I am not sure where this week went. I feel like I had a bout of depression and could not be inspired. I had work evaluations so that probably hit me hard, even though I did well. I put too much stress on myself.
On my health side, I still have a cough that seems to get better then flares up again. Luckily my lungs have cleared up.
I should be on daily this weekend and should be ready for game advancement come next week!
I am not sure where this week went. I feel like I had a bout of depression and could not be inspired. I had work evaluations so that probably hit me hard, even though I did well. I put too much stress on myself.
On my health side, I still have a cough that seems to get better then flares up again. Luckily my lungs have cleared up.
I should be on daily this weekend and should be ready for game advancement come next week!
Sometimes life is like that. We appreciate your efforts and are glad that you are feeling better!
Male N sylph Rogue 4 (Scout) hp 28/28 | AC 19/t14/ff15 CMD 20 +2 vs. undead | Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1, +1 Ref to avoid traps | Init +4 | spd 30 ft |Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +7 (+11 to overhear conversation/+13 to find traps)
Visayn has the flute, though he is keeping it hidden in pocket.
Male Sense motive1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP:24/24 Rage HP 28/28AC:23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9Frt:6+2(rage)Ref:2Wil:4+2(rage)CMD20Perc.5/nA
Ragnar intends to kill the lopper with his the loppers own axe, and has zero intentions of ever not calling him "Hopper"
Male N sylph Rogue 4 (Scout) hp 28/28 | AC 19/t14/ff15 CMD 20 +2 vs. undead | Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1, +1 Ref to avoid traps | Init +4 | spd 30 ft |Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +7 (+11 to overhear conversation/+13 to find traps)
Calin Milotti wrote:
@GM Wolf: is there map for me to reference? Or is this theater of the mind?
I looked at the maps linked in the campaign description but I don't know where to look.
Same here. I really don't know what to do without updated map.
Male Sense motive1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP:24/24 Rage HP 28/28AC:23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9Frt:6+2(rage)Ref:2Wil:4+2(rage)CMD20Perc.5/nA
I had a lot of things to do over the weekend, normal posting will resume on monday evening my time.
Male Sense motive1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP:24/24 Rage HP 28/28AC:23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9Frt:6+2(rage)Ref:2Wil:4+2(rage)CMD20Perc.5/nA
Ragnar is currently bloodraging. He still does tactics, but his intentions are to get his Paladin buddy out of dodge.
Okay sorry for my absence, this last week of school has been crazy! This weekend I had a cold that knocked me out. I will be traveling, vacationing, and training this week. I should get some posts up Thursday and Friday, as those are my training days.
Activate Magic Item
Source PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 183
Many magic items don’t need to be activated. Certain magic items, however, do need to be activated, especially potions, scrolls, wands, rods, and staves. Unless otherwise noted, activating a magic item is a standard action. Spell Completion Items: Activating a spell completion item (see page 458) is the equivalent of casting a spell. It requires concentration and provokes attacks of opportunity. You lose the spell if your concentration is broken, and you can attempt to activate the item while on the defensive, as with casting a spell.
Spell Trigger, Command Word, or Use-Activated Items: Activating any of these kinds of items does not require concentration and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Type: Dragon humanoid. Do not recalculate HD, BAB, or saves.
Armor Class: Nat. armor improves by +2.
Special Qualities and Defenses:
A dragonkin gains darkvision 60 feet; low-light vision;
immunity to sleep and paralysis;
and resist energy 10 of the same type as its breath weapon.
Speed: 30 feet.
Melee: A dragonkin has two claw attacks and a bite attack. A new claw or bite attack deals damage as appropriate for the Dragonkin's size (see Natural Attacks.)
Special Abilities: A breath weapon usable once per day based on the dragon variety (see below). The breath weapon deals 1d6 hit points of damage per HD possessed by the dragonkin (Reflex half; DC 10 + 1/2 creature's racial HD + creature's Con modifier).
Dragon Variety Breath Weapon
Black or copper 30–foot line of acid
Brass 30–foot line of fire
Blue or bronze 30–foot line of electricity
Gold or red 15–foot cone of fire
Green 15–foot cone of acid
Silver or white 15–foot cone of cold
Powerful Build: Basically works as if you are Large but only when advantageous to do so.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Con +2, Int -2, Cha +2, Wis -2.
Languages: Dragonkin begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Dragonkin who have high Intelligence scores scores can choose from the following: Dwarvish, Elemental, Elvish, Infernal, Kobold, Minotaur, and Ghoulish/Undercommon. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Dragonhide: Dragonkin gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate and Diplomacy checks. Fly is always a class skill for dragonkin.