
Herr Doktor Krankenweg's page

138 posts. Organized Play character for SuperBidi.

Full Name

Herr Doktor Krankenweg


Goblin Alchemist (Mutagenist) 8 | HP 86/86 | 2 Hero Points | Perception +11 (Darkvision) | AC 27/25 | Fort +15; Ref +15 (+16)/+13 (+14); Will +14 | Hands: Empty






Who cares?




Common, Goblin, Draconic, Kholo, Moltune, Orcish

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Herr Doktor Krankenweg

A goblin clad in heavy armor covered by a white apron stained by red, brown and black fluids, with a tingling healer's kit on the side and a long spear ended by a syringue containing a black liquid. Sometimes, a humanoid hand appears here and there on him, often carrying a flask from one place to another.
He speaks with a very strong Moltune accent (german accent) and introduces himself as Herr Doktor Krankenweg (and the crawling hand as He-Thing).

A picture of Herr Doktor
And He-Thing

Goblin (Razortooth) Alchemist (Mutagenist) 8
Junk Collector (Engineering)

Perception +11; Darkvision
Languages Common, Goblin, Draconic, Kholo, Moltune, Orcish
Skills Acrobatics +12, Arcana +14, Athletics +14, Crafting +18, Deception +10, Lore: Engineering +18, Lore: Goblin +18, Lore: Underworld +14, Medicine +14, Nature +11, Occultism +14, Religion +11, Society +14, Stealth +13, Thievery +12

Items +1 Resilient Full Plate, +1 Striking Boarding Pike with Weapon Siphon (Alchemist's Fire, Giant Wasp Venom), Javelin x5, Boots of Bounding, Pearly White Spindle Aeon Stone, Backpack, Bag of Holding Type I, Clothing (Explorer's), Collar of the Shifting Spider, Expanded Healer's Tools, Ring of Fire Resistance, Piton x5, Rope, Soap, Rations, Bedroll, Formula Book, Repair Kit, Thieve's Tools, Replacement Picks, Writing Set, Alchemist's Tools, Chalk, Crowbar, Flint and Steel, Mirror, Signal Whistle, Waterskin, Weapon Syphon, Lesser Alchemist's Fire x10, Lesser Bottled Lightning x4, Lesser Frost Vial x6, Lesser Acid Flask x6=8

AC 27/25, Fort +15, Ref +15/13 (+17/+14 against damage), Will +14
HP 86
Speed 25 feet


Melee: +1 Striking Boarding Pike +17/18
Damage 2d10 + 10 + Weapon Siphon + Poison

Feats Goblin Lore, Alchemical Familiar (Manual Dexterity, Item Delivery), Fighter Dedication, Battle Medicine, Adopted Ancestry (Human), Reactive Striker, Continual Recovery, Unconventional Weaponry (Boarding Pike), Experienced Smuggler, Regurgitate Mutagen, Titan Wrestler, Armor Proficiency, Ward Medic, Mutant Physique

Formulas Acid Flask, Alchemist's Fire, Alignment Ampoule, Antidote, Antiplague, Bane Ammunition, Bestial Mutagen, Bloodhound Mask, Bottled Lightning, Bravo's Brew, Camouflage Dye, Cat's Eye Elixir, Cheetah's Elixir, Cinnamon Seers, Cognitive Mutagen, Cold Iron Blanch, Colorful Coating (Blue), Colorful Coating (Red), Colorful Coating (Yellow), Comprehension Elixir, Cooperative Waffles, Darkvision Elixir, Drakeheart Mutagen, Eagle Eye Elixir, Elixir of Life, Energy Mutagen, Firefoot Popcorn, Focus Cathartic, Freeze Ammunition, Frost Vial, Fury Cocktail, Ghost Charge, Giant Wasp Venom, Ginger Chew, Infiltrator's Elixir, Insight Coffee, Juggernaut Mutagen, Learper's Elixir, Mistform Elixir, Ooze Ammunition, Quicksilver Mutagen, Revealing Mist, Salamander Elixir, Sea Touch Elixir, Serene Mutagen, Silversheen, Silvertongue Mutagen, Sinew-Shock Serum, Smoke Ball, Soothing Tonic, Sovereign Glue, Spiderfoot Brew, Stone Body Mutagen, Sunrod, Timeless Salts, Warwobble Poison, Winter Wolf Elixir, Witch's Finger, Wyvern Poison