Copper Dragon

Rhaegal Dragonkin's page

722 posts. Organized Play character for Enchanter Tim.


HP 83/83 | AC 25 (27 w/shield) | Resist Acid 3, Fire 6| F +13 R +14 W +15 (+1 vs sleep/paralyze)| Perception +15 (darkvision, scent) |


speed 35 | Focus Points: 2/2 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺


male Kobold Druid 7 |

About Rhaegal Dragonkin

PFS Number: 1142-2004
Experience: 74
Fame: 1

PFS Chronicles:

Quest #3: Grehunde's Gorget: 1XP, 1f, 3.52gp
#1-02: The Mosquito Witch: 4XP, 14.4gp
#1-22: Doom of Cassomir: 4XP, 14.08gp
#1-07: Flooded King's Court (GM): 4XP, 17.6gp
#1-10: Tarnbreaker's Trail: 4XP, 22.08gp
#2-05: Balancing the Scales: 4XP, 22.08gp
Intro 01: Second Confirmation: 4XP, 22gp
#2-18: Fanciful March of Urwal: 4XP, 39.6gp
Quest #7: A Curious Claim: 1XP, 9.55gp
#3-99: Fate in the Future: 4XP, 41.2gp
#3-04: The Devil-Wrought Disappearance: 4XP, 39.6gp
#3-07: The Locked Lodge: 4XP, 42.32gp
#3-13: Guardian's Covenant: 4XP, 66.4gp
#3-98: Expedition Into Pallid Peril: 4xp, 65.34gp
#3-03: Echoes of Desperation: 4xp, 106.3gp
#4-00: King in Thorns: 4xp, 104gp
#4-03: Linnorm's Legacy: 4xp, 104gp
#2-02: Mountain of Sea and Sky: 4xp, 150.8gp
Adventure: Fistful of Flowers: 4xp, 150gp
#4-07: A Most Wonderous Exchange: 4xp, 156.4gp

PFS Information:

Training: Spells

Major Factions
Envoy’s Alliance: 2
Grand Archive: 14
Horizon Hunters:
Vigilant Seal: 2
Minor Factions
Radiant Oath: 0
Verdant Wheel: 60
All Faction Reputation
Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 76


Legacy of the Gorget (general) Special benefit for 1-10 Tarnbreaker's Trail
Cryptid Scholar (Untyped) Gain the below reaction
. . (R) [][][] Trigger: Attempt a Recall Knowledge check to ID a creature; Effect: Roll twice on the check and use the best result
Doom Averted (General) When your dying value would kill you, this boon automatically activates, lowering your dying value by 1.
To Seal and Protect (General) You destroyed Marcon Tinol.
Tarnbreaker Champions (General) While playing in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, you can stay for free at any Ulfen or Varki inn or similar establishment, and you gain a 10% on all non-magical goods bought in Ulfen or Varki settlements (does not stack with any other discount or reduction in price). Also, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy checks to Make A Request while playing in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.
Amateur Adjuster (General) [][][] Whenever you attempt a check to Gather Information, Decipher Writing, or Create a Forgery, check a box to gain a +1 circumstance bonus. If it involves interacting with a Druman business or Druman bureaucracy, you instead gain a +3 circumstance bonus on the check.
Infernal Magistrix’s Blessing Can buy a Fiendish Teleportation contract for 1400gp.
Natural Skill (Verdant Wheel) Gain the Recognize Spell feat


Most of the time Rhaegal will use his breath (cantrips) to attack an enemy from a distance. If enemies move into melee combat, he will use Gouging Claw to show them how a dragon fights. If he does see the opportunity, he will wild shape to attack in melee. He can also take on a healing role.

Rhaegal Dragonkin, mighty defender of Jadirahx
LN Male Kobold Druid 7
Background: Warrior
Senses Darkvision, scent Perception: +15 [E]
Languages: Druidic, Common, Draconic, Sylvan, Skald

Hit Points: 83
AC: 25 (+1 explorer's clothing, scales); 27 with shield
Fort: +13 [E] Ref: +14 [T] Will: +15 [E] (+1 vs sleep/paralyze)
Resistances: Acid 3, Fire 6

Speed: 25
Melee dagger +12 [T], 1d4 P/S (thrown 10ft)
Ranged Javelin +12 [T] 1d6 P (thrown)

Spell Attack +15 [E]
Spell DC 25 [E]
Focus Points: 2
Focus Spells: Untamed Shift, Untamed Form, Pest Form, Animal form
Cantrips: Electric Arc, Frostbite, Gouging Claw, Ignition, Prestidigitation, Guidance (pendant of the occult), Scatter Scree (trinity geode)
Level 1: Gust of Wind, Heal, Shockwave
Level 2: Heal (+1), Tailwind (+1), Scorching Ray
Level 3: Fear (+2), Blazing Dive, Haste
Level 4: Fireball (+1), Aerial Form

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 19, Cha 14

Ancestry Abilities
Dragonscaled Heritage (Copper) Gain acid resistance
Kobold Breath (◆◆) (4d4 acid, 30 foot line) Gain a breath weapon, usable every 1d4 rounds
Darkvision See in the dark
Winglets Increase Leap by 5 feet; Don't automatically fail check to High Jump or Long Jump if you don't stride 10 feet; Increase Long Jump distance by 10 feet (still can't go more than Speed)

Class Abilities
Untamed Order Gain Untamed Form feat and Untamed Shift focus spell. Becoming fully domesticated by civilization is anathema to you.
Wildsong You know a secret Druidic language
Shield Block Gain the Shield Block feat/action
Voice of Nature Use Diplomacy to make an impression on animals and to make simple requests of them
Perception Expertise Perception increases to Expert
Fortitude Expertise Fort Save increases to Expert
Reflex Expertise Reflex Saves increase to Expert
Expert Spellcaster Spell Attacks and DC rise to Expert

Class Feats
Untamed Form (◆◆) Gain the Untamed Form order spell, which lets you transform into a variety of forms
Dragon Disciple Dedication (Gold) Gain Fire Resist; +1 bonus to saves vs sleep and paralyze effects
Scales of the Dragon Gain +2 item bonus with max Dex +3 when unarmored; Increase Fire resist (stacks with armor potency runes)
Draconic Scent Gain a imprecise scent, usually 30 feet.

Intimidating Glare Demoralize without the auditory trait; gains the visual trait and you don't take a penalty for a different language
Shield Block (↺) An attack is reduced by the hardness of your shield. You and shield take the remaining damage.
Battle Medicine (◆) Attempt Medicine check in battle; as Treat Wounds, but target is immune for 1 day.
Continual Recovery Cooldown for Treat Wounds checks is 10 minutes
Additional Lore: Dragons Gain auto-scaling lore skill (dragons)
Arcane Sense (School Feat) Cast Detect Magic at will
Ward Medic Use Treat Wounds on two people at a time.
Recognize Spell Auto recognize Primal and Arcana spells 2nd level or lower.
Toughness Raise HP by your level. Reduce the DC of Recovery checks by 1.

Acrobatics +3, Arcana +10 [T], Athletics +0, Crafting +1, Deception +2, Diplomacy +11 [T], Intimidation +16 [M], Lore (Dragons) +14 [M], Lore (Warfare) +10 [T], Lore (Herbalism) +10 [T], Medicine +15 [E] (+1 Treat Wounds), Nature +13 [T], Occultism +2, Performance +2, Religion +4, Society +1, Stealth +3, Survival +13 [T], Thievery +3

Equipment (Bulk 4.0)
Worn backpack, +1 explorer's clothing, belt pouch, bandolier, wooden shield, druid's crown, bag of holding, pendant of the occult, trinity geode spellheart (armor), shapespeak mask
Weapon dagger
Stowed bedroll, chalk, rations, moderate rope of climbing, torch, waterskin, flint & steel, sheath, healer's tools (expanded), holly & mistletoe, winter clothing, pup tent, compass, scroll of Heal (x3), scroll of Hydraulic Push, potion of healing (minor)
Coin 326.73gp


Rhaegal comes from a clan of Dragon-worshipping kobolds near the River Kingdoms. Most of his clan were strong and stout warriors, measuring themselves against a dragon's might and strength. While the rest of his clutch grew powerful and mighty, Rhaegal could never match them in strength and endurance. Refusing to be regarded as a failure, he began to seek the aid of the nature spirits and learn to hone his breath weapon. While the clan elders were impressed, Rhaegal grew obsessed with unlocking more of his draconic might. He decided to seek out dragons to learn their secrets. With the reach and resources of the Pathfinder Society, he hopes to find dragons and immerse himself in their power. Only when he has reached the full might of a dragon will he return home.

Rhaegal defended the mighty Jadirahx, giving him a brush with supreme dragonhood. He also aided the mighty Heraxia, a dragonkin from the future, securing his confidence that dragons and kobolds will merge in the distant future.


Rhaegal is kobold with a stunning mix of copper and gold scales with a hint of green mixed in. He is tall for a kobold, but lanky with a tendency to hunch and hide his frame. His eyes, though show a fierce determination and spark of power. He typically wears simple clothing and bears a simple dagger and wooden shield for protection. Rhaegal still finds cities and towns unnerving with so many people crowded together. While he has become familiar with amenities in smaller villages and towns, he still prefers the simple life of the wilderness.