GM Wolf's Carrion Crown the Bard's Epic!

Game Master BloodWolven

Trust 26

Fight Club!


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Sorry for the delays, sickness and not sleeping the best have been an utter drain on me.

Hope you feel better.
And that has been happening a lot recently, to many I know.
So it is understandable

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

No worries. Real life, especially your health, is more important! Hope you feel better.

Thanks for understanding! Then lucky me, I have had extra time here and there to post.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

@GM Wolf, hope you are starting to feel better.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am not sure where this week went. I feel like I had a bout of depression and could not be inspired. I had work evaluations so that probably hit me hard, even though I did well. I put too much stress on myself.

On my health side, I still have a cough that seems to get better then flares up again. Luckily my lungs have cleared up.

I should be on daily this weekend and should be ready for game advancement come next week!

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'
GM Wolf wrote:

I am not sure where this week went. I feel like I had a bout of depression and could not be inspired. I had work evaluations so that probably hit me hard, even though I did well. I put too much stress on myself.

On my health side, I still have a cough that seems to get better then flares up again. Luckily my lungs have cleared up.

I should be on daily this weekend and should be ready for game advancement come next week!

Sometimes life is like that. We appreciate your efforts and are glad that you are feeling better!

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Glad you are feeling better! And yes, we definitely appreciate the work it takes to run the game.

Thanks! Sometimes it does build up.

I still need to go over those cursed items and send informational PMs to those holding them.

Please give me a list of who has what.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Calin is holding onto the book, despite seeing his name in it.

Male N sylph Rogue 4 (Scout) hp 28/28 | AC 19/t14/ff15 CMD 20 +2 vs. undead | Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1, +1 Ref to avoid traps | Init +4 | spd 30 ft |Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +7 (+11 to overhear conversation/+13 to find traps)

Visayn has the flute, though he is keeping it hidden in pocket.

Male Sense motive 1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP: 24/24 Rage HP 28/28 AC: 23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9 Frt: 6+2(rage) Ref: 2 Wil: 4+2(rage) CMD 20 Perc.5/nA

Ragnar intends to kill the lopper with his the loppers own axe, and has zero intentions of ever not calling him "Hopper"

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Valiard has the holy symbols I think.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

FYI: I'm traveling (maybe today and) tomorrow so intermittent access.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Running Bayshore Half Marathon tomorrow, I may not be functional for a day or so afterwards.

[dice=+1 Spiked chain]d20+9[/dice] [dice=Spiked Chain]2d4+11[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Crossbow]d20+4[/dice] [dice=Crossbow]d8[/dice]
HP 23/26 | AC: 24 T:13 FF: 21 |Perception +11 (LL/DV) | Sense Motive +5, Initiative +3 | Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 | CMB +8, CMD 21 | Speed 20 (30) Ft , Fly 50 (60) [Average] | Immune to Sleep, Paralysis, Cold
Diplomacy +11, Fly +9 (6), Heal +3, K(Arc, His, Nob) +6, Planes +8, Religion +7, Ling. +7, Perception +11 (LL/DV), Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6
Omrataji : Inv: 2/4; Sp.: 4/4

Imrik has the hammer.

HP: 34 | AC 18/17/12, Saves 6/3/1, Perc +4, Init +2, Speed:30, Fast Healing 2, Resist Fire 5, CMB+9, CMD: 20
Dragonkin Eldritch Guardian 3

Lectrum had the axe. I'm not sure what is still out there, but he will take one with a shrug.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend! I’ll be at a computer in an hour or so. Then catching up on work and PbD games.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Last travel day for awhile, hopefully.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

@GM Wolf: is there map for me to reference? Or is this theater of the mind?

I looked at the maps linked in the campaign description but I don't know where to look.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Sick kiddo. Might be delayed in responding.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

I have been getting wrecked in the emergency department the last few days. Really really long shifts without a break. sorry I have been so absent.

Male N sylph Rogue 4 (Scout) hp 28/28 | AC 19/t14/ff15 CMD 20 +2 vs. undead | Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +1, +1 Ref to avoid traps | Init +4 | spd 30 ft |Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +7 (+11 to overhear conversation/+13 to find traps)
Calin Milotti wrote:

@GM Wolf: is there map for me to reference? Or is this theater of the mind?

I looked at the maps linked in the campaign description but I don't know where to look.

Same here. I really don't know what to do without updated map.

Rai you are not booted, I just did the initial off of those who had posted in the last page of posts. Just a slight oversight.

Map... is on slide 9 of the maps. It is not updated yet. I will update it soon!

Male Sense motive 1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP: 24/24 Rage HP 28/28 AC: 23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9 Frt: 6+2(rage) Ref: 2 Wil: 4+2(rage) CMD 20 Perc.5/nA

I had a lot of things to do over the weekend, normal posting will resume on monday evening my time.

GM Wolf wrote:

Rai you are not booted, I just did the initial off of those who had posted in the last page of posts. Just a slight oversight.

Map... is on slide 9 of the maps. It is not updated yet. I will update it soon!

I'm thinking of dropping, as I've been having a hard time finding a way to integrate into the game.

HP: 25/25| AC: 17_T:12_ FF:16_ Perception +8| Sense Motive +12, Initiative: +1, Fort: +5_ Ref: +4_ Will: +5, CMB: +6, CMD: 17, Spd: 30. Channels 2d6, 1/5 left. Spells Bless 1/3. Lesser resto 1/1. Bulls str 1/1. CLW Wand 47/50
Acrobatics +6 Climb +6 Craft calligraphy +4 Diplomacy +6 Heal +6 Knowledge engineering +1 Knowledge planes +4 Knowledge religion +9 Linguistics +7 Perception +8. Sense motive +12. Spellcraft +6. Swim +6.
GM Wolf wrote:

Rai you are not booted, I just did the initial off of those who had posted in the last page of posts. Just a slight oversight.

Map... is on slide 9 of the maps. It is not updated yet. I will update it soon!

Ok thanks! Please let us know when the map has been updated :)

And wow there are a lot of skeletons, Calin looks swarmed. :(

Map has been updated. Yes Calin is getting swarmed

HP: 25/25| AC: 17_T:12_ FF:16_ Perception +8| Sense Motive +12, Initiative: +1, Fort: +5_ Ref: +4_ Will: +5, CMB: +6, CMD: 17, Spd: 30. Channels 2d6, 1/5 left. Spells Bless 1/3. Lesser resto 1/1. Bulls str 1/1. CLW Wand 47/50
Acrobatics +6 Climb +6 Craft calligraphy +4 Diplomacy +6 Heal +6 Knowledge engineering +1 Knowledge planes +4 Knowledge religion +9 Linguistics +7 Perception +8. Sense motive +12. Spellcraft +6. Swim +6.

Cool, will look at posting when I get home.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1
Alkaid Yaffa Leona Aiba wrote:
I'm thinking of dropping, as I've been having a hard time finding a way to integrate into the game.

Sorry to see you go. Hoping you consider sticking it out.

HP: 25/25| AC: 17_T:12_ FF:16_ Perception +8| Sense Motive +12, Initiative: +1, Fort: +5_ Ref: +4_ Will: +5, CMB: +6, CMD: 17, Spd: 30. Channels 2d6, 1/5 left. Spells Bless 1/3. Lesser resto 1/1. Bulls str 1/1. CLW Wand 47/50
Acrobatics +6 Climb +6 Craft calligraphy +4 Diplomacy +6 Heal +6 Knowledge engineering +1 Knowledge planes +4 Knowledge religion +9 Linguistics +7 Perception +8. Sense motive +12. Spellcraft +6. Swim +6.

Just checking, should I post for Rai doing round 2 actions, or should I wait until after the skeletons have acted in initiative?

[dice=+1 Spiked chain]d20+9[/dice] [dice=Spiked Chain]2d4+11[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Crossbow]d20+4[/dice] [dice=Crossbow]d8[/dice]
HP 23/26 | AC: 24 T:13 FF: 21 |Perception +11 (LL/DV) | Sense Motive +5, Initiative +3 | Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 | CMB +8, CMD 21 | Speed 20 (30) Ft , Fly 50 (60) [Average] | Immune to Sleep, Paralysis, Cold
Diplomacy +11, Fly +9 (6), Heal +3, K(Arc, His, Nob) +6, Planes +8, Religion +7, Ling. +7, Perception +11 (LL/DV), Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6
Omrataji : Inv: 2/4; Sp.: 4/4

I was waiting for the skeletons as well.

HP: 25/25| AC: 17_T:12_ FF:16_ Perception +8| Sense Motive +12, Initiative: +1, Fort: +5_ Ref: +4_ Will: +5, CMB: +6, CMD: 17, Spd: 30. Channels 2d6, 1/5 left. Spells Bless 1/3. Lesser resto 1/1. Bulls str 1/1. CLW Wand 47/50
Acrobatics +6 Climb +6 Craft calligraphy +4 Diplomacy +6 Heal +6 Knowledge engineering +1 Knowledge planes +4 Knowledge religion +9 Linguistics +7 Perception +8. Sense motive +12. Spellcraft +6. Swim +6.

Decided to post just in case, since it seems that other people are posting.

Male Sense motive 1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP: 24/24 Rage HP 28/28 AC: 23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9 Frt: 6+2(rage) Ref: 2 Wil: 4+2(rage) CMD 20 Perc.5/nA

Ragnar is currently bloodraging. He still does tactics, but his intentions are to get his Paladin buddy out of dodge.

Okay sorry for my absence, this last week of school has been crazy! This weekend I had a cold that knocked me out. I will be traveling, vacationing, and training this week. I should get some posts up Thursday and Friday, as those are my training days.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Too many undead that are immune to criticals...I need something squishy to stab!

Activate Magic Item
Source PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 183
Many magic items don’t need to be activated. Certain magic items, however, do need to be activated, especially potions, scrolls, wands, rods, and staves. Unless otherwise noted, activating a magic item is a standard action. Spell Completion Items: Activating a spell completion item (see page 458) is the equivalent of casting a spell. It requires concentration and provokes attacks of opportunity. You lose the spell if your concentration is broken, and you can attempt to activate the item while on the defensive, as with casting a spell.

Spell Trigger, Command Word, or Use-Activated Items: Activating any of these kinds of items does not require concentration and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Rai, I will let you trigger, cast, then move.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1
GM Wolf wrote:

After Calin's positive channel only one zombie remains. The skeletons all burst as the other zombie succumbs as well.

Finish it!


Really?! No one, I guess I bot ya all.

Thanks for the posts Calin.

HP: 25/25| AC: 17_T:12_ FF:16_ Perception +8| Sense Motive +12, Initiative: +1, Fort: +5_ Ref: +4_ Will: +5, CMB: +6, CMD: 17, Spd: 30. Channels 2d6, 1/5 left. Spells Bless 1/3. Lesser resto 1/1. Bulls str 1/1. CLW Wand 47/50
Acrobatics +6 Climb +6 Craft calligraphy +4 Diplomacy +6 Heal +6 Knowledge engineering +1 Knowledge planes +4 Knowledge religion +9 Linguistics +7 Perception +8. Sense motive +12. Spellcraft +6. Swim +6.

Ah, my apologies, Fridays and Saturdays are really busy for me.

Thanks for the magic item info, I think I might get confused between spell trigger and spell completion items.

Also hah I should have read the ooc before I posted and looked at the map. No matter, I will take whatever consequences that happen lol.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'

Valiard has fast stealth, so he moves his normal speed.

Rai Yashin wrote:

Ah, my apologies, Fridays and Saturdays are really busy for me.

Thanks for the magic item info, I think I might get confused between spell trigger and spell completion items.

Also hah I should have read the ooc before I posted and looked at the map. No matter, I will take whatever consequences that happen lol.

Basically if it is a: potions, scrolls, wands, rods, or staves. Then it is like casting the spell.

HP: 34 | AC 18/17/12, Saves 6/3/1, Perc +4, Init +2, Speed:30, Fast Healing 2, Resist Fire 5, CMB+9, CMD: 20
Dragonkin Eldritch Guardian 3

Sorry the aura was so ill-defined. I chose it, but neither of us really defined it.

His aura will only affect himself for now. We will allow the surge as it was done in gameplay.

Everyone should have an aura and an ability that is very basic of its kind. Some pick cantrips such as acid orb if they chose Earth as their aura.

Yes please continue to discuss out loud what you plan to do!

HP: 34 | AC 18/17/12, Saves 6/3/1, Perc +4, Init +2, Speed:30, Fast Healing 2, Resist Fire 5, CMB+9, CMD: 20
Dragonkin Eldritch Guardian 3

I don't recall if Dragonkin have lowlight or darkvision...

[dice=+1 Spiked chain]d20+9[/dice] [dice=Spiked Chain]2d4+11[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Crossbow]d20+4[/dice] [dice=Crossbow]d8[/dice]
HP 23/26 | AC: 24 T:13 FF: 21 |Perception +11 (LL/DV) | Sense Motive +5, Initiative +3 | Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 | CMB +8, CMD 21 | Speed 20 (30) Ft , Fly 50 (60) [Average] | Immune to Sleep, Paralysis, Cold
Diplomacy +11, Fly +9 (6), Heal +3, K(Arc, His, Nob) +6, Planes +8, Religion +7, Ling. +7, Perception +11 (LL/DV), Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6
Omrataji : Inv: 2/4; Sp.: 4/4

According to the SRD, it looks like dragonkin have darkvision.

Racial abilities for 3.5 DM creation Dragonkin:

CR: Lvl + 1

Type: Dragon humanoid. Do not recalculate HD, BAB, or saves.

Armor Class: Nat. armor improves by +2.

Special Qualities and Defenses:
A dragonkin gains darkvision 60 feet; low-light vision;
immunity to sleep and paralysis;
and resist energy 10 of the same type as its breath weapon.

Speed: 30 feet.

Melee: A dragonkin has two claw attacks and a bite attack. A new claw or bite attack deals damage as appropriate for the Dragonkin's size (see Natural Attacks.)

Special Abilities: A breath weapon usable once per day based on the dragon variety (see below). The breath weapon deals 1d6 hit points of damage per HD possessed by the dragonkin (Reflex half; DC 10 + 1/2 creature's racial HD + creature's Con modifier).

Dragon Variety Breath Weapon
Black or copper 30–foot line of acid
Brass 30–foot line of fire
Blue or bronze 30–foot line of electricity
Gold or red 15–foot cone of fire
Green 15–foot cone of acid
Silver or white 15–foot cone of cold

Powerful Build: Basically works as if you are Large but only when advantageous to do so.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Con +2, Int -2, Cha +2, Wis -2.


Languages: Dragonkin begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Dragonkin who have high Intelligence scores scores can choose from the following: Dwarvish, Elemental, Elvish, Infernal, Kobold, Minotaur, and Ghoulish/Undercommon. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Dragonhide: Dragonkin gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate and Diplomacy checks. Fly is always a class skill for dragonkin.

HP: 34 | AC 18/17/12, Saves 6/3/1, Perc +4, Init +2, Speed:30, Fast Healing 2, Resist Fire 5, CMB+9, CMD: 20
Dragonkin Eldritch Guardian 3

Thanks GM!

I'll be away from the computer for a couple of days. Lectrum will attack whatever the party tells him to kill.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 4
HP: 35/40 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +1 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +9, CMD: 19, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +10, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +4, Kn. Nobility: +7, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +1, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Busy day yesterday. I'll get caught up this morning.

It sounds like you are waiting on Calin... Calin are you going to wait the three rounds?

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