[Outpost VII] #4-10: Arclord's Abode (Inactive)

Game Master PaleDim

RPG Chronicles | Macros | Maps and Handouts | Chronicle Sheets

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Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dwarf Gun3 | HP: 37/37 | AC: 20 | Fort: +8, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 20 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 0 | Conditions: . |

My goal was to get her attention. I suppose I did so, huh? LOL

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Transparency: your foe is down to 8 hit points

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

I've PM'd Shayna to see about those possible spell slots for soothe. Bit of a nail-biter here!

Horizon Hunters

NG Female Dwarf (Forge Dwarf) Gunslinger 3 | HP 40/40 | AC 19 | F +9 R +10 W +9 | Perc +9 (darkvision) | Stealth +3 | 25 ft. | Active Conditions:
GM PaleDim wrote:
I've PM'd Shayna to see about those possible spell slots for soothe. Bit of a nail-biter here!

Yesterday he did send me this message:

'Pls inform our table in Q3 that my home PC suddenly died. Also pls inform Pirate Rob of the same thing (I'm in his 1-23) game. I'll have to troubleshoot my PC when I get home.'

Horizon Hunters

NG Female Dwarf (Forge Dwarf) Gunslinger 3 | HP 40/40 | AC 19 | F +9 R +10 W +9 | Perc +9 (darkvision) | Stealth +3 | 25 ft. | Active Conditions:

And I scrolled through SHayna posts and she casted:
1 Soothe lvl 2, Sonic Blast => that should leave 1 lvl 2 slot
1 Magic Missile - that should leave 2 level 1 slots

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Aha, then I should bot a soothe today.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

This looks better now. Yuan could potentially end the fight now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

I went ahead and reported this game.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Your chronicles can be downloaded HERE! Let me know if there is any mistake and if you want to add downtime rolls I'm happy to adjust them.

Radiant Oath

CG Female Human | Merchant | Bard Lvl 4 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 3/3 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | F/R/W 9/11/9 | Perc +9 | Spell Attack: +10 | 25 feet | Class DC 20 | ◆◇↺ | Spells: -/1/1 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Performance(E): +12, Deception/Diplomacy: +10, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +9, Intimidation(U)/PFS Lore(E): +8, Lore (Mercantile)/Occultism/Athletics: +6, Medicine/Religion/Nature/Survival: +5, Arcana/Crafting/Society: +4 |

so sorry for disappearing -- home PC died last Friday and I didn't get back up until Monday. It looks like you all handled the final combat well enough w/out Shayna though!

Radiant Oath

CG Female Human | Merchant | Bard Lvl 4 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 3/3 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | F/R/W 9/11/9 | Perc +9 | Spell Attack: +10 | 25 feet | Class DC 20 | ◆◇↺ | Spells: -/1/1 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Performance(E): +12, Deception/Diplomacy: +10, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +9, Intimidation(U)/PFS Lore(E): +8, Lore (Mercantile)/Occultism/Athletics: +6, Medicine/Religion/Nature/Survival: +5, Arcana/Crafting/Society: +4 |

Shayna plays for Alyreha but hits a note so sour that everyone hears it...

Performance(E), Virtuosic w/ Wind Instruments: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

meh... 32cp

Radiant Oath

CG Female Human | Merchant | Bard Lvl 4 | Pathfinder Agent Dedication | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 3/3 | HP 44/44 | AC 20 | F/R/W 9/11/9 | Perc +9 | Spell Attack: +10 | 25 feet | Class DC 20 | ◆◇↺ | Spells: -/1/1 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Performance(E): +12, Deception/Diplomacy: +10, Acrobatics/Stealth/Thievery: +9, Intimidation(U)/PFS Lore(E): +8, Lore (Mercantile)/Occultism/Athletics: +6, Medicine/Religion/Nature/Survival: +5, Arcana/Crafting/Society: +4 |

Chronicle looks good! Thanks GM!

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Shayna, please see your PM's for a detail question about your signup.

I'll prepare an updated chronicle with your earn income.

(The rest of you are welcome to add that as well)

Horizon Hunters

Fem Halfling - Investigator 3 | HP=33 | AC=18| Fort=6, Ref=9, Will=9| Perception +9 Char sheet

I've missed discussion here but afterall found it!

Gret game with amount of challenge! And finally level 4 for Klara

Craft to Earn income: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Chronicles updated!

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Once I get confirmation that everybody has received their chronicles I will deactivate the session.

Horizon Hunters

NG Female Dwarf (Forge Dwarf) Gunslinger 3 | HP 40/40 | AC 19 | F +9 R +10 W +9 | Perc +9 (darkvision) | Stealth +3 | 25 ft. | Active Conditions:
GM PaleDim wrote:
Once I get confirmation that everybody has received their chronicles I will deactivate the session.

I got mine, it looks good. I will fill in the downtime. Thank you for running the game PaleDim! I had a blast, it was really interesting, altho I always feel bad when my PC can't contribute in many of trials, lack of any of the arcana/nature/occultism/religion is something that bothers me with Rose. So I need to invest in hireling to have one of them covered.

Thank you fellow team, I hope to play with you some more.

p.s. I also need to buy Life shot to have an option to heal others. I know for certain that fighting with some creature (like incorporeal) gunslinger can barely do any damage.

Vigilant Seal

Dwarf Gun3 | HP: 37/37 | AC: 20 | Fort: +8, Refl: +11, Will: +8 | Perc (E): +8 (darkvision) | Speed 20 | Default exploration: Avoid Notice | Focus points: — | Hero Points: 0 | Conditions: . |

No earn income here. Thanks for running! Fun table, all!

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Glad to hear you enjoyed it, and thanks for being a great party!

Vigilant Seal

NG (male) human thaumaturge 2 | HP 17/28 | AC 19 (+1 with shield) | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 (E) | 25’ | hero points 1/3 | Exploration: Search | Active Conditions: wounded 1

Thanks for the game! Chronicle looks good.

Will fill in downtime myself.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Okay, deactivating! Hope to see you all at a table soon!

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