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Tao Lavinia Heron's page

266 posts. Organized Play character for rainzax.

Full Name

Tao Lavinia Heron


AC 23 or 24 shield (hard 10) |♥️ 78 | Saves @ 11*/10*/15*** | Perception @ 13** (normal) | Speed 30


| ☘️□ | ✋✋ Bladed Scarf | ⚕ none | Curse (0) | ☀️ □□ | Slots (1□□□□, 2□□□□, 3□□□□, 4□□□) @ Divine DC 25 | (↺): Flash of Grandeur


LG Skilled Human Varisian Wanderer Ancestors Oracle / Champion of Andoletta's Grandeur 7 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Search

Special Abilities



Andoletta "Grandmother Crow"


Southwestern Lowlands of Varisia, Saga Lands; Multicultural (Lirgeni)



Homepage URL


Strength 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 18

About Tao Lavinia Heron

"If you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far go together"


Fame (24/24 spent)
Default School Item: Scroll of 4th-Rank Heal
Default Downtime: Practiced Medic

Slotted Boons
Advanced: Convention Hero
Ally: Expert Hireling, Hireling (Fortune-Telling & Thievery)
Chronicle: Amateur Genealogist (□□), Big Game Hunter (□□□), Fruit Basket (□), Sand Slide (□□□), Society Connections (□), Team Player (□□□), Traveler of the Spirit Road (□□□)
Retired: Multicultural Training (Lirgeni), Practiced Medic (□□□□, □□□□), Protective Mentor, Wayfinder
Achievement: Bequeathal (Convention Hero), Practiced Medic (2/8 days), Protective Mentor, Radiant Wayfinder

Boon Records
Fame Purchased (24): Expert Hireling (6), Hireling (4), Multicultural Training > Lirgeni (2), Practiced Medic x8 (8), Protective Mentor (2), Wayfinder (2)

Achievement Purchased: Bequeathal > Convention Hero (from Joli #2003), Evolving Destiny, Practiced Medic (x1), Radiant Wayfinder

Perception (**) +13 or +15 w/ Incredible Initiative, Sense Allies
Languages ➤ Common, Varisian, plus one
Explore ➤ Search

AC 24 (Raiment Breastplate) or 25 Shield (hardness 10); HP 78
Fortitude (*) +11, Reflex (*) +10, Will (***) +15 w/ Resolve
Flash of Grandeur (↺, 15-aura) Reduce triggering damage by two plus level [9], and foe is off-guard and effected by revealing light spell 1-rnd; dazzling it, negating concealment, or treating an invisible foe as if merely concealed

Oracle Spellcasting (**) DC 25
Simple Weapons and Bladed Scarf (*), Medium Armor (*)
Speed 30; Bulk 4.0 / 9.0

Striking Bladed Scarf w/ Warding Statuette (S, 2h, disarm, finesse, reach, sweep, trip) +14 @ 2d6+4 slashing and ally adjacent to target +1 status to AC 1-rnd
Needle Darts (P, 60-ft, AC; concentrate, manipulate) +15 @ 6d4 piercing; plus 4 bleed if CS
Daze (60-ft, Will, Basic Will) 2d6 mental; plus stunned 1 if CF

Dance of Many:

Ancestral Touch
Curse of Ancestral Meddling
Eject Soul
Flash of Grandeur
Sense Allies
Warding Statuette
Whispers of Weakness

Ancestral Touch
[◆, touch, emotion, fear, mental]
You touch a creature and force them to see and feel the ancestors surrounding you. The target takes 1d4 mental damage, with results depending on a Will save.
Critical Success @ The target is unaffected.
Success @ The target takes half damage.
Failure @ The target is frightened 1 and takes full damage.
Critical Failure @ The target is frightened 2 and takes double damage.

Curse of Ancestral Meddling
When you gain the cursebound condition, you are clumsy with a value equal to your cursebound value. Clumsy affects all Dexterity-based checks and DCs, including AC, Reflex saves, ranged attack rolls, and skill checks using Acrobatics, Stealth, and Thievery.

Eject Soul
[◆◆, touch, incapacitation]
Your touch disrupts the connection between body and soul, possibly forcing the soul out of the body altogether. The target must attempt a Fortitude save. You can allow allies to choose the degree of success instead of rolling a saving throw.
Success @ The target is unaffected.
Failure @ The target is stunned 1 as its soul briefly loses its connection to its body.
Critical Failure @ The target’s soul exits its body for 1 round. The target’s body becomes stunned. While its body is stunned in this way, the target remains fully aware in soul form; it simply can’t consciously move its body (though the body makes basic instinctual defensive movements). The target’s soul has the incorporeal trait, is invisible, and has a fly Speed of 60 feet. It can’t attack, cast spells, or attempt any skill checks that require a physical body, and it must always maintain line of effect to its body. When the target’s body ceases being stunned, the target’s soul instantly returns to its body as the target wakes.

Flash of Grandeur
[↺, 15-aura]
Reduce triggering damage by two plus level [9], and foe is off-guard and effected by revealing light spell 1-rnd; dazzling it, negating concealment, or treating an invisible foe as if merely concealed

Sense Allies
Like many humans raised in a close-knit community, you have always been strongly attuned to the presence of others. Willing allies that you are aware of within 60 feet that would otherwise be undetected by you are instead hidden from you. The flat check for you to target willing allies within 60 feet that are hidden from you is 5 instead of 11.

Warding Statuette
Usage: affixed to armor or a weapon
When you hit with a Strike using the affixed weapon, or when a spell effect you created by activating the statuette hits with a Strike, you can choose a creature adjacent to the creature that was hit. That creature gains a +1 status bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. No more than one creature can benefit from this each turn.
Activate ➤ Cast a Spell; Effect You cast shield.
Activate ➤ Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast spiritual weapon.

Whispers of Weakness
[◆, 60-ft, cursebound]
You learn a creature's weaknesses and it lowest save, and gain +2 status to next attack before end of next turn

Oracular Spellcasting:

☀ Mystery Spells ☀
✨ Signature Spells ✨

Cantrips (□□□□□□) @ Daze (◆◆, 60-ft, Will), Guidance (☀, ◆, 30-ft, status), Know the Way (◆◆, one week), Needle Darts (◆◆, 60-ft, AC), Shield (◆, 10 hardness), Summon Instrument (◆◆◆, 1-hr)
Rank One (□□□□) @ Bane (◆◆, 10-ft/10-ft, Will, 1-min), Benediction (◆◆, 15-ft/10-ft, 1-min), Heal (✨, ◆/◆◆/◆◆◆, touch or 30-ft), Ill Omen (☀, ◆◆, Will, 30-ft, 1 round), Restyle (1-min, unlimited)
Rank Two (□□□□) @ Concordant Choir (✨, ◆/◆◆/◆◆◆, 30-ft/10-burst/30-emanation, Fortitude), Everlight (◆◆◆, touch, unlimited, 6gp), Gentle Breeze (◆◆, 60-ft, 40-burst, 10-min), Ghostly Carrier (☀, ◆◆, 120-ft, 1-min), Guiding Star (◆◆, planetary, all day)
Rank Three (□□□□) @ Heroism (◆◆, touch, 10-min, status), Safe Passage (◆◆, touch, 10x10x60-ft, sustain 1-min), Warding Aggression (◆◆, sustain 1-minute), Whirling Scarves (✨, ◆◆, 1-min)
Rank Four (□□□) @ Fly (✨, touch, 5-min), Pernicious Poltergeist (◆◆, 60-ft, 10-burst, Fort/Ref/Will, sustain 1-min), Unfettered Movement (◆◆, touch, 10-min)
Focus (□□) @ Ancestral Touch (☀, ◆, touch, Will), Eject Soul (◆◆, incapacitation, touch, Fortitude)
Spellheart @ (□) Shield and (□) Spiritual Weapon

Skills (10):

Tao is a skilled jumper, who may freely Leap up to 5 feet high and 20 feet far, and may roll to High Jump or Long Jump as a single action without needing to Stride first, adding +3 vertical feet or +10 horizontal feet to the total rolled distance. Her masterful skill with medicine allows her to Treat Wounds or Disease upon four patients at a time, and her musical talents can Fascinate foes for 1 round with a check, but she must critically succeed as an incapacitation effect if doing so during combat.

Athletics (**) +15 or +17 to Jump w/ Boots of Bounding, Powerful Leap, Quick Jump
Acrobatics (*) +10
Diplomacy (*) +13
Intimidation (*) +13
Lore: Circus (*) +9
Medicine (***`) +16 or +18 w/ Gentle Breeze; Expanded Healer's Tools, Ward Medic
Performance (**`) +16 w/ Dancer's Scarf, Fascinating Performance
Religion (*) +11
Society (*) +9
Survival (*) +9


Worn (3.0) @ Boots of Bounding (-), Dancer's Scarf (-), Everlight Gem (-), Ordinary Clothing (-), Raiment Breastplate (BB) w/ affixed Emerald Grasshopper; Expanded Healer's Tools (B), Wooden Religious Symbol (~)
Held (1.0) @ Bladed Scarf of Striking w/ Warding Statuette (B)
Stowed (1.0) @ Adventurer’s Pack (B)

Item Records
~: Everlight Gem (6.00)
0: Adventurer's Pack (1.50), Bladed Scarf (3.0), Breatplate (8.00), Ordinary Clothes (0.10), Wooden Religious Symbol (0.10)
2: Weapon Potency Rune (35.00)
3: Dancer's Scarf (60.00), Enveloping Light Tattoo (50.00), Expanded Healer's Tools (50.00), Varisian Emblem: Carnasia (60.00)
4: Weapon Striking Rune (65.00)
5: Armor Potency (160.00), Raiment Rune (140.00)
7: Boots of Bounding (340.00), Warding Statuette Spellheart (325.00)

5: Emerald Grasshopper (30.00)

Earned: 1223.73
Spent: 1193.70
Remainder: 30.03

Mystery Profile:

Curse: Of Ancestral Meddling
Granted Spells: Guidance (cantrip), Ill Omen (1st), Ghostly Carrier (2nd), Dreaming Potential (5th)
Related Domains: Death, Duty, Family, Soul
Mystery Skill: Society
Revelation Spells: Ancestral Touch, Ancestral Defense, Ancestral Form

Deity Profile:

Category: Empyreal Lords
Edicts: Respect elders, instill good virtues in children, seek and allow redemption
Anathema: Hold a grudge, mock the dead, pass judgment hastily or carelessly
Areas of Concern: consolation, respect, and security
Divine Skill: Society
Favored Weapon: staff
Domains: family, knowledge, protection, sorrow
Cleric Spells 1st: shillelagh, 4th: aerial form (bird only), 6th: collective transposition


Ancestry and General
1: Skilled Heritage ➤ Performance, Unconventional Weaponry
3: Canny Acumen ➤ Perception
5: Sense Allies
7: Incredible Initiative

Background and Skill
1: Circus Lore, Fascinating Performance
2: Quick Jump
3: Medicine ➤ Expert
4: Ward Medic
5: Athletics ➤ Expert, Performance ➤ Expert (Heritage)
6: Powerful Leap
7: Medicine ➤ Master

1: Divine Spellcasting, Spell Repertoire; Mystery ➤ Ancestors ➤ Curse of Ancestral Meddling, Whispers of Weakness
2: Champion Dedication ➤ Andoletta ➤ Holy
3: Second Rank Spells, Signature Spells
4: Domain Acumen ➤ Soul ➤ Eject Soul
5: Third Rank Spells
6: Champion's Reaction ➤ Flash of Grandeur
7: Expert Spellcasting, Fourth Rank Spells, Resolve

Remastered Experience:

Level One
(#2006) "Genesis" (0xp, 15.00gp)
(#1-10): "Tarnbreaker's Trail" (4xp, 15.60gp) @ 5/6/2020
(#1-14): "Lions of Katapesh" (4xp, 14.00gp) @ 5/31/2020
(#1-Q1): "Sandstone Secret" (1xp, 3.52gp) @ 6/20/2020
(#1-06): "Lost on Spirit Road" (4xp, 14.08gp) @ 6/20/2020
= 13xp, 13 Reputation with Radiant Oath, 62.20gp

Level Two
(#1-03): "Escaping the Grave" (4xp, 22.10gp, Practiced Medic) @ 8/3/2020 (GM)
(#1-01): "Absalom Initiation" @ (4xp, 22.00gp, Practiced Medic) 8/8/2020
(#1-Q4): "Port Peril Pub Crawl" (1xp, 5.90gp) @ 9/13/2020
(#1-Q13): "Falcon's Descent" (1xp, 5.60gp) @ 9/13/2020
(#Q-03): "Grehunde's Gorget" (1xp, 5.60gp) @ 9/13/2020 (GM)
= 11xp, 11 Reputation with Radiant Oath, 61.20gp

Level Three
(#1-09): “Wayfinder Origins” (1xp, 11.60gp) @ 9/20/2020
(#1-12): “Putrid Seeds” (1xp, 10.90gp) @ 9/20/2020
(#2-03): "Catastrophe's Spark” (4xp, 38.00gp, Practiced Medic) @ 10/8/2020
(AcP Boon): "Evolving Destiny" (25.33gp loss)
(#2-05): "Balancing the Scales" (4xp, 38.00gp, Practiced Medic) @ 11/5/2020
(#1-23): "Star-Crossed Court" (4xp, 38.00gp, Practiced Medic) @ 11/14/2020
= 14xp, 14 Reputation with Radiant Oath, 111.17gp

Level Four
(#2-06): "The Crashing Wave" (4xp, 64.00gp, Practiced Medic) @ 11/19/2020
(#2-01): "Citadel of Corruption" (4xp, 64.00gp, Practiced Medic) 1/7/2021
(#Q-11): "A Parchment Tree" (1xp, 16.00gp, Practiced Medic)
(AcP Boon): "Bequeathal" of "Convention Hero" from Joli (#2003) @ 1/28/21
(#2-13) "A Gilded Test" (4xp, 64.60gp, Practiced Medic) @ 4/14/2021
= 13xp, 13 Reputation with Radiant Oath, 220.60gp

Level Five
(#3-03): "Echoes of Desperation" (4xp, 104.00gp) @ 10/28/2021
(#3-04): "The Devil-Wrought Disappearance" (4xp, 104.00gp) @ 11/11/2021
(#3-06): "Struck by Shadows" (4xp, 104.00gp) @ 12/20/2021 (GM)
= 12xp, 12 Reputation w/ Radiant Oath, 312.00gp

(#3-07): "The Locked Lodge" (4xp, 156.40gp) @ 12/27/2021
(#3-11): "No Time for Treason" (4xp, 150.08gp) @ 3/15/2022
(#4-99): "Blessing of the Forest" (4xp, 150.08gp)
= 12xp, 12 Reputation w/ Radiant Oath, 456.56gp

Level Seven
Remastered July 27th, 2024

Total XP: ??
Total Reputation: ?? RO
Total Earned Gold: 1223.79 gold