted my entry, missed the formatting section

Can't vote?

The Final Countdown

Cover credit: am I ineligible?

Is there a delay in submissions being posted?

Voting Question

A great start to a new year

Wednesday isn't Friday

Item Critiquing

What is a Golarion Monster?

Appealing to the public vs. appealing to the judges

Happy New Year to all contestants, host, judges and Paizo staff, 2014

Filigree and You

(Ultimate Magic) or no Ultimate Magic

The difference a year makes...

Wondrous Item Naming Hurdles

Drinking the Kool-aid....

What round will Frank Mentzer be judging?

Accidental Submission, (Apologies if this is the wrong way to post)

What have your favorites been?

A worked example

When should a wearable item be slotless?

The Crafters Trap (For new Inventors)

Quick Question - Variant item appearance

Superstar Felicitations - December 2013

You submitted, congrats! Now remember to vote!

resetting a submission

Properly Citing a PF book.

Deadlines for later rounds

Paizo Blog: RPG Superstar 2014: Week 1 Advice

Calling all women gamers: RPG Superstar needs you!

Non American contenders?

My I Use Material From Non-Core Books?

Best Wishes

What have you done to the teasing posts?

Request for BB Code help


It's almost that time

Exactly 300 Words?

Template Bash Offer to all participants.

Games Design related Pod Casts by the bucket load...

Ah - ha - Why my prices are wrong - I get it now...

Rounds question??

Wondering: If your module pitch doesn't make it...

Blazing 9 Items (post-RPG Superstar 2013)

What can we do better next year?

Blazing 9 offer

Wondrous Item auto-reject advice #4: Item Ought to be Not-An-Item

This round of the contest is closed.

Hound Master (Cavalier)

Round 1 Template (continued)

Find RPG Superstar Finalists Working on the Unhallowed Horror Setting!

Reach Expert

Official 2013 "Critique my item" thread

Superstar practice

Losing items

The Quiet Ones

Questions about next year's competition...

Grasping at Shadows

[Video] Be the Next RPG Superstar! (PaizoCon 2013)

Paizo Blog: No Tears at This Bitter Manor

Posting a call here first...

Not one of the top 4? Here's some places to get experience

So you designed a Round 2 Archetypes but didn't make top 32, post it here...

UK Games Exhibition - Birmingham NEC

Wondrous Item Query - for next year of course...

Paizo Blog: RPG Superstar 2013: Steven Helt!

The Golden Watch

RPG Superstar Adventure Proposals - Alternates and Almost-Rans. Post them here!

Congratulations to Steven Helt, RPG Superstar 2013

Add your ranks to new Knowledge here...

The Scrollmaster's Ransom

Through the Dream Sands

The Seven Veils Masquerade

Getting excited for the final 4 reveal

Judges: What makes a "good" bonus location?

Poll: Round 5 - Top 4: Submit a Pathfinder Module adventure proposal

Target 1 Achieved!

Playtesting Round 4 take-aways

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