Pathfinder Society Year 6 Announcement

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Illustration by María Rosario Arteta Chagüi : Hesla welcomes a crowd of Absalom leaders and nobles into her party, as her minions lie in wait

Illustration by María Rosario Arteta Chagüi

We’ve spent this past year exploring the far reaches of Golarion, including making further contact with Arcadia, exploring plots in Jalmeray, and running from akatas in Minata, as well as investigating the mysterious past of The Waterfall, one of the leaders in the Decemvirate. Now, as the year turns yet again for the Pathfinder Society, everything seems... peaceful?

Though, a new socialite has arrived in Absalom, Lady Hesla Embersplitter. She has no family, no background, no claim to fame, and yet, she’s entranced the hearts of the people and leaders of the community, including two very powerful forces: the Peacebuilders and Watcher-Lord Ulthun II. However, something seems... off about Hesla. And the weather across Golarion seems to be shifting, as though some dark change is on its way.

Welcome to the Year of Immortal Influence!

Illustration by María Rosario Arteta Chagüi : A locust holds a coin in its mandibles.

Illustration by María Rosario Arteta Chagüi

There are seven Pathfinder Society Scenarios that influence the Year of Immortal Influence’s metaplots, and each will be marked with a special metaplot icon on the cover. More information about the metaplot, as well as upcoming locations and characters, will be revealed during the News from Organized Play panel at PaizoCon 2024!

The Year of Immortal Influence’s first metaplot scenario kicks off with Pathfinder Society Intro: Year of Immortal Influence, an adventure for 1st- to 4th-level characters written by Rigby Bendele. This scenario takes place during a fancy charity dinner, hosted by Lady Hesla as she seeks to raise money to fund the Knights of Lastwall. This scenario debuts at Gen Con 2024 with one other Pathfinder Society scenario.

This year is about uncovering secret plots and plans to unravel one of the most vulnerable areas in Avistan, even as the enemy wears a pretty face!

Remember Pathfinders: Explore! Report! Cooperate!

Shay Snow
Pathfinder Society Developer

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios
Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

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Looking forward to the new season, particularly since it has a chance to advance the plot with the Watcher Lord has not moved much in this edition.

Starting a season with a delicious dinner sounds like a marvelous way to start the season.

Grand Archive ** Venture-Agent, Online—VTT

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I hope we get the deluxe Foundry module for this too! Please!

*** Venture-Lieutenant, Belgium—Mons

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Some of my friends are already thinking this season will involve Tar-Baphon... I wonder why, though it might be interesting to see how this super-vilain will be impacted by the war of immortal.

I can wait to get this season, but not too long !!!!

BTW, Is Paizo considering premium VTT modules for this season ?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'd love to dive back in this season but wish there was a recap of some sorts of the developments since Year One Second Edition? The only thing I recall from Year One is the Mosquito Witch.

Either way, looking forward to the new season!

Paizo Employee Editor

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Anorak wrote:

I'd love to dive back in this season but wish there was a recap of some sorts of the developments since Year One Second Edition? The only thing I recall from Year One is the Mosquito Witch.

Either way, looking forward to the new season!

On the Pathfinder Society site, there's a section called "the Story so Far" which gives a brief recap of each season!


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Thebigham wrote:
I hope we get the deluxe Foundry module for this too! Please!

Me too! Season 5 has been so nice to have inside Foundry. Can't imagine playing PFS2 online any other way, (well other than PbD)

Horizon Hunters **

I'm not quite sure about starting up in significant org play again, but I really like how some of these plot points sound. Hope to see some high level scenarios to let me keep playing some of my old favorites.

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Shay Snow wrote:
Anorak wrote:

I'd love to dive back in this season but wish there was a recap of some sorts of the developments since Year One Second Edition? The only thing I recall from Year One is the Mosquito Witch.

Either way, looking forward to the new season!

On the Pathfinder Society site, there's a section called "the Story so Far" which gives a brief recap of each season!

The section I'm seeing only covers Year 1 of PF2 Society.

The Exchange 2/5 **** Venture-Agent, New Hampshire—Nashua

Calling it now.* Giant Locust attack in Season 6.

* My PFS predictions remain at an astonishing 0% for accuracy. Place your bets!

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

"Secret plots" not again!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
keftiu wrote:

The section I'm seeing only covers Year 1 of PF2 Society.

Did all of that happen in Year 1? I ask because this sounds like the start of Year 5. Now, the Pathfinder Society turns to its original creed, vowing to explore the world and discover the unknown with a strange member of its leadership at the helm!

Radiant Oath ****

The illustration by María Rosario Arteta Chagüi is the Season Six icon?

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A locust head... eating/holding a Platinum Sphinx (platinum piece) from Absalom?... hum... :X Is... Father Locust suddenly active? There's also the derakni (apocalypse locust demons), and Deskari himself, but he should be dead...

But I thought of Father Locust because we also saw teh War Rider on the War of Immortals book cover...

Paizo Employee Editor

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Dr Blitz Krieg wrote:
The illustration by María Rosario Arteta Chagüi is the Season Six icon?

It is!

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Lady Hesla Embersplitter would absolutely LOVE to have you for dinner...I MEANT OVER FOR DINNER...yeah...OVER is what I meant...right?

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Elfteiroh wrote:

A locust head... eating/holding a Platinum Sphinx (platinum piece) from Absalom?... hum... :X Is... Father Locust suddenly active? There's also the derakni (apocalypse locust demons), and Deskari himself, but he should be dead...

But I thought of Father Locust because we also saw teh War Rider on the War of Immortals book cover...

It is indeed true that Deskari is not the only archfiend to claim locusts as his domain. Apollyon does have the head of a sickly ram and he IS known as the Prince of Locusts. As for Deskari being dead, I know he was slain but Demon Lords have a tendency to return with a vengence no matter how long it takes.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ooooh, is War of the Immortals really the Apocalypse Riders riding out across Golarion? SIGN. ME. UP.

Also, thanks, Shay, for the recap location! All set for the new season.

2/5 *

Sounds interesting. Like that it follows the APs again, at least a little. Hopefully more people are playing and there will be more scenarios in season 6, especially low level scenarios.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Contributor

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It is a fact universally acknowledged that a socialite of indifferent fortune must be suspected as the villain of any metaplot...

So is anyone else hoping that we will get one Regency-style house party with shenanigans in the coming season? It does not have to be Bridgerton (though I adore Bridgerton) but could be Pride and Predjudice and Zombies! Or a mystery with people of very proper facades hiding most improper (and dangerous) secrets!

Our Venture Gossip could be our very own Lady Whistledown.

Then again, maybe this is just me...

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

It is a fact universally acknowledged that a socialite of indifferent fortune must be suspected as the villain of any metaplot...

So is anyone else hoping that we will get one Regency-style house party with shenanigans in the coming season? It does not have to be Bridgerton (though I adore Bridgerton) but could be Pride and Predjudice and Zombies! Or a mystery with people of very proper facades hiding most improper (and dangerous) secrets!

Our Venture Gossip could be our very own Lady Whistledown.

Then again, maybe this is just me...

ONLY if we as PC’s get to go for a gloriously impromptu swim at some rich, local estate’s duck pond.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Contributor

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ABSOLUTELY. Because it is a fact universally acknowledged that swimming in duck ponds is a thing every Regency aristocrat must do. (I am so amused at how many movies since the first Colin Firth Pride and Prejudice have featured a wet-shirt scene for the comely gentlemen. Bridgerton has done it once a season so far.)

Liberty's Edge

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Berselius wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:

A locust head... eating/holding a Platinum Sphinx (platinum piece) from Absalom?... hum... :X Is... Father Locust suddenly active? There's also the derakni (apocalypse locust demons), and Deskari himself, but he should be dead...

But I thought of Father Locust because we also saw teh War Rider on the War of Immortals book cover...

It is indeed true that Deskari is not the only archfiend to claim locusts as his domain. Apollyon does have the head of a sickly ram and he IS known as the Prince of Locusts. As for Deskari being dead, I know he was slain but Demon Lords have a tendency to return with a vengence no matter how long it takes.

We know one of Sarkoris' deities will die preventing someone from trying to use the Godsrain to reopen the Worldwound.

Advocates 3/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Conventions—PaizoCon

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
ABSOLUTELY. Because it is a fact universally acknowledged that swimming in duck ponds is a thing every Regency aristocrat must do. (I am so amused at how many movies since the first Colin Firth Pride and Prejudice have featured a wet-shirt scene for the comely gentlemen. Bridgerton has done it once a season so far.)

I am all for more PF related "comely gentleman in a wet shirt". Last one I saw was Count Arendae of Mendev (after my [Wrath of the Righteous CRPG] Knight Commander "introduced" him to his desired poetic outcome of "love interest bathes under waterfall"; by shoving him in). That is entirely not enough!

Charity dinner benefitting a Crusade/concerted holy effort to do something war related? Hrrrrm, feels very season 4 of PFS1E

But that's okay, season 5 was a blast.

Grand Lodge

Will there be any 9-12 scenarios?
I want to play my 11th level Bard some more!

Mammoth Daddy wrote:

ONLY if we as PC’s get to go for a gloriously impromptu swim at some rich, local estate’s duck pond.

If my jackal rogue is getting into the duck pond it will be to eat the ducks, other wise who ever throws her in is getting their butt bit

4/5 ****

Seasons 3-5 each have a 9-12 Scenario.

3-15 Cavern of the Sundered Song
4-15 In Glorious Battle
5-18 EE - Tapestry of the Mind

I would be surprised if season 6 didn't have 1-2 9-12s. (I'd guess 1 but have no inside information)

Radiant Oath ***

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I accidentally read that as the Year of Immoral Influence and thought things were about to get real.

Sovereign Court 3/5 **

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I am hoping that we start getting more scenarios for PFS. There is so few new content being written for Society, I can't even remember the last time I actually got to play scenarios.

Scarab Sages 2/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Oregon—Portland

The number of scenarios released each year hasn't varied more than +/-6 or so since PFS started in 1st edition. How many scenarios do you think should be released each month?

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

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Andrew the Warwitch wrote:
I am hoping that we start getting more scenarios for PFS. There is so few new content being written for Society, I can't even remember the last time I actually got to play scenarios.

Year 5 and Year 6 are both slated to have 20 scenarios plus an interactive special. Additionally, a two-hour Quest is released every other month. I cannot fathom how anybody could refer to this as "so few new content."

4/5 ****

April 2023, September 2023, December 2023, February 2024, April 2024, (June 2024

I was going to object to the every 2 month note given the slow initial rollout of the series 2 quests (5 months and then 3 months) but looked and the 2 months seems to be currently accurate. Really excited about that!

If we're going to continue seeing 2hr quests every other month and, and keep up 20+ that's a big improvement to where we were in Season 4.

Quick question though.

Which interactive special is part of season 5? (This could matter for future boons that care about number of scenarios played in a season)

I have 4-99 Blessings of the Forest listed as season 4 (Although it did Release at GenCon 2023)

And 6-00 Salt of the Ocean (For GenCon 2024( listed at season 6.

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

Pirate Rob wrote:
(This could matter for future boons that care about number of scenarios played in a season)

If we ever have such a boon, we'll be sure to officially note it, but there isn't an interactive special planned with a 5 in its season number. 6-00 is named that way because it's being released under the ORC and Remaster rules along with the rest of Year 6.


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Kulger wrote:
I accidentally read that as the Year of Immoral Influence and thought things were about to get real.

Arshea and Calistrea approve!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

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Alex Speidel wrote:
Andrew the Warwitch wrote:
I am hoping that we start getting more scenarios for PFS. There is so few new content being written for Society, I can't even remember the last time I actually got to play scenarios.
Year 5 and Year 6 are both slated to have 20 scenarios plus an interactive special. Additionally, a two-hour Quest is released every other month. I cannot fathom how anybody could refer to this as "so few new content."

PF1 had an average of 28 per year (including specials). It's not a LOT more, but having a reliable 2 per month FEELS different.

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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Mr. Fred wrote:
BTW, Is Paizo considering premium VTT modules for this season ?


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