Clockwork Snail

Ptah 7-Kappa's page

106 posts. Alias of Simeon.


Male Mechanicum Sage WS 41, BS 49, S 30, T40, Ag 32, Int 50, Per 35, WP 34, Fel 30, Wounds 13

About Ptah 7-Kappa

Ptah 7-Kappa
Homeworld: Forge World
Background: Adeptus Mechanicus
Role: Sage

Weapon Skill: 41 (+4)
Ballistic Skill: 49 (+4) (Simple)
Strength: 30 (+3)
Toughness: 40 (+4)
Agility: 32 (+3)
Itelligence: 50 (+5) (Simple)
Perception: 35(+3) (+10 to visual tests)
Willpower: 34 (+3) (Simple)
Fellowship: 30 (+3)
Influence: 30 (+3)

Wounds: 13

Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus)
Common Lore (Imperium)
Common Lore (Imperial Creed)
Common Lore (Tech)
Scholarly Lore (Numerology)
Scholarly Lore (Tech)
Scholarly Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus)
Scholarly Lore (Imperium)
Forbidden Lore (Archeotech)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos)
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus)
Forbidden Lore (Imperium)
Linguistics (Cant Mechanicus)
Linguistics (High Gothic)
Linguistics (Low Gothic)
Tech-Use +20 (Trained, Utility Mechadendrite), +10 more to interface with MIU compatible devices

Mechadendrite Use (Utility)
Mechadendrite Use (Weapon)
Technical Knock
Weapon Training (Solid Projectile)

Hand cannon (1d10+4)
Mechadendrite (utility) (1d5 Rend, 2 pen)
Imperial robes
2 vials of sacred unguents
Mind Impulse Unit
Optical Mechadendrite
Flak Cloak (AP 3, Max AG 55)
Mechanicus Implants
-Cranial Circuitry
-Electoo Inductors
-Potentia Coil

Replace the Weak Flesh (Count all cybernetics as 2 levels more available)

Aptitudes: General, Intelligence, Tech, Knowledge, Weapon Skill, Perception, Willpower, Ballistic Skill, Toughness, Defense


Common Lore (Imperium): 100
Common Lore (Tech): 100
Scholarly Lore (Numerology): 100
Scholarly Lore (Tech): 100
Scholarly Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus): 100
Scholarly Lore (Imperium): 100
Forbidden Lore (Archeotech): 100
Forbidden Lore (Xenos): 100
Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus): 100
Forbidden Lore (Imperium): 100
1000 XP on Lore
Tech: Trained, 200 xp
1200XP total
Dodge: Known, 100XP
1300XP total
Ballistic Skill: Simple, 250 XP
Intelligence: Simple, 100 XP
1650 XP total
Weapon Mechadendrite Usage: 300 XP
1950 Total
Willpower (Simple)
2200 Total
Linguistics (High Gothic, Low Gothic): 200 XP
2400 Total
100 left over


The dead world of Klybo fascinates many who tread the Machine God’s path of knowledge. Rumors of incredible caches of STC templates abound, and a few, potentially slightly mad tech-priests settled there and founded a research and exploration outpost.

Predisposed towards eccentricity, the inhabitants of the outpost found that exploring lost structures beneath shifting sands were highly reminiscent of a set of fragmentary records about Holy Terra in its infancy. The lost kingdom of Gyptus ruled by the immortal explorer-king In’dyaana Jaonz deeply resonated with the techpriests, and their culture drifted towards what insights they could glean.

It was into this strange and erudite community that Ptah was born. His childhood was standard for those born into a Mechanicus research outpost, with rigorous study and exacting standards. Some of his peers failed, and were either recycled for nutrients or converted into servitors. Ptah did not.

He was fiercely ambitious and intelligent, forever seeking more knowledge. At the unprecedented age of 14 he completed his novitiation and was made a Technographer. He was skilled with technology, memorizing the Psalm of Light and the proper ritual for putting a machine spirit to sleep and reawakening it, generally for troubleshooting purposes.

He advanced through the ranks of his small community, earning the rank of Mech-Wright at the age of 19, and with it command of a exploratory squad. At his disposal were two novitiates, fifteen Skitarii, and thirty servitors.

It took some time to find a location, gain approval, and get together supplies for a mission, but after nearly a year he found his mark. Buried beneath nearly a mile of sand, stone, rockcrete debris and a maze of corridors infested by hostile wildlife, rogue servitors, and forgotten technological horrors lay signals that had to have originated from archeotech.

The mission was hard-fought, fraught with danger. They spent a month slogging through winding caverns, followed by weeks of sleepless nights in the tunnels beneath.

Ptah does not divulge what he found beneath the shifting sands of Klybo. All that his family and community knew was that he returned, alone, with skin dyed rust red and binaric script tattooed across every inch of it. He was a changed man. His thirst for knowledge had been altered fundamentally.

All knowledge, he claimed, was a product of the infinite logic of the Machine God. Whether it was sanctioned or hereteknical did not matter, simply that it needed to be preserved and understood. The ancient technology of humanity, he believed, was the purest form of the Machine God, and it had to be understood.

He began to set out on his own, bringing back fragments of archeotechnical lore that could be considered near blasphemy if used improperly. The Inquisition, of course, had their interest piqued. Ptah’s extensive knowledge was too valuable to go to waste, but just close enough to heresy that he could not be allowed to go free.

Appearance and Personality:

Among tech-priests, Ptah Sigma-7 looks comparatively mild. Among baseline humans however, he is terrifying. His skin is a rust red, and every part of it not taken up by cybernetics is tattooed with binaric script. His cybernetics, though not as total as many of his fellow disciples, are still extensive. His eyes have been replaced by cybernetics, casting a dim red glow whenever he is awake. An elaborate respiratory system replaces his mouth and nose, lending an electronic timbre to his breathing and speaking. Though generally covered by hooded, sleeveless robes, the back of his skull is metal, with a series of vertebral augers connecting his cranial implants to his cyber-mantle.

Ptah is coldly logical like many followers of the Machine God. Emotion is a mere distraction from the true goal of knowledge and enlightenment. He differs from the rigid orthodoxy of the Machine Cult on how he believes knowledge should be treated. The Machine God is the source of all knowledge, not just what the Lector-Dogmatics permit. To destroy any piece of information is heresy, blatant disregard for the blessing of the Trinity Machina. That said, Ptah is far from a heretek. His desire to destroy the enemies of mankind and the Mechanicus is incredibly strong. He simply believes that mankind cannot fight blind, and that knowledge is what will open their eyes.

Answers to Questions:

1. What is your character’s name?
Ptah 7-Kappa
2. How old is your character?
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
Ptah is of average height and build, though that is where his normalcy ends. His skin is a rust-red, tattooed with binaric script. His eyes are cybernetic lenses that cast a dim red glow and his head is shaved, while his nose and mouth are covered by a cybernetic rebreather. The cyber-mantle on his back has two mechadendrites attached to it, one for utility and maintenance, the other an ocular unit. He also carries a hand-cannon at his hip.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
Ptah’s voice has a distinct mechanical timbre to it.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Ptah was born on the Mechanicus research world of Klybo. His family unit was designated as mid-stratum menials, with enough genetic viability to avoid regular servitor conversion but not so much as to be given regular admission into the Cult Mechanicus. Ptah, however, was selected at an early age for potential induction into the cult. He was raised collectively by the cult members of the research outpost his family unit served at alongside the other aspirants.
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
Ptah never knew his parents. He was told they are still alive, but the only real mentor figure he had growing up was a senior priest named Ahamshut.
7. Do you have any other family or friends?
There was a time when he held some as friends and peers. That was some time ago, though. His departure from the orthodoxy of the Mechanicus saw most who called him friend or peer to turn their backs on him. It is a lonely path he walks, but it is one he is devoted to utterly.
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids?
Ptah is without children or any romantic connections, and lacks the desire to foster either.
9. What is your character’s alignment?
Radical quaestant magos.
10. What is your character’s moral code?
For a priest of the Cult Mechanicus, morality in a traditional sense is irrelevant. One’s goals are foremost, and those goals should be accomplished in the way that the Machine God dictates.
11. Does your character have goals?
The holy task of all who tread the iron path of the Deus Machina is the acquisition of knowledge
12. Is your character religious?
Deeply. Ptah is a devout follower of the Machine God, though his own take on the faith could be seen as bordering on heresy by some.
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs?
Ptah sees his purpose in the universe as a small but vital cog in the vast machine of humanity. His role is to find the knowledge that others will not, to understand what others are too afraid to. By doing that, he will give humanity a weapon against it’s many, many foes.
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
There are a few. He believes deeply in the Machine God, but very differently from the other tech-priests. Knowledge has no morality, only use. As long as it is used to fight the enemies of humanity, it is useful. Xenotech, archeotech, anything that is useful in the continuation of humanity and the cause of the Adeptus Mechanicus. He is also an outlier, though less than with the former belief, in that he does not see the Emperor as the true Omnissiah. He was a man of great power, certainly, and one worthy of respect, but the true Omnissiah would have been of the Cult, not his own faith.
15. Why does your character adventure?
Ptah adventures because in a sense, he cannot do anything else. His unorthodox views have set him apart from the mainline Adeptus Mechanicus, so all he can do to serve the cause of the Machine God is to seek knowledge at the fringes of Imperial society.
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
His role is that of a seeker of knowledge, following that wherever it will take him. Though he chafes within the command of the Inquisition, he has realized beyond a doubt that without their protection he would be seen as a heretek and hunted down with the ruthless efficiency that only the Mechanicus can achieve.
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
Most notable are the markings on his rust-red skin, those being countless lines of binaric tattoos.
18. How does your character get along with others?
Not very well. He is blunt and direct as many tech-priests are, better with a cogitator and a servitor than with other people. He does his duty, of course, striving to maximize efficiency by building what team cohesion he can.
19. Is there anything that your character hates?
Hate is irrational. Hate is a manifestation of fear. He does, however, find the destruction of knowledge and the rejection of information that could bring any meager scrap of power to humanity in this benighted age to be deeply abhorrent, sacrilege to the name of the Machine God.
20. Is there anything that your character fears?
Fear is irrational, a relic of flesh. There are two things in life, duty and dereliction. Ptah knows his duty, even if many others may not understand it.