Ren Yexiang |

Ren here is my character submission. She's a Human (Tian-Shu) Rogue (Thief Racket).
She has the Willowshore Urchin background with the Foundling (Outgoing) Alteration. But her background also sets her up well to take the Southbank Traditionalist background as well.
I haven't settled for sure on an archetype yet, but I've narrowed it down to just a few: Spirit Warrior, Druid, Acrobat, and Marshal are the ones I'm looking at. I could also go with Medic if needed, but I doubt it would be considering the submitted characters. If I nail down an archetype for sure before the deadline, I might need to jiggle ability scores a bit. For example, if I went with Druid it might be better to drop CHA to +1 and raise WIS to +2.
I wrote relationships involving two named NPCs into Ren's background. The the lawyer Luo Xi Yang is Ren's romantic partner and Ren also lives with her. She is close friends with Ba-Ming Ouh, the cleric of Daikitsu. I wanted to call those out in case one or both of them don't work for some reason.
I listed a #1 and #2 choice for heirlooms. I chose the cure potions, etc. as #1 because it seemed like something Ren might have received from Ba-Ming Ouh. But really I don't care for any of the heirlooms over any others.
I'm still fiddling with gear, specifically weapons. Right now I have Ren with a Wakizashi, but I might change to Kukri. I'm terribly disappointed with the Liuyedao being a d4 weapon. It should be equivalent to a Scimitar or Saber since they're all versions of the same basic design. Bummer. Maybe I could reskin a short sword into a Jain?
Since I'm new to 2e, I've included a link to the character in Pathbuilder in case I've really screwed something up and don't know it.

Thaumascourge |
Ren here is my character submission. She's a Human (Tian-Shu) Rogue (Thief Racket).
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In my opinion, your character looks pretty good to me. Thief Rogues are great classes and are very easy to play and build. The only things missing in your profile are the additional language you get from being a Human (Humans get additional languages equal to 1+ your Intelligence modifier, which comes out to 1 additional language on top of Tien) and the gold/silver balance from your starting wealth, which is in your Pathbuilder link.
Regarding gear, it's a bit hard to recommend gear without knowing how much you value having a d6 weapon versus an armament that fits the art. Perhaps you could use a Flyssa or a Sword Cane instead of the Kukri? The Flyssa is d6 and comes with Agile, Finesse and Versatile P. The Sword Cane was re-printed in a Tian Xia source book and is Agile, Finesse and Concealable.
All the best with recruitment.

Ren Yexiang |

Ren Yexiang wrote:In my opinion, your character looks pretty good to me....Ren here is my character submission. She's a Human (Tian-Shu) Rogue (Thief Racket).
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Thanks for the feedback Thaumascourge. The last few days have been quite an exhausting information dump, and it's hard to hold it all in my head at once. I started with a Fighter and decided the class might not have enough utility outside combat to fit well for this campaign. Then I switched to Sorcerer before deciding that magic might be too complicated for a first time out.
I chose the thief racket because I'm thinking that not having to invest in strength will free up points for mental stats, which will allow me to make a character that's better for out of combat and downtime. I do wonder though if maybe a mastermind archer rogue with the higher intelligence would actually be the better route to what I'm looking for, which is a character that's about 50/50 effective in and out of combat.
There's also the question of precision damage. If this campaign is full of undead, which the title suggests, is a class that relies on precision damage in combat a good one to go with if lots of creatures are immune?
As for weapons, I'm not sure how to value them. Damage dice don't necessarily mean that much in 1st ed., but it might mean more in 2e. Also it's difficult to know what value to place on weapon qualities without having seen some actual combat played out. Not complaints, I'm just struggling to visualize how things come together from the hypotheticals. That's why I'm still tinkering.

Blake's Tiger |

Agile is very valuable for multiple strike strategies. Finesse is critical to a thief racket rogue. Reach is useful as always (in 2e, you can attack adjacent and 10 ft away with a Reach weapon). Parry is a "nice to have" if you don't have a shield.
Most of the others' value depends on whether you want to be doing other things besides attacking with your weapon (e.g., athletic maneuvers).

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There's also the question of precision damage. If this campaign is full of undead, which the title suggests, is a class that relies on precision damage in combat a good one to go with if lots of creatures are immune?
As I understand it, though there are certainly exceptions, the baseline is not that undead are inherently immune to precision damage. And yes, with your sneak attack scaling, plus your thief racket +DX to damage, my experience playing a rogue has been that those class features are greater factors to overall damage than weapon die.
Got to disagree with you on the "fighters cant skill" concept, primarily on two counts. The first is that they are a class that can more easily "get away" with "just" a 16 in their prime stat, due to their proficiency bonus more than compensating. For skills, you can easily choose a single mental stat, and grab some useful contributing skills for this game - it only takes 2 or 3 really. The second is that most ancestries have a "+2 skills" ancestry feat, and there is really not a lot of ground to cover in skills, unless you are trying to cover a really wide swath of them.
Overall, I think the system is more "forgiving" than perhaps it appears at first glance!

juhua |

Here is pauljathome's Chrysanthemum Leshy Tea Making rogue
Background and a link to her pdf sheet are in my profile
I'm not sure what Free Archetype she would take. It would depend a lot on the composition of the rest of the group. The possibilities at the moment are Herbalist (most likely especially if we're a bit low on healing) Champion, Cleric, Fan Dancer

Axolotl |

Ren here is my character submission. She's a Human (Tian-Shu) Rogue (Thief Racket).
** spoiler omitted **
One thing I would say is that Ren's romantic relationship with Luo Xi Yang, and friendship with Ba-Ming Ou, is at odds with the Close Ties
trait. You're essentially getting that Close Ties trait for free for two NPCs (the 'friendly' part, that is).Not just saying this because Ink, as written, works for Luo Xi Yang! :D

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I noticed that Shenmen is a place of constant rain and storms. It turns out that the Chinese invented the umbrella, which was a waxed parasol. Now, if Ink could use Fan Dancer battle fans reskinned as umbrellas, that would be awesome.
I am getting Ryoga vibes from Ranma! I loved that intro with the umbrella... XD

Ren Yexiang |

Ren Yexiang wrote:Ren here is my character submission. She's a Human (Tian-Shu) Rogue (Thief Racket).
** spoiler omitted **
One thing I would say is that Ren's romantic relationship with Luo Xi Yang, and friendship with Ba-Ming Ou, is at odds with the Close Ties
trait. You're essentially getting that Close Ties trait for free for two NPCs (the 'friendly' part, that is).Not just saying this because Ink, as written, works for Luo Xi Yang! :D
Hm, well it's easy enough to drop Luo Xi Yang from Ren's background if needed, for example if both Ren and Ink were selected.
Before I make any changes though I'll wait to hear something from GM Cody about it. I'd rather not make some changes just to possibly have to make more changes again afterward. I suppose it's possible named NPC's could be meant to be excluded from PC backgrounds unless they have selected the Close Ties background, but I've never seen it from any previous player's guides, even when there are (in my case) campaign traits connecting PCs to named NPCs.
Willowshore's population is given as 225. That's really small to the point it begins to defy credulity that PCs wouldn't have any connections to the roughly 10% of the population that's named because they're prominent residents.

GM Cody |

I don't really mind, rdknight makes a good point, its a pretty small village, after a certain point everyone knows everyone.
I'm willing to make the exception because it promotes roleplay and buy in into the adventure.
Not to say I want folks to all of a sudden pop up with polycules of all the named npc's in town.

Ren Yexiang |

As I understand it, though there are certainly exceptions, the baseline is not that undead are inherently immune to precision damage. And yes, with your sneak attack scaling, plus your thief racket +DX to damage, my experience playing a rogue has been that those class features are greater factors to overall damage than weapon die.Got to disagree with you on the "fighters cant skill" concept,
Yeah, I'm betting the reliance on precision damage isn't a stumbling block in this case and hoping it's a good bet!
I'm not claiming Fighters can't skill. They're miles better in that area compared to 1st ed Fighters. They just don't skill enough for what I'm looking for. My ideal is to make Ren roughly as good for non-combat and downtime as for combat. That's what I meant by 50/50. I think I can flex a Rogue in that direction better, even if I have to sacrifice some combat prowess to do it.

Ren Yexiang |

I don't really mind, rdknight makes a good point, its a pretty small village, after a certain point everyone knows everyone.
I'm willing to make the exception because it promotes roleplay and buy in into the adventure.
Not to say I want folks to all of a sudden pop up with polycules of all the named npc's in town.
Ha! no polycule for Ren. Based on her write up, Ba-Ming Ouh is about 16 or maybe at the most 17 years old depending on to how old the term "baby" can be stretched. That's how she's described 15 years ago. I'd describe the friendship as big sister - little sister in some ways. But also balanced by Ba-Ming Ouh's authority as a religious leader.
I did choose Luo Xi Yang and Ba-Ming Ouh for specific reasons, though there's guesswork involved. I'm guessing Luo Xi Yang likely leans Northridge, while Ba-Ming Ouh is more Southbank. If that turns out to be true, Ren would have split loyalties among the people she's close to. If there's real or intensifying friction between the two factions to the point that Ren is forced to choose sides, it's not just an internal debate for her. She has to weigh the impact of what she decides on her personal relationships as well.
If both Ren and Ink are selected, or if having two named NPCs in her background is just too much, I could redirect and make up a Northride stand-in for Luo. But, there are also ways that both Ren and Ink could be connected too Luo that could work, and be interesting.
Ren doesn't work for Luo all that much, just when there's more than she and Ink can handle. Ren is still mostly working at other places already anyway. Ren isn't getting any of the Close Ties boons, so maybe the nature of their respective relationships with Luo reflect that in some way. A key to that could be this from the background description: "Your reputation precedes you". Maybe Luo talks Ink up to other people she knows, but not Ren. Perhaps Luo is classist or something and doesn't actually respect Ren much. Maybe Luo wants to keep her relationship with Ren more on the lowdown for professional or personal reasons. Lots of possibilities for why Luo might treat them differently to Ink's social advantage.
Also, it would mean Ren and Ink (it's almost a pun) would know each other before the beginning. Whether they're happy about it or not is a different matter...

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I have the nuts and bolts for my Silvermist Scion (Aiuvarin Ranger, Free Archetyping into Cleric) set up. Will start writing up his background tomorrow!

GM Stargin |

Hey... I've always wanted to play a pf2e monk and so here's my concept for a very very roguish monk.
Seng LiuMang, is a Willowshore Urchin who could either be an orphan or a runaway. Based on how the rest of the group comes together it would be fun to have her either be a Bickering Sibling to another PC or an Outgoing Foundling.
She's made her home as a squatter in the Industrial District and was taken in as a pupil of a vagabond who claims to be a successor of the Tan Sugi style of fighting and wants to keep it alive which is why she's a monk. She fights in both wolf Stance and with a Fighting Fan as she's a fan of hanging around the Seven-Coloured Songbird theatre and incorporated it into her style of combat.
She's also very materially focused and has no problem with engaging in petty theft and lying comes pretty easily to her. She's not a conwoman though as the village is too small for that!
Her Treasure would be the predictable silver piece and the oil of potency.
She's a bit of a face, and will have roguish skills, to go along with being a front line fighter who would love to have a flank buddy.
She'll free archetype into rogue most probably.
She's completely uninterested in the mystical and occult. I think it would be really fun to have her streetwise attitude come face to face with the supernatural.
She still has some respect for elders as she is somewhat a follower of Sangpotshi.
Pathbuilder character has been created and is up here:
Pathbuilder Link

GM Cody |

Okay, final round up, not much change since the last one but we are going into the final 48 hours.
- Supreveio Taepung Snowtale Kitsune Monk
- Ira Kroll Hyuntaro Human(dhampir) Alchemist
- Scranford Silent Magni Human Witch
- Aeshuura Feng Xi Human Monk
- Blake's Tiger Long Zhi Xin Samsaran Investigator
- Tarondor Xu Jiang Human Cleric
- rainzax Ghul Elf(Dhampir) Champion(redeemer)
- Thaumscourge Sacred Nagaji Inventor/Animist/Thaumturge
- axolotl Shieh Mó-Zhǐ human rogue
- Doublegold Zano Turok Human Ranger
- Eletido Phang Kwan Human Champion
- Tomtesserae Tsan Peng Human Oracle
- Koolkobold Triskei Mijun Tengu Monk
- Sarah Ayumi Nekato Catfolk Barbarian
- Seth86 Shandari Human(Sylph) Kineticist
- Patrickthekid Kanita Vajrasakuni Cleric
- Assembler Cheng Xue-Zi Human(Half-Elf) Phoenix Sorcerer
- Pauljathome Jehua Leshy Avenger Rogue
- RDKnight Ren Yexiang human Rogue
- GM Stargin Seng LiuMang Human(Half-elf) Monk
- Archpaladin Zousha Silvermist Scion Human(Half-elf) Ranger

Veniir |

Hello, this is my submission, a Kitsune imperial sorcerer. I've given him some background, but unfortunately have not had the time to read through the entire Willowshore gazeteer due to an illness in the family. Thank you for running and for your consideration.
Kitsune (Palace Echoes) Sorcerer 1
Willowshore urchin background
Str +0, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +4
Perception (*) +4
Low-Light vision
Languages ➤ Common
AC 16; HP 15
Fortitude (*) +4, Reflex (*) +6, Will (**) +6
Unarmored defense (*)
Sorcerer Class DC 17
Spell attack +7
Simple Weapons (*), Unarmed attacks (*), Spell attack modifier (*), Spell DC (*)
Speed 25; Bulk 1.7 / 5
Ancestry - Kitsune Lore
Skill - Charming Liar
Class -
Bloodline: Imperial
Focus (1 FP):
Ancestral memories
Level (known + bloodline):
Cantrips (4+1) - Slashing Gust, Glass shield, Figment, Prestidigitation + Detect Magic
1st (2+1) - Alarm, Charm + Force Barrage
Blood magic: Whenever you cast a bloodline spell using a Focus Point or a sorcerous gift spell using a spell slot, you choose one blood magic effect you know to benefit from. You begin play with the benefit listed in your bloodline and can gain others through sorcerer feats.
If the blood magic effect offers a choice, make it before resolving the spell. The blood magic effect occurs after resolving any checks for the spell’s initial effects and, against a foe, applies only if the spell is a successful attack or the foe fails its saving throw. If the spell has an area, you must designate yourself or one target in the area when you cast the spell to be the target of the blood magic effect. All references to spell rank refer to the rank of the spell you cast.
Shape change: You transform into a specific alternate form determined by your heritage. If your heritage doesn’t list a form, your alternate form is a tailless form, which is a common Medium humanoid ancestry prevalent where you grew up (typically human). This form is the same age and body type as your true form and has roughly analogous physical traits, such as hair color. Using Change Shape counts as creating a disguise for the Impersonate use of Deception. You lose any unarmed Strikes you gained from a kitsune heritage or ancestry feat in this form. You can remain in your alternate form indefinitely, and you can shift back to your true kitsune form by using this action again.
Nudging whisper: You lace your words with echoes of your ancestors’ magic. If your next action is to Request, you gain the effects of the Shameless Request feat, and if your next action is to Lie, you gain the effects of the Confabulator feat. If you critically fail at either check, the target and anyone who witnessed you fail becomes immune to your Nudging Whisper for one day, though this doesn’t necessarily let them know that you attempted to charm them.
Your alternate form is a common Medium humanoid ancestry prevalent where you grew up (typically human) called a tailless form.
Sorcerous potency: Because of the magical power inherent in your blood, your spells that hurt or cure are stronger than those of other spellcasters. When you Cast a Spell from your spell slots that either deals damage or restores Hit Points, you gain a status bonus to that spell’s damage or healing equal to the spell’s rank. This applies only to the initial damage or healing the spell deals when cast. An individual creature takes this damage or benefits from this healing only once per spell, even if the spell would damage or heal that creature multiple times.
Skills (11)
Arcana (*) +3
Athletics (*) +3
Deception (*) +7
Diplomacy (*) +7
Performance (Flute) (*) +7
Society (*) +3
Stealth (*) +6
Engineering (*) +3
Kitsune (*) +3
Explorer's clothing, dagger, sling with 20 bullets, adventurer's pack, caltrops (2 sets)
Money: 12 gp, 5 sp, 8 cp
Treasure: One predictable silver piece and a vial containing one dose of oil of potency.
Jing's family arrived in Willowshore the day after the Night of Broken Blades. They were therefore viewed with much suspicion by all in town. They had been fleeing from the big centers of Shenmen, and wanted to start a new life somewhere quiet. However, circumstances made people suspicious of them. They didn't even dare show their true Kitsune nature, afraid that this could further increase the townspeople distrust of them. They tried rebranding themselves a few times, until they dropped a family name altogether. Still, they are referred to the no-name family, which is just as hurtful.
Jing is only happy to be with his father Yadamo. His mother died of a disease many years ago, which could probably have been avoided if they could afford the charges in Abadar's temple. But life was a good teacher to Jing, who learned of his magical abilities early. He lives carefree and often sleeps as a fox in small nooks he can find.
Making friends was always easy, but Jing learned from his father not to get too close to anyone, so the young man likes to be surrounded by people, but he has problems with attachments. One day, perhaps, he'll learn to trust.
Now the Reenactment Festival is coming, and Jing would love to get drunk again. His father advises him against this, but he always permits himself to be looser on this day. It may be special for the town, but it is even more so to him, as he pretends to be the same as the town's leaders for a day.

Patrickthekid |

Okay, all done. The only thing that needs to be changed is that the lore skill is to Willowshore.
Folklore enthusiast background
Str +0, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +1
Perception (*) +7
Languages ➤ Common
AC 15; HP 18
Fortitude (*) +5, Reflex (*) +5, Will (**) +9
Sorcerer Class DC 17
Spell attack +7
Simple Weapons Fighting Fan 1d4 S
Spell DC (*)
Speed 25; Bulk 1.7 / 5
Ancestry - Natural Skill
Deception (*) +4
Diplomacy (*) +4
Lore (Willowshore) +3
Medicine (*) +7
Nature (*) +7
Occultism (*) +3
Performance (Flute) (*) +7
Religion (*) +7
Society (*) +3
Domain: Repose
Cantrips (4+1) - Daze, Divine Lance, Guidance, Shield, Stabilize
1st (1+1) - Bless, Heal
One day, she overheard crew speak word of a town that was haunted by undead that attacked woodcutters. The mixture of undead spirits and lush greenery intrigued her to the point that she made it her mission to live there some day. When she had come of age and had enough coin, she sought the long and treacherous journey to the small town.
Once she had arrived, it felt as if it was meant to be her new home. Finding a house to settle in, she made a living selling art and poems made by herself. She also established a small shrine dedicated to Lady Jiangxi for those who wanted to provide offerings.
She is a shapely Tien-Sing woman in her late 20s usually adorn in lightly colored dresses though she is not above wearing the occasional trousers. Despite the periodic foray into the occult, she maintains a cordial and friendly attitude towards most people. She especially likes to discuss matters of religion to the other priests in town such as Elizeth Candora, Mother Otis, Jubei, Ba-Ming Ouh, and Kim Gu-won.

Yuranosuke |

Archpaladin Zousha here with a profile for Yuranosuke, the now-named Silvermist Scion!
A child of the Silvermist Lodges, Yuranosuke spends much of his time hunting with his cousin, Sumika, or gathering herbs in the Specterwood as a favor to You So-Jin. The few other times he is easily spotted by others is when he tends to Willowshore's two shrines to the moon gods: one to the human god Tsukiyo, the other to the elven god Ketephys. The hawk soaring above and the hare running below.
Because he's a shy and quiet man, it's rare to see Yuranosuke mingling with crowds of people, even among his own kin. But he rejects the idea of going off into the Specterwood entirely and becoming some sort of hermit. Just as his ancestors helped Willowshore take root when it was first planted, he seeks to honor them by following in their footsteps. He knows Tsukiyo smiles on those who offer aid and comfort without judgment, and he knows the best way to learn what people need is, much like hunting a beast, to watch and to listen.
It surprised everyone when he volunteered (somewhat bashfully) to join in the Reenactment festivities this year. Preferring tea to alcohol, he believes he can make sure no one gets lost or hurt out in the forest, which he's noticed has been unnervingly quiet in recent days...

Ayane Xio |

So I previously submitted a catfolk barbarian, however looking over your list it looks like you haven't gotten very many spell casters and have a lot of melee. So I made a Tanuki Bard, her name is Ayane Xio, pathbuilder sheet and she is a change shape tanuki, which means she can transform from her regular tanuki self into either a mundane racoon dog or into her Teakettle form which is where she can transform into a regular everyday object.
Much like the other character I submitted, Ayane is also a Southbank Traditionalist growing up and working on her families farm. Where they still live and grow grains to be milled at the Milling House at W8 on the map.

Ayane Xio |

So I previously submitted a catfolk barbarian, however looking over your list it looks like you haven't gotten very many spell casters and have a lot of melee. So I made a Tanuki Bard, her name is Ayane Xio, pathbuilder sheet and she is a change shape tanuki, which means she can transform from her regular tanuki self into either a mundane racoon dog or into her Teakettle form which is where she can transform into a regular everyday object.
Much like the other character I submitted, Ayane is also a Southbank Traditionalist growing up and working on her families farm. Where they still live and grow grains to be milled at the Milling House at W8 on the map.
reading over the players guide again and seeing that the town of Willowshore is only 250, My family of Tanuki's probably arent farm owners. Thinking it over, and if i get chosen i can iron out the backstory more. We are probably just rascals around town, working on the farms but love to have fun and cause a bit of commotion.

tomtesserae |

I finished Peng's background.
When he opened his eyes, he was in his bedroll. It was late morning. His finger tips were stained with ink. Looking in his writing kit he discovered a page filled with words: You were deemed worthy of helping our goal of rescuing lost knowledge, preserving wisdom, and sailing the epistemological seas of philosophy. The words were like his penmanship, but not quite. He had no memory of writing them, but he believed that he did based on the evidence of his fingertips.
He approached where the building had been, but there was nothing to suggest anything had been there but the ruined foundation reclaimed by nature. He believed that spirits had given him the dream. He didn't know why. He returned to his camp and continued his journey to Sze. Each morning he woke to discover a page of text in his writing kit. The words appeared to be from a variety of books starting mid-sentence and ending the same way. Some pages he recognized. Others were treatises on optics, art, horse breeding, and tree grafting. After reading them, and thinking on their meaning, he was convinced he could cast spells. It was hard to explain how, but he knew it was possible.
Days later as he approached the city, he met people who were agitated and panicked. The news was unthinkable. Imperial Lung Wa was no more! Learning the exams were canceled for the foreseeable future, he returned to Willowshore where he found the news had arrived a few days earlier on a trading boat. His mother noticed his new behavior of writing early in the morning, apparently asleep at the same time. Unresponsive to her words.
Peng didn't want the spirits to focus more attention on his family, so he moved across the river and into an abandoned estate. He spends his days, foraging for food, repairing the estate, and studying the classics for the civil servant exam he wants to take someday.
I switched the Performance skill with Crafting.
Lastly, I think the place he'd live is in one of the abandoned estates.
Oh and good luck everyone!

GM Cody |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Alright folks, this one was really tough and having to choose only 4 or 5 applicants when there are always so many amazing applications to pick from is almost enough to give me choice paralysis.
With that being said though, can I have:
- Tarondor Xu Jiang, Human Cleric of Pharasma
- rainzax Ghul, Elf(Dhampir) Champion(redeemer)
- Sarah Ayane Xio, Tanuki Enigma Bard
- Archpaladin Zousha, Yuranosuke Human Half Elf Melee Ranger
- Seth86, Shandari, Human Sylph Air Kineticist
Please report to the Discussion.
Thank you all for applying, I am deeply appreciative of your time and effort and for considering me as your GM.