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Digital Products Lead. Organized Play Member. 81 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists.


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Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

Issacar wrote:
Can we expect Foundry versions in that same timeframe?


Well, maybe not the novel.

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Mammoth Daddy wrote:
Feel free to respond using Spoiler tags, but is there a way to run this AP so as to protect the magical forest and still alleviate the resource-hungry people’s needs?

Not really a spoiler, but:

I think it's probably accurate to say that your primary role in this AP will be to act as peacekeepers (albeit maybe sometimes in the Peacemaker sense, as in "by violently disposing of the enemies of peace"). Neither the forest viewpoint nor the civilization viewpoint is inherently right or wrong, but there are most definitely bad actors on both sides whose actions, if left unchecked, would clearly have ripple effects throughout the region that would be Bad for Everybody.

So, while your individual PCs may and probably should have strong opinions about who they would side with in a vacuum*, it's best if they're also pragmatic enough to recognize that full-blown war is not a good outcome for anyone, and that preserving that peace may occasionally require them to grit their teeth or beaks or whatever and make a decision that might be at odds with their own personal sympathies.

In other words, it's totally fine to have characters who strongly identify with the needs of Andoran and Taldor to harvest lumber, and it's also fine to have characters who are appalled by their disrespect for nature (maybe even in the same party!), just as long as they're not single-minded zealots solely dedicated to slaughtering the opposing side.

*Which we couldn't put in this Adventure Path, because Nature would have abhorred it. (I'm sorry.)

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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So, now that Foundry's 12.319 release notes have dropped, I can announce that there will in fact be a brand new official Monster Core Token Pack releasing shortly after the official release of Foundry v12, and that it will not only include all of the art from the Monster Core book, it will fully support v12's new Dynamic Token Engine core feature (which you can read all about at, if you haven't already), allowing you to apply all kinds of neat condition-related effects to your tokens automatically, without the use of any additional modules!

(This is not strictly related to the existing Bestiary token pack, which will continue to be the definitive token collection for all three pre-Remaster Bestiaries, but since people have been asking about Monster Core support for Foundry here, it seemed like the right place to share the news.)

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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Belor McKraken wrote:
B. Will a foundry module be available also on that day?(assuming foundry has a system to download to start play testing)


Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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DawidIzydor wrote:
Will there be a Foundry VTT module for this or any other playtest scenario?

Sure will! The current plan is to release day-and-date premium Foundry VTT conversions of both Starfinder 2e playtest adventures and both 2e Starfinder Society scenarios. More details forthcoming, but you can expect a super blasty-shooty August.

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

jtters wrote:
just bought the bundle and were it should say were the code is, it just does not show anything. is the foundry vtt not out yet, or did it glitch up and not give me a code

Sorry, that was a temporary glitch that seems to have been related to the site update that was rolled yesterday. It should be resolved now, but if it isn't, please feel free to contact Customer Service so we can look into it for you.

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

H2Osw wrote:
Will the music be releasing separately?

The music is included and integrated into the Foundry module (at least, the tracks for the first few chapters are ... we ran into some minor production delays that will require the later chapters will be added post-release, hopefully sometime this week). As soon as the full soundtrack is complete, we'll be releasing it as a separate product on the Paizo store, including all tracks, multiple file formats, and looping alternate versions.

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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H2Osw wrote:
Arita wrote:
Haven't heard of this in a while and Seven Dooms came out without the soundtrack...fingers closed it's soon!
The description of the Foundry Module says it includes it. Here is to hoping it releases soon.

We're still ironing out some minor bumps in our production process, so the entire soundtrack unfortunately wasn't quite polished enough for release by the time the module was scheduled to drop. However, we did make sure that all of the tracks for the first few chapters were prioritized so that we could included and integrate them into the Foundry module, and the remainder should be added in an update hopefully within the week, so unless you're absolutely blazing through the adventure, you shouldn't have cause to notice.

Once it's complete, we'll also be releasing the full soundtrack as a separate product on the Paizo store (including all tracks, multiple file formats, and looping alternate versions).

Sorry for the delay, but glad to hear you're excited about it!

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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Before anyone asks: I am happy to report that the tireless volunteers on the PF2e system dev team already have a Foundry module ready for your playtesting convenience!

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

labrown wrote:
With the remastered Beginner's Box PDF out I hope we will see the Foundry VTT module updated soon. :-)

You will! It's currently in development and should be released soon.

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

Timingila wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Paizo is not the folk in charge of the modules. The modules are done by Metamorphic Studios, any dates for them is on the module developers not the Paizo staff.
This is true, but Metamorphic relies on Paizo to provide us the source materials in a timely fashion, which was the underlying problem this month. The Paizo staff is nothing but helpful and accommodating, so I'm sure there were unavoidable issues on their side. It was an unfortunate month for the module.

Yep. We always strive to get our materials over to Metamorphic for conversion as early as possible, but due to the breakneck development pace for some of this content (especially Organized Play stuff), we sometimes don't have the final versions ready until just a day or two before they're scheduled to release, which in this case didn't leave enough dev time to do a proper conversion in time for day-and-date release. It's not a common occurrence, but this was unfortunately one of those times, and we apologize for any inconvenience. Rest assured that we're looking into ways we can streamline our internal processes to make it less of an issue in the future!

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

labrown wrote:
Has the foundry version of the BB been updated to the Remastered version?

Not yet. An update is coming soon, however!

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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lotrotk wrote:

Yes, what about APs that have already been published?

We're doing Abomination Vaults and Curse of the Crimson Throne right now.

Without going into specifics (yet), I can assure you that our back catalogues are being combed for inspiration as well as current and upcoming releases.

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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So, despite what we call them in the webstore, our Foundry VTT offerings aren't really bundles in the usual sense. When you buy an Adventure Path module from us, you're paying us (Paizo) the PDF sticker price for the actual adventure content it contains, and then an additional $15 so we can fairly compensate the Foundry dev team for their awesome work converting it. We offer a discount for owning the PDF not because the PDF is or should be considered a separate item from the FVTT module, but because if you own the PDF, you've already paid us for the adventure content part. That's also why we throw in the PDF when you purchase the module at full price.

Offering a PDF discount is particularly important because we know a lot of VTT GMs like to check out the PDFs to see whether the adventure appeals to them before they decide to spring for the Foundry module. Which makes complete sense, so it doesn't seem super cool to charge you $20 just so you can make an informed decision on whether you want to spend an additional $35 on top of that.

Hope that clears things up!

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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Matthew McKee 307 wrote:

Good afternoon -

Is there a way to contact the dev team for the FoundryVTT modules to report a possible bug or get assistance with troubleshooting?


Sorry to hear you're having difficulties! It depends on the module in question. If you're having trouble with Abomination Vaults, Kingmaker, the Harrow Deck, the Beginner Box, or the Bestiary Tokens Pack, you can contact the Foundry dev team here. Otherwise, your best bet will be to submit a bug report through our partner Metamorphic Digital's service portal, located here. Good luck!

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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CorvusMask wrote:
Right forgot to check, will these music be uploadable to roll20? :O Or are they meant to be purely used in foundry or in live games? Syringescape things kinda bummered me out on how hard those would have been to set up

We'll be providing each soundtrack as a collection of downloadable files in multiple formats, so you can use it on any platform you want, including live games. We might be looking at special integrations for our Foundry modules, though.

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

3 people marked this as a favorite.
StarlingSweeter wrote:
Is this likely to get a Foundry VTT module?

Yes. Very likely.

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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Cori Marie wrote:
Can't seem to get to the Rusthenge VTT module mentioned.

Sorry, we ran into some minor delays and the store page isn't available yet. It should be up later today, though!

EDIT: It's live!

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

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Balfuset wrote:
One thing I've been curious about for a while now and figured I'd ask - for those of us who use Foundry VTT and have purchased the Betiary token pack - will that module be updated to reflect the new Monster Core monsters or will you be releasing a new module to cover the new Remastered content?

We're still working out the details, but the most likely scenario is that a Monster Core token pack would be a separate release that maps to the actors that will be included in the upcoming Monster Core compendium, while the tokens in the current Bestiary token pack will continue to map to the actors in the three existing Bestiary compendiums.

It's possible (but not guaranteed) that we might be able to enable some crossover so that, say, if you had the Bestiary pack but not the Monster Core pack, you would see tokens mapped to Monster Core actors representing Bestiary monsters that didn't get new art (and vice versa). But for the most part they'll be treated as different collections of monsters, since, well, they are.

Paizo Employee Digital Products Lead

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Elfteiroh wrote:
TBH, after some thoughts, I would have preferred an heavier usage of more traditional Asian instruments, but it kinda works, aand there's hint of it. If the role of that track is to be an "intro cutscene" or "Title screen" track, then I wouldn'T be surprised if it hinted at multiple different other tracks, and that part where there's more "eerie japanese horror" tones might hint at at least one track that I migth like very much.

I can confirm that the role of that track is very much to serve as a "title screen" or "overture" track, and that it incorporates a lot of recurring motifs from some of the more focused tracks appearing elsewhere on the album.

No spoilers (although I'm gonna spoiler-tag anyway), but here are the titles of a few more of those tracks:

02 - The Summer That Never Was
03 - Relight the Eternal Lantern
04 - Town of Willowshore
05 - The Mysterious Merchant
06 - The Hinterlands
07 - The Wall of Ghosts
08 - Horror from Beyond

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

20 people marked this as a favorite.
Elfteiroh wrote:


Is that... a tortoise person?? Maybe... an awakened tortoise? I'm interested. :P

She's an awakened tortoise the size of a two-story building, and also the proud owner of the Verduran Forest's largest floppy purple hat.

Also, hooray! I can finally talk about this thing, which I wrote! Super excited to see other people excited about it as well, and I hope you enjoy it! :)

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

11 people marked this as a favorite.

Just to clear up some confusion: Yes! Rusthenge will be getting an official premium Foundry module. We obviously won't be releasing it on the same day as the print and PDF versions, because that day is now in the past, but development has begun and you can absolutely look forward to getting your hands on it Soon (tm).

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Blakeg wrote:

With the price increases will there be more support for Foundry? I bought the Season 5 bundle which makes it a breeze to run on Foundry but there are no bundles for Seasons 1-4.

Is Paizo going to consider offering seasons 1-4 bundles? The same question goes for SFS as I'm hesitant to buy Seasons 1-5 and then have to manually add everything myself.

These price increases won't affect the cost of the Foundry modules at all. As far as support goes, we're still offering all of Pathfinder Society Season 5 and Starfinder Society Season 6 as both asset packs and deluxe editions, and if they continue to perform well, we're hoping to do the same with future seasons as well.

We don't currently have any plans to go back and convert any of the earlier seasons to Foundry modules, but we certainly wouldn't rule it out if we had reason to believe there was a large enough market for them.

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

4 people marked this as a favorite.

In general, we always aim to make the Foundry modules go live at 11am Pacific on the same day the PDF releases. In practice, we're occasionally a few hours late due to some unforeseen minor issue, so if 11am rolls around tomorrow and the page ( -That-Never-Was-BUNDLE) isn't live yet, just give us another hour or two.

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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DawidIzydor wrote:
#5-03 and #5-04 doesn't have journals to import, please fix this ASAP as I was planning to run 5-04 in a few days

This was a bug and was fixed in release 1.1.1, which was released October 1st. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Nullpunkt wrote:
Will this be accompanied by a Foundry module at launch, like all the other recent APs?


Nullpunkt wrote:
If so, which PDF will give the discount? I assume you might not have an answer just yet, but it would be nice to know well in advance to avoid buying twice.

We're not sure yet whether there will actually be a "hardcover edition" version of the PDF, but regardless, the PDF discount for the Foundry module will be based off the price of the standard edition.

Worth noting also: like the print version, the Foundry module of Seven Dooms for Sandpoint will be released as a single mega-adventure rather then as two separate volumes. We just might be adding some cool surprise bonus goodies this time around to celebrate Big 200, too...

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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SnowBeast90 wrote:
Will this come out on Foundry pre-built at the same time?

I'm over six months late with this reply, but yes. Yes, it will.

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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Cori Marie wrote:
Its not live yet.

But it is now.

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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Terry Mixon wrote:
The teaser for it is up on the Foundry website. Goes on sale September 27th. Chapters 1-6 now, and 7-12 as a free update before the end of the year. I had to search under packages to find it, but it wasn't too hard. I'd expect a page here before much longer.

It's not live yet, but if you want to start obsessively hitting F5 now (please don't do this, I'm not sure our site can take it), here's where the store page will be very sooooooon: LE

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

9 people marked this as a favorite.
smitty22 wrote:

Are these "one-of's" getting the Foundry treatment moving forward?

We don't currently have any plans to support every standalone adventure on Foundry, but we have been discussing the possibility of doing at least one in the near future, and Rusthenge is definitely one of the top contenders. Stay tuned!

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

Nullpunkt wrote:

Slightly off-topic, but what is the best place to keep track of what is in the works/announced in terms of premium Foundry modules?

I absolutely *love* these modules and would love to be able to plan my long-term campaign arcs around what's available.

At present, Paizo is focusing its Foundry efforts on current/future Adventure Paths and on our recently released Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society season-long releases, but we're always open to hearing what else the community might be interested in (and the folks at Foundry likely will be as well, once they've taken a long-deserved rest after Kingmaker is finally complete).

What would you like to see in a Foundry module that we're not currently doing?

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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AFigureOfBlue wrote:

I'll just toss in my 2 copper pieces to mention that I, too, would love to see these come with the PDFs. Right now I hardly buy Society modules, but this including the PDFs would do the trick and I'd buy the whole season upfront. Being able to readily read the module (which means a PDF, because I'm not really able to read through Foundry journal entries on a phone which is where I generally read adventures) is critical to me, and having the convenience of them all being ready to go in Foundry would probably cause me to actually run some scenarios; right now, the time needed to prep a one-shot in Foundry (when I'm already also doing prep for whole campaigns) isn't something that I'm often interested in adding to my schedule.

So, that may be anecdotal, but I'd be least one sale of the PDF+Foundry bundle, whereas currently I'm not getting either aside from the very occasional one-off scenario.

Absolutely understand. Bundling the PDF with the module is actually our preferred approach, for exactly the reasons you mentioned, which is one of the reasons we include them with all of our Adventure Path modules. The problem is figuring out how to properly value the PDF part of such an offer without also driving the price of the overall module up to something far higher than we're comfortable with. I'll quote a reply I gave in a different thread:

Andrew White wrote:
... It's tricky to make the numbers work once we add PDFs (or PDF discounts) to the mix, because then we have to balance the price of the Foundry module around the price of the PDF. This was a big part of the reason why our original release at PaizoCon only offered asset packs and didn't even offer an option to include journals; by making a supplementary product with just the tokens and maps and macros, we could offer support for every scenario PDF for a flat $4 without having to consider whether you'd gotten the PDF for full price, at a subscriber discount, or for free. (I went into some of that rationale here at the time.) Obviously, your feedback did end up convincing us to offer an option with fully integrated journals after all, but at least as of right now, the best/cheapest option if you want a Foundry module and the PDFs is still going to be the asset pack.

Remember that the Asset Packs still includes all of the same tokens, maps, and macros as the Deluxe Edition, so all of the setup is still done for you. You'd just need to buy the PDFs separately and load them into Foundry using one of the various PDF reader modules available (or just have them open on another screen).

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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Evan Tarlton wrote:
Well done, one and all! There's just one problem, though. Ruvaid Virk's name is not in bold.

I don't know what you're talking about. Ruvaid's name was always in bold. Nobody just fixed that. What?

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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Just to be clear, both the PDFs and the Foundry modules are sold exclusively by Paizo.

Elnab wrote:
During preparation I like using the pdf (even old school printed). Are you considering the option to release a super deluxe version that includes the pdf?

It's a possibility for the future, but not something we currently have planned. I went into a bit more detail on the reasons why here, if you're curious.

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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NerdOver9000 wrote:

Super excited to see first party support for society adventures for foundry! I think at $7.50/scenario it is one heck of a deal. Even with a pdf importer I still find myself spending an hour or two prepping for each adventure, and this will be a tremendous time saver. Hopefully this sells well and we continue to see more content like this!

Incidentally, there's no chance of any of the older scenarios getting this treatment, is there?

Great to hear it! We're certainly hoping for the same.

As for updating older scenarios ... we don't currently have any plans to do anything like that, but obviously if these new releases are a smash hit, or we otherwise see a ton of community interest in returning to older stuff, we'll certainly consider it. We weren't initially planning on making Deluxe Edition Society modules either, but a bunch of you really wanted them, so here we are!

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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epicmusic42 wrote:
Will we get the opportunity to see what the various journal entries look like during the livestreams? I doubt I'm the only one who'll consider picking up the deluxe packs depending on how much I like the journal entries.

I'm not sure how much of the journals you'll be seeing in the livestreams (it depends whose view is being displayed in OBS), but in addition to the screenshot in the article, we have screenshots of both the SFS journals and PFS journals in our module listings on (and will be adding them to our own store pages shortly).

epicmusic42 wrote:

As far as deluxe pack vs pdfs + assets pack goes... Is there any consideration of offering discounts in the future? (Including on the pdfs).

For those of us who prefer to prep with a printed copy or run both in-person and online, it'd be nice to have both. As wonderful as journal entries may be, having the option to mark up a scenario while reading is always appreciated!

There's always that possibility, but it's tricky to make the numbers work once we add PDFs (or PDF discounts) to the mix, because then we have to balance the price of the Foundry module around the price of the PDF. This was a big part of the reason why our original release at PaizoCon only offered asset packs and didn't even offer an option to include journals; by making a supplementary product with just the tokens and maps and macros, we could offer support for every scenario PDF for a flat $4 without having to consider whether you'd gotten the PDF for full price, at a subscriber discount, or for free. (I went into some of that rationale here at the time.) Obviously, your feedback did end up convincing us to offer an option with fully integrated journals after all, but at least as of right now, the best/cheapest option if you want a Foundry module and the PDFs is still going to be the asset pack.

Now, all that being said, in the future? Who knows. As usual, it'll all depend on the reaction we get to the stuff we're offering now. :)

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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Jason Lillis wrote:

Thanks very much! As someone who purchased the Asset Pack for SFS 6-01 and 6-02, are there still plans to update those for Foundry v11 (and future updates)? Or did I just toss y’all a $12 tip? :D

I have visited the thread of updates and see that the status is “NO”, just checking to make sure those two packs are going to be downloadable someday. Thanks!

We are still a bit behind on updating some of our earlier Organized Play offerings for v11; the bigger our library gets, the more is involved in getting everything up to speed after a major update (which, incidentally, was another consideration in our decision to release the Society modules in multi-scenario collections). The asset packs that were released at PaizoCon will be absolutely updated for v11 compatibility sooner rather than later, however. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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Tridus wrote:

My GM is looking at this but is a bit confused on how it works. If he already has a subscription for the season adventures in PDF, does he get a discount on the package like the APs do?

Or does he need to buy the second option that doesn't come with the adventures? And in that case, does he then need to set up the adventures in Foundry with steps that would already be done in the more expensive package?

Because we're selling each entire multi-scenario season (or half of one) as a single pack instead of selling individual scenarios, we don't currently offer a discount for owning the PDFs the way we do with our Adventure Path modules. The idea is that if you already own or plan to purchase the Society PDFs, or if you're a VO who gets them for free, you can buy the cheaper Asset Pack instead of the Deluxe Edition and just load your PDFs into Foundry using one of the various PDF reader modules available (or just have them open on another screen).

In any case, the Asset Pack still includes all of the tokens, maps, and macros as the Deluxe Edition, so all of the setup is still done for you. The only thing you're missing from the Deluxe Edition are the benefits of having the adventure content integrated into journal entries inside Foundry: cross-linking with system compendium entries, one-click skill checks, that sort of thing. Nothing you can't do manually if you've got the PDFs handy.

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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Sebastjen1980 wrote:
I am hosting on foundryserver and I have more than enough free space on my server. Foundry is on v11 build 308

This appears to be a node.js error, as opposed to something specific to the module or to Foundry itself. Your best bet is probably to reach out to FoundryServer support (or ask for assistance on their Discord) to see if they can help you get it sorted. Good luck!

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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NielsenE wrote:
I think it looks like some bit hasn't been flipped over in Foundry land -- after purchasing the content and activating it on my FoundryVTT account the key shows up as successfully activated, but you can't get the manifest url to install into an actual foundry server. The modules also don't show up in the list of possible Paizo premium modules. The link from the activated content that should go to the module description page instead redirects back to the module search page.

This problem has now been fixed. Sorry about that!

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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NielsenE wrote:
How does the Deluxe option handle the Chronicles that the GM would need to distribute to the players?

At present, the Deluxe Editions provide a Chronicle code and a link to a printable Chronicle Sheet PDF for each included scenario. We're also actively looking into ways we can improve and automate that process in the future with expanded support from various Paizo APIs!

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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Aqtarus wrote:

Hello there, would it be possible to have some screenshots, especially for the journal. In the previous Foundry package for 4-13 and 4-14 Journals were only NPC pictures. I'm expecting a full journal with all information from the pdf and shortcuts/macros for any rolls I request to players.


The Foundry package we released for 4-13 and 4-14 is more akin to the "Asset Pack" options we are now offering, which is intended for GMs who already own the PDFs and just want maps, tokens, and macros for easy scaling and setup. The "Deluxe Edition" options are more like our premium Adventure Path modules and include everything in the Asset Pack, plus all of the adventure content from every scenario laid out in custom-styled adventure journals.

Watch this space; we'll definitely be adding screenshots soon to showcase the difference!

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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TMK79 wrote:
Just to clarify. Does the Deluxe Edition legally allow you to gm and report the PFS Scenarios WITHOUT the need to buy the pdf separately?

That is correct!

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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Aswaarg wrote:
About the Society modules for the Foundry VTT, would the deluxe edition have the PDF or it will only include the Journals? Right now I am subscribed to Society and I want to buy the deluxe modules for the inclusion of the journals, but I am not sure if it is worth it.

The deluxe edition does not include access to the PDFs. There are several reasons for this, but most of them boil down to a desire not to have to balance the price of the module around the price of the PDFs, particularly when subscribers and VOs already receive them at a discount (or for free). The hope is that by providing multiple options, we can give different types of players affordable access to these modules and minimize the need to purchase the same content more than once, while still ensuring that we can pay our developers and make enough profit per module to justify their continued production.

- If you play primarily online, the deluxe module contains all the tokens, maps, and journals including all of the adventure content contained in the PDFs, so you'll have everything you need all in one place, all cross-linked for maximum convenience.

- If you play both online and in person, and/or you already have a PDF subscription or regularly purchase PDFs individually, the lower-priced asset pack module will provide you with all of the tokens and maps, but does not include the actual adventure content. (You can still use Foundry VTT's built-in PDF support, or one of the many PDF-reader modules, to load and view your PDFs within Foundry itself.)

- If you aren't interested in Organized Play at all, but just like the idea of getting a monthly drop of brand-new fully rigged maps and high-resolution monster and NPC tokens and artwork you can use in your Foundry-based home games, the asset pack module can also provide that without having to factor in the price of content you won't be using (although if you're sleeping on the awesome PFS and SFS adventures we release on a monthly basis, you're missing out!)

As always, we'll be watching carefully to gauge responses from the community so that we can tailor our future offerings accordingly; the fact that we're offering a deluxe edition at all is largely due to the outpouring of requests we got after the asset packs came out at PaizoCon. So if you have something else you'd like to see from us, please don't hesitate to let us know!

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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On that note, I'm pleased to report that as of right now, all of our Pathfinder Adventure Path modules have been updated to v11 compatibility! Organized Play Asset Packs and Pathfinder Bounties are up next.

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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Coridan wrote:
I think we're all missing the most important question here: Is it going to delay Kingmaker 2e?

No, Kingmaker 2e is still on track to arrive precisely when it means to.

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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uc4c wrote:
I really feel like if you're going to offer a product, especially a digital one, then that should be usable as-is without having to play pinball with which version of the software you're using.

Totally understand the frustration here. To be clear, as others have said, Adventure Paths by no means "become obsolete once the software updates"; there will just always be a necessary period of adjustment following the release of a major Foundry version update. If you have any active games that you need to avoid disrupting, your safest bet is always going to be waiting a few weeks for any system or module dependencies to be updated (and for all the resulting bugs found and fixed) before you upgrade.

We're doing our best to minimize that disruption by ensuring Foundry version compatibility between all volumes of any given Adventure Path; so when volume 3 of Stolen Fate released for Foundry v11 only, the dev team made sure to update volumes 1 and 2 for v11 compatibility on the same day. All volumes of other APs are currently (as of 6/29/23) fully compatible with v10, even the ones that released when v9 was the latest version, and when we do update those to v11, we'll be updating the whole AP at once.

Granted, this doesn't help with the specific situation you mentioned: what if you're running Stolen Fate volume 3 (only available for v11) and any volume of Blood Lords (currently only available for v10) at the same time? Unfortunately, there's not really a solution for this beyond setting up multiple Foundry instances running different versions -- absolutely possible using a single license, but potentially requiring some additional technical knowledge. Keeping in mind that this method is technically unsupported by either Foundry or Paizo, you may want to check out this relevant thread on Foundry's unofficial subreddit, and the official Discord is a great source of information as well.

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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artemisthemp wrote:
Beginner Box, Abomination Vault, Harrow Deck and Token Pack just got updated to v11.

Yup! Was just waiting for the Pathfinder 2e system itself to get updated, since half of those items rely on it. And now it has been!

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
Will this post be updated and maybe pinned while everything is getting updated? This is very useful!

100%. I intend to keep this post stickied and will be updating it through this release cycle and for future ones as well.

Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello, enjoyers of premium Pathfinder (and now Starfinder!) content on Foundry VTT!

As many of you are likely aware, the latest Foundry VTT stable release (v11) finally dropped on June 1, 2023. Exciting! However, whenever a new Foundry version releases, please be aware that the Pathfinder and Starfinder systems, as well as all of the premium content modules Paizo has produced for Foundry VTT, will by necessity take some time to update before they fully support the new version. For this reason, if you use the Pathfinder or Starfinder Foundry VTT systems or any of Paizo's premium Foundry modules, we strongly recommend that you wait to upgrade your Foundry install until everything has been properly updated.

Here's a handy guide you can use to guide your upgrade decisions, which we'll keep updated for this release as well as all releases going forward:

Current Foundry VTT software release: 11
Pathfinder 2e system updated? YES
Starfinder system updated? YES
Outlaws of Alkenstar Adventure Path updated? YES
Blood Lords Adventure Path updated? YES
Gatewalkers Adventure Path updated? YES
Stolen Fate Adventure Path updated? YES
Paizo Premium Adventure Path collections (Beginner Box, Abomination Vaults) updated? YES
Paizo Premium Accessories (Pathfinder Token Pack, Harrow Deck) updated? YES
Paizo Premium Organized Play Asset Packs updated? YES
Paizo Premium Pathfinder Bounties updated? YES

We realize that the delay in getting everything updated can be frustrating, but we assure you that they're all being worked on and will be released as soon as possible.