brvheart |
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Recruiting for 6 players level 6 to start for 2007 edition of Jennel Jaquay's Dark Tower.
House Rules
1) Character creation:
A) Characters will be created with a 25 point buy.
B) Classes and weapons are restricted to European only.
C) Classes are Core Only, plus Arcanist, Swashbuckler, Warpriest. I might consider Gunslinger, but the gun powder rules are the simplified rules from Razor Coast and not Ultimate Combat. I might discuss others if they fit an old school theme.
D) Sources: Core Rules, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Magic after 5th level on DM approval on a case by case basis only. Additional Sources: Freebooter's Guide, A Brace of Pistols, Book of Magic Pirate Spells, 101 Pirate and Privateer Traits, Fire As She Bears, Pirates of the Inner Sea, Heart of the Jungle, Inner Sea World Guide, Isle of the Shackles and Dead Man's Chest.
E) Races Human, elf, half elf, dwarf, halfling, gnome, goblin, half-orc and orc.
2) Fumbles: Rolling a natural 1 in combat will result in a fumble ending the player action for the turn.
3) Skill checks.
A) Rolling a natural 1 on a skill check results in a -10 to the check.
B) Rolling a natural 20 on a skill check results in a +10 to the check.
4) Initiative: Rolling a natural 1 results in an initiative of a 1.
5) Area of Affect Spells:
A) The action of combat is considered a dance, therefore when an area of affect spell affects enemies that are in melee combat with adjacent characters they are considered to be in the area of affect.
B) Exceptions: Some spells are done on a line affect such as a lightning bolt and thus will not affect adjacent characters. Also the feat shape spell can shape the spell to only affect certain squares. Also spells that only affect squares do not affect adjacent squares.
6) Surprise Attacks: Amended back to RAW.***
7) Hit points: Reroll all natural 1's on hit point rolls. Barbarians can reroll all 1's and 2's.
8) Cure spells: If the die/dice are all natural 1's, reroll.
9) I don't take 10 or 20.
10) Dispel Magic I am rule 0ing Dispel magic back to the 10 level limit. If you want more than that, use Greater Dispel.
11) Note on ranged attacks: Cover: When firing through your allies they provide a +4 cover to the enemy. This is in addition to the -4 for firing into melee. Precise shot removes the latter only. Improved precise shot is needed to get around this. Now here is the kicker. If you miss by the cover, you hit the cover. Meaning you have a 20% chance of hitting your ally!
12) Giving an unconscious person a potion requires a DC15
heal check. If you fail by 5 you spoil the potion.
Dark Tower
Long has it been since anyone has heard from the village of Mitra’s Fist. Hundreds of years ago the village fell into
shadow beneath the shifting sands as the mighty gods Mitra and Set and their minions fought to destroy each other
through the annihilation of their sacred temples and artifacts. In the nearest towns and villages, tales can still be heard of
the folks who went to Mitra’s Fist in search of fortune among the buried ruins.
Among those tales there are no happy endings: the fortune seekers never returned, and the village of Mitra’s Fist has
grown quiet...too quiet. Rumors persist of sightings of villagers in Mitra’s Fist who should long ago have perished among
the sand, and of the horrors that haunt the night in Redmoon Pass. Occasionally, through error or bravado, caravans of
pilgrims or traders are known to have ventured into Redmoon Pass, but they are rarely, if ever heard from again.
Folks from the nearby towns and villages would have it known what has happened to their loved ones who have vanished
within Redmoon Pass. The priests of Mitra would have their shrine rebuilt upon its original site. The leaders from the
surrounding area would have the pass cleansed of the evil which has left Mitra’s Fist silent for 300 years. And the mighty
lords of Viridistan and the City State would pay handsomely to have the most direct trading route to the Holy Cities restored.
Yet the rumors are clear: none who go there have return to tell of it. Something unspeakably wrong lurks beneath the sands
of Mitra’s Fist…waiting…

Robert Henry |

Oh, all should be of some good alignment. Not really a good fit for barbarians or rangers. Just my opinion.
Curious, you mean because of the type of setting, or alignment preferences? Their half the full BAB classes available, or did you mean to include the Base Classes in your original list as well?
Edit: Are we doing background skills? Or using traits?

Robert Henry |

All right, settled on a human Paladin of Mitra. I'll look and see if there are any archetypes from the four source books you listed. Background will be pretty vanilla. Any nearby towns or places to springboard off of?

Oceanshieldwolf |
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Having thought about it a little, I do remember that despite my aversion to starting at a higher level, Morgan was 5th level (?) at Razor Coast Texas Style’s inception. So maybe I could do this. However, I was musing on making an Inquisitor, and now see a Paladin and a Warpriest. Though three different interpretations of the implementation of an instrument of the divine could be interesting…

Aurora Shadowbane |

Yes on base classes no on background skills. Hard to see aa religious barbarian, not impossible though Not a complete requirement when you think of Conan.
Banned classes: Alchemist, Ninja, Samurai, Summoner, Bloodrager, Brawler, Investigator, Skald, Slayer, & Unchained classes.
Allowed classes: Arcanist, Hunter, Shaman, Swashbuckler, Warpriest, Cavalier, Magus, Oracle, Witch.
PF 1E Core Rules (All Classes, Prestige and Archetypes), APG (Including Alternate Racial Features); UEquip, UCom/UCam/UM/ACG; Wilderlands Player's guide races with approval, Quadira, People of the Sands, Reign of Fire, Osirian.
Think Babylon vs Egypt in the Russian steps and Caucus mountains.

brvheart |
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A paladin, a warpriest, and an Inquisitor walk into a bar in some back water in Khemit. The bartender seems to have strange facial features of a lion. He gives you all a drink and you have visions of a most beautiful white tower and you know you must travel westward along the caravan routes to Mitra's Fist.

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Allowed classes: Arcanist, Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Cavalier, Druid, Fighter, Hunter, Inquisitor, Magus, Monk, Oracle, Paladin, Shaman, Ranger, Rogue, Sorceror, Swashbuckler, Warpriest, Wizard, Witch.
I am not sure yet, but it looks like we have melee and divine covered. So I am thinking arcane or Striker type.

brvheart |

Capital: Thybos
Notable Settlements: many
Ruler: Pharaoh Tuthmosis IX, third ruler of the 39th
(Wahibren) Dynasty
Government: monarchy and bureaucracy
Population: 5,816,434 (5,618,146 Khemitite, about 150,000
Desertfolk, 48,288 other human ethnicity)
Monstrous: kobolds, dwarves (mountains), gnolls, ommoths,
sand krakens, sphinxes (desert)
Languages: Khemitian
Religion: Pharaonic pantheon
Resources: crops, beer, wine, olive oil, gold, silver, copper, iron,
salt, alum, natron, knowledge, history, sandstone, limestone,
marble, granite, porphyry, semi-precious gems, antiquities, trade
Currency: Khemitian
Technology Level: High Middle Ages (metropolises), Dark
Ages (other cities), Iron Age (rural areas)

Robert Henry |

mmm I assume were starting from there, but not necessarily from there. I figure my paladin is the second born son of a low level nobleman, fist son will be hier, second son sent to serve the church. Would one of the happy notheastern lands; Anioch or Baalthaaz or Ifthaaz work ok for that sort of thing? Or should he be further north, or should I change the background?
Also, dress, armor, weapons and style, more 'western' (European) or more middle eastern?
Did someone ask about Dieties?

brvheart |

Yes to Ultimate Magic, looks good Silas but you are 2 levels too high. I am looking at level six here. And while I link to Golarian in my world, it is some 3000+ miles to the east. This is the Lost Lands.
Considering the area is in Libinos, yes the dress and style would be more middle eastern. Khemet is basically Egypt under a pharaoh. Your background is up to you as to how extensive you want to be. Babylonian works also for worshipers of Mitra.

brvheart |

My campaign is more of an old school struggle between good and evil, so I guess shining knights would be closest but it can be dark at times. I reward good characters being good, what can I say? Especially in this game, one character can come out of here at level 12 like a bandit! f you can make me a good case for a neutral thief, I would allow that just not CN.

Robert Henry |

The party still needs a thief and a front line fighter. ...
Ouch, I thought a Paladin was a front line fighter...
If I need to I can bring a Burglar to the party instead of a Paladin. We can make the call when we get closer to the end of the recruitment.
As for the 'not a frontliner' paladin, going to need some HP.
first level will be 10, next five rolled: HP level 2-6: 5d10 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 6, 9) = 21 yikes!
7) Hit points: Reroll all natural 1's on hit point rolls. Barbarians can reroll all 1's and 2's.
reroll 2nd lvl and 4th lvl: 2d10 ⇒ (10, 10) = 20 wow, I'll take those.
with + 2 constitution and the feat Toughness and favored class: 73 hp = 10+10+4+10+6+9+ 6(2 [con]+1[toughness]+1[FC])

Aurora Shadowbane |

Paladins are cavaliers sub class fighters and the best strikers, they are the best against evil and undead, which is exactly what we need here, but Mano on Mano a neutral fighter against a paladin wins every time due skill and feats with sheer power.
Reroll 1s on hit dice and we do need the paladin, but make sure to keep his strength and Charisma high for channels and healing.
We also need the warpriest to focus on clerical side, EVIL EVERYWHERE. CHILLING BREATH FOG KIND OF EVIL.

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@brvheart: got a few questions:
Can you list any other faiths aside from Mitra? There are also inquisitors who follow an ideal rather than being a tacit agent of a temple. Would that is be ok?
I’ll probably also need some assistance with purchasing magic gear for a 6th level character.
Faiths are Core, Greek, Babylonia, Persian, Egyptian, Mediterranean, and Norse mythology. A Little bit of Jewish too.
Good luck on getting much magic at this level, maybe 1 prized Magic item and some potions or scrolls. A belt of Tumbling is cheap.

Aurora Shadowbane |

dress, armor, weapons and style, more 'western' (European) or more middle eastern?
Yes, probably time frame first Crusade post Roman but still polytheism as holy Roman empire never took hold. So the eastern culture is dominant
How about instead of a bard, for Silas hawkwinter, take a look at the Swashbuckler whirling Dervish class?
We could use a follower of Ishtar (aka Seronae)

Silas Hawkwinter |

I was thinking about playing a melee support cavalier (tactics!)
to complement a paladin front liner, although mounts probably wont work out in dungeons.
That said I do like the idea of a swashbuckler, although whirling Dervish is from Advanced Class Origins which I think isn't on the allowed source list? Mind you if Advanced Class Origins is allowed, that potentially opens up Daring Champion.