Chung Po

Yuan Wu's page

88 posts. Organized Play character for kuey.

Full Name

Yuan Wu


HP 28/28 | AC 19 (+1 with shield) | F +7 R +5 W +6 | Perc +6 (E) |


25’ | focus points 1/1 | hero points 2/3 | Exploration: Search | Active Conditions:


NG (male) human thaumaturge 2 |

About Yuan Wu

In Game Updates:

Pathfinder Training Items: scroll of heal

PFS Information:

PFS Number: 215076-2007
Experience: 16
Gold: 40.46

Training: Spells

Major Factions
Envoy’s Alliance: 18
Grand Archive: 0
Horizon Hunters: 0
Vigilant Seal: 2
Minor Factions
Radiant Oath: 0
Verdant Wheel: 0
All Faction Reputation
Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 0

Frequent Shopper (The Unscathed Blade)

Yuan Wu:

Gender & Pronouns:
Physical Appearance:

Human thaumaturge 2 (Dark Archive)
Medium, Human, Humanoid
Heritage versatile human
Background warrior
Perception +6
Languages Common, Fey, Tien
Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcana +4, Athletics +7, Deception +8, Diplomacy +8, Esoteric Lore +8, Intimidation +8, Nature +4, Occultism +4, Pathfinder Society Lore +4, Religion +4, Warfare Lore +4
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +4
Items breastplate, buckler, +1 asp coil[LOGB], backpack, bedroll, chalk (10), flint and steel, rope (foot) (50), scroll of heal, soap, torch (5), waterskin, wayfinder, purse (40 gp, 4 sp, 6 cp)
AC 19 (20 with shield raised); Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +6
HP 28
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] +1 asp coil +8 (versatile P, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d6+5 S
Melee [1] shield bash +7, Damage 1d4+5 B
Occult Psychic Spells DC 18; Cantrips (1st) shield
Ancestry Feats Natural Ambition
Class Feats Diverse Lore[DA], Psychic Dedication[DA], Scroll Thaumaturgy[DA]
General Feats Toughness
Skill Feats Assurance, Dubious Knowledge, Intimidating Glare
Other Abilities esoteric lore, first implement and esoterica, wayfinder, weapon