A Push of the Fates.... Zakhara... You Jewel!

Game Master Insnare

The Free City of Muluk takes it name from the long, unbroken line ofrulers whose history predates the Enlightened Throne in Huzuz It isknown for its exquisite regal purple dyes produced from local indigo plants.Muluk lies along the shore of the Great Sea at the mouth of the River Al-Zalim. Like most of the Free Cities, Muluk is a fiercely independent martialstate, engaged in unrelenting, low-grade conflict with the savage hill tribes ofthe nearby Furrowed Mountains, the ravaging pirates from the Corsair Isles,and the hostile armies of Umara and Qadib, both neighboring Free Cities


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Shot Putter Funkmeister

You did for a bunch but there is a lot. The sheikh has compiled most of everything.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

So is everything else nonmagical? We got a lot to sell.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

I did not say any of that. Your party has a lot of magical items that haven't been identified.

The identify spell can only be used on five items at a time.


Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

I thought Fadilah already identified them. We got a long trip ahead of us, though, so that's fun.
We got ~32 items we need identifying. So 6-7 casts to study our entire haul.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

So, I am willing to retcon 2 nights worth or 2 castings of Identify, currently.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Sounds good

Night 1: We will spend them to study the items highlighted in green in the campaign log (link.
Gold Mirror Frames
Remnants of the mirror trap (Gate of Vanity)
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates (https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivjsr/gameplay&page=69#3424)
Feast hall silverware and carpet
Remnants of the feast trap (Gate of Gluttony)
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivjsr/gameplay&page=72#3562
Ivory comb (antelope carving)
Remnants of the succubus trap (Gate of Profane Love)
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivjsr/gameplay&page=74#3685
Book: The Kingdom of Lions: From the Founding to its Destruction
Azaltin’s study
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates (https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivjsr/gameplay&page=75#3716)
Scroll of Azaltin
Azaltin’s study: Too late have I realized the Loregiver’s warnings. Immortality is a curse, not a treasure. No man nor woman should bear this burden, which I only shouldered through youthful pride. Rest assured that The Eleven Baneful Gates has been destroyed. It can tempt mortals no further.
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates (https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivjsr/gameplay&page=75#3730)

Night 2: Here we will also cover the second batch of stuff highlighted in green.
Golden Scarab Brooch
14 carat brooch made of gold
Al Anwahr dungeon/11 Baneful Gates (https://paizo.com/campaigns/v5748p75ivjsr/gameplay&page=75#3713)
Shaddad’s gold cloth
Shaddad’s Tomb Adventure

Shaddad’s gold crown
Shaddad’s Tomb Adventure
Shaddad’s red brocade robes
Shaddad’s Tomb Adventure
1 silver piece and 14 platinum pieces of ancient origin and having the name in Chun saying Azaltin
Shaddad’s Tomb Adventure

So basically 10 things from the Al Anwahr adventure and Shaddad's tomb adventure.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

You want to roll for Fadilah?

Female Human Wizard (Sha'ir) 5 | 6/13 HP | AC 9 | Saving Throws Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic 14 Rod, Staff, or Wand 11 Petrification or Polymorph 13 Breath Weapon 15 Spell 12

How many rolls?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Start off with the fetch rolls

Female Human Wizard (Sha'ir) 5 | 6/13 HP | AC 9 | Saving Throws Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic 14 Rod, Staff, or Wand 11 Petrification or Polymorph 13 Breath Weapon 15 Spell 12

Well, fortunately identify is a common 1st-level spell, so it's fairly easy to grab: 75% for Fadi.

Fetch spell: identify: 1d100 ⇒ 55
Fetch spell: identify: 1d100 ⇒ 9
Fetch spell: identify: 1d100 ⇒ 14
Fetch spell: identify: 1d100 ⇒ 66

No trouble getting several of them on successive days. (The lengthy casting time means it's probably not something she can do a bunch in one day.)

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Day 1 casting 5d100 ⇒ (43, 97, 36, 62, 21) = 259

Item 1: There is only a slight hint of magic left on the frames by destroying the mirrors, you feel the enchantment on it has almost completely disappeared.

Item 2: You feel that the silverware automatically poisons the any food or drink put in it.

Item 3: The carpet has preservative magic placed on it so, it will not fade in sunlight or the fibers will not tatter over time. You could cut the carpet with a knife but natural wear and tear does not effect it. Plus, the carpet is ancient.

Item 4: You do not know if or what magic is on the comb.

Item 5: The book of lion is not magical

Day 2: 5d100 ⇒ (43, 64, 59, 22, 64) = 252

Item 1: Scarab is a scarab of deception

Item 2: The gold cloth you are not sure whether it is magical or not.

Item 3: The crown you are also not sure if it magical.

Item 4: It is a robe of protection +1

Item 5: Not sure if its magic.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Interesting, so we have one ever-clean carpet, one set of silverware that poisons everything, a scarab that blocks divination magic, and one magic robe that adds armor.

Any claimants?

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Female Human Wizard (Sha'ir) 5 | 6/13 HP | AC 9 | Saving Throws Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic 14 Rod, Staff, or Wand 11 Petrification or Polymorph 13 Breath Weapon 15 Spell 12

Robe would be great for me, but the real question is, is it stylish?

Fetch spell: detect magic: 1d100 ⇒ 50

I thought we had did this initially; finding out what's magic saves a lot of time on identifying stuff that doesn't need it.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 7/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Let's just say it *is* stylish so you can wear it. :)

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Shot Putter Funkmeister

It has the retro look which is all the rage in the free cities.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

If you choose to claim it, just give me the heads up so I can reflect that on the log.
The log is also open for everyone to edit, if anyone'd rather pick up stuff themselves.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Team FYI, I will be traveling from early tomorrow until Monday, so my posting will be sparse.

Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')

Travel safe.

Male, Sheet, Log Humanoid (Human) Paladin 5, HP 33/36, AC 5 (10), Station 10, +8(6) Reaction, PPDM 9, RSW 11, PP 10, Breath 11, Spell 12, THAC0 16

Hey everyone.

I'll be bowing out of this campaign due to a general distancing from online play. I hope everyone has fun with the rest of the game. It was fun.

I will keep the sheikh's log online for a month or two if anyone wants to take it over to use it or take over it. If you'd like to take ownership of the log, I can facilitate that via google drive.

Take care everyone.

Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')

Best of luck in other endeavors my friend!

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

That log is a work of art Sheikh!

Sorry to see you go - wish you all the best, and good gaming offline.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Sheikh, I am sad to see you go. You were definitely a great addition to the game and campaign. If you ever reconsider and want to rejoin feel free to send me a PM and you are more than welcome to return.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 7/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Okay, quick review for everyone:

--The circular room has a slope that is downward to the west

--There was a room with many wine jugs (mostly cracked/evaporated) and the skeleton of a winemaker genie and the remains of an apricot-smelling wine. (Room 4).
--There was a store room with tons of stuff in it, we got some loot there (Room 6)
--There was a buried room (Room 9), with skeletal feet sticking out of a pile of dirt. We got a beautifully made jambiya from there (likely magical, but we haven't checked)
--Room 5 was an office with scrolls, and one of them was a map of the basement dungeon (where we are), which labeled the other rooms.
--The battle we were just in was in room 12 (summoning room).

These are the ones we have not visited:

--Room 7 is supposed to be an armory
--Room 8 was the wizard's study
--Room 10 is a hall (and has a secret door leading down)
--Room 11 was a barracks

Gnome Male Glitterbtight 5th |HP 24/24|AC:4 (6)|THAC0:18|1st-2/4 2nd-0/2 1st-0/1|Station 5

I say we go in order

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 7/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

on the map that would mean backtracking a lot, and the secret door is in 10... but whatever is really fine. It's fictional inefficiency, after all. :)

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Just to confirm - those blinded are still blind, correct?

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Shot Putter Funkmeister

I think the party would wait until those blinded could see, so unless Zairiah says otherwise I would rule that you guys have waited to go to the next room.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Ok, cool.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 7/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Yeah, I agree that we waited.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 7/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Also... copied the loot sheet part out of Ibn's document, cleaned it up a little, and posted it here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PE5hpz0COGxMsQ8EBSLNVUIryhCXs4c3HHh bVzw3S-o/edit?usp=sharing.

(But you can always also get to it from the link in my tagline.)

Let me know if you want any changes to the layout, or information that isn't included there, but also feel free to put your name on anything you've claimed.

I know there are things that were claimed in the past that aren't on there at all... if you want anything recorded for posterity you can put it on the claimed / using tab, or the sold / lost tab too if you want.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

I am getting an error saying the file does not exist Zairiah.

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 7/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Try again... I copied the link again and replaced the one above.

Or try clicking on the one from my tagline instead. Not sure if Paizo is messing it up.

It is... it is leaving a space in it (before the bVzw3S-o part)... if you take the space out, it should work.

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AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Yep, working now. It was the space ;) Thanks!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Fighter 6 (Corsair Kit) | AC 5 | 43/46 hp | THAC0 15 | PPD 11 RSW 13 PP 12 BW 13 Sp 14 (-1 magical) | +1 to hit/damage (+1/+2 with short bow, +2/+3 with scimitar)
Jambiya 1d4+1, Short Bow 1d6+2, Scimitar 1d8+3

I'm taking a short vacation without Internet access from Wednesday, 5 June until 10 June, and will be unavailable during that time.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)


Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')

Travel safe!

With Summer here in the Northern hemisphere and schools out, I'm sure many of us will be taking some family vacations. I know we will!

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Have a good trip.

Also I cant Turn Undead

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 7/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

So, that's exactly what I was expecting to happen... in this edition are rogues not able to detect magical traps, or was it somehow technically not a trap even though it obviously is?

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AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

If I remember correctly, in 2e Thieves can indeed detect and disarm magical traps, though I believe at a severely reduced chance of success (don't have my PHB here right now).

I also feel that in 2e as well as earlier editions of the game, we need to be more creative in the way we approach these situations - if something looks like trap, and this definitely did, we need to try and outsmart it. Example: how does the chest open? Is I a latch or a lock? If a latch maybe we can tie a rope to it and open it from the doorway, closing the door if the armors animate?

What if we try to do the same, but instead drag the chest outside, close the door, and THEN try to open it?

What if we try to disassemble the armors piece by piece? What if we drag the armors outside, close the door, and THEN try to open the chest?

Stuff along these lines :D

Shot Putter Funkmeister

It is a trap in the sense of these copper golems would spring to life upon a physical attempt to pick the lock.

It wasn't a trap in the sense of there was a hidden spike in the mechanism which would poison you or exploding rune.

Maybe you could have tried to don the armor instead and control them from the inside.

Female Dwarf Ranger(Guide)

In 2e, thieves have half the chance of normal to find a magical trap, whereas in 1e it was not possible.

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Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')

Heroes, I’m hopping on a family cruise for just over a week. I should be back online on 22 June.

Bot me as needed.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Lucky you. Enjoy!

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Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')

Ok Heroes, today begins the last of great adventure of my summer. I'm off to Summer Camp with the Scouts BSA Troop today for a week. That will be immediately followed by my family's reunion.

I should be back online and ready to continue saving, or subjugating, the world on 19 July.

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Enjoy your time off!

Maps | Loot | Female Elf Thief (Merchant-Rogue) 6 | HP 7/24 | AC 4 | THAC0: 18 | Saves: PPD 12 / RSW 12 / PoP 11 / Breath 15 / Spell 13 | Con Save Bonus +3 | Infravision 60 feet | Station: 6 | Reaction Adjustments: Dex +1 / Charisma +5

Ha ha... awesome play, Aggrammar. :)

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AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)
Zairiah wrote:
Ha ha... awesome play, Aggrammar. :)

Only trying to help :D

AC -2 (1 without Shield) / HP: 35/35 / THAC0 17 (15 with Scimitar)

Hey everyone, I will be traveling with the family from tomorrow until the 21st of July. My posting will be sparse or most likely, nonexistent ;)

So feel free to bot me as needed.

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Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')


Let me see what I've missed.

Male High Elf Desert Rider 5 (AC: 3| HP: 38/47 | THAC0: 17 | Infravision 60')

Hey GM, what are your thoughts on the Zeitgeist AP? Is other material needed to play/run it, or just the AP?

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