GM Parrot's Sea Change

Game Master parrot familiar


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Hello players! I'm hoping that I can do my recruitment for this campaign by word of mouth, and I think we're up to 5/6 players, who all know each other from prior games.

As they were known, heroes of Rappan Athuk: Anzath, Bedlam, Lolly, Terapin, and Tragershen have all expressed interest. Aurora won't be joining as a player, but will likely be lurking (and if you lurk, Aurora, please feel free to post comments and hang out etc.). Talathel is a maybe.

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Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

"After The Sea-Ship"

AFTER the Sea-Ship—after the whistling winds;
After the white-gray sails, taut to their spars and ropes,
Below, a myriad, myriad waves, hastening, lifting up their necks,
Tending in ceaseless flow toward the track of the ship:
Waves of the ocean, bubbling and gurgling, blithely prying,
Waves, undulating waves—liquid, uneven, emulous waves,
Toward that whirling current, laughing and buoyant, with curves,
Where the great Vessel, sailing and tacking, displaced the surface;
Larger and smaller waves, in the spread of the ocean, yearnfully flowing;
The wake of the Sea-Ship, after she passes—flashing and frolicsome, under the sun,
A motley procession, with many a fleck of foam, and many fragments,
Following the stately and rapid Ship—in the wake following.

----Walt Whitman

Beginning to feel a bit like an Ocean Campaign.....

Our biggest decision is which ruleset to use. I am far more familiar with Pathfinder 1e, but it has its flaws. Second edition seems pretty cool, but I'd have a steeper learning curve as it would be my first campaign in that setting.

I'm leaning 1e at the moment just because I understand it better, but I had been leaning 2e before I got the books and started feeling the differences from the GM side.

Anyway, I will make a decision, but I should do a little more reading in the 2e GMG first. Happy to see what you all are thinking.

I know Bedlam/Dorian is very pro-2e and most of what I know about 2e I've learned from his campaign.

Our campaign will likely be somewhat low-power compared to our Rappan Athuk adventure. In fact, starting low-power will be part of the plot. We can decide this later, but I've always found the epic-six rules variant sorta appealing (nobody advances past level 6, . I'm a low-fantasy swashbuckling adventure guy, not a superhero guy.

I want this game to have a real sense of the passage of time. Remember how the Rappan Athuk game had a sense of duration? I liked that a lot. I am thinking that this game might also use gradual leveling with more grey area between classes. I think it would be cool if a smart fighter could just decide to learn a spell without committing to the entire level one wizard curriculum. It just might take a while.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

@Parrot can you deactivate Rappan Athuk thread? My Campaign Page looks mighty

This being a Slow Campaign, it might actually be great to learn PF2e a bit as we go....just

Whatever you decide of course! It is your Campaign.

I see Dorian/Bedlam is already here! Thanks for the poem--perfect for the setting, as you've divined.

Here's the basic idea, with much, much more to come.

You're on a high-fantasy earthlike planet, Tlant, that has been locked in a long ice age.

Most humanoids live in lowlands near the equator in narrow temperate strips between the sea and vast deserts. There, they practice magic arts and commune with strange divinities--there, they live, love, are born, and die over long generations. They fight, reconcile, and sing of old conflicts. Communities grow around arcane and ritual masters, and most settlements have a specialty, whether it be an aspect of God or a school of magic or an elemental affinity.

After years of relative stasis, the ice has finally broken, only it's been an utterly apocalyptic break with the past. Someone has blundered, and a magical scheme to make the harsh planet a bit more habitable has backfired. The ice caps melted entirely and very quickly, and our cold, dry home of Tlant is suddenly becoming a water world.

The equatorial lowlands have sunk under the advancing seas, leaving an uninterrupted band of ocean across the equator, a wild and dangerous place framed by yet-more-forbidding northern and southern continents, barren and glacier-scoured mountains for the most part. There is little life on the land.

Many of the communities of Tlant were powerful enough to save themselves by building arks of various types, depending on their style and philosophy. Often, these are floating islands bobbing on the equatorial sea. Others have taken to more mundane ships to save themselves.

The massive expenditure of mana that broke the icecaps and melted the glaciers has completely fried the traditional magico-technical economy. The efforts taken to build arks depleted whatever reserves were left during the collapse. While magic remains common, it is mostly committed and far less accessible than it once was.

Ancient wizards find themselves powerless as their freshest apprentices (and, often, dying as their philosopher's stones run cold). The rules of magic must be rewritten from scratch.

I will do a dramatic story version of what happens next. Your characters will be joining this post-apocalyptic world on one of these floating islands.

I hope that sounds like fun to y'all!

@Dorian I'll put RA to bed as soon as we have everyone aboard here.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

How far in years will our story start from The Apocalyptic Breaking?

Assuming our characters would be starting adventuring age, were they already born during this Event?

The Event is fresh for the initial generation of survivors, or our we The Next(or next next) Generation?

Has a formal government been established complete with enforcement of laws; or more old West?

Probably have lots of questions....

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Lolygert 'Lolly' Endeferr Human Barbarian 7/Cleric 1 HP:88/88 AC:22 CMB:+11 CMD: 25/22ff Fort +12 Ref +7 Will +7 Rage:16/21

Cool concept!

As for ruleset, I'm partial to 1st edition. I've tried 2nd a couple of times here on the boards, and it seemed a bit awkward each time. Maybe it's better face-to-face, but I didn't get the warm and fuzzies.

But, I'd give it another go I you went with 2nd edition.

Quick answers! Will be narrated properly once the crew has arrived.

The event, known as the Thaw or just Thaw, unfolded quickly and recently. I think probably it went from a rumor to an entirely new reality in a matter of weeks, possibly months. Timescale is still under development.

Everyone is in shock and nobody knows what it will all mean. Even some of what I've told you already might be up for grabs or subject to change or just a theory. You're first-gen.

There is no formal government. I think I know which island you're going to start on, which will have local authorities in place (at first at least). Other than your island, it's the wild west.

Might as well tell you, I'm thinking that you'll start on the floating campus of the Unyversal Unyversyty, also known as UU (pronounced you-you) or the W (pronounced double-you). It was the heart of universalist magical study before Thaw. Most of the other islands are declared to a value of some kind, and the W seems like the most neutral space that might give you all a ton of options for character creation. The floating UU doesn't only harbor wizards, but also staff, researchers, a small military/police force, laborers, people who were just passing through that day, etc. It's been set afloat along with its adjoining village and even some patches of countryside, albeit not much. The mechanics of all that will be revealed in due time.

There are lots and lots of floating islands, so if you all would rather start somewhere else, it's negotiable. Especially if a theme develops among your characters.

Male Unknown

I'm looking forward to this! Just to cut myself off from dreaming up too many non-starters in advance, is the species/class composition similarly low-magic as the world? (Which is to say, transparently, should I be puzzling over what races and subraces might be good for different roles in largely aquatic environments and probably wind up trying to figure out how to make a merman viable on land, or is a lot of regular folks who aren't prepared for this sort of thing kind of the whole point?) Either way, I'm excited.

I think it might be more "the feel" to have a character swept up by the apocalypse rather than one who is optimized for it. You can adapt, of course! Merfolk are a plot point for later, but they are currently dealing with salinity issues and won't be around much at the beginning of the campaign. There's a mass extinction event going on, after all.

I have a ton of mechanics in my head that might shape character creation, too. Many of them are based on the fact that we'll have a campaign with significant downtime. I haven't worked it all out yet, so if any of you are working on a character concept and are concerned that I'll break it, let me know what you're thinking!

I'll type up the global religious system in a bit.



I am also considering story-world-based constraints to summoning, especially if we go with 1e which seems to be the general pull of the tides. Terapin's arrival reminded me to post.

Here's my draft version: summons are individuals and you generally call the same one over and over.

Summon-casters need to hang out with your summons often or they won't want to help you when you call. Summons that feel misused will throw fits and sulk until you can placate them or replace them. They don't like being killed. Summons also know who's been summoned and don't take kindly to casters who dabble in wide alignment ranges.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

Either way, we're gonna need a bigger boat....

Even though you have a floating island, I kinda agree.

Just been paging through an updated 1e cleric guide and oh my gods things have proliferated since my last visit.

I'm here. In the process of a sudden and unexpected move, so I don't have much energy to give atm. Hopefully things settle down. I'm super excited for this though. Whether it be high seas or sky winds, 1e or 2e I want my pirate to be a ratfolk witch!

...or, as a back up, I have this 1e fetchling rogue who never got to see any real action.

Ratfolk witch can work! A ratfolk would have trouble mastering academic magic in the old system, but they might have gotten a start with hedge-level stuff and are now jumping at the chance to learn the new rules of magic. Just a thought, we can probably make it work how you'd like!

Good luck with the move. I feel like a sudden unexpected move is one of life's most immediately unpleasant cards to be dealt, but at least once that doesn't last too long. A short move, I hope? Take your time and we'll see you when you're ready!

yes, short distance, literally across the parking lot. The hardest part of it all is having a 2yr old and finding help watching her while we pack everything, move it literally 100 yards, and unpack it. And being utterly blindsighted and disrupted by the whole thing.

Thanks for being open to the ratfolk witch! I'm thinking he was a mere fortune teller, relying more on perception and deception rather than any real magical gift to peddle his trade in the warrens beneath the Unyvyrsyty, until one day being approached by an unnamable entity who offered the power of real control over fate.

Dust: Wish we could offer to babysit, but Seattle is a little out of the way. Good luck and may you pass the fort saves. That background sounds great. I am going to gradually reveal more about the catastrophe and the big forces at work in the world, and maybe your ratfolk will be involved with one of them. I still don't have that all nailed down, though.


I think we have a general preference for 1e developing, with Trag, Lolz, and myself preferring it, while Dorian is the major champion of 2e. Let's pencil in 1e for now.

Talathel has bowed out, which means we have an open spot. I have some ideas of who to ask to visit.

But let's talk about bigger things!

The Gods and Religion!

The world had, until recently, been chugging along happily with a single meta-religion that people more or less believed was true, but which interacted with everyday life more like it does in our world: it depended on your perspective. Someone gets better from an illness? The faithful would praise the priest who prayed for them. The others might praise the doctor or herbalist who prescribed a remedy. Many would praise both.

Mythology and tale-telling of the gods and heroes was a common pastime and source of pride for many of the city-states that formed in the equatorial lowlands of the planet (now either submerged or floating--some patron gods have spared their temple-town by making them float). While the names and attributes of the entities changed, the gods were seen as more or the same across cultures--they were manifestations of archetypes that were readily syncretized when cultures interacted. Mythology itself was seen not as truth, but a way of presenting a deeper truth so it could be recognized in the mundane world.

I'm basing this loosely on two things: Ancient Greco-Roman syncretism and archetypes from psychology and folklore studies. Romans+ would happily link the gods of other peoples to gods in their pantheons, leading to some silliness like when Io and Isis were "samsies" even though one is a minor character and the other is a major goddess. In this world, they'd also both be recognized as aspects of several archetypes: the lover, the mother, the anima, the divine feminine, etc. They might also have non-overlapping archetypes, as Io would be the victim--but Isis, not so much. A priest of Io and a priest of Isis would recognize that they both worship mostly the same aspects of the same loosely defined being, even if under different names. Now that the catastrophe is waking up dormant magic, they might also find themselves with similar domains, such as charm, community, and protection.

What does it mean mechanically if I want to build a cleric?

Find a deity you like and flavor them however you like, and let us know roughly what archetypes they represent. You can use a real god or goddess or a Paizo one or a totally fictional one or whatever: people on Tlan don't really care as long as they can recognize the being behind the veil after hearing some stories.

Choose two domains or subdomains that you like. Try to keep anyone who uses domains semi-balanced if possible. For a two-domain character like a cleric, your domains/subdomains shouldn't add to more than 6 points (maaaybe 7) added together using the scoring in Iluzry's guide to the 1e cleric.

Clerics/druids/anyone who always has access to their whole spell list have gotten even stronger since we were playing Rappan Athuk, so I might implement spell-learning of some kind for these classes, something akin to a wizard's spellbook, because it seems weird to have a character walk into a magical catastrophe with knowledge of dozens of spells.

On the other hand, as I've mentioned, nonmagical classes are probably going to be able to access spell-learning too, so a fighter might not want to dump all mental ability scores.

1e is beautifully baroque but also a broken beaut, if ya know what I mean.

Let me know if you think these constraints are unfun, overly complicated, or going too far! I'm aiming for flavor and balance.

This is the price we pay for going 1e instead of 2e, right Dorian? 2e is so much better balanced in my brief experience.

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I also would like to throw my hat in for 2e, if I may. But I'm happy to play 1e also. I think there may be more options for martial characters to gain spellcasting through class feats, but maybe there's plenty of 1e traits too, like Magical Knack or whatever it was called.

It's just that through the learning 2e process, I've been unlearning 1e. Maybe there's room for both in my brainspace, we shall see.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

Great Scott! We're already thinking concepts! I definitely will require all the information before getting into that. Besides, I have changed my mind a few times. I really want to do something

Ancestries....errr...Races allowed?

I have to find my PF1e hat.....

So about Magic....what--mechanically--will be different (besides possibly treating Casters as Wizards) ?

I have been known to enjoy flinging magicks about from time to time...

Are All Classes game?

If I really want to change my eye color after we start is their a convenient floating optical option?

I may lean more Martial just to curve ball

Darn this edition issue! Sigh. We really need to solve it before going too far, right?

Will think on this more.

If we do 1e, then races should be around 10 RP or below. Nothing OP please, but flavor is welcome.

Will think about class restrictions. Probably not doing a lot of gunpowder in this setting?

Eye color changes considered on a case-by-case basis.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

I may have accidentally started thinking of a Grippli Ranger.....


Seems like I may be under reaching...

Game on!

Male Unknown
djdust wrote:
yes, short distance, literally across the parking lot.

Sounds like a job for a large conveyor belt. Possibly a child-powered conveyor belt? Something in a stationary bicycle or a very large hamster wheel?

@ GM Parrot, couple ideas I'm kicking around currently if you like or hate any in particular (or in case anybody else had their eye on something similar and I should back away slowly) are:

A Shifter, which seems to be a new class but looks fun as heck, if it wouldn't be too magicky for the setting (can definitely see how it might be). Probably in the direction of a shark or an orca whale (would it be too cutesy for the human form to have vitiligo in orca patterns?) a Swarmshifter archetype going in the direction of some kinda tiny arthropod, or an oozemorph simply because i've been watching Star Trek DS9 and Odo is cool.

An Alchemist bartender, but like, at one of those classy hotel bars where he's gotta wear a vest and a tie, probably. Much more interested in becoming a better mixologist than a better alchemist, but given the invisible laws of experience that govern the world he lives in, he's aware that the path to both seems to be fighting goblins.

And, question, did the magic upheaval affect divine magic too? Cos Clerics or Oracles or Omduras are always good default backups.

Or, volunteering for any kinda weird creature character you have a storyline reason for wanting to be involved. You know how much I love bestiary dudes.

Oh oh. Or, of course a Gillman who looks a lot like Kevin Costner and won't stop drinking his own pee.

@King Something/Terapin:

See my "Gods and Religion" post above for some notes on divine magic. Major disruption! Religion has gone from "oh yeah my grandma says she's seen some things but I haven't" to real divine interactions.

Do you have any experience with Pathfinder second edition or any thoughts about using it? I'm seriously considering using it. You can tell because I'm dithering and dithering and avoiding the decision.

Shifter is 1e only, I think, but I'd be ok with it if we use the old rules. Oozemorph and Swarm Shifter are rad and weird and very you. A shark or cetacean shifter would be very useful in the setting.

Bedlam/Dorian isn't doing an alchemist this time, so the bar's open, I think, and that's an option available in both rulesets.

I have been picturing a lot of core races in my headcanon but cosmopolitan is fun, too.

I have to stop dithering and pick a ruleset before you all can really sink your teeth into character creation... sorry!

Male Unknown
GM Parrot wrote:
Do you have any experience with Pathfinder second edition or any thoughts about using it?

None whatsoever, and for that reason alone i'd favor 1E just 'cos i already know it in patchy detail and could skip the awkward learning phase. It also seems to have more player and GM options built into it simply from having been around and published on longer. But, it's a preference based on complete ignorance; I'd be down to learn a new system if you'd like to, it'll just probably be a while before i can figure out how to do anything surprising with it.

2e is a weird beast. On the one hand, it's pretty easy to make very complex character concepts, especially with the free archetype alternate rule that lets everyone dip multiclass. On the other hand, it seems much harder to break because big deviations from the norm are harder to achieve. The minion-mancy scaling power of 1e is reined in almost completely by requiring actions to give commands, although there seem to be ways around that too (I haven't played with a minion master for any real encounters yet). The martial-caster disparity is mostly gone. Combat is deadlier, but damage is usually heal-able, so it's like everyone is a bowling ball and a pin at the same time.

It has a lot of charms and robust character creation assistance at Pathbuilder.

Like you, I don't know it well at all, and it doesn't feel like home quite like 1e does.

After a day of big decisions, I'm not going to make the call tonight.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

I think he said Free Archetype....

I played a Wizard summoner for Extinction Curse AP PF2e. He was a lot of fun, although it is a lot less broken.

Unlike my Witch summoner in Strange Aeons

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I mean if we're gonna do 2e we should do free archetype. Not saying we are gonna do 2e.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

It does allow for some fun concepts without sacrificing Base class.

I am a huge fan of Free Archetype. It really makes the Player a bit more comfortable, content with being at low levels for a bit ..

Just saying...hehe

This being a PbP, the learning curve is a bit easier since one is not holding up the game to look up a Rule, Skill, Feat.

Plus, you do have a couple of professionals

Show of hands: we have Dorian, Djdust, Spazz, and Sir C?

And Tragershen/MarkofBane, I hope. He mentioned being sick, but man I want him around. That dry humor.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

I can get a towel, or even some Bounty if mine is to wet....

It's funny. I have vastly different concepts for either

Trying to build the same character in both systems right now. It's pretty much an impossible task.

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M Ratfolk Witch (Cartomancer) 1 | Init +3 | Perc +2 , DV 60ft | HP 9/9 | AC 14 T 13 FF 12| CMD 11 | F +2 (+2 vs Disease), R +2, W +3 (+1 vs Enchantments) | Harrowed: Cha

Here I be.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map
djdust wrote:
Trying to build the same character in both systems right now. It's pretty much an impossible task.

But, incredibly fun!

For 2e, I am staying away from Summoner and Druid just in case Sir C wants to go summons/wild shape/ animal companion route?

Anyone else, besides Djdust have a concept beginning to form?

Male Unknown
Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

For 2e, I am staying away from Summoner and Druid just in case Sir C wants to go summons/wild shape/ animal companion route?

Anyone else, besides Djdust have a concept beginning to form?

Not for 2e just yet, but I looked through the srd and noticed that "Skeleton" is apparently a playable race in 2e, so I do have that lure, at least...

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Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

We have a Skeleton Gunslinger in our Strength of Thousands AP. Silly fun.



Beastmaster with Free Archetype

Wet your whistle with this combo, Sir C!

It may be a bit much for your initial character, but it is your

Parrot, does the Harrow fit into your world?

Do we get free reign with Free Archetype? The rule suggest that we should all take the same archetype (such as Pirate, yarrr) or a theme of archetypes. I'm looking at the Harrower archetype, which fits my character concept nicely. It's also a Campaign specific archetype, but it's a Prestige Class in 1e.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

I found my Free Archetype! The flavor feels similar to Harrow.

Chrono skimmer

I really like the flavor of Time manipulation. Absolutely enjoy the Flash

The cool thing is it can basically fit with any Class.

Caster or Martial.....


Perhaps, one of them trust worthy Time Bandits got stuck here. Lost his Map! Hahaha!

Are you playing Billy Pilgrim?

Fortune or Fate could be a cool archetype theme if we want to go that way.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

I am leaning towards dwarf rogue [Chrono skimmer] ...if PF2e...if allowable...

Believe it or not I have yet to try Rogue class.

If we do 2e, Free Archetype won't be restricted to Pirate or anything like that, but will rather be a chance to build the weirdos you've always wanted.

Dust: cartomancy is definitely fair game in this world. The deck itself doesn't matter as much as the intentions of the reader and the attentions of the spirits/gods/etc., so you wouldn't need to use Golarion's Harrow unless you wanted to (and I'd personally find it extra cool if you used some variant of standard tarot).

Dorian: Chrono-skimmer looks pretty fun! A rogue should have plenty to do in this campaign.


I'm reading Skeleton and the rules for player character undead folk. It looks like Skeleton is an ancestry but Zombie is an archetype/dedication? What's going on with that? Like, the "Playing Undead" article on Nethys says:

"Starting Out as Undead: Undead archetypes, like most archetypes, begin with a 2nd-level dedication feat so you can attain them as you progress. However, it might make sense for you to start out as undead at 1st level. In this case, the GM can allow you to start with the archetype. You get the benefits of the dedication feat right away but must select the dedication feat at 2nd level."

But there is no Skeleton dedication. Parallel systems?

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

For some reason they made Skeleton an actual Ancestry so no dedication for it.

Not certain why....

Male Unknown

Oh, I'm not attached to skeleton if it would complicate anything. I was just looking through the list of Ancestries on the SRD and saw that it was right there in the main twenty, and I've never played one before. But then again, I plan on spending most of history as a skeleton IRL, so there's plenty of time if it doesn't fit with the game.

I think If I choose that Archetype, or the 1e Prestige Class (there's even a 1e Cartomancer Witch Archetype), I would have to use the Harrow deck, as the rules for those are specifically tied to the suits of that deck. As much as I'd love to use my Thoth Deck and bring some Crowleyan madness to the game, it's not a direct parallel. Earth based Tarot has the 4 suits of the Minor Arcana, plus the Major Arcana, whereas the Harrow has 9 cards of six suits.

Going back to your article on Gods and Religion, I do think it is fitting as the Harrow is comprised of Archetypes, and it might be that the Harrow itself has reached a state of divinity, or something thereabouts if it can be a witch's patron.

So either way, 1e or 2e, I think I have my character concept set, even if it shows up radically different mechanically.


Sure you don't wanna use the Thoth deck? That one is sooo cool. I always fall back on Smith-Waite, but we just got a copy of the Leonora Carrington major arcana that is just awesome. My friend Siolo's amazing decks see some action, too--Linestrider in particular.

If you have any inclination to use Crowley, we can find a way to subdivide the cards to match the archetype. But feel free to use the Harrow if you'd like!


A skeleton isn't off the table. I did some reading and it looks like their list of immunities can ruin some encounters, but this is a homebrew game and not one where combat crunch is the main point. The biggest challenge is finding a way to get healed and stay up consistently, because 2e is a game where 0 HP happens fairly often and you'll just be dead where other PCs get knocked down, then get up again, and I'm never gonna keep them down.

I mean, in all reality I'll be rolling a digital d54 to simulate the deck, so might as well use the Harrow. If we were in person, I'd bust out my various Tarot.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

In our SoT game, our Healer has Stitch Flesh for our Skeleton. The skeleton also has it, along with the required Medicine Skill/Feats.

There are a few other solutions, but that is easiest.

Really only Basic Undead Traits. Nothing game breaking unless you had plans of us confronting a Wizard's PK Tournament? Then we all be skeletons...

Soothe works also (thank you errata).

Male Unknown
GM Parrot wrote:
A skeleton isn't off the table. I did some reading and it looks like their list of immunities can ruin some encounters, but this is a homebrew game and not one where combat crunch is the main point. The biggest challenge is finding a way to get healed and stay up consistently, because 2e is a game where 0 HP happens fairly often and you'll just be dead where other PCs get knocked down, then get up again, and I'm never gonna keep them down.

Honsestly now that I sat down and thought about it (I had a lot of client meetings today) I think what I'm actually into is just trying out the unique things different systems offer, which is why I'd want to be a shifter in 1e (not appearing in D&D or 2e) or a new race in 2e, but I'd be equally jazzed to try a Skeleton or Leshy or Poppet or Automaton if you go 2e and any of those fit better or worse. Although, I guess all of those might have similar advantages on account of the not breathing normally.

Dorian 'Grey' wrote:

Really only Basic Undead Traits. Nothing game breaking unless you had plans of us confronting a Wizard's PK Tournament? Then we all be skeletons...


GM Parrot invited me to join the discussion, So dropping in to say hey. Waves at Dust and Dorian

KStS King Something, the Forgotten, I hope you don't mind I abbreviated that to KStS. King Something, the Forgotten, is really a pain to type out every time. (not that I actually typed it out, 'copy and paste' is a beautiful thing) Feel free to refer to me as RH. Where were we? Oh yeah. when GM Parrot said we needed to do something in the down time, I actually thought having a character play a musical instrument would be the way I would go.

I was always a big fan of Gurney Halleck and other sorted warrior musicians.

If we're voting on systems, I prefer PF1, sorry DG. Either way I prefer fighter/rogue types who can lead from the front. I'm considering Magus, but it may depend on which system and what sort of builds are permitted.

Anyway, happy to be a part of the conversation, and looking forwards to seeing what's next.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

Howdy RH!

Welcome to our wet and wild adventures!

I believe that Djdust and I are of a similar mind. We are 100% supporters of PF2e! We only want our friends to love it too!

In either case, I am proud to play at this Table.

*Sigh* Hi DG, you and your pf2 people.... so how is the Ranger class with PF2? I'm a big fan of half-elf switch hitting rangers.

Is it wrong that I want to go watch 'Water World'

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

Ranger is actually a very strong Class...just saying...

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