GM Watery Soup |

This is a recruitment thread for a trilogy:
#2-20 (Bastion in Embers), Level 5-8
#2-22 (Excising Ruination), Level 7-10
#2-24 (Parting Clouds), Level 7-10
Read this whole post carefully.
1. I am looking for 3-5 PCs who are looking to play all three scenarios in order. One seat is reserved for whatever character GM Tiger chooses to bring, so there will be 4-6 PCs total.
2. Recruitment is NOT first come first served. Recruitment will remain open for at least 72 hours (to Thursday evening Pacific Time, and probably a little later because that's Halloween), and then I will pick based on the following criteria:
a. I would strongly prefer to have the same characters through all three scenarios. This would mean characters that start at Level 6.2 (68-71 XP) to 8.2 (92-95 XP) would be ideal.
b. If a character really can't make it, I will definitely insist on having the same players through all three scenarios. If a character is locked into Gameday, I'm willing to delay the beginning of this scenario to accommodate.
c. Player posting history will be considered. This is a pretty big commitment, so if you have a habit of flaking out, sorry, that works against you.
d. If you're only looking to play 1 or 2 of the 3 parts, go ahead and apply, but I'm not going to make any promises, either a promise to include you, or a promise to exclude you.
e. If you would use replays on any of the parts, please state that up front.
f. This is a high level scenario so it's not newbie-friendly. I'll try and do more newbie-friendly stuff at another time. This recruitment is mostly in response to a very large demand for higher-level scenarios.
3. Over the past few years, I've been posting less reliably, and "1/weekday, 1/weekend" isn't really realistic for me (although I still try). I'm probably closer to 4/week, and would be looking for players who can post at my speed or faster, but are willing to be patient. I got my GameDay game done in 8 weeks, but I'm guessing 10-12 weeks/scenario is a more realistic expectation, so 30-36 weeks total.
Note that the timing of this game will run through two major US holidays and would probably preclude this character from participating in the Spring PbP convention.
4. To apply, please make a post from your main (non-character) account with different characters linked or listed, and their availability listed.

kuey |

I have a Zhao Kang, a 6.2 wizard (built for general versatility and utility) who is free now, and Khunbish Nandin, a 7.1 generalist druid who just completed GD. These are my highest level characters and am keen to get into more higher level games.
Have not played any of the three scenarios.
I will be on vacation in the first two weeks of December. Will still have online access but posting rate will likely slow down then.
p.s. Isaac Bell? :P

Farol |

I would love to play this series, I did play it with Hopper in the past, so I would go with replayes for all three.
1a. Same character yes - I have Oracle lvl 7 and Zazu ratfolk lvl 7 or 8 (I need to double check), I was holding my warpriest but decided to play her at another scenario which made her lvl 9 :( (I could swap players after first scenario but I don't think it is a good idea), I also have druid lvl 6, But I would need to apply some credit to make him eligible for other scenarios
b. My PC can make it
c. Flaking? No, that is not me, but I do see less free time lately whihc my make some of my posts shorter than I would like
d. I am open to play the whole thing
e. Yes for all 3
f. yeah, I know the charms of high tier game, I don't mind my PC die, I am prepared for that, and I like close call fights!
3. Yeah I know you Watery I am fine with your speed, assuming that you are fine with mine
4. Ok so here is the availability list:
Rawiri currently playing special scenario
Xun bard lvl 7 currently playing protect the fireligh (I feel like we are close to finish)
Zazu Wizard lvl 7/8 currently available
if and only if group need more beefy frontline I can bring Makai lvl 9 warpriest but only for 2 last scenarios,

Farol |

My Investigator is still trying to defeat Ulrich of the Burning Suns... Otherwise:
Character name: Isaku Beru
XP: 80-84 by the end of GD (depending on whether I apply additional credit)
Class: Investigator 7
PFS number: 2396852-2001
Perception Bonus: +14 (Master)
Faction: Radiant Oath
Isaku my a*** guess who I would dive for this round!

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Calaverthorna ("Cal to all his friends and lovers") is a scoundrel (in more ways than one) rogue: high Cha, intimidation build.
He's at 8.2 (92 xp) currently, but I need to update his PBP profile. I have not played or run any of the scenarios in this series. He is available now, and is the only character I have that would fit into the level ranges.

Enchanter Tim |

Rhaegal Dragonkin (Druid 7, 82xp) is available to show his new dragon-ness.
I have an Investigator 7 too, but he's currently busy.

Brenael |

I would like to offer Eliadyr, my demon hunting Elven starlit span magus 7 for this series. As of Saturday he will be 80 xp (7.2) so would be perfectly placed to play all three scenarios.
This would be my first time through these scenarios. I've seen the ripples of these through later scenarios so am keen to experience the story!
I've had the good fortune to be selected in a group run before (GM Frost's 1-5 escapades) and found it adds to the story immensely to have the same characters with shared experiences. I'm a consistent daily poster.

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I love trilogies!
But it looks like we a full compliment of "no replay" folk:
Eliadyr (Magus 7)
Calaverthorna (Scoundrel 8)
Scratch Steeltoe (Gunslinger ?)
Zhao Kang (Wizard 6)
GM Tiger
The rest of the applicants have either posted that they would purchase replays, or not mentioned their replay status in their opening posts...
GM Watery Soup, if you end up needing a sixth, I have my 7th level newly-remastered Oracle / Champion on standby to be the party protector / healer, as a triple-replay:
Good luck everyone!

Iceman |

I would be interested, as indicated in the recruitment thread when this was first discussed. :)
I have two characters at level 8.2:
Crunch, my goblin champion, whom you may remember!
(paizo profile is a little out-of-date)
Raindrop, my sprite summoner
And one at level 6.2:
Barrek Half-dead, my dwarven monk
(paizo profile is also a little out-of-date)
I have zero PFS activity at the moment, so can start whenever.
I would be replaying the whole trilogy.

GM Watery Soup |

it looks like we a full compliment of "no replay" folk
True, but to reiterate, recruitment is not first-come-first-served. Recruitment will remain open for another 1.5 days regardless of who has applied or who will apply, and I'm not guaranteeing that no-replays will get in, nor guaranteeing that replays won't.

GM Watery Soup |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Applicants so far:
GM Tiger (Isaku Beru) Investigator 7-8 (80-84 XP) <-- seat reserved
kuey (Zhao Kang) Wizard 6 (68 XP), no replays
kuey (Khunbish Nandin) Druid 7 (76 XP), no replays
Farol (Rawiri) Oracle 7, 3 replays
Farol (Xun Saburo) Bard 7 [character page says 39 XP?], 3 replays
Farol (Zazu Darksnout) Wizard 7, 3 replays
Mitch (Delorn Malix) Sorcerer 7 [character page says 65 XP?]
Mitch (Marigold Longfoot) Rogue 7 (72 XP)
Massee (Scratch Steeltoe) Gunslinger 7 (74 XP), no replays
Marjim Mark Arafiles (Mindartis Mindbreeze) Ranger 6 (68 XP), no replays
Nomadical (Calaverthorna) Rogue 6, no replays
Enchanter Tim (Rhaegal Dragonkin) Druid 7 (82 XP), no replays
Brenael (Eliadyr) Magus 7, no replays
rainzax (Tao Lavinia Heron) Oracle 7, 3 replays
JASON RODARTE (?) Ranger 6
JASON RODARTE (Avonathalanthalasa Caldon) Wizard 9 [character page says Level 7?]
Iceman (Crunch) Champion 8 (92 XP), 3 replays
Iceman (Raindrop) Summoner 8 (92 XP), 3 replays
Iceman (Barrek Half-Dead) Monk 6 (68 XP), 3 replays
Xun Saburo, Delorn Malix, and JASON RODARTE, can you please double-check the items with question marks?
Recruitment will remain open until at least late evening PDT on October 31, and, uh, full disclosure, increasingly likely to be late afternoon / early evening PDT on November 1 because I have souls to harvest for the Dark Lord on Halloween.

SuperBidi |

Hi Watery,
I have never played these adventures before, so no replay. Herr Doktor Krankenweg (Mutagenist level 7 2/3) is available the 8th of November. We already played together so you know I don't flake out and I follow your rythm easily.
This would be the first time I play Herr Doktor on the boards, so its profile is completely empty as of now (ask me if you want more information).
Otherwise, he's a doctor from Moltune (I'll check how to "write" his german accent) specialized in a rather... unsavory form of medicine.

GM Watery Soup |

Recruitment closed.
Final list of applicants:
GM Tiger (Isaku Beru) Investigator 8 (84 XP) <-- seat reserved
kuey (Zhao Kang) Wizard 6 (68 XP), no replays
kuey (Khunbish Nandin) Druid 7 (76 XP), no replays
Farol (Rawiri) Oracle 7, 3 replays
Farol (Xun Saburo) Bard 7, 3 replays
Farol (Zazu Darksnout) Wizard 8.2, 3 replays
Mitch (Delorn Malix) Sorcerer 7, no replays
Mitch (Marigold Longfoot) Rogue 7 (72 XP), no replays
Massee (Scratch Steeltoe) Gunslinger 7 (74 XP), no replays
Marjim Mark Arafiles (Mindartis Mindbreeze) Ranger 6 (68 XP), no replays
Nomadical (Calaverthorna) Rogue 8, no replays
Enchanter Tim (Rhaegal Dragonkin) Druid 7 (82 XP), no replays
Brenael (Eliadyr) Magus 7 (80 XP), no replays
rainzax (Tao Lavinia Heron) Oracle 7, 3 replays
JASON RODARTE (?) Ranger 6
JASON RODARTE (Avonathalanthalasa Caldon) Wizard 9 [character page says Level 7?]
Iceman (Crunch) Champion 8 (92 XP), 3 replays
Iceman (Raindrop) Summoner 8 (92 XP), 3 replays
Iceman (Barrek Half-Dead) Monk 6 (68 XP), 3 replays
SuperBidi (Herr Doktor Krankenweg) Alchemist 7 (80 XP), no replays

GM Watery Soup |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm selecting the four 80 XP+ no-replay characters, which will be level 8+ for the final two.
Nomadical (Calaverthorna) Rogue 8, no replays
Enchanter Tim (Rhaegal Dragonkin) Druid 7 (82 XP), no replays
Brenael (Eliadyr) Magus 7 (80 XP), no replays
SuperBidi (Herr Doktor Krankenweg) Alchemist 7 (80 XP), no replays
And I'm going to roll-off for the two 92 XP+ replay characters so that we go high-tier for #2-22/#2-24.
Farol (Zazu Darksnout) Wizard 8.2, 3 replays
Iceman (either character) Character 8 (92 XP), 3 replays
1 Farol, 2 Iceman: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Thus spake the dicebot.
Calaverthorna, Rhaegal, Eliadyr, Krankenweg, and Iceman, please check into Gameplay as soon as I create Gameplay.

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I have a Zhao Kang, a 6.2 wizard (built for general versatility and utility) who is free now, and Khunbish Nandin, a 7.1 generalist druid who just completed GD. These are my highest level characters and am keen to get into more higher level games.
Have not played any of the three scenarios.
I will be on vacation in the first two weeks of December. Will still have online access but posting rate will likely slow down then.
p.s. Isaac Bell? :P
yep. You read Clive Cussler? :)