I'll create an alias for Effilip Sargy tomorrow. I thought "Neighbor" might be a good title (like Father for a priest or Brother for a monk) for him, but if it doesn't fit the setting, that's fine. Other than finalizing the equipment, I think the character sheet is okay. Also, if this format isn't good, I'll change it.
Effilip Sargy
Halfling Cleric 1
Lwaful Good Male Humanoid (halfling)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
AC 15 (10+1+2+1+1) (base, armor, dex mod, racial, shield)
Hit Points 9
Fort +4 (+2+1+1), Ref +3 (+0+2+1), Will +5 (+2+2+1)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +1 1d2 nonlethal
Melee Short Sword +1 1d4
Ranged Sling +3 1d3
Thrown +3
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Height 3’2” Weight 34 lbs.Age 36
Base Attack +0; +1 racial bonus to attack (included in "Offense")
Feats Traits Heedful Readiness, Well-Informed
Skills 2 skill ranks; (ranks, mod, class bonus, misc bonus)
*ACP −0
Acrobatics* +4 (0+2+0+2)
Bluff +2 (0+2+0)
Climb +4 (0+2+0+2)
Craft +0 (0+0+0)
Diplomacy +6 (1+2+3)
Disable Device +2 (0+2+0)
Disguise +2 (0+2+0)
Escape Artist +2 (0+2+0)
Fly +2 (0+2+0)
Handle Animal +2 (0+2+0)
Heal +2 (0+2+0)
Intimidate +2 (0+2+0)
Knowledge(local) +4 (1+0+3)
Linguistics +0 (0+0+0)
Perception +4 (0+2+0+2)
Perform +2 (0+2+0)
Profession +0 (0+0+0)
Ride +2 (0+2+0)
Sense Motive +2 (0+2+0)
Sleight of Hand +2 (0+2+0)
Spellcraft +0 (0+0+0)
Stealth +6 (0+2+0+4)
Survival +2 (0+2+0)
Swim+0 (0+0+0)
Use Magic Device +2 (0+2+0)
Languages Common,
Carrying Capacity L: 0-33; M 34-66; H 67-100
Equipment Short Sword, Padded Armor, Light Wooden Shield
+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str
Small; +1 size bonus to AC, +1 size bonus on attack roles; -1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their Combat Maneuver Defense; +4 size bonus to Stealth checks.
Slow Speed 20 feet
Fearless +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
Halfling Luck +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Keen Senses +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Sure-Footed +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks.
Weapon Familiarity Proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word "halfling" in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages Common, Halfling.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies All simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). Also proficient in the favored weapon of their deity.
Aura Spells Cleric spell list
Channel Energy Domains Community, Trickery
Orisons Spontaneous Casting Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells A cleric can't cast spells of an alignment opposed to her own or her deity's.
Bonus Languages Bonus language options include, Celestial, Abyssal, and Infernal.
Work in progress...
I would like to join the game. I was thinking a halfling cleric of Brindle. He doesn't live in Dulwich. He passes through every year for about two weeks. He blesses the past year's infants, marriages, and deaths in the halfling community. Helps resolve feuds or disagreements.
If the character must come from Dulwich, that's fine. I can come up with a new concept.
I'm still here. I haven't played a character higher than level 4 or 5 in Pathfinder 2e. I made a character for a "Fists of the Ruby Phoenix" AP but it wasn't selected. Even in first edition, I rarely played a character over tenth level. So, I'm spending too much time deciding on gear. What are good items? How many consumables? That type of stuff.
It might be easier to go by the Stolen Fate Player's Guide (page 9) "One 10th level item, two 9th level items, one 8th level item, two 7th level items, and 500 gp to spend on consumable items of 10th level or lower, or permanent items of 6th level or lower, as you see fit."
Here's a link to an almost finished character sheet for Bomu-njiwa. I may change his name, but for now, I like it. I think the only aspect left to finish is the equipment. I chose the major items, but not some of the consumables.
Thank you for your patience while I put this together. I decided to choose Mind Smith for the free archetype. I have no idea how effective it will be in combat, but it should make him more versatile. If you have any questions or concerns about anything on the sheet, please tell me.
I'm interested in this campaign. I'm creating a Dromaar (half-orc) Monk, originally from the Mwangi Expanse who came to Absalom for the Radiant Festival.
Space Frame: Akira-Class seems the best with a Medicine bonus. However, Nebula gets a refit bonus that could go into Medicine. I think Jason suggested a Nebula class ship too which does have a little sway with me. So my vote is for Nebula.
Mission Profile: Strategic and Diplomatic Operations 5 (Diplomatic suites)
Scientific and Survey Operations 3 (Modular laboratories)
Multirole Explorer 3 (Redundancy systems)
I'm still interested in the game. I don't think we ever had the five people Reckless wanted during the original recruitment. I'll look over Zamal Imolko again and type up his background.
Jason, that's an odd coincidence between your character proposal and ship design and the real-life medical situation of the GM. What are the odds?
I really like the idea of a medical ship. Diplomacy through health care. Your description of Zamal is great. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a symbiont. He’s made his peace with that fact. Maybe something along the lines of: the trill is accustomed to dealing with blown power conduits, broken bones, and dodging phaser shots on the same away mission. That’s not phrased exactly how I want, but for now that will do.
Hello again! I spent way too much time on the sta.bcholmes.org site trying different attributes and talents to build my trill PC. Since I haven’t played this game before, I realized I really don’t have any basis to compare the benefits of the various talents against each other.
My original goal was to have a medic, with Talents reflecting that, but I also didn’t want to get in the way of the medical officer. Thus I created an engineer but with some security and medicine knowledge. He could be an Operations Manager or a Chief Engineer. If the name Zamal Imolko doesn’t sound like a trill, I’m open to suggestions.
Zamal Imolko:
Name: Zamal Imolko
Species: Trill, +1 Control, Presence, Reason; Former Initiate
Rank: Lieutenant
Environment: Isolated Colony; +1 Insight; Increase engineering +1. Value: Survival requires maintenance.
Upbringing: Control +2, Fitness +1, Disciplines: Medicine +1; Talent: Field Medicine; Focus: First Aid.
Starfleet Academy Control +1, Daring +1, Reason +1; Engineering +2, Security +1, Medicine +1. Focus: Life Support Systems; Focus: Sensors; Focus: Hand Phasers; Talent: I Know My Ship Value: Be prepared to improvise
Career: Value: Focus on what I can control; Talent: Maintenance Specialist
Assignment: Traits: Trill, Friend to the Yridians
Here's a submission: Chindle, halfling fogfen tall-teller fighter (hoping to acquire the Unexpected Sharpshooter archetype). In combat he will mostly use his halfling sling staff to launch stones at the enemies.
Fogfen Tale-Teller Fighter 1
[b]Senses[/b] Perception +7
[b]AC[/b] 18[b]Fort[/b] +6, [b]Ref[/b] +9, [b]Will[/b] +5
[b]Hit Points[/b] 17
[b]Speed[/b] 25 ft.
[b]Melee[/b] Rapier +7 1d6+2 P Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse
[b]Ranged[/b] Halfling Sling Staff +9 1d10+1 B Halfling, Propulsive, Uncommon'; 2 Hands Group Sling Range 80 ft. Reload 1
[b]Str[/b] +2, [b]Dex[/b] +14, [b]Con[/b] +1, [b]Int[/b] +0, [b]Wis[/b] +2, [b]Cha[/b] +0
[b]Height[/b] 3’ 11” [b]Weight[/b] 41 lbs. [b]Age[/b] 18
[b]General Feats[/b]
[b]Skill Feats[/b]
[b]Skills[/b] Trained Acrobatics +9, Athletics +5, Lore (Swamp) +3, Stealth +7, Survival +5, Thievery +7
[b]Languages[/b] Common, Halfling
[b]Equipment[/b] Rapier, Hallfling Sling Staff, Leather Armor
[b]HP[/b] 6
[b]Size[/b] Small
[b]Speed[/b] 25 feet
[b]Ability Boosts[/b] Dex, Wis, Free
[b]Ability Flaws[/b] Str
[b]Languages[/b] Halfling, Common
[b]Traits[/b] Halfling, humanoid
[b]Heritage[/b] Gutsy Halfling
[b]Feats[/b] Titan Slinger
[b]Fogfen Tall-Teller[/b] Ability Boosts: Str or Cha, and one free. Trained Athletics and Swamp Lore. Titan Wrestler skill feat.
Key Ability Str
Hit Points 10 (+Con mod)/level
Expert in Perception
Expert in Fortitude saving throw
Expert in Reflex saving throw
Trained in Will saving throw
Trained in Athletics, and 3 + Int mod skills
Expert in simple and martial weapons
Expert in unarmed attacks
Trained in all amors
Trained in unarmored defenses
Trained in fighter Class DC
Feats Point-Blank Shot
His parents came to Otari as runaway slaves from Absalom twenty-five years ago. Chindle was born on a farmstead a few miles from Otari.
Here's the character sheet. I'm still deciding on a name and some minor gear, but I think all the information here is correct. Thanks for looking it over and telling me if anything is wrong.
8 Gunslinger Human male
Senses Perception +16, +2 Initiative Bonus
AC 26 (+1 Leather) Fort +14, Ref +16, Will +14
Shield None
Resistances Fire 5
Hit Points 96
Speed 25 ft.
Melee Dagger +16 1d4+2 Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft Versatile S
Ranged +1 Striking Dueling Pistol +19 2d6+3+1 60 ft. (Uncommon, Concealable, Concussive, Fatal d10, Magical) (+1 damage is Circumstance bonus)
Ranged +1 Dragon Mouth Pistol +19 1d6+3+1 (Uncommon, Concussive, Scatter 5 ft. Magical) (+1 damage is Circumstance bonus)
Ranged Bomb +16
Class DC 28
Str 10, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 10
Height 5’ 9” Weight 138 lbs. Age 38
FeatsSkill (2) Cat Fall, (4) Combat Climber, (6) Recognize A Spell, (8) Nimble Crawl
Class (1) Hit The Dirt, (2) Spellshot Dedication, (4) Alchemical Shot, (6) Fulminating Shot,(8) Call Gun
General (3) Breath Control, (7) Toughness
Ancestry (1) Natural Ambition: Munitions Crafter, (5) Clever Improviser
SkillsExpert Acrobatics +16, Crafting +16, Thievery +16 Trained Arcana +14, Athletics +10, Lore: Academia +14, Nature +12, Occultism 14, Religion +12, Stealth +14, Survival +12
Languages Common
Equipment Slippers of Spider Climbing Item lvl 7, Ring of Energy (Fire) Resistance Item lvl 6, Warding Tattoo (Wave) Item lvl 6, Magic Leather Armor +1 Item lvl 5,
(+1 Striking) Magic Dueling Pistol Item lvl 4, Sleeves of Storage Item lvl 4,
Gunner's Bandolier Item lvl 3 60 gp, +1 Dragon Mouth Pistol Item lvl 2, Backpack,Thieves' Tools. Inside Backpack: Chalk, Flint and Steel, Rations (1), Rope 50', Soap, Torch (5), Writing Set, Waterskin.
Bulk Money gp sp cp
HP 6
Size Medium
Speed 30 feet
Ability Boosts Dex, Int
Languages Common +3 bonus
Traits humanoid
Heritage Versatile: Incredible Initiative
(1) Natural Ambition: Munitions Crafter
(5) Clever Improviser
Academy Dropout Ability Boosts: Dex and Int. Trained Arcana and Academia Lore. Dubious Knowledge skill feat.
Key Ability Dex
Hit Points 8 (+Con mod)/level
Master in Perception
Expert in Fortitude saving throw
Expert in Reflex saving throw
Expert in Will saving throw
Trained in Arcana due to gunslinger's way, and 3 + Int mod skills (6 total)
Master in simple firearms and crossbows
Master in martial firearms and crossbows
Trained in simple and martial weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks
Trained in unarmed attacks
Trained in light and medium armors
Trained in unarmored defenses
Trained in gunslinger class DC
Feats Listed above yet repeated here: (1) Hit The Dirt, (2) Spellshot Dedication (provides Conjure Bullet), (4) Alchemical Shot, (6) Fulminating Shot, (8) Call Gun
3. Stubborn
5. Gunslinger Weapon Mastery
7. Vigilant Senses, Weapon Specialization
The PC I am creating is middle-aged sailor. While Kraurethad (possible surname) considers Ptolus his home, he hasn't spent more than two or three weeks at a time in the city for many years. When he was sixteen his father died, and he dropped out of Wowerit's School of Magic (academy drop-out background) to earn money for his family. He found employment on a merchant ship. He was part of the cannon crew. In time he was trained in using firearms and during his rest periods developed a method of combing his arcane studies with the pistol (Way of the Spellshot).
Arriving back in Ptolus was a happy occasion because he would see his siblings and mother. This time he was despondent by discovering his youngest sister had recently disappeared. The authorities didn't appear to be doing anything to find her. Her husband had looked and hired a detective, but nothing came of it. Kraurethad gave notice to the ship's owners and captain that he was staying in Ptolus to find his sister.
So that's my PC in a few sentences. I'll post the character sheet tomorrow. This will be my first gunslinger in 2E. The class seems very appropriate to the setting of Ptolus. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing, but the sample build at Archives of Nethys helps.
Camris, if my PC's dabble in Arcana disrupts your plans, let me know. I could reconfigure him to a Way of the Drifter...or even Sniper.
I'm interested in this game. I need to read more about Ptolus. What level should the character be? I thought having my PC be a relative of a missing person. He tracked his relative to an apartment building a few minutes after the current party entered. (#9 "Night of Dissolution - The Temple of Deep Chaos" from your campaign notes).
I wasn't totally satisfied with my azarketi champion concept, so I decided to make a goblin Sally Port Guard Fighter. Presenting
2 Fighter
Senses Perception +7
AC 20 Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +5
Hit Points 28
Shield 20 Raise +2 AC, Hardness 5, Broken 10
Speed 25 ft.
Melee Unarmed +10 1d4+4 Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed
Melee Lance +10 1d8+4 P Deadly d8, Jousting d6, Reach
Melee Longsword +10 1d8+4 Versatile P
Ranged Throwing Knife +8 1d4+4 Agile, Finesse, Thrown 20 ft
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12
Height 3’ 1” Weight 35 lbs. Age 8
Feats Titan Wrestler
Skills Trained Acrobatics +6, Athletics +8, Diplomacy +5, Lore (Stabling) +5, Nature +5, Society +4
Languages Common, Goblin
Equipment Riding wolf, shoddy half-plate armor, shoddy longsword, and a shoddy lance. Steel Shield. Shiny new badge engraved with number #715.
Bulk Money
HP 6
Size Small
Speed 25 feet
Ability Boosts Dex, Cha, Free
Ability Flaw Wis
Languages Common, Goblin
Darkvision See in darkness and dim light just as well as bright light; no colors in black and white.
Traits goblin, humanoid
Heritage Razortooth
Feat Rough Rider (allows horse from background to be a wolf)
Sally Guard Neophyte Ability Boosts: Wis and Str. Trained in Nature skill and Stabling Lore. You start out with a riding horse, shoddy half-plate armor, shoddy longsword, and a shoddy lance.
Key Ability Str
Hit Points 10 (+Con mod)/level
Expert in Perception
Expert in Fortitude saving throw
Expert in Reflex saving throw
Trained in Will saving throw
Trained in Athletics and 3 + Int mod skills
Expert in all simple and martial weapons and unarmed attacks
Trained in advanced weapons
Trained in all armor and unarmored defenses
Class DC 18
Feats: Shield Block (free), Power Attack, United Assault
Bastion Dedication Gain Reactive Shield fighter feat.
Background: Shing worked in a wealthy merchant's family stables in Westgate. In 4717, he volunteered to defend Absalom like many others. He didn't participate in battle often. On many occasions, he witnessed cavalry charges in the siege. Not only horses, but wolves, griffins, elephants, and drakes. He wanted to be mounted in the battle, moving swiftly through the enemy lines. After the siege ended, he scavenged some shoddy gear from the fallen warriors. He was able to use some of his social connections from the siege to get a position in the Sally Guard. Unfortunately, despite his familiarity with riding mounts and fighting, doing both at the same time was harder than he thought it would be. A supervisor transferred Shing to another district to gain more experience.
I may change the name. Quite often that is the hardest part of making a new character. Let me know of any errors or if you have a question. Thanks for your consideration.
I'm interested. I don't own the Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Core Rules. I do own the previous SW rules though so I am familiar with the system in general. As far as characters, I'd take a pre-gen. My top three picks are Madda, Lem, and Merisiel.
Instead of Ambriel, I'd like to submit Yamlu instead. He is a halfling monk with the Dandy archetype. The idea of a monk wearing fine clothes and enjoying the theater and museums while gossiping about rumors is appealing to me at the moment.
Halfling Street Urchin Monk 5 Dandy Archetype
Lawful Neutral
Senses Perception +11
AC 23 Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +11
Hit Points 61
Speed 35 ft.
Melee Unarmed +13 1d6+4 B Agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed
Str +4 Dex +4 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +2 Cha +2
Height 2’10” Weight 41 lbs. Age 23
Skills Expert Athletics +13, Society +9 Trained Acrobatics +11, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Lore (Almas) +7, Performance +9, Society +9, Thievery +11
Skill Feats Pickpocket, Titan Wrestler, Cat Fall
General Feats Breath Control
Languages Common, Halfling
Equipment Bulk Money
HP 6
Size Small
Speed 25 feet
Ability Boosts Dex, Wis, Free
Ability Flaw Str
Languages Common, Halfling
Traits halfling, humanoid
Keen Eyes Heritage Gutsy Halfling
Feats Sure Feet, Step Lively
Street Urchin Ability Boosts: Dex or Con, plus one free; Trained Thievery and Lore for the city you lived as a street urchin; Pickpocket skill feat.
Key Ability Str
Hit Points 10 (+Con mod)/level
Trained in Perception
Expert in Fortitude saving throw
Expert in Reflex saving throw
Expert in Will saving throw
Trained in 4+Int mod skills
Trained in simple weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks
Untrained in all armor
Trained in unarmored defenses
Trained in Class DC
Flurry of Blows
Powerful Fist
Incredible Movement
Mystic Strikes
Feats: Ki Strike, Archetype: Dandy Dedication allows Diplomacy to be used for special downtime activity: Influence Rumor; become Trained in Deception and Society, if already trained, become Expert instead), Gossip Lore
Yamlu is from Krese and is a follower of the prophecies. While a child his mother was injured so she couldn't work which brought down the family's standard of living. His father, a traveling merchant, began taking longer and riskier jobs to get more profit. One day Yamlu realized his father had been gone for such a long time, he probably wasn't coming back.
He started stealing in order to eat. In time he was making a good deal of money. He started dressing well in order to impress others and gain access to better thievery targets. His fine clothes also made him a target to other thieves. Thus, he learned self-defense at a local Kalistrade school. Beyond that, the classes on enlightenment were inspiring and rewarding. The more he aligned his behavior with the dictates of the prophecies, the better his life became. The deeper he developed his ki, the more he found success in life.
Yamlu hasn't seen his father in over ten years. The prophets and diviners he has questioned insist he is still alive, but where he is and why he hasn't returned is unknown to them.
After consulting a prophet recently, he has traveled to Breachill, convinced it is part of his destiny.
Appearance: Silk slippers with durable soles. A velvet sash knotted around his waist. A white silk shirt. A white lace ascot. A beret. A blue surcoat with embroidered triangular patterns along the lapels. His gray and white striped pants are satin. He has a variety of colognes he rotates through, as well as oils for his hair.
Here's my submission: Ambriel, printer fighter. I'm still working on the equipment, but I think the background and stats are fine.
Elf Printer Fighter 5
Senses Perception +11
AC 22Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +11
Hit Points 56/56
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Scimitar +15 1d6+4 S Forceful, Sweep
Ranged Longbow +11 1d8 P Deadly d10, Volley 30'
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +3, Wis +2, Cha +1
Height 5’ 11” Weight 192 lbs. Age 126
General Feats Ancestral Paragon (Ancestral Linguistics)
Skill Feats Cat Fall, Glean Contents
Skills Expert Athletics +13, Society +12 Trained Acrobatics +9, Arcana +10, Diplomacy +8, Lore (Scribing) +10, Nature +9, Occultism +10, Religion +9, Stealth +9
Languages Elven, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Halfling, Infernal, Varisian
Equipment Scimitar, Longbow, Scale Male
Bulk Money
HP 6
Size Medium
Speed 30 feet
Ability Boosts Dex, Int, Str
Ability Flaws Con
Languages Elven, Common
Traits Elf, humanoid
Heritage Ancient Elf (Investigator Dedication)
Feats Know Your Own, Ancestral Suspicion
Printer Ability Boosts: Int or Cha, and one free. Trained Society and Scribing Lore. Multilingual skill feat.
Key Ability Str
Hit Points 10 (+Con mod)/level
Expert in Perception
Expert in Fortitude saving throw
Expert in Reflex saving throw
Trained in Will saving throw
Trained in Athletics, and 3 + Int mod skills
Expert in simple and martial weapons
Expert in unarmed attacks
Trained in all amors
Trained in unarmored defenses
Fighter Weapon Mastery Sword group
Feats Combat Assessment, Dueling Parry, Investigator's Stratagem (archetype)
Ambriel is grew up in Kintargo. There was a printing press with wide glass windows so people could watch the creation of broadsheets and pamphlets. The printers setting the type, inking the blocks, and then pressed onto the paper to form a readable mirror image was mundane yet magical to Ambriel. He decided to do that for a living. For a few decades he created a weekly 32 page digest of city events and information, especially scandals of the powerful and well connected. Usually two or three times per month, someone would be offended by what was printed. Ambriel became quite adept at fighting in self-defense. In time he changed the name of his company to "The Sweeping Scimitar" in honor of the scimitar that had saved his life numerous times.
Occasionally he would print books as well. Usually non-fiction but he enjoyed supporting playwrights and bards with books of their work.
Ambriel arrives in Breachill unrelated to the Call for Heroes. He is looking for some ancient tomes and heard the Reliant Book Company may have what he's looking for. He's also interested in seeing if they want to sell some of the books he's published.
I'm still working on the finishing touches to my PC's background. Here's the mechanical aspects for Sparky the Poppet Farmhand Oracle...and the beginning and ending of his background. How he became an oracle is the part I'm finishing.
The numbers:
Poppet Farmhand Oracle 3
Senses Perception +8
AC 16 Shield +1 ACFort +7, Ref +7, Will +8
Hit Points 39
Speed 25 ft.
Melee Sickle +7 1d4+2 S Agile, Finesse, Trip
Melee Club +7 1d6+2 B Thrown 10'
Ranged Divine +9
Focus Points 1
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10 Wis 12, Cha 18
Height 3’ 6” Weight 14 lbs. Age 2
Skill Feats Titan Wrestler
General Feats Toughness
Skills Expert Religion +8; Trained Acrobatics +5, Athletics +7, Intimidation +9, Lore (Farming) +5, Nature +6
Languages Common
Equipment Light Armor, Buckler, Club, Sickle.
Bulk Money
HP 6
Size S
Speed 25 feet
Ability Boosts Con, Cha, Free
Ability Flaw Dex
Languages Common
Traits Humanoid
Darkvision Constructed Flammable Weakness to fire damage equal to one-third your level. (Currently 1)
Heritage Stuffed
Feat Shiny Button Eyes
Farmhand Ability Boosts: Con or Wis, plus one free. Trained Athletics and Farming Lore. Assurance (Athletics) skill feat.
Key Ability Cha
Hit Points 8 (+ Con mod)/level
Trained in Perception
Trained in Fortitude saving throw
Trained in Reflex saving throw
Expert in Will saving throw
Trained in Religion, one or more determined by mystery and 3 + Int mod skills
Trained in simple weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks
Trained in light armor
Trained in unarmored defenses
Trained in divine spell attacks
Trained in divine spell DCs
Mystery: Flames
Mystery Domain Spell: Sun
Spells: Daze, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Read Aura, Stabilize; 3 1st level Create Water, Disrupting Weapons, Heal; 2nd Level Remove Fear, Fear The Sun
Revelation Cantrip: Produce Flame
Revelation Spells: Dazzling Flash, Incendiary Aura
Signature Spells: Heal and ?
Free Feat: Canny Acumen (Perception)
Feats: Glean Lore
The incomplete background:
Scraps was his name. He was made from an archmage's robe, stuffed with sheep's wool and straw. An embroidered face highlighted his porcelain button eyes. He was the familiar of a divine sorcerer (undead bloodline) who retired to a Cayden Cailean monastery in the Swardlands. When not helping the sorcerer with alchemy, Scraps helped brew beer, ale, and mead, and worked the farm. He planted, weeded, tended the beehives, pruned fruit trees, and chased off crows, rabbits, and other pests in the walled garden that fed the monastery. When the sorcerer died she attempted to cast a deathbed ritual to grant sentience to her faithful familiar.
A year and a day after the sorcerer passed Scraps awakened. He realized that morning that he wanted to explore the world again, like the vague memories he had of the sorcerer and their adventures.
The villagers dubbed him Sparky after that and thanked him profusely. He liked the name better than Strawsy so didn't mind. Along the way to Absalom, he joined a group of fellow adventurers. They found some trouble in Otari. After that was dealt with, they agreed a trip to Ravounel was a good idea. He decided Absalom would have to wait.
I like the idea of being a preformed party. I don't have any idea about what Troubles in Otari would mean for our backstories (I've never done the adventure), but that's okay with me.
I was thinking of either an elf gambler witch or a halfling scholar cleric of pharasma. Though if somebody wants to play those classes, I have no problem with playing a different class
Tengu Undercover Contender Investigator Level 11
Senses Perception +19
AC 28 Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +19
Shield Cold Iron Buckler Raise +1 AC Hardness: 5 Broken: 10
Hit Points 105
Speed 25 ft.
Melee Wakizashi +19 1d4+3 S Agile, Deadly d8, Finesse, Uncommon, Versatile P
Melee Tengu Gale Blade +19 1d6+3 Agile, Disarm, Finesse, Tengu, Uncommon
Melee Beak +19 1d8+1 Deadly d8, Finesse, Unarmed
Ranged Thunder Sling +19 1d6+2 Agile, Propulsive, Tengu, Uncommon
Class DC 30
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 18
Height 5’ 10” Weight 184 lbs. Age 32
Skills Trained unless otherwise noted (E, M, L)
Acrobatics +17
Arcana +18
Athletics E +16
Deception E +19
Diplomacy E +19
Lore: Underworld +18
Medicine E +19
Nature T +15
Occultism M +22
Religion M +19
Society +18
Thievery +17
Skill Feats (2) Underwater Marauder, (4) Cat Fall, (6) Robust Recovery, (8) Advanced First Aid, (10) Disturbing Knowledge,
Skillful Lessons (3) Read Lips, (5) Continual Recovery, (7) Ward Medic, (9) Assurance (Medicine), (11) Intimidating Glare
General Feats Feather Step, (7) Toughness, (11) Shield Block
Languages Tengu, Tien, Minkaian, Taldane, Kitsune, Senzar, Draconic
Equipment Bulk Money
HP 6
Size M
Speed 25 feet
Ability Boosts Dex, Free
Languages Tengu, Common
Low-Light Vision Sharp Beak Beak unarmed attack 1d6 piercing damage; finesse and unarmed traits.
Traits Tengu, humanoid
Heritage Dogtooth Tengu
Feats (1) Squawk!, Uncanny Agility, (3) Tengu Weapon Familiarity (access to katana and wakizashi), (5) Tengu Weapon Study, (7) Dogfang Bite, (9) Tengu Feather Fan, (11) Wind God's Fan
Undercover Contender Ability Boosts: Cha and Int ability boosts. Trained in Deception and Underworld Lore. Lengthy Diversion skill feat.
Key Ability Int
Hit Points 8 (+Con mod)/level
Expert in Perception, Master Level 11
Trained in Fortitude saving throw, Expert Level 11
Expert in Reflex saving throw, Expert Level 11
Expert in Will saving throw, Master Level 11
Trained in Society, and Medicine 4 + Int mod skills
Trained in simple weapons and martial weapons, Expert Level 11
Trained in unarmed attacks, Expert Level 11
Trained in light armors
Trained in unarmored defenses
Trained in Class DC, Expert Level 11
Methodology: Forensic Medicine, gains Forensic Acumen and Battle Medicine skill feats.
Clue In
Devise a Stratagem
On the Case
Pursue a Lead
Strategic Strike
Feats: (1) Known Weakness, (2) Shared Stratagem, (4) Strategic Assessment, (6) Thorough Research, (8) Scalpel's Point, (10) Ongoing Strategy
Tu-Kukkora grew up in a town in the main mountain range of Minkai. Situated in a caldera, it is a small town with a university, many temples to various deities, and an entrance to the Darklands. He was a curious boy and loved learning. He studied medicine at the local university.
During the last Ruby Phoenix tournament, Tu-Kukkora supported his cousin Tuk-Tarrki who was an entrant in the tournament. He was a medic for his cousin and companions, getting them healed between bouts. He also scouted their next opponents, trying to learn their weaknesses, strengths, and preferred fighting styles.
He became aware of suspicious wagers and some people purposefully losing their bouts. He didn't think it was his place to try to expose it. When his cousin's team lost, he was disappointed, and surprised. Their opponents hadn't posed much danger in his assessment. He returned to Minkai's mountains, while his cousin decided to travel a little before returning home.
Three years passed, an occasional letter from Tuk-Tarrki reached Minkai. He was enjoying adventuring in the many islands of Minata. One day one of Tuk-Tarrki's companions arrived. Ulgonz claimed Tuk-Tarrki owed him money from the tournament. The two had purposefully lost their bout.
Tu-Kukkora was shocked and disappointed. He re-read his cousin's letters and with this new information, reading between the lines, Tu-Kukkora became convinced his cousin was deeply suffering. He set off to find his cousin along with Ulgonz. They searched his last known whereabouts but only discovered a string of debts, broken promises, and angry people.
After one year, Ulgonz decided the search wasn't worth it anymore. Tu-Kukkora kept following Tuk-Tarrki's trail. Fours years later he found Tuk-Tarrki. His cousin was a shadow of his former self. Guilt and shame had bored through his spirit. He was addicted to pesh and alcohol. Tu-Kukkora brought him back to Minkai, he where now lives in a village as a farmer.
Tu-Kukkora decided to find out who organized the gambling and bout-throwing scheme. What better way than being in the next tournament, only two years away? He had time to prepare. His goal is to uncover the people who corrupted his cousin last tournament, if they are still active, or anyone attempting to disrupt the integrity of this tournament.
7 Boots of Bounding OR Slippers of Spider Climbing
7 Cold Iron Buckler
8 +1 resilient leather armor
9 Grievous Rune for Thunder Sling?
9 Healer's Gloves (Greater) OR Pendant of the Occult (Greater) OR Armbands of Athleticism
10 Ring of Energy Resistance (Greater) Electricity
Here is Tu-Kukkora, tengu undercover contestant investigator. I know this class and the oracle are least recommended in the player's guide, but the investigator best fits his history. Witch was a close second for his class, so I could make him a witch. I've never played an investigator (or a witch) if that matters. I would attempt to prioritize Recall Knowledge checks early in the fight and using Battle Medicine as needed. He'd mostly use ranged attacks. I'm happy to change some things about this build if there are problems. Please let me know. Oh yeah, I'm still trying to decide on the magic gear. A tentative list is at the end of his background. Thanks for the opportunity.
Name Thomas hence "tomtesserae"
Experience with Starfinder/ttrpgs All my Starfinder experience is through pbp. Most of my characters have non-optimized builds; sometimes because I didn't quite understand (or realize) the synergy between feats and class features. For the past few years, all my roleplaying has been on paizo's forums. Though I did start a game on discord a few days ago.
Themes you enjoy (horror, intrigue, etc) Intrigue, survival in harsh environments or after a disaster, action, thriller, horror, even low-conflict slice of life is fun depending on the character.
Favorite aspect of TTRPGs (RP, Combat, exploration, a balance of all) I enjoy a balance, lean towards RP, but mostly I want to improve my writing.
General idea of character you'd like to play. In January I created a nuar mystic who makes sonic mazes and landscapes for the audience to experience. (I've been listening to techno music more in the last three years, but really fell in love with modular synthesis about nine months ago.) I also would have fun playing a vlaka envoy (or mechanic) who is part of a Drift beacon installation crew. Or maybe a scientist studying the Drift on a space station inside the Drift? I do have an idea for a Pathfinder PC (unplayed) that might be fun to create in Starfinder. It'd be an android soldier with the wrathful warrior fighting style. The character I'd make really depends on the theme.
I'm interested. I was thinking a lizardfolk character could be fun. He became a Pathfinder to search their archives regarding lizardfolk history and lore. He is amused that his first assignment returns him to his homeland, the River Kingdoms.
Basically, I'm happy to play a class that fits with the established PCs. I don't have a preference for class. Many fit his background: maybe cleric (warpriest), barbarian, bard, or witch might be the ones I'm drawn to the most for this character.
I think I'll go with Bwessara, elven magus, for better melee combat. Here is her character sheet:
2 Magus Elf female
Senses Perception +5, +0 Initiative Bonus
AC 18 Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7
Shield Steel Shield AC +2 H 5 BT 10
Hit Points 24
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Whip +8 1d4+1 S Disarm, Finesse, Nonlethal, Reach, Trip
Melee Rapier +8 1d6+1 P Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse
Ranged Class DC 18
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10
Height 6’ 4” Weight 188 lbs. Age 51
Feats SkillsTrained Acrobatics +8, Arcana +7, Athletics +4, Lore: Academia +6, Lore: Elven +6, Nature +5, Religion +5,Society +7, Stealth +8, Thievery +8
Languages Elven, Common, Sylvan, Draconic
Equipment Bulk Money
HP 6
Size Medium
Speed 30 feet
Ability Boosts Dex, Int, Wis
Ability Flaws Con
Languages Elven, Common
Traits Elf, humanoid
Heritage Seer Elf
Feats Elven Lore
Academy Dropout Ability Boosts: Dex and Int. Trained Arcana and Academia Lore. Dubious Knowledge skill feat.
Key Ability Dex
Hit Points 8 (+Con mod)/level
Trained in Perception
Expert in Fortitude saving throw
Trained in Reflex saving throw
Expert in Will saving throw
Trained in Arcana, and 2 + Int mod skills (3 total)
Trained in simple and martial weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks
Trained in light and medium armors
Trained in unarmored defenses
Trained in arcane spell attacks
Trained in arcane spell DCs
Arcane Spellcasting
Arcane Cascade
Conflux Spells Shielding Strike
Hybrid Study: Sparkling Targe gains Shield Block
Feats: Expansive Spellstrike
Spells: 8 cantrips Acid Splash, Chill Touch, Daze, Produce Flame, Puff of Poison, Ray of Frost, Scatter Scree, Tanglefoot, Telekinetic Projectile. 4 1st level +2 more 1st Admonishing Ray,Horizon Thunder Sphere, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking Grasp, Snowball, Thicket of Knives
Bwessara grew up in the Kyonin Forest. When a call for defenders went out for Lastwall, she answered. Since the falling of that nation, she helped people flee into the southern regions like Molthune. After several months of that, she needed to replenish her soul by visiting some forests. She's been wandering the area since then.
She was a student of an elven arcana school. Due to her tendency to steal from her fellow students and the shops in the town, she was dismissed from the school. She wants to become a well known magus to prove that it was wrong to dismiss her.
She favors using a whip in combat. One, it gives her a longer reach to Spellstrike. Two, it is the preferred weapon of Calistria, her favorite deity to worship.
That sounds good. As I said I don't feel as if Booky is my only option. I have a female dwarf rogue (not sure of the name) or a female elf magus (Bwessara) that may be better for the group.
Since the barbarian is leaving, maybe the party could use a character more capable in melee combat than Booky the witch? I don't have a problem at all with keeping Booky for another game and making a PC for melee.
Born in 4709 AR, Booky grew up in the Chitterwood, in the wake of the Goblinblood wars. It was a tenuous life as the tribe attempted to revitalize the forest's burned areas with the help from a group of druids. He learned to read at nine months old, basically teaching himself after another goblin taught him the letters.
At the request of the tribe's leaders, the druids brought more books than most of the goblins had ever seen before. Booky was enamored by the books: the elegant appearance of the letters as they orderly flowed across the page; the colorful illustrations; the feel of the leather in his hand. He tried making a few books, but he didn't have the proper supplies nor really know how to use them, so they were mostly lessons of what not to do.
The rest of his family and the others began calling him Booky because of his obsession with books. In time most people forgot his original name.
Two years ago, at the age of eight, he was in Elidir. It was his first time in the city. He pickpocketed a few humans at random to gain money to buy a book. From the last human, a woman in velvet blue robes, he stole a brass and crystal disk. As he turned it over, trying to make sense of it, he felt a prick. A hidden needle had stabbed his finger and drew blood. He went to a store that sold a variety of trinkets, books, and maps. He traded the object and the coins he had stolen for an old book about the Chitterwood Forest. Since then every so often his finger hurts from where it was stabbed.
Last year, he was reading a book as twilight deepened when a tiny owl landed in front of him. Booky held his breath momentarily in awe. He was stunned when the owl started to speak to him. At first he thought it was a druid's prank. After a few minutes he realized it wasn't a prank. This owl was offering to help him find more books than he could read in a lifetime. A forgotten library of the ancient Taldor Empire. He happily agreed and was soon roaming the countryside in search of clues to a library from the Third Army of Expansion.
Okay, I hope that's everything. Please let me know of any problems or concerns. Thanks.
Okay, I decided to go with a goblin witch. I'm not quite sure of the background. Would you allow the Hounded Thief background? If it has to be a campaign background, probably Refugee would be best...though Lost and Alone is tempting. I want to double check the character sheet before posting, plus get a little more than three sentences for the character's history.
For GM:
I thought it might be fun to have his patron be an empyreal lord like Ambretheil or Winlas (beings associated with the Great Library of Harmonious Scripture) or maybe the spirit of a great, lost library itself is the patron...like a library of Thassilon wants to be discovered so it finds a willing being to come find it.
I suggested a character for this game in May. I'm still interested in playing her although I would need to make the character sheet. I envisioned playing her as an intimidating presence, but I have the feeling the barbarian uses Intimidate in combat. I could take Thievery instead without a problem. Oh, her background may be a problem. A monk from Isger and the Sisters of the Golden Erinyes who came to town looking to bring orphans back to the monastery. So she'd be Lawful Evil, but I'd play it closer to Lawful Neutral to minimize any intra-party conflicts. If you think this character isn't a good idea, I'd make someone else (not LE). In the time it took me to write this I already talked myself out of this character. I'll work on something new. (Probably a monk with a different background).
I'm mostly finished with this elf magus with the Undercover Contender background (though it's possible to switch it to Second Chance Champion without much effort if too many people take Undercover Contender. The background was originally Second Chance after all). She will have the Sparkling Targe hybrid study and mostly use a whip to deliver her Spellstrikes.
Here's the background: Forty years ago, Bwessara fought in the Fists of the Ruby Phoenix tournament. After losing in the qualification rounds, she vowed to return. As she watched the rest of the tournament, she became convinced Volio, the man who defeated her, was cheating. Thus, she also vowed revenge. After the tournament, she tracked down Volio and beat him severely. Volio claimed he had been paid to cheat by a gambling house. Bwessara was
As the next tournament came closer, she realized she wasn't ready especially knowing that someone would likely cheat. She decided to change her fighting style completely. She spent twenty years learning arcane techniques to deliver magic spells through weapons. For the past eight years she's been adventuring to gain enough experience in combat and increase her notoriety to earn an invitation to the tournament. It worked because not only was she invited to the tournament, but she is working with the organizers to uncover the cheaters who will tarnish the tournament. There will be a familiar face at the tournament: Lovolio. True he is too old to fight now, but he will be watching his daughter Maudrine compete. Bwessara hopes they face each other at some point.
Here's the character sheet:
1 Magus Elf female
Senses Perception +16, +2 Initiative Bonus
AC 30 Fort +16, Ref +20, Will +18
Shield Steel Shield AC +2 H 5 BT 10
Hit Points 105
Speed 35 ft.
Melee Whip +20 1d4+4 S Disarm, Finesse, Nonlethal, Reach, Trip
Melee Rapier +20 1d6+4 P Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse
Str 16, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 10
Height 6’ 4” Weight 188 lbs. Age 91
Feats Steady Balance, Ancestral Paragon (Unwavering Mien), Cat Fall, Quick Jump, Fleet, Powerful Leap, Intimidating Glare, Water Sprint
SkillsMaster Athletics +20 Expert Acrobatics +20, Arcana +18, Nature +17 Trained Deception +13, Diplomacy +13, Lore: Elven +16, Lore Gladiatoria +l6, Occultism +16, Religion +15
Languages Elven, Common, Tian, Sylvan, Kitsune
Equipment Bulk Money
HP 6
Size Medium
Speed 35 feet
Ability Boosts Dex, Int, Wis
Ability Flaws Con
Languages Elven, Common
Traits Elf, humanoid
Heritage Seer Elf
Feats Elven Lore, Elven Instincts, Elf Step
Undercover Contender Ability Boosts: Dex and Con. Trained Deception and Underworld Lore. Lengthy Diversion skill feat.
Key Ability Dex
Hit Points 8 (+Con mod)/level
Expert in Perception
Expert in Fortitude saving throw
Expert in Reflex saving throw
Master in Will saving throw
Trained in Arcana, and 2 + Int mod skills (4 total)
Expert in simple and martial weapons
Expert in unarmed attacks
Trained in light and medium armors
Trained in unarmored defenses
Expert in arcane spell attacks
Expert in arcane spell DCs
Arcane Spellcasting
Arcane Cascade
Conflux Spells Shielding Strike
Hybrid Study: Sparkling Targe gains Shield Block
Feats: Expansive Spellstrike, Emergency Targe, Cascade Countermeasrue, Capture Magic, Dazzling Block
I think the only thing missing is gear. If there's a problem with anything, please let me know.Thanks for the opportunity.
Here's Abhijesh, under spoilers to keep the post small in appearance. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. Thanks for the opportunity. He's a tiefling barbarian who would take the wizard dedication upon 2nd level.
1 Human (tiefling) Barbarian Unsponsored
Senses Perception +5
AC 15 Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +5
Hit Points 22
Speed 25 ft.
Melee Dagger +7 1d4 1d4+4 (P) Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10', Versatile S
Melee Machete +7 1d6+4 (S) Deadly d8, Sweep
Melee Bastard Sword +7 1d8+4 (S) Two-Hand d12
Ranged Dagger +3 1d4+4 (P) Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10', Versatile S
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
Height 6’ 3” Weight 235 lbs. Age 34
Feats Skills Trained
Acrobatics +3
Athletics +7
Deception +4
Diplomacy +4
Intimidation +4
Lore (Academia) +5
Society +5
Survival +3
Thievery +3
Languages Vudrani, Taldane, Mwangi, Dwarven
Equipment Machete, Bastard Sword, Dagger, Studded Leather
Bulk Money
HP 6
Size M
Speed 25 feet
Ability Boosts Str, Int
Languages Vudrani
Traits human, humanoid
Heritage Tiefling
Feat Beastbrood
Unsponsored Ability Boosts: Con and Str. Trained in Diplomacy and Academia Lore. Group Impression skill feat.
Key Ability Str
Hit Points 10 (+Con mod)/level
Expert in Perception
Expert in Fortitude saving throw
Trained in Reflex saving throw
Expert in Will saving throw
Trained in Athletics, and 3 + 2 (Int mod) skills
Trained in simple weapons and martial weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks
Trained in light armors and medium armors
Trained in unarmored defenses
Trained in Class DC
Instinct Fury
Feat: Sudden Charge, Moment of Clarity
Ten minute background:
Five things: His parents abandoned him because he is a beastbrood, descended from a rakshasa.
He was raised in an orphanage run by tieflings.
His family are entertainers but he only learned this less than two years ago.
He meditates daily.
He feels cursed by a seed of fury that prevents him from reaching acceptance of his lot in life.
He likes the feeling of power and strength when he fights and embraces that fury. Sometimes, while in this rage he feels as if he is in a thoughtless state, much like meditation.
It's taken him nearly a year and a half to reach Nantambu from the island of Jalmeray.
He's over thirty years old. If he doesn't get into Magaambya this year, there is always another school year.
Two goals: First, find a means to remove the curse from his family. Second, help the orphans of Nantambu, by establishing a scholarship for some to study at Magaambya. Probably choosing Emerald Boughs as the primary branch of education and Rain-Scribes as a secondary branch.
Two secrets: He wants to find the curse's cure so that he can show his family that he didn't deserve to be raised in an orphanage. That he isn't worthless. That they made a huge mistake in turning him away. He hopes his parents and siblings are failures.
The secret he doesn't know: The woman got the wrong tiefling and he isn't actually her brother? He recently got a tape worm (some other parasite) that he doesn't know about?
Three people: Kibuwe is a friend, even father figure. He's a grandfather helping to support his grandchildren. He and Abhijesh are cargo porters at the docks. Abhijesh is very happy to listen to his advice.
Shabo, a merchant who hired Abhijesh in Kibwe, for protection while returning to Nantambu. He fell into the river and Abhijesh rescued him from a crocodile.
Neelduni Moneesh is a priest at an Irori temple in Nantambu. He thinks Abhijesh, by coming to Magaambya, is trying to rise above his caste. He spreads false rumors about him in the community?
Three memories: Meeting his sister for the first time, about seventeen months ago. Walking to work at the beginning of the day, people giving him space due to his caste, and a woman approached him, full of anger and leading six temple guards to apprehend him. Soon enough he was before a magistrate, hearing about his birth family for the first time as she brought forth her accusations. He laughed, nervous and incredulous. Without any hesitation he answered that he knew nothing about his family. He'd never been told their names. He didn't know if his parents were still living, nor how many siblings he had, nor where anyone lived.
"You must be desperate," he said. "Looking to blame someone, but do you really think I am responsible? I didn't even know you existed."
She spitted at him and walked out of the magistrate's room. The magistrate warned him that the matter wasn't settled yet. Abhijesh hid aboard a ship that day to sneak away.
Second memory: Hearing about Magaambya. He was twenty or so. It was during a festival celebrating the return of the Vudrani to the island. He was waiting in line at a food stall and there was an attractive elf standing in front of him. She was talking about Nantambu and Magaambya to a local temple guardian. There's plenty of magic and wonder in the world, he thought, but a place as welcoming and open as that...can it be real? Looking around at the splendor of the buildings, he lost his appetite but stayed in line so he could listen to the elf.
Third memory: Entering Nantambu for the first time. The city slid into view as he stood in the barge's bow, destined for Sharrowsmith Export's. As he left Shabo and the docks, many greeted him with a smile. One woman said, "Oh, you must have traveled far! Please come and rest." He waved off the tavern owner's invitation and proceeded to the Magaambya campus. Along the streets, the chimes of colored glass sang like music. It felt so different than Jalmeray. He knew pickpockets and criminals were lurking, as they did everywhere, but there was an opportunity, a potential here, he had never felt in Jalmeray. He had to find an alley and quietly weep.
Quirk: Extremely colorful clothes. He was only allowed to wear gray or brown as a low caste person. Now he has embraced life without castes by wearing garish, sometimes color-clashing garments.
Weakness: Studying. He didn't have many years of formal education. Sitting at a desk and studying gets tedious very quickly. He prefers to learn by discussion or hands-on-training, much like he did in the Iori temple where he was raised.
RP sample: Yoromishtali and Hoyleberry are current characters and good examples of my typical posts.
Here is Eegkokirro, a grippli plant whisperer rogue. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. The only thing I haven't completed is the mundane equipment. Thanks for considering him.
5 Rogue Male
Senses Perception +11
AC 22 Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +11
Hit Points 56/56
Speed 25 ft.
MeleeShortsword+1 +14 1d6+1 Agile, Finesse, Versatile S
Melee Dagger +13 1d4+1 Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10', Versatile S
Melee Sickle +13 1d4+1 Agile, Finesse, Trip
Ranged Blowgun +13 Agile, Nonlethal
Ranged Shortbow +13 1d6 (P) Deadly d10
Str 10, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 18
Height 2’ 2” Weight 21 lbs. Age 17
Acrobatics +14 Expert (Bracelets of Dashing +1 bonus)
Athletics +10 Expert
Crafting +9 Expert
Deception +13 Expert (Ventriloquist's Ring +1 bonus)
Diplomacy +10 Trained
Intimidation +10 Trained
Lore (Grippli) +7 Trained
Lore (Plant) +7 Trained
Lore (Kibwe) +9 Expert
Medicine +9 Trained
Nature +9 Trained
Performance +10 Trained
Society +7 Trained
Stealth +11 Trained
Survival +9 Trained
Thievery +11 Trained
Languages Grippli, Common
Magic Equipment Bag of Holding (lvl 4), Ventriloquist's Ring (lvl 3), Shortsword +1 (lvl 2), 1 vial of holy water (lvl 1), 2 minor healing potions (lvl 1)
Bulk Money Formulae Poisons: Arsenic, Giant Centipede Venom, Spear Frog Poison, Toad Tears, Yellow Musk Vial, Cytillesh Oil, Blue Dragonfly Poison, Violet Venom, Hunting Spider Venom.
Snares: Caltrop Snare, Dust Pods, Hampering Snare, Spike Snare, Biting Snare, Trip Snare.
HP 6
Size Small
Speed 25 feet
Ability Boosts Dex,Wis, Free (Str)
Ability Flaw Str
Low-Light Vision Languages Grippli, Common (Mwangi)
Traits grippli, humanoid
Heritage Poisonhide Grippli [i]Toxic Skin reaction[/]
Feats Grippli Lore, Jungle Strider
Plant Whisperer Ability Boosts: Cha and Dex. Trained in Nature and Plant Lore. Natural Medicine skill feat.
Key Ability Dex
Hit Points 8 (+Con mod)/level
Expert in Perception
Trained in Fortitude saving throw
Expert in Reflex saving throw
Expert in Will saving throw
Trained in Stealth and 7 +Int mod skills (7)
Trained in simple weapons, rapier, sap, shortbow, and shortsword
Trained in unarmed attacks
Trained in light armors
Trained in unarmored defenses
Trained in Class DC (21)
Rogue’s Racket: Scoundrel; Trained in Deception and Diplomacy
Sneak Attack 2d6
Surprise Attack
Class Feats: Tumble Behind, Distracting Feint, Poison Weapon
Skill Feats: Alchemical Crafting, Snare Crafting, Steady Balance, Terrain Expertise, Additional Lore (Kibwe)
Eegkokirro enjoys cultivating plants and fungi. He likes taking cutting from trees during his travels to propagate them at his village. He searches for new seeds to grow and knows a few people in Kibwe's surrounding region who will save him seeds. He also travels to other grippli villages to learn any new cultivation techniques they may have developed or to exchange seeds.
The members of Eegkokirro's village serve for two years in going to Kibwe two or three times a year. Eegkokirro enjoyed going so much he volunteered to continue porting trade goods. For seven years he's been going to Kibwe up to four times a year.
Eegkokirro is also a valuable defender of the village. When a bilokos raiding party absconded with a dozen children, Eegkokirro was one of the key people responsible for returning the children. After that raid he and some others built more defensive snares around the village. He's fought bandits, asanbosam, karina, and numerous animals in the region of Kibwe. He usually takes an extra day or two before returning home from Kibwe to make sure he wasn't followed by bandits. Such precautions have been rewarded on more than one occasion. For the wedding ceremony that united his village with another one, Eegkokirro taught a line dance to his village to perform as part of the festivities.
He is proficient at trapping animals and extracting their venom without killing them.
His best non-grippli friend is a leshy who lives ten miles to the east of the village.
I'm interested in this! Not only a Mwangi Expanse game, but a non-human one as well. I'm thinking of a grippli rogue (scoundrel's racket) that comes to Kibwe as a trader. He'd be very extroverted (for a grippli) and that's why he's been tasked with being the tribe's trader. Depending on the season, he'd be in town with animal hides, seeds, fruits, etc. looking to exchange them for material from the wider region, like the Screaming Forest or the Bandu Hills.He lives about four days north of Kibwe. I don't have a name yet for him.
About my character He would be a half-elf druid from Galt. He was involved in the first Revolution (so is about 90 years old), helping to form the Revolutionary Council. (Maybe wanting to join the Gray Gardners too?) After nearly meeting his end as the revolutionaries turned on themselves (background: Final Blade Survivor), he escaped into the wilderness. While in the Verduran forest he met a druid and began to study nature; finding peace away from the plotting and disappointments of society. They traveled the Golden Road and into the Mwangi Expanse as he learned the secrets of primal magic and the complexities and connections of the various ecosystems. When he was ready he journeyed to Casmaron by himself. He wandered for thirty years. There, he found people of all ancestries to be as complicated as the residents of Galt and other denizens of the Inner Sea Region. He often suspected while visiting a town that the residents were just as likely to behave like the Galtans if they found themselves in similar circumstances.
Six years ago he returned to Galt, but stayed away from the cities. He wanders the land, helping where he can when people need help. I'm still thinking of what level-appropriate adventures he could have while wandering around Galt, say as level 15 and 16. I'm not sure about any archetypes...maybe herbalist. He'd be a wild order druid, using wild shape often in combat.
About me: I've been playing on these boards for a number of years. This would be my second character accepted into a Pathfinder 2E game. My first PC (Cardren, a monk) reached third level. In general, no matter the rpg, I don't have much experience in high-level play. Cardren is a good representation of how I generally have been playing over the last two or three years. Looking at the posts from Septimilius for a Savage Worlds Conan game seven years ago, I'd say my style has been more consistent (in terms of word count) than I realized.