Rising Shadows: Moonshae Isles (5e)

Game Master Donnell "The Fox"

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how long before we level?

NPCs, Handouts, and Maps
Jacka-Lope wrote:
how long before we level?

Very soon -- just need to know what your next steps are.

CG human ftr 2| AC 16 (18) | hp 20/20 (2/2 HD) | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +4, I +0, W +0, Ch -1 | Insp [ ] | Second Wind used [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Passive Per 12

^_^ Can't wait for that Action Surge!!!


NPCs, Handouts, and Maps

I've been trying to make sure that combat moves along smoothly, so hopefully everyone is okay with me botting them. I try to leave a couple of days, but let me know if you would prefer that I wait longer.

If you're okay with the botting, the only thing I ask is that you make sure your character sheets are up-to-date. Thanks!

CG human ftr 2| AC 16 (18) | hp 20/20 (2/2 HD) | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +4, I +0, W +0, Ch -1 | Insp [ ] | Second Wind used [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Passive Per 12

I am fine with that. We are only 1st level right now, so not a lot to keep up to date yet. ^_^

Bunny has 17 hp.
I traded out frostbite for mind sliver and learned faerie fire as his new 1st level spell.

These are his invocations:
When you cast eldritch blast, add +3 to the damage it deals on a hit.

Armor of ShadowsPHB110
You can cast mage armor on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Mage Armor(1st)

F Illuskan Human | HP 17 | AC 17 | HD: 2d8+2 Skills: Insight +5, Medicine +5 | Disadv. on Stealth Saves: S 2, D 1, C 2, I 0, W 3, Ch -1 | Init 1 | PP 13 | Speed 30'

Holy wow the last week went by in a flash. I got Channel Divinity and an extra spell slot I think, nothing shiny.

Game Map DCI# 4318637857

@DM no problem you hitting me. I know my posting has gotten to be pretty crappy.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human| HP 13/13 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 14 Rogue 2 | Saves S +1, D +5, C -1, I +6, W +2, Ch +1

Thankful to you for keeping this game moving. I admit I'm not as active as I could be... and will try to improve.

It's very hard to go back to the blurry 5e rules now that I'm experienced with Pathfinder 2e where almost all the judgement calls have been eliminated. Also, makes Leveling up a bit "Anti-climactic". :-)

Added HP and "Cunning Action" this level.

NPCs, Handouts, and Maps

no worries -- oh, btw, I sent you a DM.

Also, work's been busy for me, so I should also apologize for the slow posting. I'll put something up today.

CG human ftr 2| AC 16 (18) | hp 20/20 (2/2 HD) | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +4, I +0, W +0, Ch -1 | Insp [ ] | Second Wind used [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Passive Per 12

@Gideon, I feel ya. I have almost moved completely to PF2e, with this game and one other being the lone exceptions.

NPCs, Handouts, and Maps

Yeah, I know several of you asked if this game could be PF2, but I just haven't had the time to learn it. I've played in a couple of drop-in sessions and really enjoyed it.

This is also my only D&D game, unless you count the old-school game that meets 1/month. It's my friend's design, but it's based on OSR rules like the white box and original 1970s' D&D rules. It's a lot of fun, but completely brutal -- chances of survival are very small. (It's HERE if you want to check it out, but since it's his own game, the 'rules' pretty minimal and are mainly reminders -- I think it would be tough to DM this game without having seen it in person.)

As mentioned, work's been pretty busy lately (not helped by the freelance work I took on). I'd like to try to know more about PF2 so I can run a game for this group -- that's assuming anyone is still around, as it might be a year before I can get to it!

CG human ftr 2| AC 16 (18) | hp 20/20 (2/2 HD) | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +4, I +0, W +0, Ch -1 | Insp [ ] | Second Wind used [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Passive Per 12

I would be willing to run you folk on a PF2e module, if you'd like to try it out... ^_^ It is pretty easy to pick up.

NPCs, Handouts, and Maps

I would love that -- I've had some fun making characters, and as I said, played a couple of short sessions, but it would be awesome to do more.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

I just ran the Lost on the Spirit Road module, which is a Tian Xia module. But I can do something else too. I have quite a few of the Pathfinder Society modules and quests.

NPCs, Handouts, and Maps

I was in a Strength of Thousands game -- I think we just made it through the first chapter before it fell apart. I don't have much hope that we'll come back to it, but that's the only adventure path that I know anything about.

would we use these characters or new ones?

NPCs, Handouts, and Maps

It would have to be new characters if it's PF2, but no reason you couldn't model a new character along the same lines.

Also, as long as people are still interested, I can keep going with this D&D 5e game.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human| HP 13/13 | AC 14 | Passive Perception 14 Rogue 2 | Saves S +1, D +5, C -1, I +6, W +2, Ch +1

Yes. Keep it going. Didn't mean to imply I wouldn't continue this game... just making an observation that the weaknesses of 5e are more apparent as I learn more about Pathfinder 2e.

I'll continue to play 5e... just have no desire to ever run it again. :-).

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

But imagine Jack as a PF2e Witch? :p

Anyway, I don't run full APs, because of the length of the commitment, and why I think Round-Robin style helps with that. I find that modules are just about the right length for me as a GM...

Anyway, we can continue, I probably won't run 5e either though...


Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Pathfinder 2nd edition.

pathfinder society 2e

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Oh, you mean the modules? Yeah.

and getting the credit with official characters

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Yep! AL for PF!

Jack would not transfer well even wit the new awakened animal ancestry.

F Illuskan Human | HP 17 | AC 17 | HD: 2d8+2 Skills: Insight +5, Medicine +5 | Disadv. on Stealth Saves: S 2, D 1, C 2, I 0, W 3, Ch -1 | Init 1 | PP 13 | Speed 30'

I basically don't know how to use Pathfinder, have used in the past but not in recent years. A quick google search found some rules though so yeah, I'm game in the future. There would be questions for you more experienced folk X-D. I love playing games but I am terrible at remembering rules. From card games to board games to RPGs, rules just refuse to organize themselves in my head. But ask me what the passcode was from a movie I watched 22 years ago, I got that! Sigh.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Hahah, no worries, we will do a beginner friendly game and try to help you all along as much as possible! I think the most daunting thing is making the character... So much choice!

NPCs, Handouts, and Maps

It looks like PF2 is more streamlined than PF1, but yeah, analysis-paralysis is a real thing when making characters or levelling up!

NPCs, Handouts, and Maps

(fyi, I'm just leaving a bit of time for the role-playing -- new post coming soon)

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

The big trick is having a good grasp on the concept of the character, then people can help you with the things that you might want to take!

The beginners box is a good place to start.

Any idea when we might start the PF2E game? I am looking at a kinesticst.

If anyone needs help with character making or ideas, let me know, I am pretty familiar with the system.

F Illuskan Human | HP 17 | AC 17 | HD: 2d8+2 Skills: Insight +5, Medicine +5 | Disadv. on Stealth Saves: S 2, D 1, C 2, I 0, W 3, Ch -1 | Init 1 | PP 13 | Speed 30'

One game at a time! :-D I will certainly take advantage of the offered assistance. Probably play a fighter next time.

Fighters can be really fun. You need to figure out if you want to be a melee or ranged fighter.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

I need to wait for some of my games to finish before I could start it up anyway... Let us wait until this one finishes...

Today was the last day of classes but the previous principal decided that tomorrow and Friday would be parent teacher conference days. EYE ROLL

NPCs, Handouts, and Maps

Come on, principal -- let the people go home!

The new superintendent could have said, no, this is nuts but chose not to. I am using my last 3 hours of sick leave tomorrow and saying Ciao to that school and shaking the dust from my feet.

F Illuskan Human | HP 17 | AC 17 | HD: 2d8+2 Skills: Insight +5, Medicine +5 | Disadv. on Stealth Saves: S 2, D 1, C 2, I 0, W 3, Ch -1 | Init 1 | PP 13 | Speed 30'

Na na nah nah, na na nah nah, hey hey hey.....

CG human ftr 2| AC 16 (18) | hp 20/20 (2/2 HD) | Saves: S +5, D +2, C +4, I +0, W +0, Ch -1 | Insp [ ] | Second Wind used [ ] | Action Surge [ ] | Passive Per 12
DM wrote:

Ummm... maybe it's my old-school D&D showing, but I'm not generally too concerned with material spell components -- especially in the case of a cleric calling on the blessings of their deity (I mean, it's not like you're a wizard trying to tap into the power of the universe!). I wouldn't want that to get out of hand, though...

In this case, the pirates probably wouldn't have taken Braith's holy symbol, since her deity is the Earthmother. But, since you are both tied up and you've been stripped of your possessions, I think Braith will have to give a pretty good reason why this should work.

I am of a similar mind. Usually, I would say that the Holy Symbol could be used as a Divine Focus. Though, if the captain is worth anything, I feel that he might have made sure. However, this is a 1st lvl adventure, so it stands to reason that they may have forgotten... ;)

NPCs, Handouts, and Maps

yes, exactly. And the Earthmother is well-respected in Moonshae, so that's a likely reason to overlook it.

I'm also just more likely to overlook a game rule (especially one that's restrictive for small reason) if someone has a good story to tell.

Ciao, ciao old school.

F Illuskan Human | HP 17 | AC 17 | HD: 2d8+2 Skills: Insight +5, Medicine +5 | Disadv. on Stealth Saves: S 2, D 1, C 2, I 0, W 3, Ch -1 | Init 1 | PP 13 | Speed 30'

Yeah we play with a group that rather ignores spell components (except for the ones that need like 100gp of diamond dust or some such) and I just forget to even look for them. Very much so my bad! It is funny because I reread the chains bit and was like oh, we can still wave our arms about then I guess. LOL. What's in one person's imagination doesn't necessarily make it's way over to another person's! I wonder if some day we'll be playing in virtual reality and all be seeing the same thing. That'd be interesting.

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