Agents of the Holy Ordos

Game Master TheLastGhost

A Dark Heresy 2e game.

Campaign Resources

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Male Mechanicum Sage WS 41, BS 49, S 30, T40, Ag 32, Int 50, Per 35, WP 34, Fel 30, Wounds 13

Same here.

Radiant Oath

It's been over a month since the last post...think it's fair to say this game's Exterminatus'ed? :(


I am not surprised


Unfortunately yeah.

Yeah. Hopefully the GM is okay, given how he completely disappeared with no warning.

Radiant Oath

I do too. How do we get this shut down, then?

Only the GM can shut the game down, but you can go to the Online Campaigns page, filter down to ones you've posted in, and click the little circle with the line through it to hide the game.

Radiant Oath

I thought a moderator could do it or something?

I think they can, but I figured that's a waste of our and their time TBH.

Also, are there even any mods left on this site?

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