About GM Stargin
House Rules
'Block Initiative by GM'
When required the GM will roll initiative for players and NPCs. The results will be averaged and every distinct group will take their turns according to the averaged result for all the members of their group. Please let me know of any mistakes for Player initiative rolls and it can be retconned.
'Passive Perception'
Out of combat/high stress situations your characters will be taking 10 on Perception and any trained Knowledge Skill AT ALL TIMES. I will keep track of these skills and in every new area and will let your character know in spoilers what they see. If there is information that is hidden behind a check that is greater than 10 and lower than 20 away from your relevant skill than I will roll a d10 for you and add it to your take 10. No need to wait a day for someone to make one roll and then one more day for me to respond. On a Knowledge check you'll have to ask the appropriate question though while Perception is always active.
So if your character has a +3 in Kn:Local then I'll just tell the character the knowledge checks that are DC13 or lower when you ask (so if you ask what the name of the mayor is and that's a DC5 then you won't be flummoxed if you roll a 1 on a d20). If knowing the name of the local cutpurse is at DC15 then I will roll a d10 and if it rolls a 2 or higher then I will let you know. This was inspired by a Gumshoe system recruitment on these boards. I think it'll work well and it's definitely worth a shot.
In combat/high stress situations you roll as normal. This includes traps.
Character that have abilities that allow you you to take 10 in even high stress situations (such as Bard Lore Master for Knowledge checks) will enable Passive Perception/Knowledge even in those situations.
'The Sidekick Takes Over'
In the situation that a player character rolls a skill check and another player rolls an aid another check that has a higher result than the original player's result, the aiding player's result will be the one that applies against the Skill Check DC while the original character's roll will become an Aid Another Roll.
Of course this only applies if the skill check allows other players to aid.
'Healing Respite'
Outside of combat don't need to roll die for cure spells. Just take max.
'No Save. No Die'
No Save or Die spells like Phantasmal Killer, for either the PCs or the NPCs. Just run any new spell you pick up through me and we'll decide if they are Save or Die since it's a bit of a judgment call.
'What do you want to do? I don't know what do you want to do?'
A lot of stalling in PBP happens when a decision has to be made not everyone chimes in. So if two people say 'Let's go this way', the party goes that way, and the GM won't wait for the whole group to reach a consensus.
If one person has made a suggestion and no one else chimes in then the GM will go with that after two days.
"What Knowledge I roll!??"
When rolling to identify the nature or abilities of an enemy creature just roll a d20 for knowledge, I'll add your appropriate bonus on (if any) and let you know the result.
I don't like feat taxes on martials so I'm using a slightly tweaked version of a popular homebrew to reduce them significantly.
Here are the feat changes:
Martial Mastery and Martial Versatility
Gone. Combat feats like Weapon Focus now apply to weapon groups instead of a specific weapon by default.
Deft Maneuvers (New)
You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip, disarm, dirty trick, feint, reposition, or steal combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks with these combat maneuvers. Now a prerequisite for the relevant greater combat maneuver feats.
Powerful Maneuvers (New)
You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a bull rush, drag, overrun, or sunder combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks with these combat maneuvers. Now a prerequisite for the relevant greater combat maneuver feats.
Agile Maneuvers
Gone. A character can choose to add their dexterity instead of Strength to the CMB when attempting a DEFT MANEUVER.
Combat Expertise, Combat option for any class with at least +1 BAB.
Power Attack Combat option for any class with at least +1 BAB.
Piranha Strike Combat option for any class with at least +1 BAB
Deadly Aim Combat option for any class with at least +1 BAB.
Point-Blank Shot No longer a prerequisite for Precise Shot and comes free with it.
Dodgeability Feat
You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC. This bonus increases to +4 against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or within a threatened tile. A condition that makes you lose your Dex bonus to AC also makes you lose the benefits of this feat. (Basically combine Dodge and Mobility into one feat)
Greatly Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
Prerequisites Dex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB +6. In addition to the standard single extra attack you get with an off-hand weapon, you get a second attack with it, albeit at a –5 penalty. Once your BAB reaches +11, you also gain a third attack with your off-hand weapon, albeit at a –10 penalty. (Basically combine ITWF and GTWF into one feat).
Level(s)/Tier | HP: XX/XX | AC: XX / T: XX / FF: XX / DR: X, SR: X, Resist: X, Immune: X | Fort: +X, Ref: +X, Will: +X | M. Atk: +X, R. Atk: +X, M. Touch: +X, R. Touch: +X | CMB: +X, CMD: X | Init: +X, Perception: +X