Ramoska Arkminos

Axolotl's page

Organized Play Member. 794 posts (15,046 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters. 44 aliases.


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This sounds interesting! As we have a ranger type and a healer type, that probably means you need a skilly/trappy person and a magicky type. Let me think about this. Maybe a face/sorcerer, but I'm not sure yet. Seconding the question about whether there are restrictions on race, archetype, background, etc. Thanks!

Tonatiuh Ramírez wrote:

Only 1 Week Left!

GMs, with only 1 week left in Outpost VII play, you should be winding down your tables (assuming you aren’t already finished) and getting them ready for reporting by our HQ crew. Hopefully you are in a good place to finish by the May 13 end date, but if not, please go ahead and mark your tables Ready for Reporting by May 13 so we can wrap up the convention in time for Paizocon. Then, finish your games as soon as you can. If you need assistance in pushing your game to the finish, please contact your PBP lodge Venture Officers.

I just wanted to say--I like your screen name. :) Tlazocamahti/matétera bá.

I am intrigued, but I do think that the stress/sanity system will fell your fighters and barbarians and favor your magic users.

Background for Grolugh:


Driven south after the Quest for Sky, many orcs went as far as Garund, and some continued to make their way through the Mwangi Expanse, finally settling in the borderlands of Droon and Holomog as beast riders. The iruxi and humans found them to be companiable enough, and fierce fighters when a call to arms was needed.

Such was the family Grolugh was born into; riders and warriors, serving either Droon or Holomog depending on whose need was greatest. Grolugh learned the faith of Mazludeh and served as a protector on land caravans, navigating past the dangerous land of Geb and the fields of maidens that warned Holomans not to come closer. When Holomog called upon citizens and mercenaries alike to quest north and gather information on Arazni and other changes in the celestial hierarchy—anything that might give Holomog an advantage in future conflicts—Grolugh volunteered, dreaming of adventure.

Despite never having been on a spice ship, he found himself enjoying the view from the prow, immune to any sea sickness. As a follower of Mazludeh, he would work for community and balance, and savor the peace of tea at twilight…and as a warrior of Holomog and Droon, he would strike down enemies swiftly and surely.

Welp, glad I didn’t make Grolugh a priest of Gorum!

Sorry, I didn't include the other application info. :)

Player name/OOC: Axo or Axolotl
Pronouns: he/him

Character name: Grolugh
Pronouns: he/him
Ancestry: Orc
Background: Warrior
Class: Warpriest Cleric.

I have a zillion profiles, so if it's ok, I'll reserve making one if and when Grolugh is accepted. Thanks!

I have whomped up an Orc Warpriest. Grolugh. He's a historian of warfare and orc warfare. History. Things!


Grolugh Cleric 1
NMediumOrcHold-Scarred OrcHumanoid
Perception +5; Darkvision
Languages None selected
Skills Acrobatics +1, Athletics +6, Intimidation +4, Lore: Orc +3, Lore: Warfare +3, Religion +5, Survival +5
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1
Items Chain Mail, Steel Shield (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10)
AC 18 (+20 with shield raised); Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7
HP 22
Shield Block
Speed 25 feet
Melee Shield Boss +6 (Attached to Shield), Damage 1d6+3 B
Melee Spear +6 (Monk, Thrown 20 ft.), Damage 1d6+3 P
Divine Prepared Spells DC 15, attack +5; 1st Heal, Heal, Heal, Heal; Cantrips
Divine Prepared Spells DC 15, attack +5; 1st Heal, Bless; Cantrips Light, Prestidigitation, Forbidding Ward, Divine Lance, Vitality Lash
Additional Feats Additional Lore, Diehard, Hold-Scarred Orc, Intimidating Glare, Orc Lore
Additional Specials Anathema, Cleric Spellcasting, Deity, Divine Font (Healing Font), Doctrine (Warpriest), Sanctification

His deity is Mazludeh, so I gotta figure out a way he's gotten to Avistan from Holomog. Ship's cleric, I think.

I like PF2E a lot, and the idea of fun delves that don't require huge commitment is a plus for me!

Dez: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Anyanka: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Elbrynn: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Yrja: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Orik: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Well, so far, I've been sick, which caused me to have to postpone a surgery.

Ironically, that makes me feel less dreadful (literally), so yay?

Sorry, folks! I was afk!

Pathbuilder link for Dramiil. He has a few Uncommon items: Stone Ring for rituals (like the Harrowing ritual), and Bismuth Leopards because shiny temporary animal companions.

Dramiil Pathbuilder

updating tally:

Soldier 1st: Fervor Witch blaster/healer/skillmonkey
ZetaGilgamesh: Tendal Deverin, wizard/scholar
Billy Bardy: Bardy Bard
Slick Silvertongue: Fighter
Super Zero: Sprite Rogue
polyfrequencies: Nubnonk, Goblin Thaumaturge
Chapel Ty'El: Barbarian w/ Linguist free archetype
Irnk: dotting for interest
Axolotl: Dramiil Rau, Psychic w/ Harrower free archetype
Codanous: Thorgar Stonebloom, Druid w/ bear Animal Companion

Whoa, this coming Monday? Ok ok, here's Dramiil. I went with a Psychic. The sheet doesn't have the Harrower archetype on it, because that's not on Pathbuilder yet. ;)


Dramiil Rau Psychic 11
CG Medium Human Versatile Heritage Humanoid
Perception +18;
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Jotun
Skills Acrobatics +19, Arcana +20, Athletics +13, Crafting +18, Diplomacy +13, Intimidation +13, Lore: Planar Rift +18, Nature +16, Occultism +20, Religion +18, Society +20, Stealth +17
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +0
Items Unarmored, Stone Circle, Wyrm on the Wing, Bracers of Missile Deflection (Greater)
AC 27; Fort +18, Ref +19, Will +20
HP 107
Mental Static
Bracers of Missile Deflection (Greater)
Speed 25 feet
Psi Burst
Trick Magic Item
Scour the Library
Unleash Psyche
Recall the Teachings
Wyrm on the Wing
Occult Known Spells DC 30, attack +20; 6th Wall of Force, Collective Transposition (1 slots); 5th Banishment, Stagnate Time, Strange Geometry (2 slots); 4th Blink, Dimensional Anchor, Dimension Door (2 slots); 3rd Inner Radiance Torrent (H+1), Mind of Menace, Rally Point (2 slots); 2nd Blood Vendetta, Invisibility, Enlarge (2 slots); 1st Magic Missile, Bless, Thoughtful Gift (2 slots); Cantrips Daze, Guidance, Detect Magic, Electric Arc
Focus Spells (3 points) Distortion Lens Range 30 feet; Area one 5-foot square Duration sustained up to 1 minute You create a magical lens that distorts space as best suits you. You create the lens in a space in range, even suspended in midair. If your or an ally's ranged attack passes through the lens, the attack gains an additional 10 feet of range; if an enemy's ranged attack would pass through the lens, it requires an additional 10 feet of range to move through, though the enemy knows before using its ability whether the interference puts the target out of range. An ally whose space overlaps the lens can increase the range of its ranged attacks, but an enemy whose space overlaps the lens doesn't reduce the range of its ranged attacks. The first time each round you Sustain the Spell, you can choose to relocate it to another square within range. The lens disappears if you cast distortion lens again. Heightened (+3) The lens increases or decreases the range of abilities by an additional 5 feet. Amp The lens can interfere with creatures as well as attacks. Once during a Medium or smaller ally's move action, the ally can move into and out of the lens's square without that square counting against the total distance moved. Conversely, the lens is difficult terrain for your enemies.
Phase Bolt (Amped) Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature You point your finger and project a bolt of magical energy that stutters in and out of phase until it reaches the target. Make a ranged spell attack roll against your target's AC; if the target has any circumstance bonuses to AC (such as from a shield or cover), reduce that bonus by 2 for this attack. On a success, you deal 1d4 plus your spellcasting ability modifier piercing damage. On a critical success, the target takes double damage. Heightened (+1) The bolt's damage increases by 1d4. Your phase bolt temporarily sends the target's cover out of phase if it hits. On a success, reduce the target's circumstance bonus to AC by 1 until the beginning of your next turn. Your phase bolt also gains the following amp. Amp Your bolt leaves phase completely, becoming invisible and intangible until it's already embedded in the target - giving the impression it simply teleported itself into place. The target is flat-footed against the attack. Additionally, the bolt ignores an amount of Hardness or resistance to piercing damage equal to half the spell's level. On a critical success, the target can't be affected by teleportation effects until the start of your next turn. Amp Heightened (+1) The bolt's damage increases by 2d4 instead of 1d4.
Warp Step (Amped) When you walk, the earth warps beneath your feet - your steps extend, distance contracts, and everything is just a little bit closer. You gain a +5-foot status bonus to your Speed until the end of your turn. You then Stride twice. You can use warp step to Burrow, Climb, Fly, or Swim instead of Stride if you have the corresponding movement type. You warp space more compactly, granting you a +10-foot status to your Speed instead of a +5-foot status bonus when you warp step. The spell also gains the following amp. Amp Space contracts with hardly a thought, letting you Cast the Spell as a single action. Amp Heightened (4th) You twist space so completely you don't need to travel the interposing distance. You can choose to instead teleport to a space within your line of sight and line of effect with a range equal to your double your Speed. This grants the spell the teleportation trait.
Ghostly Shift Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Duration sustained up to 1 minute Your body becomes insubstantial as you partially phase out. You gain resistance 2 to all damage (except force). Heightened (+2) The resistance increases by 1. Amp Your insubstantiality is complete enough that you can pass through other creatures, causing painful interference effects when you do so. Once each round when you Stride, Burrow, Swim, or Fly, you can pass through one creature's space during that action without needing to attempt a check to Tumble Through, though you can't end your turn in its space. When you pass through a creature's space in this way, you deal 2d6 force damage to that creature, with a basic Fortitude save. Amp Heightened (+2) Increase the damage dealt by phasing through a creature by 1d6.
Telekinetic Rend Range 60 feet Area 2 non-overlapping 5-foot bursts Saving Throw basic Fortitude Your mind creates a violent axis of motion in a nearby space. You deal your choice of 1d6 bludgeoning or 1d6 slashing damage to all creatures in the area, with a basic Fortitude save. A creature large enough to be in more than one of the bursts takes damage only once. Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d6. Amp Your thoughts expand in scope and power. The bursts deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage and 1d6 slashing damage, instead of the usual damage. A creature that critically fails its save is also stunned 1. Amp Heightened (+2) Both types of damage increase by 1d6 instead of just one. Add a third non-overlapping 5-foot burst to the area.
Tesseract Tunnel Duration sustained up to 1 minute You race from point to point, tearing open a tunnel in space. You create a portal in your current space and then Stride, creating another portal in the space you end your Stride. Until the beginning of your next turn, any creature that enters the first portal can immediately transport itself to the exit portal as part of its move action, which adds the teleportation trait to its movement. You can have only one tesseract tunnel open at a time; creating another causes the first to immediately close. You can use tesseract tunnel while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type. Amp Physical movement is no longer necessary to connect two points in space. When you cast tesseract tunnel, you simply create a tunnel that ends in a square within a range equal to your Speed; you can choose to immediately teleport to the space at the far end of the tunnel. Furthermore, the tunnel can be traversed in both directions, instead of only from entrance to exit. Finally, the spell's duration changes to 1 minute. You can Dismiss the spell.
Additional Feats Adapted Cantrip, Adaptive Adept, Cooperative Nature, Cooperative Soul, Deceptive Worship, Keen Follower, Mental Balm, Parallel Breakthrough, Root Magic, Schooled in Secrets, Skill Training, Slippery Prey, Tattoo Artist
Additional Specials Clarity of Focus, Conscious Mind (The Unbound Step), Extrasensory Perception, Great Fortitude, Parallel Breakthrough (Telekinetic Rend), Precognitive Reflexes, Psi Cantrips And Amps, Psychic Spellcasting, Signature Spells, Skill Training (Nature), Subconscious Mind (Gathered Lore), Walls of Will


Dramiil was born in Kaer Maga to a Tien father and a mother of Shoanti and Varisian heritage. He was a bright, happy child, part of a large extended family that included the owners of Thrown Bones, and took to his studies assiduously--an error that caught up to the prodigious student. Not yet a stripling, Dramiil fell in with a group of dangerously curious Runeguard cultists working to open a strangely patterned artifact found in a flooded level of the Undercity. Dubbed the Wyrding Tesselation, it seemed to have to do with planes and the flow of time.

As his mentors tried and failed to activate it, Dramiil grew curious and impatient and went in, late at night, to its storage chamber to attempt to succeed where they could not. Unfortunately, he accomplished his goals. The Tesselation opened up weaves and planes in hideous geometries not meant for the human mind, and Dramiil was fractured into slices, scattered among worlds and timelines. When the artifact shut off, just seconds later, what hastily reassembled in the chamber was Dramiil in name only, a confused shell of what he had been.

Over the next two years, the boy who had been Dramiil slowly put the puzzle pieces of his mind and soul back together, although he knew he wasn't 'him' anymore--he was left-handed now, and one eye darkened from hazel to a deep brown that almost touched black. His being flickered from step to step on this plane, but by seeking out osteomancers at the Godsmouth and troll haruspices, he learned how to control it. He learned to divine the future, or at least, see possibilities, in the cracking of leg bones and scapulae, and learned to draw from a Harrow deck. While his heart still dove down into despair at times, Dramiil did his best to put a good face on the early loss of his former self, and endeavored to work to aid people in need, moving from Ankar-Te to The Bottoms to The Warrens as needed.

His peaceful routine changed when the alarms rang out across Kaer Maga--there were signs of sihedrons across Varisia and strange rune sorcery activating in Magnimar and the like. Dramiil investigated and found a call for would-be heroes to gather in Roderic's Cove. Once there, he joined with others and faced the threat of newly arisen Runelords and a Runeplague. Together, they were able to defeat the Runeplague, but only barely, and had to retreat, wounded and broken, as others continued on, to confront the Runelord Alaznist. While the other heroes defeated Alaznist, Dramiil was dismayed to learn that the other Runelords were granted the lands of New Thassilon, which felt uncomfortably close to Kaer Maga to him. Seeking a change, Dramiil and some companions went south, to Nirmathas.

Dramiil once again found himself in a quieter existence--far quieter than the bustle of Kaer Maga, of course. He and his companions healed their wounds and removed their curses, and he studied the planes and portals at the Temple of Alseta. A season of calm passed, and then Dramiil awoke, tangled in his sheets and sweating on a cool autumn night, still thrashing his limbs from a dream...

He had been cut again into a thousand shards of existence, but this time, put back together in a warm, bustling day-market that he somehow knew must be the Grand Bazaar of Absalom, though he had never visited. The scent of flowers, of roasting meat, a sign, and then a scream sent him falling through nothingness to awaken in his bed in the stillness of darkened Tamran. An unfamiliar shape nestled in his hand--an exquisitely detailed, still warm as if touched by the Absalom sun, card of the Harrow Deck.

Doing a tally:

Soldier 1st: Fervor Witch blaster/healer/skillmonkey
ZetaGilgamesh: Tendal Deverin, wizard/scholar
Billy Bardy: Bardy Bard
Slick Silvertongue: Fighter
Super Zero: possible Rogue
polyfrequencies: Nubnonk, Goblin Thaumaturge
Chapel Ty'El: barbarian linguist
Irnk: dotting for interest
Axolotl: can't frickin decide but there seems to be a lack of Primal/Divine folks. Will definitely take Harrower Free Archetype.

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Lol, yessss! A sorcerer with Diplomacy who can't speak the languages, translated via a Barbarian. :D

My sorcerer will be from Kaer Maga, and I'm thinking my theoretical group would be based in Nirmathas for centrality and liberation whatnot.

Hey Chapel!

Yeah, let's see, a bit about my gaming experience. I started with 1E as a wee lad, then wandered off into other games (Chaosium's CoC and Stormbringer), and then resumed gaming with PF1E around 2012. I've been running a Reign of Winter game for a number of years and am in an Age of Ashes game as a Lvl 6 druid right now, and as Chapel mentioned, I'm running some introductory PF2E PFS Scenarios (but not for PFS credit).

I do my best to be a once-per-day poster. The Age of Ashes game was initially at about five posts per day and I struggled to keep up with other enthusiastic players, but it's cooled down now. ;)

I also noticed a heck of a lot of casters and will have a think. The Harrow Sorcerer isn't on Pathbuilder nor Wanderer's Guide yet, but I still dig it. However...if there really aren't many rogues and primal/divine folks, I'll muse on that.

oh hold the phone--I'm gonna make a Harrowed Sorcerer with the Harrower Free Archetype. ALL the Harrowing!

How about a gnome summoner riding a dragon eidolon? Kind of a face/melee/smattering of spells role.

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I've had many things to think about, and I will put my hat in the ring to GM something soon. Obviously, a lot has happened (*cough* that other game) and also, a wonderful AP I'm in may have just lost our GM...and I'm also looking for work/freelancing...so life has been complicated lately.

However! I'll give a go at GM'ing something. Gimme a few weeks.


Onward! :)

I'm going to look at them all and see which season I like the best.

Perhaps the conceit will be that we hate the money grubbing, murder hobo-ing Pathfinder Society. :D

I'm hearing y'all. I wish it were the option that some people could be PFS and some couldn't!

Maybe I'll just do it with PFS modules (scenarios, sorry; grognard) but not with PFS builds nor credit. :D

Oh yeah, in the GM 101 and 201 documents there are actually loads of examples of excluding or dismissing problematic players, so yeah, I can totally pick folks. And even have private games (with no recruitment), etc.

All great points, Watery Soup.

As a matter of fact, as I am going to probably run PFS Scenarios (they seem to be better than Bounties), we can even consider running this in PFS rules.

The hitches are:

1. I just have Pathbuilder, so I am not sure if I can check if characters are PFS-legal.

2. I haven't ever GM'd a PFS game. I'll have to read up on it to make sure I don't accidentally run a scenario incorrectly and foul it up for y'all's credit.

Most PFS games online here are pickup games via the Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge. I would prefer to choose players based on camaraderie and so forth...I think I'm allowed to do that rather than first come, first serve...but I need to check.

So, the folks chosen can get the best of both worlds, ideally. However, let me make sure what I am proposing is itself PFS-legal. For example, excluding a character submission in favor of another that is more flavorful, but was submitted later. If that is not legal (and it may not be, so that people don't get negged at a convention or rejected from games due to racism, sexism, homophobia, some other bias) then I'll have to reconsider.

Digging all the interest. :)

Some technical stuff:

I've poked around Foundry VTT and found it a little difficult to use. Kind of a walled garden, although neat. And yeah, I bought it. Also, Pathbuilder 2E no longer imports into it.

I don't want people to have to deal with multiple technologies, so I'll probably just do the game with maps on Google Slides as I have previously (unless the assemble group looooves Roll20 or Foundry).

I bought one Bounty and found it to be incredibly short and not super intriguing. I'll have a think about what to use instead.

It's weird that there isn't more PF2E, eh? I am enjoying the system so much.

I'm pleased to see all of the interest, both from folks who haven't played or been on the forums much, and some names I recognize! :)

To answer a few questions:

1. I don't think I would want to reduce posting to less than once/day. Of course things can keep people from posting, but if you set it at say, 2x/week, it will drop to 1/week, then 1 post every two weeks...and that is the way that play by post adventures die.

2. I fully intend to do a module (er, bounty) and then try for another. Probably three of 'em. I have found that APs can die after a few years of slogging, and also, no offense to homebrewers, but every single homebrew I've been in has died an early death. Modules seem like the middle ground.

3. Monks are neato in PF2E.

4. Gishes are possible via Thaumaturge, Magus, or Free Archetype (which I may implement), or via other sources I haven't considered.

5. Oh, and plain ol' fighters are cool in PF2E as well. It's a great system, as far as I've seen.

I'll let this simmer for a bit more and then begin my plans.... ;)

Yeah, I don't recommend PFS as a way to jump into Pathfinder, as there are lots of little stuffy rules for Organized Play, and the scenarios run fast and don't, in general, have the same camaraderie as a campaign...in my personal experience.

I would run this on Paizo's forum with a possible OOC chat in Discord. :)

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I have been silently bemoaning the lack of PF2E opportunities on these boards, and I decided to be part of the solution. I want to run some shorter PF2E bounties or adventures, like The Whitefang Wyrm, and lead people through something, say, from levels 1-4. I like groups of 3-4, 5 maximum, and I like to be a cheerleader for my players rather than, y'know, Grimtooth.

I would do this using Pathbuilder and possibly would spring for Foundry VTT, which can apparently incorporate Pathbuilder forms! :)

I wouldn't be running this for PFS and I'd be happy to take PF2E newbies, and newbies in general.

About me online: I've been playing PF since 2012, always play by post or play by email (or play by Discord post, which was fun). I'm GMing a Reign of Winter campaign that has been going well, and am in a wonderful, rollicking, large Age of Ashes party. I'm a once a day type poster ideally, although sometimes work deadlines make that difficult.

About me offline: Grognard, I guess, since I started with 1E of That Game, not that I have ever been a rules expert, and I spend my time working in music or trying to smash the system, maaan, and growing native plants. I often have a cat or dog sitting on me, as one does.

Post if you are interested!

Congratulations, all!

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Caelius Giando wrote:

Apologies, Shadowlord, it opens a pdf when I click the link but there might be a permission somewhere I'm not aware of.

Trying again: Caelius Giando

that worked!

Axolotl wrote:

Ok, I'm interested!

Here's a Pathbuilder link to my character (I'm pretty sure they export nicely to Foundry as well...)

Reyek is a human monk with sylph ancestry, former miscreant and abused acolyte, current swamp scoundrel with a half-orc 'brother'.

** spoiler omitted **...

Are we spozed to declare Free Archetypes for Level 2? Rogue for Reyek, for sneaky tumbles and trapfinding, I think.

Ok, I'm interested!

Here's a Pathbuilder link to my character (I'm pretty sure they export nicely to Foundry as well...)

Reyek is a human monk with sylph ancestry, former miscreant and abused acolyte, current swamp scoundrel with a half-orc 'brother'.


Reyek is a lean, rangy youth with a wide smile and long, wavy hair often pulled up into a bun. His bronze skin and features reflect a mix of Taldane, Garundi, Qadiran, and Jalmeray--but Reyek has no idea of his parentage. He was a foundling in Absalom, winding up in a monastery of a sect best left unmentioned--the priests regularly abused the children and entertained themselves by setting up fights between younger acolytes and older ones. In this awful environment, Reyek found himself possessed with the skill to survive, whether from his sylph ancestry or from some inner drive to live. He befriended a clever half-orc boy named Evron, and together they planned their escape.

The streets of Absalom, outside the walls of the monastery, were less brutal--but Reyek and Evron's nascent attempts at begging and thieving soon drew the attention of multiple street gangs and guilds. While Reyek proved himself worthy in a few hard-fought brawls, he feared for Evron, and they made their way to Otari, quickly starting a somewhat safer, but still dangerous, business: transporting goods to and from Meravon, through the Fogfens. They were faster than the river, but the trips were risky. Evron's ingenious wheeled punt that both worked as card and boat and Reyek's fists saved them from deadlines and malevolent creatures almost every excursion. The time they met a string of dancing lights, though, was the worst--they followed it for a league before realizing their enchantment, and breaking it with a series of swear words and brandished punting poles. Fogfen Ferrying Services took a week off after that.

With Evorn increasingly drawn towards safer, lucrative shipwright work for the harbor, Reyek feels a little lost. When Wrin tracks him down to tell him out the illumination at the Gauntlight, he feels like he has purpose again.

and here's a link to Reyek's PDF.

Colorfoot wrote:
Hi! I'm looking for a PF2e pbp game. I'm still relatively new (I've played a couple of PFS scenarios. Literally 2 :)) but I've got a level 1 ranger I built for PFS that I'd love to play somewhere. I don't know enough to know which Adventure Paths she'd fit into, but I'm pretty flexibile as a player and could make most things work. I've got bunches of pbp and TTRPG experience, just not with PF2e.

Yeah, it's weird how there are so few PF2E recruitment threads. I wonder if this AP thread could be cloned to make one for PF2E APs? :)

Elfriede Vass wrote:
Elfriede is interested. I tried to convert her, more or less, to 2e, but she's my first build in 2e, so if anyone has advice or wants to explain that I messed something up, I'm game to hear it.

Pathbuilder is fantastic. I paid for it (I think $5?) and totally worth it.

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working a bit on "alluring Nymph bloodline gnome sorcerer" in a way that won't be too annoying to rp.

I know that Kittenmancer! :D

The wedding wasn't too shabby either, held in a 'barn' in a thunderstorm.

Ok, so I got the Bing Redirect 'virus' and had to reset Chrome, and thought I had lost Lisi for a bit there. Lisi is ok, whew. And whoever created that Redirect malware deserves a truly foul fate.


Yes, you can "cheat" by rolling, then seeing that it's low, and saying you do two things and using the crummy thing for the low roll and then the thing you actually want to do for the next roll.

Not very sporting.

Yasami, the idea of The Phantom Menace as a poorly run Star Wars RPG campaign tickled my funny bone years ago. I think they did that for all the movies.

Makes it easier on everyone! Abolish work!

ok, here's a 10 minute background for Lisitsei.


Recent Impressions

The young goblin can’t stop shaking, even when Lisitsei applies the healing plaster to the long tear in their their side. ”Me need–fire–need to cauterize it,” they say. Lisi is rather impressed the goblin can say cauterize in Taldane. ”It’s ok, Kluvenk. We don’t do cautery. This will heal. Just breathe,” says the druid, efficiently patting the plaster into place with tanned hands. Poor kid, whatever did this had venom in its saliva. A few more hours and they would be burning with fever, maybe worse. And their family can’t pay, and I really need funds for the next grove purchase… He puts his worries away and focuses on soothing the goblin kit. Eventually Kluvenk stops shuddering in pain and rests next to his worried parents.


Lisi stands in contemplation, sunset limning his features in the Crimson Tide Wood. Before him is a gigantic furry creature, frozen, ready to attack or flee–a giant shrew, of all things. ”Hello, friend. Haven’t seen you before,” he says gently. ”I think you got hungry and came close to the goblin lands, didn’t you.” The shrew, of course, doesn’t answer, but makes a low angry churring sound deep in its throat.

Lisitsei clears his throat. ”These woods keep getting raked over, friend, like dying coals. I’m so sorry. Let me give you directions to where there is better hunting. More grubs for you to find.” He focuses and gives an impression to the shrew. For a long moment, the half-elf and the enormous beast lock eyes. Then, like the flowing back of a tide, the animal turns slightly and lopes away.


Lisi stands in front of the Call To Heroes gonfalon and sighs. He thinks about the poisoned streams leading off of the Conerica, and the invasive weeds choking the near reaches of the Crimson Tide Wood and he examines his shrunken coin purse. ”The annual. Call. To Heroes.” he reads aloud. ”I just want to sit in a mushroom ring, in an untainted forest, climb a hill and not see more smoke and tailings in the lakes,” he grumbles to himself. However, adventuring will do what his largely pro-bono legal and medical work–and habitat restoration, usually him laboring long into the evening–won’t, namely, earn money, which will then pay for his…legal, medical, and habitat work. For a moment he curses the circumstances of Isger’s plundered, poverty-stricken state…and then he marks the time for gathering for the Call, and notes it in his ledger.


Lisitsei wants to restore previously destroyed parts of the Crimson Tide Wood. While not as thick as the Chitterwood, the trees there provided shade and shelter and food to humanoids and beasts alike. He has been engaging in a skillful debate with Narine Howerdell–they disagree, but they also seem to disagree while getting cozy in a booth at Cayden’s Keg. Lisi brings up the selective cutting that Druma does, Narine scoffs at those Kalistocracy nonces, and they parry and thrust over another round of ales, and so it goes. It’s a lesser goal than what he had hoped for, holding sway in the courts of Elidir…but Narine is pleasant company. Most of the time.

Lisi spends time, when he is in town, meditating in Monument Circle. The Conerica River is certainly fouled with mining tailings from Dustspawn, but he can’t figure out the wells and how the water is fresh. At some point he intends to check the impurities in all of the rivers in Isger to see if there are poisons that people are missing in the groundwater. This is a distant goal and more of a conundrum to him, compared to helping out the woodlands, but it affects him nonetheless. Sometimes he sits and loses track of time and plans entirely, due to a combination of woolgathering and bitterness.


Pesha, Lisi’s teacher. A patient, stoic, oread druid, found wandering at the end of the Five Kings Mountains, from the warm scrubby foothills to the pine-covered vales, and occasionally, the treeless windy heights where none save fearsome beasts and fearless dwarves shall tread.

Valdi, Lisi’s “classmate” during his tutelage with Pesha. A very eager dwarf who wished to serve Torag, but wound up a druid instead. Valdi has gone back to the dwarven mountain kingdoms but occasionally reappears in Breachill or the woods where Lisitsei makes his retreat.

Princeps Dromonion. Hallus Dromonion considers Lisi to be a thoroughly vexing thorn in his side, Lisitsei having successfully argued twice in court, using established Chelaxian law, that certain groves being sacred, needed preservation for an indefinite period. The Princeps has not enjoyed sending these reports back to Infernal Cheliax. Hallus keeps a tightly ordered barracks near Breachill and often sends missives back to Cheliax about retaking Citadel Altaerein and ‘cleanse the vermin therein’. He has thus far been ignored.


”This will be good for you, Lisi,” says Suline, embracing her half-brother. ”I know…I’ll miss all of you,” says Lisitsei, glancing their father folding his arms in the darkness of the doorway behind her and then looking hurriedly at the ground. ”We’ll be here, and so will Tep and Slip,” says Suline, laughing as her kids come around to give their uncle hugs. After a moment, he walks away from the family homestead, waving, off into the woodland and toward where he has heard the druids can be found.


Lisi sits alone in the damp shade of enormous boulders at the beginnings of the slope of the Five Kings. Once, trees came all the way up to these rocks, sometimes gardened by the Isgeri, but never clear cut and burnt the way they have been now for centuries. And yet, the whorls of fungal hyphae beneath the ground remember the shapes of trees that were once here. Lisi listens and breathes, and waits, and as the sun begins to drop, a little green and orange shape clambers down from a boulder above him–a slender, bright humanoid with eyes so dark green they are almost black. It looks at him and then tiptoes over to him and sits on his lap.

”Guba,” he says, wonderingly. ”I think you are called Guba.”
Guba, as if confirming this, gets comfortable and curls up like any cat or dog would.


Lisitsei stands in the bailiff’s box, trying not to sweat in the warm Elidiran courtroom. It had taken some time to get up here to the capital and argue his case, but it would all be worth it. The judge is an older woman, with a world-weary face and glinting spectacles. She shoots a piercing gaze at the druid. ”Your use of dryad rights in Serenity’s Copse and…bee highways in Druma as precedent in the case of Groves XII, XII, and IV…was unorthodox,” she says sternly. ”However, they were correct. The court rules in favor of ‘...Assembled Lesser Fey Tribunals of Near-Crimson Tide Woods, et al…’ in the case against Wolford Consortium. Wolford and its parental organizations shall henceforth remain clear of any named groves under pain of further penalty.” She slams her gavel and the court erupts in chatter, dismay, and from the ground-seats, piping cries of fey jubilation. Lisi beams. I could start a law office, he thinks. This is the beginning of great things.

It was not the beginning of great things. After Ravounel was formed, Cheliax withdrew garrison after garrison, leading to even more banditry and depredation in the countryside. The writs of a druid-barrister went unread, and Lisi found himself back at square one.

(and my longer background will be up tonight...had to work during work hours for some terrible reason!)

It's nice to have multiple choices within categories (Arcane, Divine/Primal, Skilled, Melee)--but it isn't a requirement to have all those categories. Choosing 8 people is nice if you then have people fall away to 4, but you might want to keep 4 in reserve. I know some groups love 5 or 6 players, but it can bog down play by post unless you bot people after 24-48 hours. Of course, some games move verrrrry slowly and everyone is happy with that!

You might want to give Ventiine a chance as they are in several APs, which shows that they are in it for the long haul, plus table diversity is good--and it doesn't take that much to comb through 10-15 applications. You never know!

Thanks for the feedback, Fern! I will be whipping up a more detailed background ASAP.

breithauptclan wrote:

OK. So Watch my DM inbox and keep an eye on this thread for final picks.

Chuck8 wrote:
As for confirmation that our character's in the running, all I can say is that the only thing anyone can do is create the best character they can.
Well, of course. Mostly I am concerned about being excluded because I didn't submit in the correct form, in the correct way, or in enough detail. I'm seeing submissions ranging from a vague character concept to Pathbuilder links of fully specified characters.

A good recruiting DM will say "hey, great stuff so far; I just need such and such to complete your application."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

PFS is sweet but short. At least you get to finish, though...and I agree, seeing familiar faces is nice. I've been in PFS games where it felt very much everyone for themselves and there was some serious optimization going on (your opinion on super-optimized characters may of course vary)

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